March 20, 2000, 17:48
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just because it's unclaimed doesn't mean you can walk over them. New Zealand is has a technologically advanced armed forces, and their navy will show up. Using the moderator's absense to invade is not a good way to endear yourself. You can have the island, just be more realistic. Taking the island without any resistance is beyond unrealistic. As Sigma pointed out, your troops can't land without landing craft, which you don't have, so you'd have to take a port, which you can't do because of new zealand's defenses. at least post a few battles before you take it all over and allow other posters to respond (such as Sigma, who I'm sure feels very threatened with you in New Zealand)
BTW, Polaris, why doesn't this thread have a name? Like the last one was "March Madness", this is nothing?
March 20, 2000, 17:48
Venezuela was an error, the real thing was Equador.
I bombed Quito.
I am sorry about Panama, the troops are removed.
The blockade on Cape Horn continues.
SCOTT F, Argentina needs help against the British, please?
What about New Zealand.
See ya tomorrow or wednesday or thursday.
March 20, 2000, 17:56
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To: All Nations of the World
From: ICE
It seems that Argentina has decided to blockade Cape Horn. We cannot allow this. Cape Horn is a waterway and is therefore free under international law. Let us join together and issue an ultimatum to Argentina that either they free Cape Horn or suffer. How dare they presume to blockade waterways.
OOC: No way Argentina has the power to blockade anything, especially not while in a standoff with the British.
March 20, 2000, 18:08
100,000 Additional British soldiers disembarked today to reinforce the 1,500 man garrison in the Falklands and the South sandwich and South Georgia islands due to Argentine threats of "liberation." Additional transports left Britain today carring 150 Crusader tanks to reinforce the 100 already present. 50 Tanks are expected to be shipped by Hercules transports. HMS Invincible left with 2 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruisers from a resupply point in the friendly port of Lagos, Nigeria. The UK is determnined to stand fast in the defense of the islands which are predominatly british in ethnicity
March 20, 2000, 18:55
Greater Arabia fully supports the UK in this dispute, and advises Argentina and Chile to drop their claim on the Falklands and remove the blockade at Cape Horn.
Greater Arabia has announced that at the moment, 1152 people who have been active in the Somalian civil war will be tried before a war tribunal, to be set up in Sana. Charges vary from rape, torture and illegal possession of weapons to crimes against humanity and genocide. Still, some 48 people are still not arrested, amongst them mostly high figures in the major clans that terrorized Somalia. The II Yemen Corps will now be returned to Yemen, while the I Yemen Corps and the I Somaliland corps will remain in Somalia to stabilize the situation.
OOC: Moderator, make a final decision on Africa, please. I'm not sure on the status of Chad and a lot of other african nations, and until then, I can't post anything relevant to them.
[This message has been edited by BasV (edited March 20, 2000).]
March 20, 2000, 19:01
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OOC: (must post here w/map) Scott, you once again forgot many of my African territories.
If China were to go to war, India WILL follow.
March 20, 2000, 19:26
Today, in response to Argentina and Chile blockading Cape Horn, all 3 Scimitar of the East nations agreed via a secret meeting at the ICQ Hotel in Ankara to declare an oil embargo on those countries.
OOC: Basically this is VERY bad for you, the vast majority of the world's oil resides in our three countries. You will only be able to get little oil, which you need lots of to fight a war, and the price of oil weill be extremely exorbirant.
March 20, 2000, 19:29
Oops, and I forgot:
From: CRME
To: CW
We agree to your proposal, you may build a military base in Northeastern Turkey by the Black Sea.
March 20, 2000, 19:42
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A couple weeks ago, there was a referendum in the UDSA protectorites if they should fully unite into the UDSA as 3 more states. here are the results:
New Bruinswick:
Yes: 65%
No: 35%
Nova Scotia:
Yes: 57%
No: 43%
Prince Edward Island:
Yes: 81%
No: 19 %
All three of the protectorites were annexed today into the UDSA as the states of New Bruinswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. In P.E.I. , a naval base is being set up to house the UDSA Navy that is being built.
In other news, Waterbury has been fully repopulated. A memorial was placed in the city square to honor those that have died in the Waterbury Massicre.
From UDSA:
Make sure that there will be not another Waterbury Massicre. That is all we have to say.
To CW and CTA:
Our offer still holds to form a Pan-North American Alliance.
To Neo-Spartan Federation:
Welcome to the world! We would like to sign a peace treaty.
March 20, 2000, 19:50
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African Imperialism allowed!? Woo-hoo!
Well, Scott, that means put Liberia the UDSA color again!
