March 21, 2000, 16:03
Local Time: 06:17
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Polaris: I have my own pacts with Germany, and I know when i can speak in their name.
Tensions rise extremely, as Slavic and Baltic protesters march from Riga, to Warsaw and are now in Stettin. No arrests nor violence have been reported. People are angry because of this war
Marginal German Victory! Norwegian troops Routed!
The German armed forces, though fighting now without a considerable part of their armoured escort, have managed to fend off a crazed Hand to Hand charge. Survivors of this battle have fled into the mountains, where the weather and surroundings make German "Justice" impossible to deal out.
March 21, 2000, 16:09
OOC: Alright, got get one thing clear.
It seems that every other thread- somebody gets in a precarious position with regard to oil, and tries to find some lame way around it. But think people. The Demand for oil is huge. Do you think the 1st world nations of the world like paying the high prices for oil? Do you think they like relying on such an unstable region as the Middle East for oil? PEOPLE, IF A FEASIBLE WAY AROUND THE OIL PROBLEM WERE POSSIBLE, IT WOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN DONE AWHILE AGO! Don't you think the US and Europe would jump all over an oppurtunity to avoid having to use oil? I'm sorry, but a way around oil except in the far future isn't very realistic.
March 21, 2000, 16:13
Local Time: 06:17
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BD: The Germans won in HtHand, they didn;t use oil, unless their guns need it  They got around with out, just like we do (thats why the Swedes fortified their tanks in the North... Hello Oil Crisis here!) Plus no ones said he was researching a new fuel.
The numerous caves provided cover for Lisovite and USSR troops. Though most of the armoured corps where in the north of Sweden, fortified so heavily that many have called their bunkers and trenches undefeatable, a large guerilla war was just beginning in Norway.
German planes, currently without fuel couldn't scout nor find partizan hide outs. The freshly began war came to a "silence before the storm" stage. Everything was quiet but not for long...
Adrian walked out of his cave, where he and his platoon were taking shelter and waiting for ammo delivery. He inhaled some nice fresh Norwegian air, that reminded him of Krakow.
He decided to take a shave, his beard didn't exactly fit into his gas-helmet and besides, he was starting to look like a Viking.
After his morning toilette, he strapped on his Kevlar armor, cape and belt.
A few hours later his commander told him bad news. A large force was routed 60 kilometers from Oslo. This would definately complicate things...
On their routine patrol, they only encountered deer and birds. Nothing in these areas. Germans were most definately to scared to enter them. It reminded him of a scenario during WW2, when the Polish Partizan Army was so powerful, that no one (well except the foolhardy Russians) dared to enter woods or forests...
[This message has been edited by Jools (edited March 21, 2000).]
March 21, 2000, 16:14
Local Time: 03:17
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I'll be brief:
To the oil embargo countries
The blockade was ment to be for all military ships, and even them CAN pass, only that they need to pay a small toll. TRADING SHIPS ARE FREE TO PASS AS LONG AS THEY DON'T CARRY WEAPONS OR OTHER MILITARY STUFF.
and we produce more oil than we need. (no offense ment though)
To the UK
I never wanted to get into a war with you, i humbly apologize to have started mobilizing my troops to take the islands but i had asked many times if they were controlled and there was no response. i later thougt you were coming to capture the islands you had forgotten of, not racing to defend them. the threatening was just to try and gain control of the islands without fighting.
as a sign of friendship, and to show that no harm was meant, we have already withdrawn from the Argentine Sea/Malvinas Sea boundary.
And i only use formerly abandoned factories and shipyards to produce military goods. manned only by people which were unemployed due to the massive exodus of industies when world trade fell.
To the CRME
I formally request permission for two argentine battleships and a transport to go and retrieve our troops which are still stranded there due to 1999 UN peacekeeping missions. i believe there are around 300 argentine troops there.
to Brazil
I am still wating your reply in respect to Paraguay and Uruguay.
March 21, 2000, 16:27
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Things were coming apart for the finns on the front when they were faced with a war on a second front. 20,000 Russian marines put ashore around Vaasa and quickly captured the surrounding terrain. Within a day they had advanced on to Pietarsaari and Kaskinen.
