December 10, 2003, 23:49
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{The List-} Civilizations
FILL IN note this is just a collection of the ideas I found lying about in old threads- this is NOT YET a collection of ideas from the old list or from Asmodean's list thread)
[i]Thanks! -List Threadmaster DarkCloud[/b]
NOTE TO SELF: Related Threads:
{The List} Civilization Traits Nuclear Master (LOGGED THRU SANDMAN 03-01-2004 20:47)
{The List} Civilizations civilleader (LOGGED THRU NUCLEAR MASTER 03-01-2004 18:39)
The Ideas
1.0.0 Types of Civs
1.0.1 Growth-Oriented Civs
*Growth Oriented civs, with following bonuses : Extra food in town / city / metropolis. Growth oriented improvements twice cheaper.
1.0.2 Proto-Civs
*The Civilizations should start as tribes, and aren't really considered civs before they complete their palace. This would allow the game to start earlier.
Before the palace is built, the tribes won't create any culture, though they would be able to create warriors, archers, and such. However, they will also have no scientific advancement since they are little more than nomadic herdsmen who have finally settled down and are just starting to adjust to the rigors of civilization and farming.
Once palaces are built, the civilizations will overtake the near tribes rapidly, with the villages and encampments turning into small cities
1.1.0 Barbarian Civs
*Barbarians, through capturing cities, could become civilizations themselves, over time. Thus we start with 8-10 civs on the map at the beginning and can end with 16 simultaneous civilizations.
*Barbarians should be able to capture cities like they did in Civ II and start churning out their own units.
*Barbarians should be able to trade
*Barbarians can be hired as mercenaries (Perhaps without a nationality [Like Privateers])
*Barbarians can rent/loan/sell units
*And if they are mercs there should be a chance (perhaps modified by your cultural strength and/or how much you paid for them (minimum, moderate, or high)or somethn) that they go independent or even turn against you since they are mercs after all (such as what german mercs did to the Romans occasionally)
*If Barbarian civs don't generate Culture, then perhaps they could gain special Generals (Like Attila the Hun) or a "golden age" which will give them some culture. If they then conquer enough cities they can become a powerful military civ. Then again, if their golden age ends, or the leader dies this empire will likely fall apart.
*Instead of giving the Barbarians no culture, don't give them any Civ Attributes... Therefore they'd be weeded out through normal attrition after a short time
*And if that wasn't enough of a handicap and barbs started overrunning actual Civ's you could give them a slight production handicap.
1.2.0 Civil Wars
*In addition, some civilizations (ex: USSR) can split apart (like in Civ II), through a peaceful coup, or a civil war.
*Which Civs are prone to splitting should be balanced with other characteristics.
*Civs that can split apart include Spain, England, France, Celts, Romans, Arabs, Germany, Scandinavia.
Spain can split into Portugal, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, etc.
England can split into America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.
Celts can split into Brittany, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland.
Rome can split into Spain, Italy, France, Romania.
Arabs can split into Egypt, Iraq.
Scandinavia can split into Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Faroes, Jutes, Vinland.
USSR can split into Ukraine, Belarus, Siberia, Kamchatka.
America can split into Texas, California, Union, Confederacy.
Germany can split into Austria, Switzerland, Bavaria, Saxony, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, West Germany, East Germany.
-The List for Civ III
*All civs should have a chance of revolt if their capital is taken (as per civ2.)
For example: The USA could split into Yankees and Confederates, etc...
*There should be at least two rebel groups for every civilization
1.3.0 Combo-Civs
*Close allies should be able to join each others civilization if the civs are much alike (examples: the member-nations of the USSR, or the EU)
1.4.0 Civ-Creation
*If we could customize our own civs, then we wouldn't need more civs. The player should be able to add traits, give civs abilities, etc. from the New Game setup screen... Not just from the editor.
*You should be able to choose attributes, your cultural group (asian, european, arab, mediteranian, african, american), your Unique Units (im hoping there are at least one more UU per civ, if not a UU for each civ for each age), etc.
And all this should be possible because this game is about building a civilization form the ground up, right?
*Why don't we do it RPG style ? Give us a hell load of points to start with, distribute them over various characteristics (like: agricultural: 1000, militaristic: 2000, scientific: 1500, environment-conscious, religious etc....) which will give you certain advantages and you can improve these characteristics throughout the game (like if you build lots of farms you get more experience in agriculture; if you conquered two continents in less than half a century, you get to a militaristic level when all new units are produced with a +5 morale; etc.). And that will be your own civilization.
