December 10, 2003, 22:13
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Oddly enough, one of the big winners has been Al Sharpton. He's raised his own profile tenfold and has positioned himself to be the #1 African American for the foreseeable future.
Yep, he hasn't been running against Dean, Kerry, et al., but against Jesse Jackson.
"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "
December 10, 2003, 22:19
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Originally posted by Ramo
Yep, he hasn't been running against Dean, Kerry, et al., but against Jesse Jackson.
Yeah, and making himself look good. I have to admit I quite like the guy now. He's well-spoken, witty and to the point.
December 10, 2003, 22:22
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Very witty. He's a better debater, by far, than the other Democratic candidates.
"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "
December 10, 2003, 22:25
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Ramo, do I hear support of Al Sharpton, VP?
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December 10, 2003, 23:09
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"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "
December 11, 2003, 00:56
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Originally posted by Ned
To the extent a Democrat sticks to issues and does not simply recite mindlessly that "I hate Bush" or some such crap, I listen. Among my favorite Democrats are JFK and Governor Moonbeam, Gerry Brown. (He still is one of my favorite politicians.) But when all the candidates are simple haters of one extreme or another, how do you expect a Republican to respond? (I except Kerry and Lieberman from the hate mongering.)
The major fault is not in the Republican reaction to the vitriolic campaign being conducted by the Democrats. It is in the Democrats who think that hate mongering is acceptable politics.
Coming from you, this is laughable hypocrisy. I've seen your vicious attacks on Hillary Clinton, your constant belittling of Democrats, the disdain with which you held President Clinton...and did you once stand up and call the Congressional Republicans on their hatred of the Clintons? Did you ever blast Bob Barr, Gingrinch, Hyde, etc. for their personal attacks?
You cherish Rush Limbaugh, the man who put a picture of a 13-year-old girl on his desk during his TV show and referred to her as the new White House dog. Yet you have the gall to say Democrats are vitriolic when they criticize Bush over policy?
You're so selective, it's funny. In a sad kind of way. The Democratic candidates haven't gotten personal--their critiques have been on Bush's actions as president, not on his personal life, or his family. No Democrat has stood on the House floor and called Bush a "scumbag," like a Republican did. The Democrats aren't pushing a drive for impeachment, which the Republicans in Congress (Barr leading them) did even before the Lewinsky scandal broke.
Compared to Clinton, Bush is still on a honeymoon with Democrats. He should count his blessings every day that they don't descend into the kind of bashing Republicans did to his predecessor.
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December 11, 2003, 03:03
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If Nader doesn't run, and I don't think he will
Why not? He already said he would.
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December 11, 2003, 03:18
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I have not attacked Clinton on his presidency. I have always said he did a good job. Contrast this attitude with the Bush Bashers.
I have constantly said that Hillary Clinton has balls and would make a good president. It is just that she reminds me a lot of Richard Nixon with her enemies list. Contrast that with the Bush Bashers.
Clinton was a scumbag - but at the same time a fairly competent president.
Contrast that with the Bush bashers.
I think that FDR and JFK were more than good presidents.
Contrast that with the Bush bashers who know only hate.
Boris, I have no beef with patriotic Democrats who tend to be for the middle class and who are pro business. It struck me that Bill Clinton was just one of those Democrats.
But the Dean crowd are hard core leftists, who speak of nothing but anti-Americanism, anti-business "fair trade," class warfare, more taxes, siding with Arafat and open hatred of Christiantiy. I find it startling that the Dems are about to nominate a man who literally screams at the top of his lungs his hatred for Bush and for Christians. A man of this extreme hatred has not been elected in any Western democracy since Adolf Hitler.
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December 11, 2003, 04:14
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Originally posted by Ned
A man of this extreme hatred has not been elected in any Western democracy since Adolf Hitler.
Actually Dean reminds me of Hitler. He presents an air of seriousness and ascetism, and is clearly very intelligent. No doubt he is a closet anti-semite too and a Saddam supporter. When in office he will put the whole Bush regime on trial for war crimes, and nuke Israel.
It think he will be extremely popular with Europeans.
December 11, 2003, 04:30
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Actually Dean reminds me of Hitler. He presents an air of seriousness and ascetism, and is clearly very intelligent. No doubt he is a closet anti-semite too and a Saddam supporter. When in office he will put the whole Bush regime on trial for war crimes, and nuke Israel.
It think he will be extremely popular with Europeans.
This is the most sensible post you have ever made.