Army group North, in the mean time, had captured the entirity of the province of Lappi and Oulu. Reports of link-ups with German units along the Swedish-Finnish border have been coming into Russian command and the news media.
Supplies continue to pour into Vaasa and after a few more days, an entire armored division had been shipped to the area and had advanced to the front.
The last line of resistance in Finland stretched from Turku to Lahti to Porvoo aroudn the Finnish capital of Helsinki, which was being raided nightly by the Russian air force.
In other news...
Further purchase orders went out as 8 Severodvinsk class Nuclear Attack boats were ordered, in addition to 20 new Tu-160 bombers.
March 21, 2000, 16:35
We won't pay anything for the passage of Cape Horn. For the time being, the straits of Aden have been closed to all Argentinian and Chilean ships, which is a far more vital shipping route.
And according to my atlas, the oil production of Argentina is negligible, so your claim that you produce more oil than you need is complete nonsense.
March 21, 2000, 16:39
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Chilean scientists are researching the usage of water as a combustible fuel. We don't need your oil!
Do I really have to comment?
Alphaman, well, this thread is almost the same, we have a great mapmaker that keeps up very well. I think we may even have more posters, otherwise, I guess it's on the same level as W99 (You know nothing could be better  )
Imperial Great China is continuing the Three Dams Project. As of now, 15% of the Empire's conventional power supplies have been phased out.
Scientists from Germany and the CW are invited to come to the Empire to extend research on the Seawolf submarine.
Another prototype for the Sparrow has been completed and tests are being run. This new version has learned from the mistakes of her predessesor.
March 21, 2000, 16:47
Local Time: 03:17
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To All
Argentine scientists announce that they have produced a plating for ships and subs which completely blocks all magnetic and heat emanations. This plating is still in early development, not being perfect and being extremely expensive, is ineffective for the time being.
Argentia also announces that a new tank to replace it's old actual armoured divisions will be designed in the close future.
We are also willing to pay for any new farming technology offered to us.
March 21, 2000, 16:49
Local Time: 03:17
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To All
Argentine scientists announce that they have produced a plating for ships and subs which completely blocks all magnetic and heat emanations. This plating is still in early development, not being perfect and being extremely expensive, is ineffective for the time being.
Argentia also announces that a new tank to replace it's old actual armoured divisions will be designed in the close future.
We are also willing to pay for any new farming technology offered to us.
March 21, 2000, 16:55
Local Time: 06:17
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To: WhoeveritwasthataskedaboutParaguayanUraguay
To: Peru
We urge you to send troops to Uraguay to train. We also urge you take a stand against Argentina and Chile, they are ruining our reputation.
War-Time Mobilization started
The Mobilization is being started only to prepare for a future war. This mobilization will be timed to set a boundary in any future conflicts. Brazilian ranks will swell to almost 1 million in an estimated month.
Second Infrastructure On the Move
The secondary Infrastructure, including the optic cables, has been 15% completed.
Economic Update
Unemployment: 6% (Enlisted in Army Corp)
Poverty: 7.3%
Per Capita: $15,675
GDP: 1.77 Trillion
Unemployed Enlisted yearly to Infrastructure Squad
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
March 21, 2000, 17:05
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the new plane and sub were being developed in the 12 pages while we were neutral.
the plane is a modification of our old TurboProp Pucara planes, and the sub is just the plating.
I don't think so. You can't just take a nation and say "oh, we were going X and Y before I took the nation," no.
Also, your invasion of New Zealand cannot happen for the same reason China cannot successfully invade Taiwan today. You have no troop transports, no air superiority, no navy, and what else? You cannot destroy an entire nation in one post.
March 21, 2000, 17:06
Local Time: 08:17
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Posts: 556
OOC: Argentina, would you please stop that science fiction nonsense you're posting in (for example, your plating idea is unrealistic, unbelievable etc. etc. etc.)
*immediatly*. Mods, please make something to this crap from South America.
