March 23, 2000, 02:43
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The Big Huge Modern War Thread: Part VII - The Fall of France
Please continue the Big Huge Modern War Thread here.
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March 23, 2000, 02:57
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Today the Ecuadorian forces were pushed back even further. LMF mercenaries working jointly with Peruvian soldiers snapped the main Ecuadorian resistance northeast of Puerto Bolivar. Ecuadorian leaders are pleading with the UN to stop Peru. However General Lopez expects Ecuador to fall within two weeks.
The rogue states of Chile and Argentina will be punsihed within time. But not now. The Predator is due to be fully fixed within a week (okay Scott?).
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited March 23, 2000).]
March 23, 2000, 03:02
Local Time: 01:17
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In earth orbit over the NSF:
As had happened with the USSR, killer satellites were used to knock out the Spartan communications and reconnaissance satellites.
At sea:
German submarines and warships in the English Channel and in the Atlantic Ocean launched a barrage of cruise missiles against numerous high priority targets in the NSF. Many radar emplacements, SAM launchers, and communications relays in the areas of what had once been France were destroyed. Some missiles missed their targets and others failed to completely destroy their objectives. Fortunately, the Spartan navy, having been badly mauled by the CW, did not put to sea in time, and most of the German warships and all of the submarines slipped away from their grasp.
In the skies over France:
German stealth bombers began to accomplish raids against the surviving French targets, plus fuel depots and airfields. Dornier ground attack aircraft began to run regular low level runs against both the Spartan North and Center Army Groups. Damage to the enemy were heavy in Army Group North, but in the skies over Army Group Center, the Germans were taking heavy loses and inflicting less damage.
In Flanders:
The German First Army Group, under the command of maverick General Alfred von Luttichau, began to move westward. The First Army Group consisted of five armored divisions and ten motorized divisions, plus numerous reserve divisions. Luttichau's ordered objective was simple enough, break through the Spartan lines between Lille and Dunkerque, then sweep westward, then swing south and encircling Paris. The sheer size of the German offensive in those areas allowed the Germans to break the Spartan lines. The Spartan Army, mistaking the German objectives and fearing a repeat of Dunkerque in 1940, fell back and retreated to the south. With a matter of days, the German armored spearhead was passing though Amiens. In ten days time, the German advance had reached the outskirts of Versailles, and was preparing to swing south of Paris. Resistance behind Spartan lines was limited. In many towns, franc-tireurs, or snipers, shot at German soldiers from the windows. There have been rumors of German reprisals for such attacks, but there has been no confirmed evidence.
Simultaneously, in Alsace and Lorraine:
German troops launched a strike through Spartan lines through Luxembourg and near the city of Metz. The Germans sent the Second Army group, with the same strength as the First Army Group, through Luxembourg. The Second Army Group reached Troyes and turned to join with the First Army Group south of Paris. Once the two came together, the bulk of the Spartan Northern Army Group was surrounded. It appeared that in a matter of days the two German Army Groups would have both Paris and the Spartan Northern Army Group in the bag, so to speak.
In Central France:
The German Third and Fourth Army Groups advanced, breaking the French lines at near Metz and Geneva, respectively. They were to link up north of Dijon and completely encircle the Spartan Center Army Group. While the German First and Second Army Groups faced little more than the occasional domestic sniper, the resistance in the paths of the Third and Fourth Army Groups was much more severe. The Germans took considerable losses, as the hilly and forested terrain was well suited for resistance. Spartan soldiers attacked German columns from the woods and hillsides with sniper fire and anti-tank weapons. While to the north, the Germans had managed to completely encircle the northern Spartan Army Group, in the south neither German Army group had come closer than within 30 miles of their objective of Dijon. The Germans were running behind schedule here. Air and ground losses in this area had far exceeded the expectations of the General Staff's War Planners. Though much of the NSF's armored and mechanized forces were all but destroyed in the north, in the south, the Spartan Center Army Group still has many of its armored and mechanized equipment. The Germans have shifted the bulk of their air attack forces to the south to weaken and destroy the Spartan Center Army Group and called in special anti-partisan units.
General Alfred von Luttichau has been heard to joke that the reason for the remarkable advance of the German First and Second Army Groups is that each of those two army groups contained one division of Irish soldiers. General Luttichau has commented that the Irish are exceptionally well trained and do very well in combat.
March 23, 2000, 03:33
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Mod Stuff: Bearcat, I think that it has been about a year since you started the Predator design, so you can go ahead and say that the flaws are out of it.
