May 29, 2001, 03:28
Local Time: 06:16
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The Persians are in revolt! Darius the First makes a bid to be Emperor!
Carthagenian sailors are reported to be looking to explore beyond the African coast....
File sent to all (I think Athens might be next - don't have time to check) and copied here too.
May 29, 2001, 12:30
Local Time: 06:16
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got the file, played it, sent it.
SCDARS, my caravans are still inferior compaired to your mighty army and Enthusiastic ministers. So they're heading out, though I only have one right now. It'll go to Corinth. Because of the pressures and whatnot to get these guys going, I ask for fifteen turns starting next turn to deliver the three caravans. I only have one ship and it does take time to build, though I will rush one or two when its not that expensive.
May 29, 2001, 15:57
Local Time: 07:16
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Tyrant Henrikos of Calchis
The economical crises that calchis has been undergoing has been put to an end, as of now, the state of calchis, its vassals and its collonies are turning a profit.
Do I need to remind Tyrant Ioanes that acording to the peace settlement he is to give me 50 gold and an offical state of peace, as it is now the cease fire has expired.
The Calchidians wishes no hostilities towards the Athenians, the war in which the Athenians where crushed by us and our eternal allies the Corinthians was enough, we do not whish to humiliate the Athenians again.
Are we going to have peace or not?
If you want peace, then please contact me and arange for the satisfactionary sum to be delivered and for estabilishing a state of peace.
Tyrant Henrikos
*File sent to the corinthians*
Oh and I meant, make peace in the game please, we agreed on that several turns ago!
May 29, 2001, 16:33
Local Time: 06:16
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Sure Henrik, I've got the 50 here, will be sent with the peace treaty next turn, just thought that you had soured on the deal. Sorry, my mistake! Glad to hear you have turned the profit and have joined the club! Those city wall are a killer, aren't they?
Ioanes of Athens
May 30, 2001, 07:47
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Posts: 172
Actually I sent the file yesterday eventing, but I was to tired to post it here...
BTW, Jmarks, you could help to normalize our relations by changing your attitude in the F3-Menu, too....
May 30, 2001, 10:30
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The Persians have moved. They have lost the internal cohesion to re-establish their Empire, so Darius has graciously permitted his grateful people to crown him King of the Persians...
Soon the Great King will be able to turn his eyes away from domestic matters and consider the peoples bordering his Kingdom, and how they may best be brought to see the benefits of enlightened Persian rule.
The Persian army buildup continues remorselessly...
File sent to JMarks, Tyrant of Athens....
(Sorry I am at work and can't attach the saved file on my home computer)
June 2, 2001, 09:51
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Athens has moved and the file is sent. Henrik, the 50 drachmae should be in your account now, though I can't recall making peace, please do that for me, I don't think your governors would have let me make peace since they were pretty upset...
June 2, 2001, 11:51
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Originally posted by JMarks
50 drachmae
OH NO! I used a Latin form! Some one chastise me! The correct term is drachmai I believe. Silly me.
June 3, 2001, 06:15
Local Time: 07:16
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Henrikos of Calchis:
The plea for help from Ioanes has reached the ears of the Calhidian experts, and a small group of them are on thier way to Athens whit the apropriate tools
A marble caravan from Calchis recently reached Athens and a trade-route has been estabilished.
Tyrant Henrikos
June 3, 2001, 07:38
Local Time: 07:16
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Posts: 172
Corinth has moved. Due to lack of wheat, the city of Delos which had been living in permanent famine will be moved during the next few turns. So any tradesmen are advised to wait two or three further turns if they want to establish a trade route.
June 3, 2001, 13:55
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The Persians have moved. No great events to report, as Daruis builds up his army...
File posted here and sent to JMarks
June 3, 2001, 14:19
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OH NO! I used a Latin form! Some one chastise me! The correct term is drachmai I believe. Silly me.
Shouldn't make one iota of difference...
June 3, 2001, 14:39
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John Ellis, I, Sparta, am supposed to go after Corinth, and you after me!
Re-elect Bush!
June 3, 2001, 17:30
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Michael, I agree. I'm sorry. The save file was sent to me in error and I just reacted! I have now played my proper turn, and sent it to Athens. Sorry again, guys.
It's also here.
Revolution in the Persian Lands!
Darius (soon to known as "The Great"?) assassinates his rivals and sends troops out to secure the main cities. Will his revolution succeed? I think it might!
June 4, 2001, 07:44
Local Time: 07:16
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Henrikos of Calchis:
The trade in Calchis is prospering, the financial troubles of the past is just vague memories now, trade is prospering!
A new trade route was opened between the cities of Calchis and Delos.