March 21, 2000, 17:07
Local Time: 06:17
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Posts: 458
Project Wulfgar Started Officially
The Wulfgar program has officially started. Designs 'borrowed' from the Abrams, Leopard, LeClerc, and T-72 are being melded in an efficient manner.
To: Germany
The check for 5 Billion is in the mail.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
March 21, 2000, 17:21
Greater Arabia has announced that it has started production of the Chobham Leopard II, which has been renamed as the Qubth-ut Allah, at a rate of 65 MBT's a month, in factories all over the country. The old soviet tanks will be the first to be replaced, and after that more modern ones will be outphased.
Meanwhile, the five corps in Western Sudan have crossed the border with Chad in an attempt to stop the civil war in that country. They have entered the cities of Abéché and Am Timan, and although they have been warmly welcomed by most muslim factions, other parties involved are not so happy with Arabian interference. Still, Greater Arabia wants to prevent further bloodshed, and is determined to make an end to the fighting in Chad as soon as possible. The II Sudan Corps is now on its way to secure Faya-Largeau and Bardai in the north, which shouldn't be very problematic because the muslims there seem to welcome Greater Arabia with open arms. Christians in the south have been more hostile, and a few radical factions have already said that they will fight against the peacekeeping force.
March 21, 2000, 17:38
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Map for new thread page:
March 21, 2000, 17:38
Local Time: 02:17
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Napoleon, I assume you already have those tanks handy and have gotten permission to reverse-engineer them, if you reverse-engineered without permission, rataliation could be at hand, just warning
March 21, 2000, 17:46
1) As Mao pointed out, reverse-engineering is forbidden without the explicit permission of the nations who created the design.
2) Why the T-72 and not the T-90?
March 21, 2000, 17:48
Local Time: 01:17
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Mod Stuff: Time for me to appear mean (and maybe biased) again.
Deep sea mining is out. It will require CONSIDERABLE research, funds, and special equipment. You can start looking into it now, but it is a LONG way off.
Water (and hydrogen) cannot be used as fuel. This will require much more research and funds than deep sea mining. You can start looking into it now, but it is many years away. JT3 will let us know when he thinks we can use it.
Terrorist attacks on capital cities are hereby forbidden. I had one as Germany, and I dealt with it. I don't think many of you would like for it to happen to any of you, so it won't be allowed again.
Tanks take a minimum of a year to develop from first announcement to be any good. You can announce the tank now, but it will be about a year or so for a new design, less if you are adapting an existing design. Planes take longer. You can design them faster but you can expect glitches and problems when using them, including the occasional act of god  (mod interference).
Technologies cannot be stolen. They must be given to you. Chobham armor is an example.
Just drop that plating thing. Argentina lacks the techology to even start on such a thing. Advanced nations would have to spend years on it.
Stuff cannot be developed in the time before you claimed your nation. Before then, your nations were in limbo, building nothing and researching nothing different than what is happening in real life.
DarthVeda tells me that:

It's really not allowed to control a conquered area or to mess with the internal politics of another nation.
So I think that uprisings in Poland are out, Jools. I know this sounds biased. That is why I asked DV, who is a veteran story thread poster.
I am not very sure on all of the details to this. Partisan resistance, uprisings, etc allowed in occupied player nations, but not in occupied non-player countries, and only by the player who controls the nation, unless he allows otherwise.
If you want to debate this stuff, please go to the OOC thread that Mao created, or ICQ me. Don't clutter up our beautiful war thread with flames and complaints.
Also, ICQ or email me with map commentary, don't clutter the thread with it. I will be glad to fix any map errors.
This mod thing just makes me look mean.
March 21, 2000, 18:40
The UK today has annouced that it will begin lauching commercial and *other* sattelites from platforms of the shores of the Guam. All the bugs have been ironed out since several sattelites were lost in earlier attempts from hawaii. Soon, the UK will have a massive sattelite ability.
To France,
We advise you to reach a peace deal with the CW. you have the same disadvantages as us. You are outnumbered and must cross the ocean to reinforce your positions.
To CW,
We would like to have you aboard from the XR-33 project as your industrial and technological expertise will be of great help. Also we would like to purchase the plans for you B-1B bomber and also at least 20 C-5 galaxy transport aircraft.
