March 24, 2000, 17:25
Local Time: 02:17
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Jools, calm down. Try to realize your situation is hopeless. Nobody is coming to save you. Your forces are defeated.
Whats left of norway is what yiou "control". Germany has already annexed the other part of it.
I will tell you why you are losing and I can do so well:
1) You have next to nothing as far as armored forces go
2) You have no air force
3) Your facing an opponent well experienced in anti-partisan warfare.
4) You have no allies funneling you supplies
5) You have not ONCE given us numbers on what is in the mountains.
6) I am using a combined airlift + armor operation. Infantry and helicopters clean off the tops of the mountains with airforce and artillery support (which you also don't have) while the tanks meander around the valleys and mountain passes.
7) My forces have been training for nearly a year. They were originally slated for invasion of Poland. They saw 4 months of training there. Then they moved to Kazahkstan. They saw 6 more months of training. Now they have been battling you for 2 months. These are hardened vets.
8) Its springtime. Winter is not going to help you. The Russian army is far superior in numbers of men and material than what you have mustered, and has better training.
Chill out man. You can always form a new country.
Orders were placed for the completion of 800 Tunguska AA units.
To: USSR Command
You have 15 hours left to surrender. Make your choice: Surrender or die.
[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited March 24, 2000).]
March 24, 2000, 17:35
Local Time: 02:17
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OOC: My 2 cents on the subject between DV and Jools. I think that you two have different ideals in a story thread:
DV, you seem to like tactical battles and are a numbers guy. This is from my experiences reading your posts in this thread as well as your past such as in Today's World.
Jools, you seem to want to write an intricate story line with a plot. You don't care that much about tactics or numbers, but you'd rather have a complex plot and a real "story" on this "story thread".
You two need to come to a compromise more or less about what a story thread should be. Jools probably will not go take a new nation because A.) All the good nations in "hot spots" are taken up and B.) He doesn't want to leave Europe. I think Jools wants to fight an uphill war to develope his storylines. Jools just want to fight a "fun" (his opinion of fun) war and make some excitement whereas DV just seems to be a tactician ready to squash bugs like an NPC.
Just my two cents, please don't be offended.
March 24, 2000, 17:39
Local Time: 02:17
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OOC: Good oberservations, Mao.
March 24, 2000, 17:48
Local Time: 06:17
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you're right Mao, I don;t mind loosing, but I hate being crushed. Whats the point?
March 24, 2000, 17:59
Today Britain has blocked Gibralter to Indian as well as italian ships. Any ships that attempt to pass without adhering to the guidelines will be sunk by coastal harpoons. Before passing it must stop at a NSF port and be seached. That applies to merchant ships, warships will be shot on site. 2 of Britains 3 Ticonderoga class AEGIS cruisers(captured from former US) have been sent to Gibralter as well as the carrier Ark Royal.
A British Airways 737 today suffered a loss of cabin pressure and had to eject its cargo over the mountains of finland. It was said to have been carring food but several employees reported starstreak missiles(unconfirmed and unknown to anyone but jools whose troops picked em up.  )
Another launch was reported off Guam today. The UK government acknowleged that this was a spy sattelite and would be in a geosynchronos orbit over Ireland and the UK.
To Argentina,
We can send the enginneers whenever you wish unless we are at war and in need of them.
To Chile,
We shall be sending a diplomatic entourage to our embassy in your nation. And as of now, there are few restrictions to businesses based in britain from operation in Chile. Infact Macdonalds has just planned to open 50 new locations in Chile.
To Germany,
We ask that your cease your unprovoked aggression in France and make peace. France has done nothing to you.(OOC: how exactly do you know when my sattelite windows are? There would be now war to establish which sattelites are british and at least one sattelite would be in the area....)
March 24, 2000, 18:03
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Another launch was reported off Guam today. The UK government acknowleged that this was a spy sattelite and would be in a geosynchronos orbit over Ireland and the UK.
When did you start building a launch pad on Guam? It takes a bit to build a launch pad, but to build it on a little island like that and have to ferry all the equipment would take longer. Did you announce you were building this site? Because I don't think there is one currently on Guam.
Two Imperial satellites were launched from Manchuria and near Dushanbe from a converted old Soviet launcher. Both are reported to be communications satellites.