March 23, 2000, 05:37
Local Time: 01:17
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Headlines in Der Spiegel:
-War declared on the Neo-Spartan Federation.
-German troops encircle French forces and the city of Paris.
-Special Anti-Partisan unit dispatched to France and Norway.
-Reichschancellor condemns the pro-Irish terrorism.
-Non-Polish Lisovite Forces to be permitted to leave Scandinavia.
-Reichstag passes large funding bill to repair damaged North and Norwegian Sea oil rigs.
Stuff that would not appear in a newspaper (and that you do not know about):
-Germany buys one Seawolf submarine and 24 B-52 bombers from the CW for $5 Billion.
-Germany buys five Oscar-class submarines from Russia.
-German engineers commence "analysis" of advanced Seawolf systems for future German submarines.
-German technicians may assist with Brazilian tank and warplane program.
-Germans begin to produce a B-52 bomber clone with plans provided by the CW.
At Sea:
German warships and submarines have taken up positions to blockade Scandinavia and prevent foreign aid of the Scandinavian rebels and to deny them supplies.
In the skies over Northern Norway:
German Dornier Alpha Jet ground attack craft begin low level strikes against dug in Scandinavian armor. Satellite imagery aids precision strikes. Many tanks are too well dug in to be easily destroyed, but many are damaged. Most have been turned into stationary gun platforms, as the Scandinavians lack the fuel to run them. Last mobile SAM launchers have been destroyed by German warplanes. All Scandinavian mobile SAM launchers have been accounted for. Germany's newly acquired B-52 bombers begin continuous bombing of partisan infested areas with napalm, incendiaries, and cluster bombs. (OOC: B-52s fly too high to be shot down by shoulder-launched SAMs and many mobile SAMs do not have such a high range.) The German commanders hope to set fire to forested and wooded areas in Norway and drive the partisans into the open. Rumors persist that the German General Staff is considering the use of herbicides to kill of Norwegian forests and expose the partisans.
On the land in Norway:
With most of the German armored forces left in Scandinavia in Sweden, the Lisovite and Scandinavian partisans were left with few easy targets. An uneasy period of waiting set in for them. The continuous bombings had driven many into caves for shelter. In some areas, going out into the open could be suicide. The B-52s flew so far overhead that you could not hear them coming. Bombs often fell without warning. It had begun to affect the nerves of many partisans.
After the non-Poles defected from the LMF, the Poles and the Socialists began to regroup their partisan efforts. In extreme northern Norway, efforts were easier since the Germans had not moved to occupy that area. Rumors among the partisans spoke of the arrival of elite German anti-partisan units to attack them. But thus far the Germans made no move but to continue the bombings. No forces were moved northward and no anti-partisan forces appeared. The Germans seemed content to let the bombers do the dirty work for them.
In the south, however, unknown to the partisans, change was in the wind. General Bernhard Muller, the newly appointed military governor for occupied Norway, had a reputation for being brutal in suppressing such dissent. The Germans were massing special anti-partisan forces to move in to attack.
(OOC: Muller should have two little dot things over the "u" in his name, but I have no idea how to do that.)
March 23, 2000, 05:47
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In Norway...
German troops are paralysed as the heaviest snowfalls Norway ever expierienced have begun. Same applies to USSR troops.
"Fools" thought General Gustafsson. Why did this Russian swine bring so many troops into Finland? Half a million! What will it give them? Sure they will conquer the towns, but the Swedes and Finns will be hiding out in the mountains.
A large force like that will be easily outmanoevered and hassled by guerilla warfare tactics. Soon the Russians will either tire of this, will loose interest and not have enough money to upkeep and supply these men with bullets, food and water, that they will withdraw.
Heavy Fighting Still reported in Kemi, Finland
It is what some call a miracle. A small group of trained soldiers and civilians have fended off numerous attacks from the 'almighty' Russians. Though both sides are suffering heavy losses, no doubt this will be a pyhrric Victory for russians if they manage to ride into the city square.
*Secret Messages-
to:UK, NSF
from: USSR
We must unite. We will never win these wars if we fight alone. Germany is strong but it had Russia on it's backside. No doubt Ireland wouldn't be so bold if it weren't for German support.
