May 18, 2001, 19:54
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I've had a copy from about a month after it was seen in stores.
May 18, 2001, 22:21
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It came out in September.
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May 18, 2001, 23:08
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Then I believe I purchased the software in October. That seems right. I keep all my receipts and can look it up if you'd like.
Anywho, methinks this entire discussion is pointless, DarthVeda. I don't like Red Front much simply because I'm bored of the same old World War II things, and I don't like massive scenarios much. So it is a personal opinion of mine that your scenario was simply a Red Front in the Pacific Theatre. Never was too open to those types of scenarios.
Back on topic...
Roman Empire scenarios that everyone loves weren't my game. I loved Spartacus though. Imperium Romanium was alright, and I played for a bit. Justinian same with Imperium Romanium. The Roman Empire scenarios just aren't my standard game.
Mr. Temba scenarios are pure brilliance. Anything sci-fi, new, interesting, etc. is definitely my game.
May 19, 2001, 00:59
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Anything sci-fi, new, interesting, etc. is definitely my game.
You'll like my current project. I was planning to quit making Civ2 scenarios, but then the Civ3 7 civ limit was made public and I saw little reason not to indulge my creativity.
I assume that exams are finished?
They start in June.
Leons Petrazickis (St. Leo)
May 19, 2001, 07:37
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The Civ3 civ limit is not final, though, said Firaxis.
I can't wait for it, St. Leo. Mind giving a hint on what it is?
May 19, 2001, 13:48
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I'll give Red Front the credit that it deserves: It was the first scenario I played through till the end because it was fun and not because I was reviewing it (although I eventually did review the scenario).
May 19, 2001, 18:08
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You assault Captain Nemo about how Red Front is a crap scenario...and then you wonder why nobody's doing any new, different, daring risk taking projects like Red Front was when it came out or Kyokujitsu by Darthveda, which I playtested and found very innovative and able to keep my attention until I had no more parts to play.
I don't mind so much that people dislike his secnario, just you don't need to make a thread which is taking apart somebody's hard work. Keep it to yourselves, be critical, but don't be trashing scenarios which people put time, effort, planning, and a hell of a lot of computer time to work at something they like and having enough drive to finish it. This really reminds of how Maygar Crusader (aka John Petroski if I'm correct) said he was sorry for what he said in the past and I relooked through some old threads and found one about Red Front. It had Nick C completely focused on trying to destroy the credibility of Nemo's scenario. Luckily, most thought he was an idiot and ignored him. Now, I'm starting to see the same thing happening, so ask yourself: do you want to be the moronic, jackass that Nick C was?
One word can account for this all: pathetic. Why waste your time and energy destroying, when you can be using it to create? Heck, I have two of Nemo's unit compilations that I was just about to release, but now I'm not so sure, seeing how you all dislike Captain Nemo and like bad-mouthing other people's work. I just want you all to remember to think about this topic and is it really a benefit to have hanging around at the top of forum? I am ready to stand by my views and if you want to fight me on them, be my guest.
""I had hoped we were hurling a wildcat on the shore, but all we got was a stranded whale!"-Winston Curchill on the Battle of Anzio
"Quis custodes ipsos custodiet?" -Juvenal
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May 19, 2001, 18:37
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You assault Captain Nemo about how Red Front is a crap scenario...
No, I don't. Firstly, my attacks are not ad hominem. Secondly, I never said it was a crap scenario.  However, I have nothing against bashing you.

I admire it from a technical standpoint - Yours Truly
Despite the architectural beauty of Red Front - WarVoid
Maygar Crusader (aka John Petroski if I'm correct)
No, you are not correct. Magyar Crusader's previous handle was Michael Jeszenka.
do you want to be the moronic, jackass that Nick C was?
No, I do not want to be a moronic jackass a la NickC.
Heck, I have two of Nemo's unit compilations that I was just about to release, but now I'm not so sure, seeing how you all dislike Captain Nemo and like bad-mouthing other people's work.
No one here was criticizing his artwork.
Leons Petrazickis (St. Leo)
May 19, 2001, 19:58
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Actually, when I looked in here the other night, I thought that this isn't an entirely negative thread. It does demonstrate that people like different approaches to scenarios. Had the topic been: "Scenarios you love"...well I guess it would be one of those waste of space popularity threads with nothing constructive about scenario design at all, just lots of "I like Red Front" posts.
News for you: I like Red Front. I played the very first version until early 1944 and thought it very good indeed. I wasn't quite so fanatical to play it all the way through for each revision though. You can go too far sometimes.
But the point is that out of this legacy the conceit has stuck that tactical micro-management wargaming scens are the only way to go. It's not true. Everyone should try out Eyn's WW2 scenario for a global, broad-based approach - where cities are regions, so not like 2194 days of war or my own effort - and then decide if bigger and more complex really does result in the most enjoyable scenario.
May 20, 2001, 00:46
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I don't think anyone here is critizing anyone. And if they are, it is merely constructive criticism that can be taken or not by the author.
Different people like different scenarios. One scenario can't appease the masses because the masses have varieties of people in them.
I'm just more of a sci-fi guy.
I like Nemo's art work and his scenario is hell fun, but I'm just bored of World War II-esque scenarios, except for any unique ones.
Come to think of it, DarthVeda's scenario will be quite unique, as it will be in ToT, and that there aren't as many Pacific theatre scenarios. In fact, I'm starting to get a bit exited for the release of the scenario. It's probably the "too much World War II mentality" blocking us.  I know DarthVeda will work on it, because the scenario I obtained from Master on High I could tell wasn't close to complete. This is good.
Anywho... ANZAC, I don't think Red Front is crap. Just look at it. One look at it, and it is a work of art. It is interests in scenarios. I'd prefer Kobayashi's Star Trek scenarios, personally.
And St. Leo, what about a clue to that scenario?
Oh, and an example. My The Mars Project scenario. I doubt you World War II buffs will like it.  But I don't work on scenarios to appease people here. I work on them to express my creative side and just have some fun here and there. There's nothing offensive about scenarios, and no need to get offensive when talking about them, in my opinion.
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited May 20, 2001).]
May 20, 2001, 00:56
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Despite the architectural beauty of Red Front, I found it very...boring.... I beat it the first time I played it.... It's simply a matter of knowing how the AI acts and reacts to quickly outsmart it. I've played so many games I know what the enemy is going to do every move I make....
I'm more of a sci-fi/fantasy fan myself. We need some good Star Trek/Star Wars/B5 scenarios to break-up the WWII monotony. Even some of my fav Apocalypse-esque scenarios would be great.
I'll be release a post-apocalyptic scenario soon anyhow.
May 20, 2001, 11:44
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I thought I DPed.
Reflecting on my last post, I think I went too overboard. It was a little bit too spur of the moment, since I read an enraging post by NickC. I'm not trying to target anyone (except NickC  ) and I think I over reacted. So I will release the units becuase I think you like Nemo's work, right?
[This message has been edited by The ANZAC (edited May 20, 2001).]
May 21, 2001, 03:52
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May 21, 2001, 15:00
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eh? I don't recall sending you the playtesting version. I DID send you the preview I got from DV last fall though...hardly anything to compare the playtesting version to.
Yeah, I noted that. That explains a lot. *sigh of relief escapes Polaris*
And yeah, ANZAC. I saw the website. Excellent work!
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited May 21, 2001).]
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