March 24, 2000, 18:10
OOC: Well, in truth i was hoping no-one caught that  . Anyway, there is one off Hawaii owned by a british company. Let just say when the US split up with was dismantled and moved. When Guam was reciever from the CW it was moved there...... That will do until and unless a mod rules otherwise in which case consider it building and scrap all the launches.....
March 24, 2000, 20:26
Local Time: 01:17
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Posts: 498
Jools, I forgot to mention that Germany gave all all of Norway east of Hammerfast to the Russians in a secret agreement of our alliance treaty pact.
I am posting from home, not college right now. I will be back at school tomorrow afternoon. The map will be updated as soon as I return. Sorry for the delay. The map files, my altases and the FTP protocols to upload the map are all at school.
Mod Stuff: Hawaii has always been under CTA control. If JT3 will agree to having let you move the launch equipment off of Hawaii you can start building the facility on Gaum. A launch facility costs a fortune and takes a minimum of say a year to build, and that is if you know what you are doing and have the equipment. If JT3 agrees to having let you move the launch stuff off of Hawaii you can launch from Guam. I dobt he will though, given that the only launch facility he has is at Vandenberg, which is no where near as big as the one at Cape Canaveral. If JT# wants to do lots of space things, he will need several launching facilities.
March 24, 2000, 20:28
Local Time: 06:17
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New Educational Bills Passed
Today the 5 "Reforming Learning" Bills were passed through teh SAK Parliament, and are expected to be signed into law. These will increase the funding for schools and universities, and provide for the construction of schools in remote sections of teh SAK, so that all cna benefit from learning and knowledge.
March 24, 2000, 21:55
Local Time: 06:17
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Posts: 114
Today Shogun Yomitsu announced that Japanese troops stationed in the Philipinnes would quell the demenstrations. The demestrations erupted last week when angry Filipino partisans stormed the central square of Manila. They were frustrated by the vacuam created because both Polynesian and Japanese currencies are official. Today Yoshi Amaratsu, Japanese economic minister in the Philipinnes said

The Filipino people are overeacting. While there will obviously be some economic and financial stress this will be temporary. All of us here at the economic department are working very hard to fix the money problem, the people just need to be patient
The Polynesian governor has been made the only legal authority in the Philipinnes for the moment and the demenstrations are expected to cool off.
Everything seems to be set for Japanese entry into the East Asian Defense Group. Key members China, India, and the SAK all gave Japan support in her bid for entry. Official entry and membership is slated for the end of the month.
The United Kingdom has given Japan the green light to build 2 military bases in Australia. The construction is scheduled to start at the begginign of next month. The Emperor hopes that this will foster better relations with Britain and better fortify the Pacific.
To ICE - Thank you for supporting us in our bid for entry into the EADG. We would be happy if you would guide us in strengthining our military. We would also be pleased to cross train with your fine soldiers.
To SAK - Thank you for your support. Our economic and military advisors should arrive in two days.
To India - Thank you for your support. We would like to sign a firendship treaty with your nation.
To Polynesia - Seeings that we already jointly control the Philipinnes would you lie to sign a friednship and mutual cooperation treay with us?
To Scott - Would there be any way for me to take New Zealand legally? Like annexing it or declaring a protectorate because of failed governemnt or coup?
[This message has been edited by Captain Kirk (edited March 24, 2000).]
March 24, 2000, 22:03
Local Time: 02:17
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To: Japan
From: ICE
Welcome to the EADG! We bid you welcome. We would be happy to help you strengthen your military. You are welcome to send observers to see how the Empire deals with matters of war. You are welcome throughout the Empire.
March 24, 2000, 22:15
Local Time: 01:17
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Captain Kirk:
I suppose that this would be as good a time as for me to ask Mao for details about this referendum idea that he has. We might try a referendum based on Mao's idea. Let me talk to Mao about how this works first though.
ICQ me or post how you want this referendum thing to work in the OOC thread.
March 25, 2000, 03:55
Hi guys I was just wondering if I could join as Sweden?
Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary
March 25, 2000, 04:09
Local Time: 06:17
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CW News May 15-30 2001
CW manufactures war equipment for several flowing into our coffers...factories pumping out massive amounts of material
CW to stay neutral for time being...rebuilding from last 2 wars...Canada gradually being rebuilt and repopulated
CW troops train throughout nation...High Seas Fleet patrols coast...Caribbean Fleet patrols Panama Canal for South American interlopers
CW to annex Nigeria, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso...troops to march north from Warvis Bay to the northern colonies...expected to be under control by June 1...Navy landing troops in Nigerian harbors.
To Arabia: We offer you the 36 bombers for 15 billion dollars.
To Germany: We offer the equipment to you and also the plans for the measly price of 50 billion dollars and your support of our Africa colonial campaign.
March 25, 2000, 05:29
Local Time: 08:17
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Polynesian Coalition Update
Our last report of the carrier project was inaccurate; the project will take 24 (two years) months, not 15.
March 25, 2000, 08:56
Greater Arabia will gladly pay the money to the CW for the bombers.
Furthermore, we would like to warn the CW that we don't want any American imperialism in Africa, and that we will not tolerate any attempt of the Americans to oppress the Muslem population in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria. We have offered protection to these nations, so far Niger and Mali have accepted, and we warn you again that we will not tolerate any attempt of conquering these nations. Have a nice day.
March 25, 2000, 11:14
Local Time: 06:17
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Project Wulfgar making strides
In computer simulated models the Wulfgar tank made outstanding numbers against the T-90, M1A2, and the Leopard II. Numbers from the simulation against the Merkava, Ariete, LeClerc and Challenger are yet to come.
Unemployed Corps Do Wonders
The unemployed persons of Brazil have been doing wonders across the nation. They have been working on the Defensive Shield and also on the Infrastructure project.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
March 25, 2000, 11:20
Local Time: 06:17
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See the UN Thread for my case for CW Imperialism in Africa...maybe you will change your opinions BasV and also everyone else! Or else you could join the world war...either way have a nice day as well!!
[This message has been edited by gscott23x3 (edited March 25, 2000).]
March 25, 2000, 11:41
Local Time: 01:17
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Scott: About the launching facilities, you have heard of Houston, right?
gscott: Congratulations, you have literally just sold your entire air force to Germany. I suggest you cancel that deal very quickly......
People in NSF War, especially India: Spain remains under NSF control. An Indian amphibious invasion would be amazingly weak against the NSF military. And please, give Spartan a chance to respond to the attacks before you continue to kill him.
March 25, 2000, 14:00
War of Terror continues
A British Airways 737 was shot down over Rathlin Island. It is believed that the 'plane was out of fuel, and was attempting to ditch. Three tornadoes lifted off from Ballycastle and fired at the craft, blowing it into thousands of fiery shards.
Three men stood in line in line in a bank on Oxford street, when all of a sudden an enormous explosion occurred outside, followed by machine-gun fire. The security guards in the bank rushed out to find 2 men on the top of shops firing randomly at people on the street.
Inside the bank, the three men pulled out uzis and fired at the remaining security guard. They smashed a teller's window and ran through to the safe, slaughtering as they went. They blew up the safe with c4, and grabbed as much money as they could carry in their rucksacks. They blew another hole in the rear of the building and rushed through the insane streets, another attack had started and bombs, rifle shots and machine-gun fire were audible city-wide. An armed officer cut down a terrorist with his 9mm, but the other two were never seen again in the UK, and so was the €2 million they carried.
A task-force has been created to destroy any British or NSF fishing boats found in the Irish sea. So far fishermen from the UK have been too scared to try, and it appears our objectives will soon be achieved.
We thank you for the weapons and hope our troops serve you well in the wars.
March 25, 2000, 14:25
Local Time: 06:17
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Although I despise all this terrorist murder, British at least English cops don't carry guns. They only cary billy clubs. Sorry for the OOC post guys.
March 25, 2000, 15:08
Local Time: 02:17
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The United Demesosian States of America hereby reredeclares Liberia to be part of the UDSA, as well as Sierra Leone, Guinea, Togo, Guinia-Bissau, Senegal, and the Ivory Coast. These nations fully agree to be part of the UDSA, and UDSA troops have been transported to enforce the law.
The UDSA hereby declares themselves neutral in this war.
The UDSA has been fully rebuilt, and war materials shall be produced to make the UDSA a superpower again.
