April 2, 2000, 01:44
Local Time: 01:17
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In New England (OOC: Keep in mind that the attack has been going on for a couple of months already. This is a summation.):
German troops, acting on orders from the General Staff, continued their advance into New York and Massachusetts. The forces of the UDSA, badly demoralized and poorly supplied, faced massive desertions. The military of the UDSA evaporated in a matter of weeks as the German forces advanced northwards towards the Canadian border. As the German and CRME forces advanced, so did the UDSA disintegrate. They surrendered to the Germans by the tens of thousands. In some cases, conservatives welcomed the arrival of the Germans as liberators from the evil liberalism of Demesos.
The last remaining cohesive units of the UDSA Army were besieged at Albany. Having thoroughly entrenched themselves around the city and having gathered considerable stockpiles of food, the UDSA forces were expected to hold out for a long time. Unwilling to commit the manpower and resources to storm the defenses around Albany, the German General Staff ordered the commanders of the German Expeditionary force to lay siege to the city. The Germans unleashed a formidable artillery barrage and aerial bombardment upon Albany. Day and night, day after day, the Germans bombarded Albany from the sky and by artillery.
The resolve of the remaining Demesosian forces was incredible. They were willing to fight to the last man. After two weeks of siege and bombardment, the UDSA forces continued to hold out against nearly impossible odds. Thus far the siege had not been broken, but the rest of New York and Massachusetts had been consolidated by German and CRME troops.
After the areas were consolidated, the Germans moved quickly to crush any potential resistance. Government records were seized, revealing to the Germans the names of every civilian gun owner in New York and Massachusetts. As the civilian firearms were seized, the Germans began to take action against partisan resistance across the countryside of New England.
(OOC: This next part is secret. None of you actually know this.)
While the military was busy destroying any possible sources of armed resistance and bombarding the enemy at Albany, the Directorate of Strategic Operations secretly took action against potential political enemies. Lists were issued by the central offices of the Directorate in Berlin which contained all potential political insurgents in occupied New England. Tens of thousands vanished into the night, seized by the agents of the Directorate. Prominent liberals, pro-Demesosians, socialists, communists, and other leftists disappeared into the night. They left New England aboard freighters, piled into the cargo holds like cattle. The same ships which delivered the German Expeditionary Force with supplies, equipment, and food returned to Germany filled with the political degenerates of New England. In some cases, entire families were loaded onto freighters as insurgents. Kennedys, Clintons, Gores, and Rodhams, none were left behind to cause trouble for the Germans and their conservative leaders and allies.
Headlines in Der Spiegel:
-German forces destroy last remnants of military forces in Benin.
-General Staff predicts complete victory in Benin within six weeks.
-Sino-German African campaign continues.
-Referendum continues in Zaire.
-KPD arrives for socialist conference in Zaire.
Stuff that would not appear in a newspaper and that you do not know about:
-Three Panzer and nine infantry divisions have been embarked for Africa.
-Large numbers of aircraft and bombers have been flown to German Africa.
-Four Bismarck-class missile battlecruisers have taken up positions off the west African coast.
Dispatches from the Foreign Office:
To Brazil:
We have a number of submarines for export if you are interested. We are also taking orders for the construction of warships, submarines, tanks, and aircraft.
To Peru:
Be certain that in your treaty terms you insure that the Chilean government will pay the German Empire one billion dollars to pay for their destruction of our submarine.
April 2, 2000, 01:52
Local Time: 02:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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To: UK
From: ICE
Congragulations upon your annexation of New Zealand. We would like to negotiate a deal which would allow us to build a military base in New Zealand. You would be compensated of course, and we already have 1 regiment and 2 battalions there which can readily serve as the garrison of such a base.
April 2, 2000, 01:59
Local Time: 02:17
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To: Peru
From: ICE
If you would like, we can take orders for military equipment which we can build for you. Our industrial capacity is excellent, and it would serve us both well as we would decrease unemployment and you would get the arms you desire.
In China...
The Three Dams Project continues. Fully 15% of all conventional power plants have been phased out. Great networks of power grids originating from rivers have filled the lands.
April 2, 2000, 02:59
Local Time: 06:17
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General Lopez sat in his office in Lima awaiting news from Belize. The Chileans were shut like clams on the subject. The Germans and the Chinese had all sent contacts to through the embassies. The Chinese wished to lower their unemployment by building Peruvian weapons. And the Germans wanted them to add a clause in the treaty to make the Chileans pay them a substantial amount of money. So far he had not sent replies. He was more concerned with rapping things up with Chile and finishing off Ecuador. The LMF mercenaries were still hacking away at the Ecuadorian resistance. Lopez sighed and turned to look at the cityscape of Lima. Only a year ago the city had been full of old buildings and slums. Now Lima was a bustling metropolis full of skyscrapers and apartment buildings. Residential areas had been set up in the higher areas of town. Poverty in Peru was rapidly dropping. And their industry was beginning to rise in efficiency. However the bombings in La Paz hadn't helped. However Lopez had more pressing matters to attend too. The Germans were calling a referendum to decide wether or not to split Congo into German and Chinese colonies. And any Peruvian interests there needed to be attended to.