We will sell all three frigates for 400 million which is about the unit cost for these puppies. We do this only because they have no use in our navy with the new emeralds being built. Also we will produce the 2 destroyers for you. Just send the plans to us and they will be yours in a matter of months.
We can sell you L85 rifles and Challenger tanks for a price of course. Just say how many you need.
Sorry about not responding, i was occupied with being whooped in Canada. Your withdrawal has been noted. All of our naval assets and most of our troops will be withdrawn. But we will leave 25,000 troops, 48 harriers, and 89 harpoon missiles in the defense of the islands. As for your blockade, we must warn you that some other nations may be more willing to shoot their way past rather than pay a toll. Also Gibralter may have "malfuntions" that prohibit your ships from passing should you not repeal this blockade
March 21, 2000, 18:57
Local Time: 02:17
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Imperial rockets continue to go into space to establish both satellites and to scout out oppurunities for the Sino-Prussian space station.
March 21, 2000, 19:15
Local Time: 01:17
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OOC:Gscott, please do some research on your army and on the French army..and try and add some realism to your posts.
My navy is equal to yours as is your air would not be able to blockade me and you would be taking some heavy losses trying to bomb Quebec City
In the Mid-Atlantic
The French Atlantic fleet approached the CW ships attempting to "blockade" the French coast, and tok them completely by surprise. France's Charles De Gaulle class carrier and Triomphant submarines, along with 2 destroyers and 21 frigates, attacked the CW fleet composed of 2 carriers, 3 cruisers ,5 destroyers and 12 frigates.
Unfortunately for the CW they had no escorting submarines and this gave the Triomphant's free reign over their targets. In the first wave of torpedoes, 4 frigates, 2 destroyers and 1 CW cruiser was hit. The CW's 8 remaining frigates were able to sink 2 Triomphant's, although the remaining 16 were able to survive. The French destroyers then launched their Exocet missiles, which proved to be extremely deadly against the CQ forces.
One CW carrier was extremely damaged, and several other smaller ships were also hit by the cheap but effective missiles. The CW's attempt to attack the French fleet was thwarted by the Masurca SAM missile launchers, and more then a few CW planes went down. Unfortunately, so did a few French ships. The 16 French submarines then launched a huge wave of Exocet missiles at the CW fleet, sinking one carrier and crippling another.
Total CW Losses
1 carrier destroyed
1 carrier crippled
2 cruisers destroyed
1 severly damaged
5 destroyers destroyed
9 frigates destroyed
Total French Losses
2 destroyers destroyed
6 frigates destroyed
2 submarines destroyed
This has ended CW naval superiority in the Atlantic. Now it will be the French who will be blockading...
In Quebec
A massive French assault on CW positions has proved to be extremely effective. The western front has been stabilized and in some cases French forces have crossed the border into Ontario, capturing the city of Moonsonee with light losses.
With the use of the superior Leclerc tanks, the city of Montreal has been retaken by the XVI Corps although heavy losses were suffered. During house to house fighting with the CW much of the city was destroyed...
French Eurofighters are now patrolling the province of Quebec and CW losses in the air are starting to outweight their gains by bombing...
In a fierce counterattack French forces took the city of Ottowa with heavy losses and house to house fighting, and then continued to the south.
Discouraged by their defeat at Ottowa, CW forces were easily defeated at Kingston and Peterborough. The front line is currently Oshawa-North Bay-Moonsonee.
To the CW:We are outraged at your hypocriticaly nation for this unprovoked act of aggression. However, we are willing to withdraw from Ontario if you agree to a peace treaty. We are also willing to hold a plescibite in Quebec to determine whether Quebec would like to remain a part of France, join the CW, or become independent. We trust you will respect the results. (OOC:JT-can you do the results if Gscott agrees? Take into account that Quebec would probably be conquered quickly if independent and IRL wants independence from Canada which does not share their French culture. I do not they would have the same feelings if Canada was completely French. Also note it is the CW has, although not intentionally, attacked civilians in Quebec..)
