May 13, 2001, 14:23
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Sieze the Crown! PBEM game
If anyone else wants to join, you may pick an empty tribe beneath. Please let us know your nickname and e-mail so we can actually play. 
We'll give you a day or two, but please hurry.
1) De Bohun
3) De
4) Plantadenet
6) Scots
Any more questions?
May 13, 2001, 17:49
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We are playing on prince difficulty i assume? And what about negotiations? are they allowed or not or do you have to talk it over on here before you do it in the game?
May 15, 2001, 09:06
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As I said in the other thread, De Bohun for me.
1) De Bohun-----Patient
3) De
4) Plantadenet
6) Scots
I can't remember who moves first. I'll check tonight, and if it's me, I'll start the game rolling.
Prince level (Earl in the game, methinks)
Standard .net game, speak soon.
May 15, 2001, 09:19
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Sorry Patient, must have missed it. Yes, except for the fact that the plantagents and scots are misseplaced, that is the order. Since no one's playing them, thats ok. Bohn does start.
Unless anyone has any better ideas, standered .net game is in.
Can't wait.
May 15, 2001, 14:23
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It's the Year of Our Lord 1139. At Hereford, on the Welsh Marches of England, Jon of Sussex takes up his quill:
"Since becoming Seneschal to My Lord Humphrey last summer, great events have troubled the land of my birth.
I always felt that mischief would be made of the way our beloved King Stephen came to the throne. That cold and arrogant women who claims to rule all Englishmen just because she was the daughter of the Great King and persuaded him to champion her cause in his dotage - some call her the "Empress" Matilda - has landed on the South Coast to challenge the rightful King. She landed not far from my own dear village and I hear that the King had her in his power - and then let her go to join her rebel kinsman in Bristol. The King is truly a just and kindly man, but I cannot believe this. I suspect some foul witchcraft.
Many of the great men of the land have joined her cause. Many others have rallied to the King. Still others acknowledge no master and roam the land with their men, killing and burning. My Lord Humphrey has declared his loyalty to the true King, but does not seem to be acting very forcefully against that cursed woman. Indeed, his own retainers have just ridden out to a village near Shrewsbury and most cruelly treated the people there. Perhaps it is true that they secretly supported the Empress. I'm sure my Lord knows best. On a happpier note, I hear some of our men based around Monmouth have chastisted those savage Welshmen, burnt their houses and drove off their cattle. They won't be plundering our sheepfarms again, I'm thinking!
Other news: the work to complete the castles at Stamford and Ledbury continues apace. I fear we will have need of such strong havens in the months to come.
It is with mixed feelings that I report the suppression of rebels in the marshes of the Wash. Misguided they may be, but they were fellow Saxons protesting against the harsh treatment of their Norman overlords in the only way left to them. Thank the good Lord our own wise Lord Humphrey treats all his people justly, according to their desserts.
No news recently from our cousins in France. I pray they have not fallen foul of that she-vixen and her warlike Angevin family.
I will write again soon."
May 15, 2001, 22:46
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The Greek Ioanes, far from his home and hired by the Lord Bigod as scribe, writes thus:
"These English are most unusual. Their government is strictly layered, consisting of vassels beneath vassels above them all the king. Yet this system is not perfect. It seems that there are two claiments to the throne. The popular King Steven, who has obtained the loyalty of the greatest nobles, including my Lord Bigod, and 'Emress' Matilda, claiming liniage to the throne via the Great King. However, this is all from third hand sources. I hope that in the future I will be able to write a first hand acount of the Kingdom's going on.
I can however give acount of my Lord's Earldom. The grain is being harvested this september, and there is talk in the halls of going out this winter and taking the strongholds of rouge lords who dare defy the King. My Lord hopes to be allowed to retain the halls he has taken for the King, to pass on to his son and to his son's son.
This I write in September, the Year of Our Lord 1139."
May 18, 2001, 13:09
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Do you know if there is a problem? Have you passed the file on? It's gone awfully quiet!
May 18, 2001, 13:37
Local Time: 07:16
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Sorry about that 
The great lord Henrik of the de Lacy fammily has begun his glorious reign!
All sorts of good omens has been sighted all around Brittain.