And if you're like me and can't make up your mind as how to distribute the damn points, you could choose a 'real world' civ with an all-made-up-just-for-you distribution exactly the way it's done in Empire Earth.
1.5.0 Renaming Civs
*Give civilizations the option to rename themselves when they advance to a new era. Each civ can have suggested names to switch to for each era. For example:
Babylon -> Iraq
Persia -> Iran
Gaul -> Franks -> France
1.6.0 Voluntarily Splitting Civs
*I'd like to have the option to create civs out of your own civ. So if your nation becomes too rowdy, you can seperate a part of civ and rebuild your nation.
If your Civ is on the verge of revolting against you, you can just cut off the rowdy cities so you can work on making the ones you have better.
1.7.0 New Tribes
*New tribes should probably appear periodically
1.8.0 Hardcoded Numbers of Civs
*There shouldn't be a hardcoded max number of civs - just say "over this number, we don't support whatever happens".
2.0.0 Rulers
2.1.0 Choosing Rulers
*Every civ could have two different rulers available for being chosen as the civ's leader.
(Example: Americans - George Washington and Woodrow Wilson.)
*There should be (Like Civ II) both a Male and a Female Leader for each nation
2.2.0 Ruler Traits
*Each ruler should have his or her own traits which affect the way they play the game.
*Each ruler's traits should effect a civilization's traits. For example:
Stalin could have an Authoritarian trait to add to Russia's hypothetical Merchant/Green traits.
*Basically, what I was thinking was that the leaders could work much like they work in Europa Universalis...
Each Civ would have an infinite number of leaders that possess certain traits such as:
Admistration (1-5 Star) [Increases Tax Efficiency, Cheapness of Buildings, Reduces Corruption]
Military (1-5 Star) [Increases Cheapness of Units, Reduces Penalty for War and Distance from Home city]
Diplomacy (1-5 Star) [-25%,-10%,0%,+10%,+25% Relations with all computer civs; Decreases the cost for purchasing merc units from other civs, Allows you to transgress borders for an extra 2-3 turns]
Some of the leaders can be historical, but perhaps there are not enough famous generals/politicans for every time period in every nation, therefore a random name generator will be necessary for the game.
I believe that this will add a lot to Civ-strategy.
However in contrast to the List's previous suggestion, I would like to posit forth that these 'Leaders' should not be able to "run the civilization" for the player since we don't want to take too much power out of the player's hands by letting the AI take over management.
2.3.0 Changing Rulers
*Like in the game Europa Universalis, the Leaders for each civilization should change after x amount of years (to be randomly determined).
*The names for these rulers could be randomly generated.
*Each ruler would have traits like civilisations do in Civ III. For example: one ruler could be conservative and pressing (ala Margaret Thatcher), or changing and friendly (ala Mikhail Gorbachev), or militaristic and fascist (ala Adolf Hitler).
2.4.0 Ruler Graphic Design
*If animated leaders are used, add support for static leaderheads in picture format, as opposed to the still-flcs necessary to make static leaderheads in civ3.
3.0.0 Colonies
3.0.1 Colonies As Air Bases
*Colonies should be counted as air bases. You own them, they're outside of your territory and they are semi why can't you land planes there?
4.0.0 Immigration
*Immigration/ Emigration. I once sent a post on another pre-CIV3 forum somewhere where I wanted this issue debated. CIV3 already has parts of it: if you conquer an enemy city, e.g the Greeks its inhabitants will still be greek for some while, happy or not. Now what would happen if the greeks could actually send people into your cities as workers whenever you're not at war, for example if your city is close to the greek borders. What if any civilization could do that? The city status window could show a diagram of the city population demographics, saying "90% Romans, 5% Greek, 2% Babylonians" or so. Those cities with more than, say, 20% foreign inhabitants could likely fall into disorder when a war erputs, or anytime on higher difficulty levels... restrictive/repressive governments (Communism? Despotism?) might throw out "unwanted" foreigners, thus decreasing city sizes... of course, YOU (the player) could send your own people to foreign cities... they would leave anyway if they don't like the way you govern the country, adding up to your competitor's city sizes... spies could only plant propaganda in cities holding inhabitants of your civilization (they can barely hide with people which language they don't speak or so)...
*Migration between cities of the same Civ
*Allow some sort of ethnic purging, or allow some ability to expel ethnic groups from your civ if they grow too rowdy.