December 11, 2003, 04:42
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What sinks my theory is that he is married to a jewess.
December 11, 2003, 04:43
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It's a cover  .
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
December 11, 2003, 04:45
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Originally posted by Tripledoc
Actually Dean reminds me of Hitler. He presents an air of seriousness and ascetism, and is clearly very intelligent. No doubt he is a closet anti-semite too and a Saddam supporter. When in office he will put the whole Bush regime on trial for war crimes, and nuke Israel.
It think he will be extremely popular with Europeans.
A closet anti-semite whose wife and children are Jewish? That's one hell of a closet.
edit: okay, you know this, but did you really just use the term "Jewess"? And it's Dean who's reminding you of Hitler?
Meanwhile, let's all panic about the fact that a presidential candidate appears serious, ascetic, and intelligent. If Clinton and Bush have taught us nothing else, they've taught to either elect presidents who are frivilous, debauched, and intelligent or ones who are frivilous, ascetic, and dumb as a post. Who does this Dean guy think he is?
You know, if you hurry, you might just be able to catch the next train to Cluesville.
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December 11, 2003, 04:51
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Obviously the friends of Dean have no problem with a polititian who foams at the mouth.
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December 11, 2003, 05:35
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Originally posted by Ned
Obviously the friends of Dean have no problem with a polititian who foams at the mouth.
Beats the hell out of one who drops his trousers, bends over, and idly wonders if his Republican opponent will be using lube this time around.
Meanwhile, it's worth remmbering who the last guy was who got tarred by the Right-Wing Media as being "too angry" to be president: John McCain. Sounds to me like Dean is in excellent company.
"If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?"— George Carlin
Last edited by Rufus T. Firefly; December 11, 2003 at 05:42.
December 11, 2003, 06:19
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Well, Rufus, most Republicans are welcoming a Dean candidacy thinking he will be easy to beat. I don't share their overconfidence because Dean does inspire his base as once did Hitler. He could get so many Democrats to the polls that they could win with only Democrat votes. Screw the Republicans and Independents.
It is simply hard to imagine a person of such extreme views and rabid personality being president.
In contrast, McCain is only slightly to the left and for the most part talks in very muted tones, with calm reason.
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December 11, 2003, 06:26
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Meanwhile, it's worth remmbering who the last guy was who got tarred by the Right-Wing Media as being "too angry" to be president: John McCain. Sounds to me like Dean is in excellent company.
Could you please not insult John McCain by equating him with Howard Dean? I respect the guy...
December 11, 2003, 06:34
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I saw a clip on BBC where the Gore was talking about why he was endorsing Dean. For some reason it cracked me up - Gorester appeared to be drunk or medicated.
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"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
December 11, 2003, 06:45
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There's a reason Dean has gone from joke to dark-horse to long-shot to candidate-to-beat. Dean's anger is working because lots of people are angry, and have been for years -- and they think it's about time someone noticed (feel free to compare this, rightly, to the GOP and the 1994 midterm elections). Kerry, Lieberman, Gephardt, Edwards -- all the more "legitimate," "serious" candidates -- either didn't pick up on this or chose to ignore it. Now a couple of them -- Kerry and Gephardt -- are using it as a campaign posture, but it's obviously just a tactic. Dean's the real deal; if he's frothing at the mouth, well, good for him; every Democrat I know is frothing at the mouth, and its about time our pathetic electoral system gave us someone to vote for.
"If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?"— George Carlin
December 11, 2003, 08:05
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Originally posted by Rufus T. Firefly
... but did you really just use the term "Jewess"?
'Jewess' is an inapropriate word?
Edit: I checked my dictionary and it says it is sometimes used offensively. In this case it was not.
Last edited by Tripledoc; December 11, 2003 at 08:11.
December 11, 2003, 08:11
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i love how the right complains bitterly about how the left links bush to hitler, and then goes on and links dean to hitler instead.
December 11, 2003, 08:47
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Originally posted by Ned
He could get so many Democrats to the polls that they could win with only Democrat votes. Screw the Republicans and Independents.
You do understand that this is how political parties are supposed to work, right?
"If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?"— George Carlin
December 11, 2003, 09:41
Local Time: 08:13
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Originally posted by Ned
He could get so many Democrats to the polls that they could win with only Democrat votes. Screw the Republicans and Independents.
Except Republicans and independants outnumber Democrats.
The only way it could happen is if a very high number of democrats voted and a very low number of republicans and moderates didn't. That is unlikely.
'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
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