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Old December 8, 2003, 23:40   #1
Trade Wars / BlackNova TradersCall to Power II Democracy Game
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Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Colonialist pigs! Argh!
Ok. For some reason the AI keeps trying to colonize this tactically important but otherwise worthless swampland which I have claimed with a few forts. First the Americans tried to colonize it which lead to a long and drawn out war which I won. Now the Mayans who I had a peace treaty with have colonized the exact same spot. Their city is only one square over from my fort!

On the other side of my empire, Canadian settlers are constantly streaming across my borders and into fully settled lands. I keep giving them the boot back across the border but they are really starting to get on my nerves. I think Im going to annex Canada and solidfy my control over the northern continent anyway though, so screw them.

The map is regular sized and the difficulty is very hard. Before now I have been playing huge maps are hard difficulty and have not run into the problem of rampant colonization in my terriroty. The only thing I have experienced that is similar to this is when occassionally one empire on my border would settle directly on the edge of the border. In this case they actually settling INSIDE my borders though.

So, whats the deal? Why is this happening? Is this something native to smaller maps and harder difficulties or what? I keep telling them to get out of my territory but they dont withdrawl their transports. I seem to remember trying to settle in AI lands before and having war threatened (or was that another game?), why are they settling my lands without a care? I dont get it. Someone please explain this to me.

Also on an unrelated note - how do you take screenshots?
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Old December 9, 2003, 05:29   #2
Call to Power II MultiplayerCTP2 Source Code ProjectCall to Power PBEMCall to Power Multiplayer
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What mod are you using?

I know AI's dont settle inside your borders in the unmodded game.
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Old December 9, 2003, 06:56   #3
child of Thor
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I've seen this behaviour in a couple of the Mods - sometimes no matter how crazy for an AI civ, it will get fixated on a particular action, and no amount of diplomacy(or rebutal) from you will provide a longterm solution. Which can leave you with only one option - destroy that AI.
Its something that will get fixed if possible, when the AI's goals have been worked on some more.

In the meantime your best option is to keep 'border gaurds' at these locations to keep the stubborn idiots out.

it kinda amusing when you get a much weaker civ than yourself continually testing your patience - I guess its something that various Roman Emperor's had to contend with at one time or another
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