To The World:We request your help in repelling the evil CW from our rightful territory. This attack was completely unprovoked and shows instead of protecting Ontario to preserve Canadian freedom they are instead using it as a spring board to launch attacks on foreign nations.
To the SAK:We are extremely sorry but because of this emergency we are not able to complete your order. Perhaps when the war has ended.
The tanks are still being produced, although for the French military...
To Britain:We are sorry but because of this emergency we will have to withdraw our offer of a carrier group to aid your Argentinan operation.
March 21, 2000, 20:07
OOC: Again, as for using hydrogen, the US has known about Hydrogen for a long time and the need for oil for a long time, if such a thing were feasible, it would already be in use.
Today the CRME announced a program to replace the armor of the T-72's it bought with Chobham Armor. This is expected to be done in two months.
In other news, the nation of Armenia was confronted by CRME officials. Armenia had remained independent up to this date. Making themselves clear, the Armenian government was told they would face total economic Isolation with a possible Joint Embargo by the CRME and Iraniaq, which would make Armenia unable to sell it's oil. Furthermor, the Armenian nation was confronted with the possibilty of a long war, probably guerilla, definitley unwinnable, in which much of the Armenian nation would be destroyed and huge casulties would be inevitable. To avoid this, they did agree to join the CRME under the condidition that they would get almost complete autonomy, something that they would not get if they were to be conqured. Soon, Armenia's weapons were handed over to the CRME. (OOC: Wasn't sure how Armenia stayed independent so long...)
Fullscale production of the Eurofighter and Merkava 4 are underway.
Furthermore, since time had passed since the originial takeover of the Arabian states of Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, and the Coup d' Etat that allowed Israel to join the CRME, the CRME government's popularity in those regions slowly grown in those States. In the countries of Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, people are glad that they are finallly free from Islamic Fundamentalist Regimes, and throughout the Region due to the growing economic prosperity, caused by the skyrocketing demand for oil, falling of many trade barriers with outside nations and within the CRME, and the growing defense indusrtry. The CRME now faces around 65% support in the Syria, Lebanon, and Jorfan provinces, and thus the government plans to allow any former citizens of Syria, Lebanon and Jordan who swear an oath of loyalty to the CRME to vote, transitioning those regions from militarily controlled provinces to provinces which can elect their own governor.
In Israel, support among the Jewish population has reached 40%, but the Arab population there supports the government 80%. In addition, the Jewish population is becoming less of a majority due to migraton.
March 21, 2000, 20:37
Local Time: 01:17
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 498
More Mod Stuff: Spartan, France has only one aircraft carrier left, little air forces, and few tanks. Du Chateau sold the carriers, many fighters, and many tanks. He never authorized the building of replacements in his posts except for foreign contracts. You are rather poorly off, militarily.
The CW can field 5 carriers minimum IRL, as those were how many carriers the US had attached to the Atlantic Fleet. The CTA can field 5 carriers as well, those attached to the Pacific Fleet IRL. Five carriers are more than a match for ANY fleet that you could have fielded. Plus gscott has laid down numerous missile cruisers, destroyers, and frigates.
While gscott's air force is greatly inflated in the handbook, he can field far more planes than you could ever get to Quebec.
He has roughly 1.5 million men. your nations IRL can field maybe 400,000 men. You can always raise more, but they will take time to train and equip.
Modified battle results:
CW has two damaged carriers. They are limping for home. All remaining losses are the same.
All remaining French naval forces dispatched were damaged, at least slightly and have sought temporary refuge in neutral ports, and a few managed to have returned to France. The French Fleet has at least temporarily broken the CW blockade, so France has a two week window to supply its forces in Quebec.
I will be glad to rule on the vote in Quebec if gscott agrees to it.
March 21, 2000, 20:47
Local Time: 01:17
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Location: Evil Zionist Occupier
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Massive Rearnament Program Begun!
After the NSW was attacked by the CW, Consul Ridero has begun a massive rearnament program. This includes 1,500 Leclerc MBTs, 750 Eurofighters, 750 F-22, and 1,000 Rafales. This is expected to be complete in 6 months. This equipment is expected to be extremely useful in the future and although expensive will bring the NSW armed forces into the 3rd Millennium...