-Shogun Gunner
5.0.0 Nation's Compositions
5.1.0 Minorities
*You should be able to set up specific policies concerning how you treat your minority populations - do you tolerate them, promote a multicultural society, try to assimilate them or persecute them?
*Perhaps you should only be able to set policies about minority groups comprising 20% of any individual city's population or 5% of your civilization's population, just so that this system does not become too unweildly.
6.0.0 Proposed Civ Lists
6.1.0 More Balanced (Asian, Africans Included) (37 civs)
Mali (or possibly some other West African civ of the era - Songhay, Dahomey etc.)
6.2.0 Add-on to Conquests' Civs
*Besides the civs that are in Conquests, I strongly agree on including the Hebrews and Ethiopians. Many small ancient Middle Eastern civilizations can be added.
*The first thing period should be: every civ in civ3+ptw+conquests should carry over.
-Q Cubed
6.3.0 The Grand List of Proposed Civilizations (61 Civs) (39 if the 'maybes' are taken out)
The Americas (11)
*Nazca (maybe)
*Inuit (maybe)
*Utes (maybe)
*Anasazi (maybe)
*Mississippians/Mound Builders (maybe)
West Europe: (11)
*Ireland (maybe)
*Italy (maybe) (ed: We already have Rome)
Eastern Europe: (3)
*Poland (maybe)
*Austria (since they had alot of slavs) (maybe)
Mediterranean: (4)
Byzantine (maybe)
Africa: (7)
*Xhosa (maybe)
*Bantu or Kenya or Tanzania (maybe)
Middle East: (9)
Turkey/Ottoman Empire
*Israel/Hebrew (maybe)
*Numbia (maybe)
South/Southeast Asia (6)
*Harappa (maybe)
*Khemer (maybe)
*Indonesia/ Majaphit empire
*Thailand (maybe)
*Champa (maybe)
Far East Asia: (6)
*Tibet (or should this go with south asia?) (maybe)
*Dai Viet (Vietnamese civ) (maybe)
For Oceania: (3)
*Maori (maybe)
*Aborigiese (ed-Can we really count this as a 'civ'... from my understanding, they weren't that civilized... and Plotinus backs me up on this: "I'd have thought that the definition of a civilisation - at least from the point of view of this game - involves some degree of urbanisation." And frankly I think that Civilization has to do with movement from Hunter/Gatherer to Farming.
*All Civilizations marked with a * are new civilizations not already in Civ3, PTW, C3C
-civilleader/Nuclear Master
6.3.1 Anti-Byzantine
*I hate to say it but I really don't want Byzantium again, they are Greeks in the location where the ottomans need to be
6.4.0 More than just names
I'd favour more civs, so long as its not just a CtP style list of names that makes your eventual choice meaningless
6.5.0 Criteria for the Inclusion of Civs
Civs should be included not just did because they played a role in the history of civilization (because which culture hasn't?) but can you give them a specialization that has some historical importance and add to game play in a unique way
6.6.0 Adding Israel Should Open Doors/ A Mandate for Adding Civs
*But if Israel were to be included then the mandate for including other civs which were not dominant or don't rule their own territory would be opened. How about a Kurd, Basque, or Rom/Rum civ
6.7.0 The "Overkill" Civ List (66 Civs)
American (11)
Europe (14)
Africa (4)
Near East (16)
Central Asia (4)
Far East (7)
Oceania (3)
Australian Aborigines (ed: see my comments on this in 6.3.0)
6.8.0 A Civ-Creating Philosophy
To me the most important reason for more civs is to have thew designers pregenerate names for the cities. Different abilities are not so important to me, and maybe if we do get 200 civs we should do away with abilities. If there aren't 200 pregenerated civs, at least makke it easy to store that many and use them conveniently, and if there are 200, have space for 100 custom ones.
6.9.0 Adding Too Many Civs
*Each civ, if Included, should have Unique Units, Unique Traits, Unique City Names and Unique Ruler Names (although some face-heads could possible be grayed out... therefore, since we want each civ to be unique-
Why bother putting in fifty redundant civs?
*Frankly, if there are dozens and dozens of Civs, then I'm not concerned if some are just like others. I can pick a group of Civs out for their strategic pros and cons, and then select among that group for less tangible reasons.
*What I would like to see in Civ 4 are a greater spread of Civ traits and their effects (even degrees... a little agricultural or a lot?), and a huge number of Civs that I think are "cool" and "deserve" to be in. Any ancient Civilization that we know about should be in, no matter how minor they wound up being. Those Civs deserve a place long before America, anyhow.