March 20, 2000, 19:57
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OOC: If someone already has the Spratlys, then ignore the first part of this post.
And will anyone please respond to my weapon offers? Its a chance to make some money...
SAK Marines Land on Spratly Islands!
Yesterday the 1st Marine Regiment landed upon various islets of the Spratly Islands, proclaiming them part of the SAK.
"The claim of the former state of Vietnam has been realized," His Majesty stated in a public broadcast. "The addition of these small islands, while inconsequential in terms of land area, are enormous in terms of oil and mineral wealth. These islands and the resources that lie within them will be one of the keys to improving the economic situation of our nation."
OOC: I also found out that Bangkok has small dockyards as well...
Construction Begins to Rebuild SAK fleet!
Noting the lack of international interest in construction ships for the SAK, a long term goal has been announced; the construction of 4 homebuilt destroyers, and 10 hoembuilt frigates along the lines of the La Fayette stealth frigate designs sold to Taiwan in the late 1990s...
This entire programme is expected to take two years...
Expansion of the dockyards at Bangkok is also planned... It is hoped in three years to have a large enoguh warship dockyard at Bangkok to build vessels in teh range of 40,000 tons...
To: China, India, Polynesia, Japan
From: SAK
We propose the formal establishment of an Far Eastern Alliance, to further cement the bonds between our nations.
We propose:
1.) Defensive Military ALlinace
2.) Reduced tariffs upon imports in this alliance
3.) To be named: East Asian Defense Group
(Unless someone else can think of a better name...)
We hope that you will consider our offer carefully.
His Highness the King of SAK
[This message has been edited by General_BT (edited March 20, 2000).]
March 20, 2000, 20:11
From: King Fahd of Greater Arabia
To: His Majesty B.T. of the SAK
Well, Greater Arabia has the following equipment for sale:
- 800 T-62 MBT's
- 200 T-72 MBT's
- 280 T-59 MBT's
- 350 T-55/54 MBT's
- 350 AMX-30 MBT's
We currently are outphasing these tanks with Leopard II's, so they are not very expensive, but if you make a sufficiently high bid for more modern tanks (M60A3, Leclerc, Leopard II, M1A1), we can sell them to you as well.
March 20, 2000, 20:14
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OOC  u-I'd be happy to take over Franco-Spain. Thanks for the oppurtunity!
IC: Franco-Spain Elects New Leader
In the recent elections held in Franco-Spain, challenger Ryan Ridero defeated current President Du Chateau. Ridero had announced he intends to increase Franco-Spain's stature in the world and withdraw from much of Franco Spain's burdenous (OOC:Is that a word? burdenful maybe?) African territory. It seems that the people agreed with Ridero's promises and wanted to see a new order for the nation...
Franco-Spain Consolidates African Territory
Today in a move that shocked most of the world, Ridero announced the beginning of his "crusade against imperialism." He withdrew the protectorate status of all of Franco-Spanish Africa except for Algeria and Morocco (Western Sahara is still Franco-Spanish.) He also announced Algeria and Morocco were becoming equal areas of Franco-Spain, granting Algerian and Moroccan citizens the right to vote in all elections.
Over 1 million Franco-Spanish citizens have applied for rights to emigrate to Franco-Spanish Africa...
Name Change
The name of the country has officially been changed to the Neo-Spartan Federation, or NSF.
Naval Reconstruction Begun
In order to rebild the French navy after much was sold during the reign of Du Chateau, construction has begun on 3 carriers, 15 submarines, 20 AEGIS cruisers, 25 AEGIS destroyers, and 20 frigates. This is expected to take approximately a year and a half.
Secret To Italy:The Ridero administration sympathises greatly with your nation. While Corsica and Savoy (OOC:Not Saxony, which is in Germany) have been Italian states in the past, they have not been ethnically or linguistically Italian since the time of the Romans. You must have known when you acquired these territories you would be ruling over Frenchmen. We cannot, however, justify in any way your loss of Greece and Cyprus to the CRME. If you require any assisstance in militarilly reclaiming these lands, do not be afraid to ask.
Also, would you consider signing an alliance with the NSF and Germany if they agree?
To Germany:Would you agree to an alliance with the NSF and Italy if they agree?
To Britain:We are very sorry to hear that Argentina is once again attempting to "reclaim" the Falklands for themselves. We would like to offer your nation one Carrier Group to help you repluse their invasion.
[This message has been edited by Spartan187 (edited March 20, 2000).]
March 20, 2000, 22:04
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The SAK and Franco-Spain have recently concluded an arms deal. 500 Leclerc tanks will be built for the SAK by France over the next three months.