June 4, 2001, 19:00
Local Time: 22:16
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SCDARS, you sent me the wrong the file, although its probably not your fault. You see, John Ellis accidently did his turn before I did, then sent it to JMarks. I did my turn, told Ellis the problem and sent him the real file. He redid his turn, then send this save game to Jmarks.
JMarks must have opened up his mailbox and saw 2 emails from John, one savegame that skipped my turn, and the other that didn't. Not knowing which was which, I believe, he picked the wrong savegame, did his turn, passed it to Henrik, who passed it to you, who now passed it to me. And I see my units far away from where I moved them my last turn, and Sparta just finished building a settler that I did not sanction!
So JMarks, Henrik, and SCDARS need to redo their turns. John Ellis, could you resend the file to JMarks so he knows for sure which savegame to use? And we'll pick up from there.
Re-elect Bush!
June 4, 2001, 19:11
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OK, dude. Here it is.
Also sent to JMarks, althogh he and I had sort of agreed to press on regardless. However, if it has messed you up, let's do it properly.
June 6, 2001, 11:40
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Tyrant Henrikos:
We are preparing several adventureus expeditions in our collonies.
The economy is at its peak (so far).
Nothing other to report...
June 8, 2001, 17:34
Local Time: 07:16
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Posts: 172
I'll go on a short trip tomorrow, so please hurry or I can't play this weekend. I'll be back on Monday, and stay at home until Tuesday, but then I'll leave for a week.
For this time I found a substitute you can contact here or here.
June 9, 2001, 03:09
Local Time: 22:16
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I've got some bad news.
My computer is hosing up on me again. (Thank you microsoft!) I can't even connect to the interent on it right now, yet using other this other computer on my home network I can. This will probably requiring me reformating my hard drive in the near future, making my machine unless for a few days until I get everything sorted out and find time to do it. SCDARS, if you will, please continue to post the savegame here on the form because my email isn't configured on other computers. I will try to play my turn here, but my time may be limited so I'll just try the best I can.
Re-elect Bush!
June 9, 2001, 03:51
Local Time: 07:16
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Posts: 172
Sorry that I was to lazy to post it here. Actually I played the turn on the day it was sent to me...
Please remember that I should be able to play my turn on monday evening or tuesday morning, so the game only needs to be sent to the alternative email adresses after that.
June 12, 2001, 07:09
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Is this game still being played - and if so, who has the move?
June 12, 2001, 08:24
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Hmmm... SCDARS said that he played his turn, but after that we have heard nothing.
Perhaps he forgot to send it along and now he is away?
June 12, 2001, 08:36
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Anyone know SDCARS' alternative e-mail address? Did he ever tell us?
June 12, 2001, 08:46
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Re: Holidays...
Is this what you meant?
Originally posted by SCDARS
I'll go on a short trip tomorrow, so please hurry or I can't play this weekend. I'll be back on Monday, and stay at home until Tuesday, but then I'll leave for a week.
For this time I found a substitute you can contact here or here.
June 12, 2001, 10:17
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I just received a mail from scdars whit the file:
I'm sending the file I played on June 6th, because it seems that
1. Michael Jeszenka/MagyarCrusader can't open attachment and demands the game should be appended top each post
2. I myself have problems posting the game as an attachment to the Sleague discussion, although I could do so before and I still can
(slowly) visit the forums...
I mailed the game to him on June 7th, but he just wrote he can't access his mail (see the forums). I just got the idea that uploading the
game might suffice, but I lack time to do so - maybe you can post it.
I'm going to holiday right now, so please direct the game to or until I report my return.
So therefore I will post the file here
June 12, 2001, 17:01
Local Time: 22:16
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What the flying ****?!
I don't know who screwed this up but somebody did. Apparantly, my last turn didn't register. I don't know what the problem is but I can't play my turn. If the next savegame I get is ****ed up again, I'm out. Sorry.
BTW, my email works now.
Re-elect Bush!
June 12, 2001, 17:06
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Here is the savegame I emailed to John Ellis last week after I finished my turn, to download. This is the absolute correct version. I don't know what happened in the chain afterwards, but I believe someone used the wrong save again.
Re-elect Bush!
June 12, 2001, 17:35
Local Time: 06:16
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Location: Sussex, England
Posts: 427
Well, Michael, this saved game doesn't seem to have remembered my last moves. Still - nevermind! Let us press on or I'l never get to whip some Greek A**!
Not much to report from the Empire (  )
Game posted here and sent to Tyrant JMarks of the Athenians
June 16, 2001, 07:24
Local Time: 07:16
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Location: Schleswig, Germany
Posts: 21
SCDARS went to holyday
And as his substitute I had a look about his great Corinthean Nation, found some slaves and soldiers and explored the world.
SCADARS told me, that Magyar Crusader will probatly have problems to receive emails. Therefore he can find the game also under this URL:
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