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Last edited by DarkCloud; January 4, 2004 at 18:02.
December 11, 2003, 01:59
Local Time: 06:22
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1.0.2 Barbarian Civs
Are the Traits of Barbarian Civs something we need to address?
1.0.3 Civil Wars
Which Civs are prone to splitting should be balanced with other characteristics. Civs that can split apart include Spain, England, France, Celts, Romans, Arabs, Germany, Scandinavia. Spain can split into Portugal, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, etc. England can split into America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. Celts can split into Brittany, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland. Rome can split into Spain, Italy, France, Romania. Arabs can split into Egypt, Iraq. Germany can split into Austria, Switzerland. Scandinavia can split into Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Faroes, Jutes, Vinland.
1.2.0 Civilization Traits
How many Traits should there be, and how many should each civ have? Should one Trait be able to fill two slots?
2.0.1 Rulers
Should at least one of each Civ's two available Rulers be male? Should each ruler have his or her own traits which affect the way they play the game?
4.0.0 Immigration
What about migration between cities of the same Civ?
December 11, 2003, 14:31
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more civilizations, but they start as tribes, and aren't really considered civs before they complete their palace. The game would start earlier. before the palace the tribes won't create any culture, though they would be able to create warriors archers, and such -> no science.
once palaces are built, the civilizations will overtake the near tribes rapidly, with the villages and encampments turning into small cities.
December 11, 2003, 15:32
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the ability of barbarians to capture citys must be reinstigated as per civ 2.... once captured they can then just churn out more barbs..
all civs should have a chance of revolt if capital taken again as per civ2. split usa into yankees and confederates etc....
Dont need any more civs added cause we can should be able to customize them, add our own traits , give them own abiltiys etc..
from setup screen not from editor.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
December 11, 2003, 15:55
Local Time: 06:22
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More Civs
I want the official people to do the work of designing more civs.
1.0.3 Civil Wars
USSR can split into Ukraine, Belarus, Siberia, Kamchatka. America can split into Texas, California. Germany can split into Bavaria, Saxony, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein.
1.1.1 Allies Joining into Supranational Force
England, Germany, France, etc can merge together.
December 13, 2003, 02:26
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| With each change of government, the civ can change the traits (like social engineering in AC). Example: communist revolution in Russia, made that country be militaristic, industrial, may be scientific as well. Different governments might have different number of traits, and may be some of them are fixed. Example Communist government must have militaristic trait, can not have agricultural trait, and can chose to other traits Some wonders of the world can either give the trait, or give opportunity to add one, or freely change the traits for some time.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
-- Bertrand Russell
December 13, 2003, 03:05
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Every civilization should have at least two, maybe three, leaders, and at least one should be of each gender, like Civ II. I no longer want to have to be Joan of Arc to play the French.
December 13, 2003, 03:24
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Each civilisation has a different ruler every so often (either when the civ is in a bad patch or something). Name is made up. The person has traits like the civilisations in that one could be conservative and pressing (ala Margaret Thatcher), or changing an friendly (ala Mikhail Gorbachev), or militaristic and fascist (ala Adolf Hitler).
December 13, 2003, 04:09
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In the Ancient Age, built in Civs should have their own tech trees. They can be partially the same as the trees of other Civs. Parts of the trees correspond with an entire culture group. Maybe even let there be more than one tree for each civ during the Ancient Age, the civ- specific one very limited and one of the other trees corresponds to the culture group and the other is universal. When two civs meet, eachothers' tech trees become available. Different culture groups have different writing technologies, such as pictographs, glyphs, hieroglyphs, cuneiform, alphabet, and syllabary. Writing does not become available to the American culture group until late in the Ancient Age.
The Scientific Civ Trait can provide slightly quicker research like the University in SMAC.
December 15, 2003, 01:50
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there should be a huge list of civ attributes, more than the 9 or 10 they have (including the ones added in COnquest)
you could add a lot (i dont know a lot off the top of my head) like offensive or defensive, sedentary or roaming(forget the proper word), forest dwellers, mountain dwellers, or plain dwellers, urban or rural, nature fairing or nature exploiting (or perhaps industrious or environmental) etc, etc. ANd like the old attributes, each should give the civ some small bonus.