In return, the SAK will pay off the cost of these tanks over this year and next...
March 20, 2000, 22:04
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Agreed. The military alliance should prove useful for rebuilding your military...
March 20, 2000, 22:21
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Corps III-XIV have moved to the northwest of our portion of Chad in Africa. Citizens were awed at the new power held in the province...
Funding Towards Greater Indian Africa
Bharat announced today that he will NOT stand for India being labeled an antagonist! He has declared a portion of military funding to be used to buy schools, hospitals, rebuilding roads, railroads, and many other things in the next year for Africa. The citizens for Africa heard a speach given by their new governor that things will change, and their lives will become better under the Greater Indian flag. They cheered, and left content with their new rulers. So far our portion of Kenya, its homes, are beginning to imrpove. It is not a large portion of funds, but it is sufficient to imrpove the lives of many African people.
March 20, 2000, 22:50
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From: ICE
You have some nerve attacking our Spartley Islands and then offering an alliance! Would you please give a justification for taking them or we will retaliate. Please exaplain your actions, I thought we were allies?
The recently formed First Expeditionary Army is being put on alert if the Spartely Islands situation escalates.
March 20, 2000, 22:50
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Bill3000, I think I speak for the entire thread that polling in NPC nations is just plain lame...
NOT A SINGLE nation in this world would join another nation through a poll, NOT ONE. That is why they are independent. It is the whole principle.
March 20, 2000, 22:52
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Map for new thread page:
March 20, 2000, 22:52
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The final assault on Kabul is launched; the Afghans are very ill-prepared for such a battle. Wave after wave of perfectly-placed airstrikes pound the city. Only 5 aircraft have been reported down. Column after column of armored units roll over what is left of the oppostion after the bombing. Only 21 tanks are reported lost. All in all, just 358 causaulties have been confirmed on the side of Iraniaq, compared to the nearly 4000 on the side of Afghanistan, mostly civilians. Most other opposing soldeirs have simply given up, joining the force that they believe to be unstoppable. It certainly looked that way, and this amazing blitzkrieg will surley keep at least a few local warlords in line, for the time being...
To: CW
We're pleased to hear we'll be getting a fresh shipment of 150 M1s soon; this will bolster our military by some degree. And we welcome as well the opporutunity for your engineers to construct a base on our soil. This is becoming Iraniaq's main attraction! But we like the jobs such bases create for the locals, so it doesn't bother us.
However, we'd still love to make a deal for the 300 M60s and 50 F14s you proposed to us earlier, but had to cancel. Can this be arranged?
With the conquest of all non-aligned nations complete in their immediate area, the question remains: What path is Iraniaq going to take now? President Shabaz has this to say:

Children of Allah, after a great series of battles in which we have emerged victorious, Mother Iraniaq now has several questions staring at her; the most important one being: What now? Well, I can say that your government will decrease the level of military readiness slightly, increasing the standard of living for yourselves. Rationing will be reduced, and extensive trade will be taken up with the international community to get what we desire in a peaceful manner. Better roads and factories will be built in Iraniaq, and more valuable resources are being searched for as I speak. How much the net value of all the oil laying beneath us is beyond our imagination. That is why I am going to devote much additional funding to these efforts. I am determined to make Iraniaq an economic superpower, and we've already won half the battle.
Also, I'm forming a task force to be sent to the newly-aquired regions of Iraniaq to teach the natives the Iraniaqi way of life. We must fully integrate all our peoples, and see each other as one nationality: Iraniaqi. I trust all my fellow Iraniaqis-by-blood fully support this movement.
That, my friends, is just a small sample of the things I have planned for our great nation now that the Wars are over. Soon we shall achieve our full glory, alongside our eternal allies of the Three Scimitars of the East. I, as you should be, am very excited about our future. That is all.
With that being said, Iraniaq's true future shall soon be seen...
[This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited March 20, 2000).]
March 20, 2000, 22:53
Work in the Royal shipyards of the two Britanized Nimitz class carriers is proceeding steadily. The first of the class is to be called HMS Intrigue and the second HMS Invulnerable
In a surprise move, Sigma Draconis has gotten passed a bill allowing homosexual unions. While not to be called marraiges, they have the same benefits. He said that it was time for discrimination and prejudice to come to an end. Legalized prostitution and drugs are not expected to follow.
There cannot be another Waterbury massacre as you are not involved in this war. We must however war you, if any other the people from former canada are harmed or slaughtered, you will have hell to pay!(CTA approval needed for this of course  )
Thank you for the carrier group, it shall be put to immediate use. What say you on the XR-33 proposal?
