December 12, 2003, 08:18
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A lot of thoughtful replies; thanks all for boosting my ego! J/k!!!
I find the following passage very interesting:
Originally posted by Frozzy
I believe the nature of the forums disallows myself to display all of my personal attributes. For instance, I am very shy around people and what I say, but on Apolyton it's more a case of "These people will never meet me in real life so it doesn't matter what I say". Going back to Q2, I believe my handle is a portal to my beliefs and views. Only my... how to explain it... things I would actually say if I was speaking to a blank piece of paper would I say on Apolyton.
Yes, that is one of the major things I was wondering about. Whether belonging to an Internet community allows you to grow as a person... By developing the ways you express your views and yourself or simply just by learning how to make contact with other people...
Without your appearance/race/sex revealed, people won't judge you according to their prejudices as they probably would IRL. And I guess it's simpler to overcome one's shyness in Internet fora, although I remember it took a while before I actually did post in Apolyton even though I had already registered... I was intimidated...
Suppose that it really is easier on the Net to be the person you really are, and that you like your Internet self better (due to the fact that you dare express yourself more truely). If that's true, then the mental walls we ourselves build in front of each other IRL for fear of not being liked become all the clearer...
December 12, 2003, 08:37
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He didn´t answer my question, I feel ignored
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!
December 12, 2003, 08:40
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Re: Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
Originally posted by orange
My purpose is to support my points of view, whether that is celebrated or despised.
Yes, one thing I wanted to know was whether people push their true views or fake ones. For example, IRL you're a vivid proponent of homosexuality who believes that the infringement of their human rights must stop immediately, but on Apolyton you're a fanatic opponent of homosexuality who wants these sick people exterminated... Or vice versa... Just to free yourself from the "real" you and be someone else for a while...
Seems like most people who've responded so far are themselves and share their real views...
Originally posted by orange
There's differences I'm sure. I'm not quite as outspoken, though I'm just as opinionated. I'm a little less controversial in real life, but still somewhat controversial. I enjoy a good debate. I like making people look dumb. I can admit that much.
Heh, heh!
Well, Apolyton has helped me immensely in i) improving my written English (although I suck big time talking) and getting rid of the school book English I came here with (well, not entirely) and ii) sharpening my arguments and debate technique somewhat...
December 12, 2003, 08:45
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Of course! My girlfriend is from Peru... I wish I could answer you in Spanish, but alas, I'm a beginner...  What does suerte mean?
There, feel better now?
December 12, 2003, 08:57
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Ah, learning for a girlfriend... 
suerte = luck
buena suerte = good luck
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!
December 12, 2003, 08:59
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Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
No. I like these forums because it gives me an opportunity to be as I ought to be. Hopefully, some of this 'roleplaying' spills over to the rest of my life.
I take it you're more "satisfied" with the way you are here than IRL, then ("it gives me an opportunity to be as I ought to be")? May I ask why? However, your use of "roleplaying" implies that you're not really yourself here, not even an "enhanced" or "extended" version of yourself...
I sense a common theme of "being more outspoken on the Net than in real life" here... This is certainly true for myself, although I'm not an extremely shy person... I think a more correct description of myself would be a person who seeks solitude (in real life, that is)... I truly think I spend more time on Apolyton posting replies to people I'll probably never meet than I spend "cultivating" personal ties with people in real life...
December 12, 2003, 09:07
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Originally posted by Jamski
Well, I may be a sad git, but for me 'poly is one of the most important things in my life. I really miss it if I can't post for a few days.
For sure! Imagine the day Apolyton ceases to exist...  I really like people here, the Community feeling and the discussions... There are some witty posters here! To be cut off from it all is a scary thought indeed... Good thing they'll try to squeeze more bucks out of the Civ franchise... It'll keep Apolyton going for another couple of years!