The population of two nearby villages where happy to provide the new lord whit the money he needed to make certain investments, a traderoute has been established between the great cities of Boston and Lynn!
The economy of the De lacy family is thriving!
Henry de Lacy
May 18, 2001, 18:11
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Dear My Darling Sweetheart.
I write to you today from the city of Newcastle in england. Let me hope that my family is safe with you over in france. England is not the place to be at the moment. My Lord Richard is in a mad rage about the detachment of cavalry he sent out that was ambushed and killed near Newcastle. He is worried about this and is doing all he can to correct it. However the Taxes are pouring in although we are looking for so called "wise men" because we cannot progress without them. Building Fortifications continues apace and I am pleased to announce an alliance with those scruffy urchins the scots. hopefully they will be able to help us somewhere. I dont know where. Until next time keep the family safe and dont take any undue risks.
Your Beloved Husband
May 19, 2001, 03:58
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From the writings of Jon of Sussex:
"January 31st, Year of our Lord 1140
With the bitter winter weather, most Christian folk are staying close to their hearths and families. I have to report that our brave Monmouthshire lads were ambushed by the Welsh savages on their way back home, after their successful raid up the Usk valley. Only a few battered survivors escaped to tell their harrowing tale. I'm afraid it wasn't a happy Christmas in Monmouth town this year.
Otherwise, all of our men returned safely from the campaigns of last year. The peasants are preparing the ground for the spring planting now, and we all look forward to warmer times!"
May 20, 2001, 21:11
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The Scribe Ioanes writes further:
"The winter is come and we are still preparing the attack. Meanwhile our advanced scouts have taken a field position recontouring the area. My Lord Bigod has promissed me a position among his soldiers that I may record what a real battle is like. These dark times promise that I shall be, unfortunatly, all too familiar with English war.
"Following in the King's steps, my Lord has declared war on the Angevians. Unfortunatly this may affect my Lord's holdings in Bath, which is now besieged.
"This is my record as of January in the Year of Our Lord 1140."
May 22, 2001, 12:24
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Personal dairy of Henry de Lacy
A state of formal peace has been estabilished whit the Plantagenets, I don't have anything against them, but I did turn down their repeated offers to join the rebelion.
More villages has contributed to my wealth after being persuaded to do so by some of my most loyal servants.
Other than this it has been a calm period.
1140 may
May 25, 2001, 15:17
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 Anyone know where the file is now???
May 25, 2001, 16:40
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I think im supposed to have it but i havent recieved it so i have no idea where it is
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
May 25, 2001, 17:02
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Henrik, you DID send the file to Grothgar, didn't you???
May 26, 2001, 07:03
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Originally posted by Patient English
Henrik, you DID send the file to Grothgar, didn't you???
I did send it, it shows up in my sent folder, annyway, I just sent it again.
Did it reach you this time Grothgar?
May 26, 2001, 13:45
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yes i do have it now. just recieved it. ill play my turn ad then pass it on
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
May 26, 2001, 13:52
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To my Dear Darling Sweetheart
This month in England was relatively boring with a new market being included in my itinery. An ambush went horribly wrong and Richards entire mounted retainers unit was destroyed even though they were caught out in the open. Richard barely escaped with his life and is in bed gravely ill. We all mourn this developement but i has strengthend the resolve of the entire garrison to carry on to their last breath. That ***** matilda approached me today with an offer to rebell agains thte rightful king of England Stephen. I sent her packing an it was only because of her forces that she was not captured. I will write to you next month. Hoping you are safe
Your Beloved Husband
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
May 27, 2001, 10:43
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From the writings of Jon of Sussex:
"May 31st, Year of our Lord 1140
News is coming in that the King is now at war with the Scots! I hope we will not be affected this far south, where the peaceful improvement of our fields is all that concerns us. Even our soldiers have returned to their towns and villages to guard against the lawless men that abound in these troubled times..."
File sent to JMarks, and attached below...
May 27, 2001, 19:01
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The scribe Ioanes writes again:
"The spring has come and with it the begining of military operations. In the south mercenaries have defeated our mounted retainers, or so the news goes. I myself am with my Lord Bigod as he advances on the halls of the rebells. The siege is set and the construction of siege weapons has commenced. It seems that we shall attack this fall, or even winter, should the weapons breach the rebel's defense. Backward though these English are, they do know their siege affairs.