We are currently producing Abrams and F-18s.
[This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited March 25, 2000).]
March 25, 2000, 15:45
Local Time: 02:17
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Imperial Troops disembark in German Africa and head for west Africa.
From: ICE
Do not dare to claim those territories yours. You have no right to them and no troops there to enforce your claim. Our troops are being sent to those territories to secure their independence! They never asked to join you and never will!
OOC: Bill, it is very unrealistic for an African nation to just willingly join you like that.
Three infantry divisions and a small contingent of armor have come ashore in Togo and are heading towards to nations claimed by the UDSA. These nations will become full protectorates of the Empire and have colonial status after peace is established there and a democratic government can be installed.
[This message has been edited by Mao (edited March 25, 2000).]
March 25, 2000, 16:24
Local Time: 01:17
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Posts: 498
Mod Stuff:
First of all, that little piece of Africa under German control near Nigeria is Togo.
Second, Nigerian claims must go through Sigma, as Nigeria is a British protectorate.
Third, colones in Africa can be obtained by referendum or conquest. Conquest will require a significant amphibious capability, unless you land first in friendly territory and go from there. (Like Mao landing troops though German territory.) So Bill, which way are you going to to go?
Fouth, yes, JT3 there are launch facilities in Houston that I forgot. But the only facilites under your control large enough to launch space shuttles are at Vandenberg. You can build more though.
Fifth, Bill, your nation has been devastated by a war. It will take a long while for you to rebuild to become a significant power again. Please don't drift down the road to great unrealism like you seem determined to do. That road leads to being banned from the thread. You have one last chance to straighten things up.
Sixth, Germany controls Sweden at the current time.
All comments, flames, and *****es should be directed to the OOC thread.
March 25, 2000, 16:39
In the response to the intolerable leader of the UDSA's actions, the CRME is proposing an international "Kill Bill" mission. We of the CRME do here propose that all the nations of the world unite and declare war on the UDSA, and wipe that nation of the face of the earth. We invite Europe to also sign a temporary cease-fire for this mission. There are times when all the nations of the world must unite for the common good, which in this case is getting rid of the UDSA and it's leader.
OOC: Biil keeps making bad post after bad post. It is my opinion that Bill3000 should be conqured to get him out.
March 25, 2000, 16:46
Local Time: 02:17
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OOC: BD, ROTFMAO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!  I'll make my decision on whether China joins or not later...but for now... hahahaahahaha!
March 25, 2000, 17:11
Local Time: 02:17
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TIME: April 27th, 2001
To: Japan
We would be willing to sell the Kurile islands back to you for $5 Billion. The Island of Sakhalin, however, shall remain Russian territory. We would, though, be willing to give up half the island and revert back to post-wwII boundaries for another $5 Billion.
Russia is going to be holding the 1st annual Socialist and Communist Outlook Convention to be held in Moscow. All nations are invited to attend, but only those nations with a communist or socialist economy will be allowed to speak.
We will be discussing a world-wide trade an alliance deal between the socialist and communist nations to promote brotherhood between men. All interested parties must RSVP. The conference will be held in two months. [That's 4 days real time]
To: CW
Neo Soviet Russia still awaits your replies on our purchase requests.
March 25, 2000, 18:44
Local Time: 06:17
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Russia: As of this moment, the CW military manufacturing base is entirely filled with the gargantuan and highly unanticipated order from Germany and also the smaller order from Arabia. We cannot immediately produce the requested equipment, perhaps in the next year when our own needs and those of our client states are are first on the waiting list though!!
March 25, 2000, 19:28
CRME to begin Great International "Kill Bill" Campaign!
Today the CRME high seas fleet, including half of it's submarines, seaworthy torpedo boats frigates, and above all it's aircraft Carrier, with troop transports into the Atlantic, setting sail for the UDSA. This is expected to be easy, considering the UDSA's complete lack of any signifcant navy seeing as how it just had a reveloution and has had no time to build a navy.
China has noted it would like Rhode Island. The state's status will depend on whether China joins or not.
March 25, 2000, 19:32
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To: Russia
We will attend.
Napoleon announces Brazil is up-to-date in Army supplies
We have 3,150 Tanks at our disposal.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
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