All that I can say, is that the time to strike is right now. Germany is conducting wars on many fronts and it's concentration can be broken. Threats from us, Russia, France and England would surely break it. Gentlemen, we have a chance to liberate Europe once more.
from: USSR
The UDSA got it's independance mainly thanks to you. Once the British saw your power, they withdrew immediately. Europe, like america some time ago, is in Bloodshed. I am sure your intervention, in any way possible, would stop it. Help Brothers In Arms, Help your Idealistic Brethren. (^super super secret: Russia's eastern border is weakened. A large majority of it's troops are in Finland, trying to crush us. We hope you will use our sacrificial diversion as a chance to cripple the bastards!)
Open Message:
================================================== =======
To: Great Leader of the Italian People
From: USSR Envoys
================================================== =======
Dear Friend,
We wish you stay out of any direct military conflict with Franco-Spain. Mainly because Franco-Spain doesn't exist anymore only the Federation. We see, in a worst scenario possible, that this war will weaken and cripple on of few remaining outposts of freedom and solidarity as your nation is. You have to call your troops back, can't you see what's happening?
p.s. if the pic is bugging anyone, tell me, and i'll remove them
[This message has been edited by God (edited March 23, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Jools (edited March 23, 2000).]
March 23, 2000, 08:02
The city of N'Djamena has been taken relatively easily by the II Sudan Corps, the II Royal Saudi Corps and the I Royal Oman Corps, as was expected since most of the Christian factions have gone to the southwest of Chad. Now, all five corps are moving southwards and westwards, so that the last stronghold of the Christian militants will be destroyed. The II Sudan Corps, the II Royal Saudi Corps and the I Royal Oman Corps are now moving towards Bongor, and the I Yemen Corps and the I Qatari Bahraini Corps are marching to Doba. When these cities are taken, Greater Arabia can focus all its power on the rebel stronghold of Moundou.
Greater Arabia has announced its neutrality on the new European War for now, and will continue to trade with both sides as usual. Greater Arabia reserves the right to change its stance, though.
March 23, 2000, 11:24
Local Time: 06:17
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Our allies have gone to war! What will we do?
Controversy on the question above. If German wishes us to activate our alliance and declare war on the NSF, we will do so, and help mainly in the African front.
In the meantime, factories still continue to produce mass Leopard II MBTs...
OOC: Soon I will have to redo my military.
March 23, 2000, 12:32
Local Time: 06:17
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To: DV
We are Brazil or the NSR. We ordered 750 T-72s and 750 T-80s about 4 months ago.
To: Bearcat
Send a good bulk of your force to your Southern borders so I may 'test' your defenses. I will email you soon...
To: Chile and Argentina
We demand you pay us and Peru 5 Billion dollars a year to repair the international damages you have caused us.
OOC: I'll move my men in now Scott, okay? And nobody complain because I dont have a map available.
Brazilian Forces March on French Guiana
The forces that were sent to aid the Germans in the North have swarmed over the Guiana border with full airsupport and also a good number of Predator tanks. The tanks that were overlooked in repairs were taken down easily by the French garrison but were replaced by well-trained infantry and other tanks. The small French garrison realized they were overwhelmed and fell back to the nation's stronghold. The small garrison knew they stood no chance against the large, well-equipped army. Tornadoes flew overhead striking fallback positions and the few tanks in the area. Several Mirage craft engaged the small air defenses the French could muster. By the time the French reached the stronghold they were hurt badly, but their anger and pride kept them fighting strong. Screaming at the attackers they launched minor harrassing raids against encampments. As the Brazilians moved into position to bombard the area they noticed that the massacre would be full. Instead of bombarding immediately, they sent an emmissary up to the wall, asking if the French wanted surrender...
Men: 13,863
Predators: 21 (Mainly the rejects from the factory)
Planes: 2 Mirage2000
Men: 17,310
LeClercs: 38
Planes: 4 Rafale
(OOC: Sound good?)
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
March 23, 2000, 15:52
Local Time: 03:17
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Today Midday, troops and civilians all around argentina revolted against Charly Ist.
At the time, he was in his headquarters at Anillaco. when he heard the news, and realized he had no more power, he tried to escape to the neighboring country, Chile in a faulty prototype of a Pucara 2 plane, the 'plane which never was' and crash landed in the Andes due to engeneering errors in the plane. his body was foun dead just half an hour ago.
In Argentina, democracy was re-established and elections will be held tomorrow. The main candidates are:
Former president De la Rua for the alliance, though he is not so popular because he couldn't stop Charly's assendance to power.
Candidate for the Peronist party: Eduardo Duhalde, though he is still not very popular
and me: I am Nestor, candidate from the same party who organized the revolt against Charly I, and currently ahead with about 87% of the voting force.