These would be the inherent attributes of your civ, that you could possibly alter during gameplay slightly by using the SMAC-like social engineering and government choosing which would give penalties and bonuses like that of the inherent civ attributes
And then each civ should have like 4 or 5 or 10 speacial attributes out of a list of as many as they can come up with, instead of just 2. I think this would make gameplay much more interesting and make each civ much more uniques
you should be able to customize a civ at a game start if you wish. Choosing however many attributes you are allowed, choosing your cultural group (asian, european, arab, mediteranian, african, american), choosing your UUs from hte list (im hoping there are at least one more UU per civ, if not a UU for each civ for each age), etc. Again, just basically customizing your own civ if you wanted to. cause, i mean, this game is about building a civilization form the ground up, right?
December 15, 2003, 01:52
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Originally posted by Azazel
more civilizations, but they start as tribes, and aren't really considered civs before they complete their palace. The game would start earlier. before the palace the tribes won't create any culture, though they would be able to create warriors archers, and such -> no science.
once palaces are built, the civilizations will overtake the near tribes rapidly, with the villages and encampments turning into small cities.
i really like this idea
December 15, 2003, 01:56
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instead of having a bunch of barbarian camps, they should have a bunch (but not enarly as many, obviously) of small barbarian 'civs'
these civs would be able to build 'villages' and have limited research and stuff (based on war basically), but at a much slower rate due to their barbarian culture. wouldnt be able to irrigate or mine or anyhting like that probably. their towns should produce warriors of whatever tech they are one (warrior, short swordsmen, spearmen, broad swrodsmen, etc) as well as pirate ships if they area coastal town
oh, and you should be able to hire them as mercaneries maybe, or bribe them if they might sack one of your cities. and if they do sack a city, there SHOULD be a decent chance that they take and hold the city as their own!
December 15, 2003, 05:56
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I personally like my idea better, (  ), Kramerman, since this avoids putting some fake barrier between civ tribes, and barb tribes. civs should be just very well advanced tribes.
December 15, 2003, 06:50
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yeah me too, except how will the barbarians ever get the tech to build beyond archers and warriors, or the tech to build ships?
December 15, 2003, 08:06
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I want small civilizations. IIRC they were at one time supposed to be in Civ3. I also want immigration and a closer emphasis on the nationality. You should be able to set up specific policies concerning how you treat your minority populations - do you tolerate them, promote a multicultural society, try to assimilate them or persecute them? (However, if you're a cosmopolitan civilization with people from all the other civs in, this could get unwieldy. Perhaps only set policies concerning a few important minorities?)
Also, I want more African civs and Asian civs - in general, more non-Western civs. A proposed Civ list:
Mali (or possibly some other West African civ of the era - Songhay, Dahomey etc.)
There should also be at least two rebellers for each civ, able to break off from the civilization and form a small, independent country. And plent of small countries, which can for independently.
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
December 15, 2003, 13:19
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Originally posted by Kramerman
yeah me too, except how will the barbarians ever get the tech to build beyond archers and warriors, or the tech to build ships?
they'll get them through contacts. just like the weaker civs of civ3 did get techs. ( and we can beef it up )
December 15, 2003, 13:41
Local Time: 16:22
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Originally posted by Azazel
more civilizations, but they start as tribes, and aren't really considered civs before they complete their palace. The game would start earlier. before the palace the tribes won't create any culture, though they would be able to create warriors archers, and such -> no science.
once palaces are built, the civilizations will overtake the near tribes rapidly, with the villages and encampments turning into small cities.
Originally posted by Kramerman
i really like this idea
Me too!
As for the traits of the civilizations, I'd like to see more of them, and the possibility to have more than 2 traits. And it would be fine if they had a more direct impact.
Take for example the scientific trait: Instead of one free advance for each age(which does little good with so few ages), I'd like to see a bonus when researching, or a bonus for scientific buildings.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
Get The List for cIV here!
December 15, 2003, 13:57
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Originally posted by Azazel
they'll get them through contacts. just like the weaker civs of civ3 did get techs. ( and we can beef it up )
well then, your idea with barbarians that can take cities sometimes instead of just raiding them, with the ability to hire barbarians as mercenaries (as well as any civ willing to sell or rent thier units to another, or even loan htem to allies as an expeditionary force), or bribe them if they threaten your city like in civ 2. and if you hire them as mercs (ground units or naval units), perhaps they should not have a nationality (like privateers). And if they are mercs there should be a chance (perhaps modified by your cultural strength and/or how much you paid for them (minimum, moderate, or high)or somethn) that they go independent or even turn against you since they are mercs after all (such as what german mercs did to the Romans occasionally)
December 15, 2003, 14:13
Local Time: 16:22
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I must admit I like the old List and many of its ideas.
