December 23, 2000, 21:24
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CivI mod for CivII
Please note John Valdez has sent us the following;
"This is a new takes the player into the world of the original civ that captured everyone in the first place. There are two files, and"
Please feel free to download, write a review, or get in touch with John at .
[This message has been edited by Cam (edited December 23, 2000).]
December 24, 2000, 20:47
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Somewhere on the Internet (and on the hard drive of my other computer), there is a faithful recreation of the CivI World Map.
St. Leo
December 25, 2000, 01:18
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I wanted to do this but was too lazy to take all the screen shots.
Now, if you want real nostalgia, somebody should convert some of Ambra's old scenarios...
January 1, 2001, 01:45
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If anyone wants to try out the Civ1 mod users of FW/civ2gold can play the scenario I've included to get them started. I welcome any comments or suggestions.
John Valdez
April 15, 2001, 22:12
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Actually St.Leo, it's already been done with modern graphics. I felt the same way...but I decided to go for the "old" civ seems to have worked out pretty good..I've gotten more responses on this modpack than any other I've created.
I also wanted to thank you for your help with the graphics and getting me going on the Transport Tycoon's still in progess but I'm plugging along on it...I've got a lot of rough graphics at the moment and I am trying to get the sounds together...but I should have it ready by this summer.
Happy Easter to everyone!
April 15, 2001, 22:23
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Crossing the lines, JV?
All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
April 16, 2001, 06:54
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April 30, 2001, 04:54
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Hey Guys!
Ya, well like Shaka said...this makes three times posting...and as long as I keep this link fresh I am bound to get different views and comments on the modpack. It's good to get all kinds of opinions about any work I do so I can make improvements later on...
so, what are you doing here...hehe
May 3, 2001, 04:34
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Zulu_Elephant did the old Civ1 with modern units.
May 5, 2001, 20:43
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Hey, I downloaded this and played it for a bit. I love the civ1 graphics, but the map...
on this site, there's a modpack called "Sid Meier's Civilization", and I used to have it before my hard drive bit it. it didn't use the civ1 graphics, but it faithfully reproduced the civ1 earth map. if you turn your head after revealing some more of the map, it starts to look REALLY familiar...
I think what I will do is download that one again, and use his map with this modpack.
on another note, I am disappointed by the effect of the pyramids. is there any way to sset it to its usual civ1 effect, maybe by renaming the SOL?
May 5, 2001, 21:03
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ok, the civ1 modpack previously used, with the faithful civ1 map is at:
I do love the little guys up in the citizens, instead of faces, and the old luxuries and shields and etc. graphics.
May 6, 2001, 05:40
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Right. ZULU ELEPHANT (AKA John Miles...) did it.
May 7, 2001, 21:40
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JV, What's this about a transport tycoon scenario? Are you somehow cross-pollinating transport tycoon with Civ2 or what?
May 8, 2001, 14:32
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All ya gotta do is change the effects of what the Pyramids currently do.
It's just a matter of picking out the effect that allows the Pyramids to be graneries in every city and substituting it for the Statue of Liberty effect. You may have to block out the Statue of Liberty Wonder if it is currently available with this new modpack.
May 8, 2001, 23:27
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hmm, anyway I can get my hands on Civ1? either DOS, or windows version?
May 9, 2001, 00:04
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The Pryamids, guys, the pyramids. not as a granary in each city, but allowing you to change governments at will.
that's what allowed us to say "screw Monarchy" and go from despotism to democracy without doing any other governments...
I've got to try this myself if you guys won't tell me how to fix it...
May 9, 2001, 02:14
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Hi Russell,
Your right! I am working to build a cross-polination...hehe...of TT and Civ 2! It's really getting to be a challenge, but I finally got the graphics for the map strait to make the scenario. Also, I've been working on creative ways to create a city space in multiple terrain squares to look more similar to TT. It's been the MOST challenging scenario (not really a mod) that I have ever done...
Hey Master,
Ya, I couldn't help it...I liked the elephant...just beat me with a stick...but then again I added a couple new resourse graphics too that were never in Civ I. I added a little personality I think...
Father beast,
Dang, I should have caught that...I've got the Original Civ I on my computer still...all I have to do is start the original and this mod up at the same time to make comparisons...
My ver.2.0 of this mod will with probably have these corrections anyway...I guess you can't make a mod without leaving something to
Thanks for the comments; they certainly help!
May 9, 2001, 03:49
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Nothing wrong...I just feel the need to reiterate that over and over and over again.
May 9, 2001, 13:21
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It's cool, Master
I like to make a mod the best I possibly can...because if I share it...what the heck..I might as well find out what people also helps me play a better game, trading ideas and such. I've posted most of my mods and scenarios at Civfanatics, but I have been looking to post on other pages as well.
I suspect I'm one of the last hard core modpack makers left for classic civ 2, since most are now scenario designers these days (as you can just play most scenarios as a modpack). My last "modpack" will probably be one that I am working on right now, which is called, Star Trek: Generations.
It is basically a ST modpack that has 5 ST scenarios from each era- TOS, TMP, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. Three scenarios are completed as beta right now.