I will try to establish Argentina as a Peacefull Trading and Tourism country.
Hail to everybody!
Candidate I am Nestor of the argentinians!
(the idea of killing our leaders was mine)
at least i was going to kill mine and he copied.
[This message has been edited by HsFB (edited March 23, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by HsFB (edited March 23, 2000).]
March 23, 2000, 16:00
Five new oil wells dug in Chile.
Shall increase output by 50,000 barrels a day.
The Deposition of Hodad means that Chile will start anew!
All previous errors shall not happen again.
Valdivian initiation ceremony to happen tomorrow in Santiago!
The new Valdivian Specs have finished training. These are highly trained in guerrilla warfare. The new force is 30 thousand strong. They shall deploy near Chuquicamata.
We wish to apologise for any disturbances caused. We are shipping 5.000 metric tons of iron to your ports as reparations.
We also wish to send volunteers to aid you in the conquest of Ecuador for no price at all as reparations too.
Please consider SAC.
The past government has fallen. We are a new country.
We ask for forgiveness if any distress was caused to your country.
Please consider SAC.
We wish to formalise our relations.
We wish to sign an alliance.
Argentina supplies us with what we need.
Ignore the invasions of Ecuador and New Zealand.
We also apologise for the blackage of Cape Horn.
March 23, 2000, 16:28
Local Time: 02:17
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GAME TIME: July 1st, 2001 (Not even close to winter)--check it against the first few posts if you wish...
To: NSR (That's our initials too, you know 
From: NSR
Yes, I believe we said they were on a Cash and carry basis. Our inventory staff have checked and they are sitting at Sevestapol waiting to be picked up.
Russia has despatched 14 Tu-160 blackjack bombers to aid her ally Germany in the conquest of France. Cruise missiles depolyed from these low-level aircraft are being used to destroy France's air defense network.
Elsehwere, in Finland
5 Tu-160s, backed up by 34 Tu-22 Backfires, began a concerto hail of missiles into the city of Kemi. Resistance there had been rather fierce, and the air force was being brought in to deal with it until more units could be brought in to take the town.
4 Russian destroyers were also brought in to drop missile volleys onto the town. If Russia could not take it, it would be destroyed. Then Russia would take the rubble.
Across the norseland, Spetznaz were being used to confirm the location of partisan camps detected by Infrared sattelites, and Su-24s were being brought in to drop the guided load. For larger areas of resistance, arillerty was called in. All over Finland, artillery "fire camps" were being set up, much like the U.S. set-up in South Vietnam.
The difference was that Russia had the knowledge from Afghanistan on how to deal with partisan warfare and from Vietnam on how to properly use these camps. A commander reported in an enemy location, and artillery was used on the spot.
Russian commanders estimated the USSR situation to be beyond bleak. Germany and Russia controlled all of the arable land, surrounding, and there was a complete naval blockade in the North and the South conducted by Russian and German units. If the USSR would not be defeated, she would be starved.
Behind the Spetznaz came the Propoganda officials who began the subversion and heart-winning of the Finnish people. Investments were beginning to pour in from Russia into the strong Finnish economy.
March 23, 2000, 16:32
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And please, rename our country to Argentine Rpublic.
Just for the record, our oil production:
(year, prod., consumption rounded to 0,5 M)
1989; 157.000.000; 156.000.000
1998; 245.000.000; 173.000.000
Official records
I am Nestor blah, blah, blah.
March 23, 2000, 16:37
Do you've got any source for those numbers, HsFB?
March 23, 2000, 16:44
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Encyclopaedia Britannica, Year book 1999 and 1990, the countries section at the end.
March 23, 2000, 16:57
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To: NSR (That sounds weird)
We are sending transports to recieve them. We are also sending some of our merchant marine ships that are unloading in your area there (ahhh...socialism). Thank you.
French Front
After several days of waiting for a response a white flag was raised over the city. Screams went up throughout the Brazilian encampment as they realized they had won their FIRST battle in their FIRST war. May Napoleon lead them to many more. The men will return to the Southern border to train with Peru.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
March 23, 2000, 16:58
Local Time: 02:17
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The CW Carribean Fleet has arrived for exercises in the East China Sea. These forces meet with the Imperial Navy for exercises.
Production continues on F-15s/F-16s and K1A1s all over the Empire.