We would gladly build a couple of destroyers for you. In the meantime we could offer you one of our 3 Boxer class frigates for whatever reasonable price you name.(offer available to all nations we are not at war with or have recently been at war with)
To all nations,
The following equipment is for sale
Boxer Class Frigates
L85 individual weapons
Challenger II's
Panavia Tornado's
and we could construct Sea Harriers or Harrier GR7's for any interested parties.
March 20, 2000, 22:54
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OOC: Mao, didn't you see the OOC comment before it?
Please read more carefully!
March 20, 2000, 22:58
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OOC: Sorry, BT, I'm going blind (note the ray bans on the smiley), ignore my post.
From: ICE
Alliance agreed! Let there be an Asia for Asians!
OOC: I proposed this already didn't I?
March 20, 2000, 22:59
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damnit, forgot the ray bans. Anyway, still ignore my post before about mobilizing the 1st expeditionary army and my communique to you condemning you.
March 20, 2000, 23:13
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$300 million for the three frigates?
Could you possibly build 2 destroyers for us as well?
March 20, 2000, 23:22
New Alliance Formed! :
Today is a glorious day for the people of Greece, as the CMRE has just agreed to hand Greece over back to it's rightful Italian rulers. In exchange, Italy has recognzied the CRME as the ruler of Cyprus, and granted the CRME production rights for the Euro-Fighter. Production of the Euro-Fighter in the CRME is to soon begin. Furthermore, the nations of Germany, Italy, and the CRME have agreed to a new alliance which will be known as the Central Powers. This alliance will include virtually demilitarized borders and free trade.
March 21, 2000, 00:54
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Today the Russian budget of $768,341,000,000 was split up among the major sections of government for the Year 2001-2002 financial budget.
The military received 14% of this ammount, or roughly $107 Billion. 25% of this will be spent on procurement, or $36.75 Billion, an extra $10 billion was awarded from funds obtained by foreign purchases of equipment.
Specific purchases already allotted for was the production of 500 T-90 tanks and a trial run of 1000 T-100 tanks when design is complete. Also in the plan was the alotment of funds for 8 new Akula II attack submarines. Funds for 200 M.42 fighters were also provided, in addition to funds for 50 S-38 bombers. This leaves roughly $11.5 Billion in free purchase funds.
To: Iraniaq
We could see releasing 1000 T-80s to you immediately for the sum of $10 Billion. They would arrive wihtin 2 weeks of the fund transfer.
Your request of 8 Victor IIIs has been confirmed. They are being driven to your ports. Thankyou for your patronage.
To: All nations
We are offering $15 Billion for the secret of Chobbam.
After a week of heavy artillery, motar, and air attack, Neo-Soviet Forces began their drive into USSR territory. Two paratroop divisions made drops into Ivalo with heavy support from Ka-50 and Ka-52 helicopter aircraft.
Finnish air defenses had been taken care of in the past week by low level helicopter and S-37 raids. The Berkut aircraft was not only a great fighter, but also a great wild weasel at low levels.
After securing Ivalo, the go-ahead was given to two Russian army groups to perform a pincer movement. A third dashed acrost the southern portions of Finland and quickly captured Kotka on the border.
The Middle and Norther groups continued unimpeded and by the middle of the week had drawn a line connecting Lakselv,Norway--Ivalo,Finland--Kemijarvi--Kaajani--and all the way to Joensuu.
Fighting has bogged down in the southern group around Porvoo outside the provincial capital of Helsinki.
More paratrooper drops during that night secured the island of Ahvenanmaa.
(Secretly) troops have begun ferrying to German portions of Sweden to stage an amphibious landing at another point in time...
[[At sea]]
The Oscars operating in cohort with 4 Victor IIIs scored a major victory that night. They had caught a Scandanavian flotilla entering port. The transports were no match for the 6,000 pound warheads of the Shipwreck missiles, and the escorts could do little more than be target practice. One Oscar emptied her entire rack of missiles. At first count, at least 14 transports and 3 escorts had been sunk.
Soviet (est): 14,000
Scandanavian: 17,000
[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited March 20, 2000).]
March 21, 2000, 01:08
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Thankyou for your purchase of 2 Oscar II class SSGNs. They are also being driven to your ports.
[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited March 21, 2000).]
March 21, 2000, 01:12
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MBT Project Cancelled, Ariet Enters full Production
The Ariete MBT has entered full production. Two hundred have already been produced. Fifty will be produced every month from now on.
Ariete Specs
March 21, 2000, 01:26
The CRME would also like to notify that it has bought 1000 T-72's.
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