Some of them:
Each civilization is given a choice of five or so leaders which are selected at the beginning of the game, and may or may not change. These leader choices might affect such things as…
Unit offense, defense, hit points, firepower, and movement rating;
Effectiveness of administration (some leaders are more prone to corruption, some leaders are predisposed towards a certain government style);
Effectiveness of leadership (if the leader is a famous general);
Predisposition towards certain types of research, taxation;
6. Migrations + Nomads:
These would be caused by major cities falling, changes in climate, major religious movements sweeping a continent, etc. Nomadic units and refugee units will move about the map looking for a new place to live. (Nomadic units are self-sustaining military units that can turn into a population point in a city. Some barbarian units are nomadic units. They’re like mobile cities, but their improvements have different names and are often less effective-City Walls (Wagon-Burgh), Library (Shaman’s Hut), Temple (Sacred Grove), Palace (Chieftain’s Hut), Market Place (Bazaar), and additionally Nomads are quite inefficient at using materials from
Some suggestons for splinter civs:
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
Get The List for cIV here!
December 15, 2003, 19:12
Local Time: 06:22
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Posts: 635
Re: Kramerman
I want more civ attributes than in Conquests, but I don't want the list to be huge. I like the idea of Civs being more at home in a specific terrain. They should tend to start in a particulat terrain and be able to use that terrain better than other civs can. I want some civs to be at home on the coasts of continents, some on islands.
Culture Group
I want a Mythological culture group, including Atlantis.
Re: Stefu
Besides the civs that are in Conquests, I strongly agree on including the Hebrews and Ethiopians. Many small ancient Middle Eastern civilizations can be added.
December 15, 2003, 19:16
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Create your own civ
I'd like the ability to create a civ. Type in a name, add traits, add ruler names etc.
December 15, 2003, 19:49
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Originally posted by Brent
Re: Kramerman
I want more civ attributes than in Conquests, but I don't want the list to be huge. I like the idea of Civs being more at home in a specific terrain. They should tend to start in a particulat terrain and be able to use that terrain better than other civs can. I want some civs to be at home on the coasts of continents, some on islands.
sure, i was just listing general possible examples. tho personally i wouldnt mind a large list (like 30ish attributes or something)
December 15, 2003, 20:28
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December 15, 2003, 21:20
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Originally posted by POTUS
I no longer want to have to be Joan of Arc to play the French.
But she rocks!
STFU and then GTFO!
December 15, 2003, 21:21
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Actually, I already created a thread awhile on migration, so should we just have that one closed, and put migration ideas here??
STFU and then GTFO!
December 15, 2003, 21:33
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Don't hardcode the civ number.
If animated leaders are used, add support for static leaderheads in picture format, as opposed to the still-flcs necessary to make static leaderheads in civ3.
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December 15, 2003, 22:04
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Give civilizations the option to rename themselves when they advance to a new era. Each civ can have suggested names to switch to for each era. For example:
Babylon -> Iraq
Persia -> Iran
Gaul -> Franks -> France
December 16, 2003, 00:12
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What if any civilization could do that? The city status window could show a diagram of the city population demographics, saying "90% Romans, 5% Greek, 2% Babylonians" or so. Those cities with more than, say, 20% foreign inhabitants could likely fall into disorder when a war erputs, or anytime on higher difficulty levels... restrictive/repressive governments (Communism? Despotism?) might throw out "unwanted" foreigners
If I can't do something to expel the unwanted heathen from my cities, I don't want this type of demographics change in Civ. I would hate to see an influx of immigrants over my border and not be able to do anything about it.
Haven't been here for ages....
December 16, 2003, 01:15
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December 18, 2003, 14:53
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more civilizations, but they start as tribes, and aren't really considered civs before they complete their palace. The game would start earlier. before the palace the tribes won't create any culture, though they would be able to create warriors archers, and such -> no science.
once palaces are built, the civilizations will overtake the near tribes rapidly, with the villages and encampments turning into small cities.
Building on that idea, you wouldn't need any real barbarians. Some civs will simply remain tribes for a long time. Those would remain rather nomadic, but will advance militarily.
Since those tribes don't generate culture, the cities they conquer aren't likely to remain theirs for long.
However, those tribes could perhaps get special leaders or a "golden age" which will give them some culture. If they then conquer enough cities they can become a powerful military civ. Then again, if their golden age ends, or the leader dies this empire will likely fall apart.
In other words, think of the Mongols, or Vikings. From some inconsequental tribe they conquer half the world, but then they settle down, the empire falls apart and the conquered civilizations take over again.
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