March 23, 2000, 17:10
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Mod Stuff:
Chile and Argentina, cut the oil crap. Chile produces less than 6% of the amount of oil it needs. Considerable funds and time must be spent before any new drilling. Argentina exports some oil, but not a lot. Not enough to satisfy the needs of both itself and Chile. Argentina has existing deposits of oil which it can tap, but again, time and funds are needed.
Check here:
For Argentina, check here:
Those are statistics and data from the US Department of Energy.
Sorry to sound mean.
[This message has been edited by Scott F (edited March 23, 2000).]
March 23, 2000, 17:20
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*cracks whip* Now bow your heads to the almight Moderator!
March 23, 2000, 18:25
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Today Shogun Yomitsu announced that Japan will enter into an alliance with the South Asian Kingdom. The alliance will include economic and military benefits for both countries. Emperor Akihito is on his way to Bangkok to meet with King Phumiphon.
In the Filipino capital of Manila protests have occured over problems with currency. The Japanese and Polynesian crrecies are both recognized monetary forms. The Japanese governor has asked the Polynesian governor to take over matters. Seeings that the Filipino people seem to like them better.
Shogun Yomitsu has sent envoys to the East Asian Defense Group requesting that the Empire of Japan be allowed to join. The Shogun hasn't spoken on whether or not Japan will obtain membership or not.
To UK - We still await your response on whether we can build military bases in Australia or not.
To ICE - We look forward to joining the EADG, is there an open seat for us?
To Scott - How could I take New Zealand without incurring people's wrath?
March 23, 2000, 18:27
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To Brazil - Very well our forces are moving to the requested locations.
March 23, 2000, 18:33
The fortresses on Gibralter began prepping over 45 harpoon anti-shipping missiles for launch. Once again France was under attack and once again the UK would support its friend. 50 Typhoons landed on the airfield later the same day as Gibralter went on a war footing.
In Ireland, the leader of a small anti-england paramilitary group turned up missing today. One of his bodyguards was found with at least 4 holes from what might have been a PP7 or similar pistol...
A 4.5 million pound "communications" sattelite lifted off from PAD 6 of the guam launching facility. The lauch was perfect untill the rocket's stage 2 booster failed to ignite at 45,000 fet. The sattelite had to be destroyed. 3 commercial sattelites however blasted off without incident.
To Italy,
Due to your unprovoked attacks into France, we have closed the straits of Gibralter from your warships. Should your merchant ships wish to pass, they must first stop in a Neo Spartan Federation port to be seached for weapons. We hope you end this meaningless conflict at once.
To Argentina,
We welcome your triumphant return to democracy and wish to send several regiments of the Royal Enginneers to help you with your expansion of the oilfields as a gesture of goodwill.
OOC to Scott F: the unlaut over the U can be reached (if your configuration is the same as mine) at alt+0252. hold alt and hit 0252. müller
March 23, 2000, 18:35
To Japan,
You may build 2 bases at isolated points in Australia. I mean isolated as in not near a major population center like Sydney.
March 23, 2000, 19:27
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To: Japan
From: ICE
We will be happy to have another member in the EADG. We will support your bid for membership.
March 23, 2000, 19:56
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To: Japan
From: Greater India
Bharat would also like to see another Asian nation enter the East Asian Defense Group.
March 23, 2000, 22:01
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(OOC) this was cleared by the mod
****** Top Secert message to President*****
Sir, in the hope of gaining a naval edge we have began research on a new type of naval vessel. It will be in fact a stealth ship. Similar in design to that of the Swedish version during the 90's we shall alter it a bit. We are adding armor, faster quieter engines, and more missles. Of course we are just researching right now, but we hope we shall discover the secerts of this tech soon. With these vessels we will almost always have the element of surprise on our hands, and with the engines we will be able to out run what we cant out gun. you will be notified when a prototype is ready.
***********End of Message**************
March 24, 2000, 00:07
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The small Ecuadorian city of Machala is no more. Peruvian-LMF forces have though suffered heavy losses agaonst the sturdy Ecuadorian defence. At one point our commanders considered retreat BUT we prevailed. Although Quito is still miles to the north we will prevail. Ecuador will fall.
March 24, 2000, 01:49
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Greater India has declared war on NSF North Africa and Spain. Germany is allowing Corps I-XV to march through their land on onto North Africa where Indian transports, going through friendly waters (Arabian, Italian) will meet up with them.
March 24, 2000, 01:52
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The transports are being aided by the current transport escort.
March 24, 2000, 02:16
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The SAK also supports Japan's bid to enter the EADG...
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