Originally posted by Jamski
I don't have an alter-ego, well maybe in real-life I pretend to be someone that doesn't frequent forums 
Yes, it does have kind of a geeky ring to it, doesn't it?
December 12, 2003, 09:09
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Originally posted by Hercules
I am curious as to why you should be curious.
Well, I've been posing these questions myself and wanted to know what fellow Apolytoners thought about them. Simple as that, really...
Last edited by Carolus Rex; December 12, 2003 at 09:17.
December 12, 2003, 09:13
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Originally posted by Dissident
In fact I really wasn't noticed until I was here a couple of years. It was years before anyone even mentioned my screen name when discussing something.
All these years at 'Poly and you haven't yet learnt how to use the "reply with quote"-feat?
December 12, 2003, 09:16
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Posts: 366
Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
Originally posted by Carolus Rex
I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life
Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?
Not at all. I have enough personal fullfillment in real life. In fact in RL I have a bit too much attention if anything - I am usually trying to be left alone.
II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake
Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?
Not at all. I quite enjoy expressing myself here in a way that I can't do in real life, but that is more a personal outlet of steam - I don't particularly care what you think. One thing I do want to try and do is disabuse people of their misconceptions of science (and particularly its influence on religion), since that means something to me.
III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself
Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life?
I am pretty much myself I think. I am slightly more outgoing in life than I am here, but that is just because I don't have the time to reply to every post. Usually I am trying to meet some deadline or other. At the moment, I am between things, so have lots of timeto answer stupid questions like these  I am often wary of giving too much away because I don't want people to figure out who I am.
Last edited by Rogan Josh; December 12, 2003 at 09:21.
December 12, 2003, 09:25
Local Time: 10:23
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He's the president of France!
I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
December 12, 2003, 09:27
Local Time: 10:23
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I think CR's real purpose is to increase his post count on the sly. Noticed how he answered everyones questions 1 post at a time?
I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
December 12, 2003, 09:36
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Originally posted by Theben
I think CR's real purpose is to increase his post count on the sly. Noticed how he answered everyones questions 1 post at a time?
C'mon, give me a break!  I always do that, it's a lot more clearer. You expect me to quote, copy and paste all that into a single post?!
December 12, 2003, 09:39
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Originally posted by Theben
I think CR's real purpose is to increase his post count on the sly. Noticed how he answered everyones questions 1 post at a time?
And all these one-liners you deliever from here to eternity?  At least I have two paragraphs on-topic in my posts.
December 12, 2003, 09:41
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Oops! Ok, I guess I could have edited the last one into the first...
December 12, 2003, 10:03
Local Time: 10:23
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You're proving my point for me...
And all these one-liners you deliever from here to eternity? At least I have two paragraphs on-topic in my posts.
I'm tired of posting at length. I don't come here to think anymore.
I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
December 12, 2003, 10:21
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well, i could say that i'm much more interesting in real life than here.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
December 12, 2003, 13:14
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One would hope so. 
1. It's nice to have your posts and threads be spurs to debate or discussion. For me this is mostly the case.
As for attacks, I am usually glad as they are a sign that the poster cannot win the debate with me so needs to resort to a baser response.
2. Most people would like others to enjoy their posts I think. I certainly do.
3. 'Poly me is me.
Sums it up quite nicely.
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
December 12, 2003, 13:23
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Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
Originally posted by Carolus Rex
I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life
Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?
it would be silly to post and not want others to read or add comments. But it doesnt make you "somebody" to get replies.
If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?
Nope, Real life is where it matters, here is just for fun
II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake
Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?
No not after respect , and defiantly not after wrecking anything. But is nice to find some regulars you sort of get to know.
Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?
Well obviously note, my posts solely represent my opinons on whatever the subject matter is, and opionions are like a$$holes, everyone has one....
III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself
Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life? For example, extremely timid and nice boy named Sean uses MalevolantLight to get those scary EyesofNight... 
Well? The psychoanalyst's couch awaits you...