"Though our garrison at Bath have made peace with the Plantagenats, we have not joined the rebellion. Indeed, the peace, I am assured, is nothing more than a long cease-fire, in which we shall build up our forces that we may defeat the pultrid Platagenats.
"This is my account as of May 1140"
Post Scriptus-The file has indeed been passed on.
May 29, 2001, 16:03
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Sorry for not posting earlier
Henry de Lacy has made his moves.
More villagers where persuaded to share thier money and traders have set of in ships to different parts of the nation.
May 30, 2001, 15:38
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To My Darling Sweetheart.
I have to admit my darling that not much happened this month i thought that the summer months were the time for offensive actions but Richard seems to be on the defensive. The economy is still booming though so i cant complain. I cant help thinking though that it would be different in france.
Your Beloved Husband
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
May 30, 2001, 17:53
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From the writings of Jon of Sussex:
"July 1140,
Our East Anglian troops have suffered a reverse in the forests of Cambridgeshire. From France, better news. The fields there are apparently very fertile, and the Town of Honfleur grows apace..."
File sent to JMarks...
Last edited by Patient English; May 30, 2001 at 17:59.
May 30, 2001, 18:30
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The Scribe Ioanes continues:
"The siege of Yarmouth continues. Milord Bigod says that the siege engines will be in readiness by harvest. I am awaiting it with great expectation.
"In other news, milord has finally found a sherif of worth for his new holding in Haslingfield. The people could use the such comfort when surounded by such barbarians as the Welsh.
"This is my account of July 1140"
file sent to Henrik
May 31, 2001, 16:21
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I cannot beleive it has been so long since my last entry.
I myself recently enganged in battle to defend our holdings, I must say that this experience has strenghtened me!
From now on I will personally lead my men into battle.
Our traders are spreading out all over the island and soon a big trade network controlled by the de Lacys will cover England.
The contributions from villagers to our cause are still pouring in.
I do sadly lack time to write more right now, as I am off to lead the recruitment of some new troops.
Henry de Lacy
June 5, 2001, 23:27
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From the writings of Jon of Sussex:
"September 30th, Year of our Lord 1140
Welsh raiders turned back outside Chepstow.
Very good harvest this season from fields around Honfleur .”
June 6, 2001, 03:18
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To my dear darling Sweetheart.
Not much happened this month i do believe that the seige equipment continues apace but i fear i will be moved further to the front once this is done. I pray to almighty god to keep me safe when this happens. Keep safe
Your Beloved Husband
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
June 6, 2001, 05:41
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The Scribe scratches parchment further:
"Milord Bigod has crushed the rebels in Yarmoth and now has an eastern port. The battle for its capture was horendous and terrible. Milord tells me that this is but a small siege. How awesome and terrible must a large siege be!
"I have been given charge over Yarmouth, to rebuild it to a useful city. Milord plans on sending merchants via the sea in the future. Fortunatly, milord will let me stay with him and govern from afar, with the occasional visit for a check on progress.
"It seems my Lord's retainers in the far south-east have successfully started a honey farm. From what we are told it is a very lucrative business.
"Harvest is comming along fine, though new crops must be planted soon to keep the people from starving.
"This has been my record as of September in the year of our Lord 1140."
June 6, 2001, 12:31
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Henry de Lacys diary
Contributions from the peasents seem to never end, several carnivals has been held in major de Lacy cities during the past 3 months.
As we move on into the 1141 our expectations are high, I am soon going to embark on a voyage, I cannot tell where I am going as I fear someone might have access my secret diary (  )...
Henry de Lacy
June 6, 2001, 14:56
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I see you played your move after me. According to my notes, The Bigods (JMarks) move after me. Am I right?
It doesn't really matter at this stage, though, as not much contact has been made - although I'll probably find the AI has bollixed up my move again.
I'm happy to move regardless - but is it my move now???
Noboby has mailed me a file, although there is one on this forum. Henrik has posted it, but he usually moved BEFORE you.
Advice, please!
Last edited by Patient English; June 6, 2001 at 15:07.
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