Deal Reached in Quebec
The NSF has turned Quebec over to the CW. All Quebecsois who wish to do so will be resettled in Algeria by the NSF...
Secret  you don't know this IC)The CW has given the NSF rights to the F-22 and Nimitz Aircraft carrier
[This message has been edited by Spartan187 (edited March 21, 2000).]
March 21, 2000, 20:59
Local Time: 06:17
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Location: Mondovi, WI USA
Posts: 662
A little girl played with her doll hin the yard. In the distance she heard a rumble. She looked up and saw a cloud of dust.
Soon tank after tank and APC after APC were rumbling by the house, heading west.
March 21, 2000, 21:02
Local Time: 06:17
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Location: The Observatory
Posts: 1,208
New Council for Bharat
In order to help Bharat make decisions, the GCI government is establishing a brand new council for him. The council will include a Official of War & Offense, a Treasury Official, a Defense Official, and a Communist Maintainence Office, plus much more. Much like the former US cabinet, the Communist Council will serve to aid Bharat in his decisions.
Office of Military
Official of War & Offense
Defense Official
Reserve Official
Office of the Economy
Treasury Official
Treasury Assistant
Military Treasurer
Foreign Office
Official of Foreign Policy
Negotiation Official
Alliance Official
Communist Maintainence Office
Official of Business
Official of Communist Funds & Treasury
Official of Public Economy
March 21, 2000, 21:21
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The SAK is in need of modern Main Battle Tanks. (Not 1970s leftovers)
We wish to purchase 500 of these tank types:
Leopard II
Challenger II
M1 Abrams
Any tank just entering service.
Please respond!
To: UK
The plans for these destroyers are being sent. The 400 million dollars will be paid over the next three years.
(Also note the request above)
March 21, 2000, 21:22
Local Time: 06:17
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Posts: 1,208
Greater India Recieves Production Rights Over the Leopard II Tank!
Germany and India, who have been great allies for a couple months now, have secured a massive deal involving $9 billion of the recently built up military treasury of Greater India. Now Greater India holds all production rights to the Leopard II. It may not be revised.
Greater India is using most of its tank factories to now build 2,000 Leopard II main battle tanks. The monthly production is still unknown to the public, but Bharat and the Military Treasurer assure the citizens of Greater India that the deal did not affect the other treasury offices.
OOC: Mao, do not be nervous, please. Scott told me that you are afraid I will go against you. It just won't happen, ok? You have nothing to worry about, for we are great allies in Asia along with the rest of the EADG...just don't be nervous as Scott tells me you get. The Leopard IIs will NOT be used against ANY of our allies.
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited March 21, 2000).]
March 21, 2000, 21:24
Local Time: 06:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 381
Today in south africa totals have been tallied for all illegal assests seized. In liquidized state their was a count of over 15 billion dollars. Other assets are still being counted. Also the newly expanded navy army and airforce has begun intense training of the new personel. However their is a problem. We lack much of the equipment nessary to fully arm our forces.
TO WORLD: For now New South Africa has remined netural in all wars. However that may change. We are in need of strong equipment to arm our forces. IN exchage we could pay you over time and let you establish some bases in our land. We are in a very important spot as shiping must either pass trough the Suez cannal or us to get around africa. Having a base or too here could mean you could either cut off shiping or still trade if you were cut off some where else.
March 21, 2000, 21:29
Local Time: 01:17
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Location: Evil Zionist Occupier
Posts: 1,275
NSW Pulls out of Quebec
The NSW began pulling out it's soldiers from Quebec today, along with all French Quebecsois who are physically able to move out of Quebec. They will be resettled in Algeria. Along with the troops and Quebecsois 5 F-22 which were forced to land by the NSW are also pulling out of Quebec...and the NSW has announced work on a new air superiority fighter, very similar to the F-22. (You don't know that last part.)
The NSW is suing the CW for peace, stating they just wish to finish evaquation of their soldiers and French Quebecsois.
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