Nope, i am just me, not frieghtened to show my true opinions nor any feelings i feel are waranteed. But it is all jsut a forum site it not real l fie and whether you people like me or not is regardless
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
December 12, 2003, 14:52
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Re: Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
Originally posted by Rogan Josh
I am often wary of giving too much away because I don't want people to figure out who I am.
Theben was right!? You are Jacques Chirac!!!
Yup, me too! Especially in the beginning; I was almost paranoid about giving away personal details. My country was all...
I still haven't given away much. Not my real name, my birthday, or were in Sweden I live... I always thought that, if I did, I would find that some crazy Apolytoner had broken into my house...
There are lurkers out there, just waiting for you to announce when you go on holiday so they can empty your house...
December 12, 2003, 15:16
Local Time: 09:23
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3 irl == 3 poly
i detest extremists.
December 12, 2003, 20:07
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Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
Originally posted by Carolus Rex
I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life
Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?
No. I post here mostly to kill time and to learn interesting things, whether Civ-related or OT. Being noticed on an internet forum isn't particularly rewarding.
If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?
Only in the most extreme cases have I let something here effect/upset me IRL, and usually that is involving concern for someone else. Being attacked is really par for the course in the OT, where I usually post. We're an argumentative bunch.
II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake
Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?
I'm territorial about my login--whenever anyone else creates a login with "Boris" in it, I get jealous.
Seriously, though...I want to be respected, I suppose, as much as anyone wants to be respected, wherever they go. I'm certainly not here to wreak any havoc.
Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?
No, I just post what I feel like posting. If people didn't like me, I admit I'd probably not hang around, but I won't change my positions or style to be liked more.
III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself
Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life?
I am glad I am not as I am here in real life. For one thing, I could never be so combative. I like to think I vent steam here and go out and become a real person IRL. If I thought Boris Godunov was creeping into my actual personality, I'd probably stop coming here.
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December 13, 2003, 04:10
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Originally posted by Carolus Rex
All these years at 'Poly and you haven't yet learnt how to use the "reply with quote"-feat? 
back in my day we didn't have the feature.
My original screen name registered in April of 1999 after SMAC came out. I've been here that long.
It took a while for this to become my main home though. I started off on alpha.owo forums and then gravitated to the ACOL forums. But in that time span, Apolyton became the place I post the most.
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December 13, 2003, 04:14
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Re: Re: Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
it was a long time before I divulged what city I was from. For the longest time no one knew I was from Las Vegas. Although when I first started posting here in 1999 I was still in the military and living in Pascagoula, Mississippi.
And it took a very long time for me to finally post a picture of myself. But I consider myself ugly, so I usually don't even like having my picture taken. I skipped so many school pictures when I was a kid. I have almost no record of my childhood  - just the way I like it.
Focus, discipline
Barack Obama- the antichrist
December 13, 2003, 13:38
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I do not crave attention. Really
December 13, 2003, 15:26
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I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
December 13, 2003, 15:43
Local Time: 10:23
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And for those who say RL is more important than life... Poly is RL
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
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December 13, 2003, 17:51
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Re: Re: Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?
Originally posted by Carolus Rex
I still haven't given away much. Not my real name, my birthday, or were in Sweden I live... I always thought that, if I did, I would find that some crazy Apolytoner had broken into my house...
I might remeber wrong, but didn't you appear in the OT forum at Paradox, in the thread with pictures and info?
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
Get The List for cIV here!
December 13, 2003, 21:21
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I fancy dress as a Lemur and stand atop mountains regularly.
I am also wondering why my posts always end threads, maybe my resonses are so good that no further constructive reply can be made.
December 14, 2003, 03:45
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a lot of my posts end threads as well
but often I bump old threads, because I go days without posting. But even if I do go days without posting, I do read all the threads I was active in from the time I left. I often post in these threads.
I will ensure you aren't the thread killer Maq, I will continue to post after you if you continue to post in this thread
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
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