When I'm done with it, I'll start another thread to let everyone know.
After that, I'll probably just improve my existing modpacks and stick to writing scenarios.
May 9, 2001, 13:59
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Originally posted by JValdezToo on 05-09-2001 01:21 PM
I suspect I'm one of the last hard core modpack makers left for classic civ 2, since most are now scenario designers these days (as you can just play most scenarios as a modpack).
I made a modpack once ut got absolutely no feedback good or bad so I am making scenarios instead now 
I kind of liked my mod myself, I don't claim to be an excelent player but the AIs did very nice (better than me  ) when playing on a map of europe (not the one that cam whit the game).
I was playing England (it was a modpack about Europe BC-1945) and the polish and the Portuguese kind of divided the continent between them (everyone started where they should in reality) and the Danish and French got Sandwitched in the middle...
I tried several times to invade the continent (first time around the middle ages) but I was allways beaten back (i did manage to keep an edge in technonolgy though).
In the end the portuguese where a communist nation covering all of Iberia, France and parts of Germany (they where constantly fighting in germany whit the polish) the polish occupied most of Ukraine, poland, bulgaria, Lituana, and north eastern Germany (as a fascist government).
The Italians had Italy but where incredibly backwards technology wise...
They kept changing between republic, fascism and Comunism.
Then I managed to strike at Warsaw (I only managed to hold on to it for a short while though) and the polish empire split and suddenly all of Ukraine and Bulgaria where French!
The french rebels where quickly beaten back by the polish tanks and heavy bombers though 
In the end I myself had a lot of anti air defences and fighters as well as a large fleet (I was playing England) and I was constantly harrased by portuguese heavy bombers and torpedo bombers (gas attakcs too for a short while).
This makes my modpack sound extremly militaristic I guess but it wasnt only millitaristic and I sure enyojed playing it
May 10, 2001, 03:53
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It is true that a mod can be made and work so well during testing. However, it is often my experience that players look for an overall theme with lots and lots of frills, graphics, text changes, rules, new units...heck, practically a whole new game really.
This is because players have come to see this level of technical skill apparent in more popular mods. What would take a month or two of occasional work to construct, is now a serious production spanning 4 months to a year. It's insane. Seriously, what other game would last in popularity more than a year anyway? Civ II has lasted 5+ years and has a phenomenal following. I get email all the time from people who are still playing "classic civ II ver. 2.42" You can buy Civ II Gold and upgrade for 5 or 6 bucks at Wal-Mart and still play everything.
I should start a new thread just for modpacks.
May 10, 2001, 15:15
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Mokael, you can find it on most abandonware sites. Try to make sure you have the true original. There's a hacked version out there that replaces the Babyloians with the Croatians.
May 10, 2001, 18:52
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Just a point to the maker of this scenario... the effects of the Pyramids in the original game were the effects for the Statue of Liberty in the second (by allowing all government types)... so that should probably be changed (ie change the Pyramids to be where the Statue is now). I don't think Lady Liberty was in the first one...
May 11, 2001, 22:00
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I did edit the rules.txt to change the name of the SOL to Pyramids, set the prerequisite to Masonry, remove the original Pyramids from the lineup, and make the Pyramids expire with communism.
it works! the Pyramids have their classic effect, but they now have no picture!!
How do I get them to have a picture?
May 12, 2001, 01:16
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Hey Father,
I'll tell you those changes to me so I can take a look at them...I will make the appropriate graphics changes to suit. I'll update the acknowledgements too. This will improve things for game I believe.
I think we are getting there, we just need a few adjustments.
May 12, 2001, 23:21
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on its way.
I only have altered the rules.txt so far, so that's all I sent. I tried to edit the city.gif, which has the wonder images, but no program I have can do it. mspaint won't touch it. I downloaded Graphics Workshop shareware, but what I was able to do to it corrupted it so all the graphics that depend on city.gif were corrupted. If I had a decent image editor, I could simply copy the section from the Pyramids icon, and paste it onto the empty space 2 spaces before the womens suffrage Icon.
BTW, I think the rest of the wonders are OK. lighthouse didn't originally keep your triremes from sinking, and the civ2 versions of Womens Suffrage and SETI Program are like improvements in each city, but thats OK since civ1 doesn't have police stations or Research labs, so that works out OK.
besides, I don't think there's any way to edit or tweak the Wonder effects. or improvements, for that matter.
May 13, 2001, 00:21
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Something I did to improve the civ1 feel - I edited game.txt and took out the deity difficulty option. that way, the highest level is emperor!
I moved the civ.scn over from zulu elephants mod and use his scenario with this mod. For one thing, as I've already said, the recreation of the civ1 map is excellent. for another, he doesn't have damage on his units.  maybe that phalanx can kill my battleship!
Good luck jvaldez with the icons.gif ( I was Wrong, it's not the units.gif)
May 14, 2001, 15:52
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Sounds great!
Send the files to:
I'll get those graphics up and running asap...I'm kinda interested in playing a game on it myself...hehe
This has been a great help...thanks!
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