To China - We would be honored to cooperate with your great nation. We also sympathize with your unemployed and we hope that this agreement will help them.
To Germany - We must ask you this. Although if feel it must be done through us isn't this something that you should take up with Chile personally?
April 2, 2000, 03:41
Local Time: 01:17
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Map posted to new thread:
April 2, 2000, 06:11
Local Time: 08:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Hysteria Arctica
Posts: 556
To: United Kingdom
From: Polynesian Coalition
Annexing New Zealand was an act that the Polynesian Coalition thanks you of. Due to your peaceful acts in the recent past, we believe that having New Zealand in trustworthy hands is a thing that helps the states of the Pacific Ocean greatly.
April 2, 2000, 06:25
Local Time: 08:17
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The Thoracopterus amphibious fighter/bomber aircraft has entered full production. All foreign states except Chile and Argentina are welcome to make offers of buying our next-generation equipment.
April 2, 2000, 11:37
Local Time: 02:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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To: CW
From: CR
We thank you for your cooperation. We shall take some of your advice, for sure.
To: Polynesian Coalition
From: CR
We would like to purchase one of your new fighter/bomber aircraft. ONE.
*Top Secret*
The Trimaran/Catamaran naval project is proceeding right on time. Due to the simplistic design of the small type 1 vessels, they are proceeding ahead of schedule, giving engineers time to look into the design and construction of the much more complex and sophisticated type 2 and 3 vessels.
Armaments for the Type 1 vessels will include:
1-2 cannons
4-5 anti-aircraft guns
15 missle bays, and up to 30 missles in storage.
The type 1 vessels will most certainly be the most common of the fleet.
April 2, 2000, 13:38
Local Time: 06:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,208
WHAT?! Now GERMANY, ok, GERMANY owns a part of the former US??!!
April 2, 2000, 14:03
Local Time: 02:17
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Location: Apolyton
Posts: 12,351
OOC: Polaris, look who owns half of western Africa...
I have Connecticut too huh? Cool!
A General Assembly has been established in Connecticut and the Colonial Guard of Connecticut is being formed from former UDSA troops deserting. The Colonial Guard of Connecticut is expected to number three divisions due to the large amount of refugees. This should all be set up within the month.
Three Chinese divisions have arrived in the port of Luanda, Angola, German Africa.
April 2, 2000, 14:21
Local Time: 02:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: New England
Posts: 3,572
With the increasing aggression of Germany, China, and Middle-Eastern countries, Canada reinvaded Northern New England, using the new planes given to them from the CTA and the CW. The purposes of this action are to prevent imperialistic countries from dominating such small states. Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, are to be made provinces with equal footing as any other Canadian province. Resistance to Canadian troop actions was virtually non-existant, as there were not many pro-UDSA forces, having been mostly killed in the Massachusettes fighting.
*Top Secret*
The Catamaran/Trimaran project is being moved to the Northern Coast of Maine. This will cause only a few days delay in the production of the first Type 1 vessel.
April 2, 2000, 14:33
Local Time: 02:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 4,325
OOC: Yeah, they're expensive, but make Russia once again the nation with the best tanks.
T-100 news: A third crew member was added to the tank to act as Mechanic and Gun supervisor.
April 2, 2000, 15:43
Scott F, if I recall corrctly, I have 5 corps in this war, Djug has 3 Corps, the SAK has 1 divison, and you only have 3 divisions! You have to have some nerve claiming New York and Massachustes to be under YOUR sole control considering your troops there were a minority....l..
April 2, 2000, 16:08
to china: we would be interested in buying any form of subs, battle ships,and marien based weponry.(we are trying to biuld up our navy)
to briten: we would also like to buy similer weponry from you. we would also like to open a trade agreement with you
April 2, 2000, 16:32
Local Time: 02:17
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From: ICE
We apologize that we cannot offer battleships for sale, as we have none, but we would like to know why you would be interested in battleships in this day and age. However, we can offer to build a battleship for you in one of our ports. We also have a large supply of Ming-class submarines for sale. We can also build Akula or Kilo-class submarines for you if you wish.
April 2, 2000, 17:10
Local Time: 02:17
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Posts: 4,325
Mod take notice of this point: Exactly when in the **** did I give China license to build Alpha and Kilo-class submarines? Those are exclusively Russian made. The only thing the chinese have is the Han and Xia class submarines.
This brings up another point. I never gave china license to build T-80s, T-90s, or any of my tanks. I also never gave them license to build any of my planes.
[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited April 02, 2000).]
April 2, 2000, 18:15
Local Time: 02:17
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OOC: Oops, sorry DV, I knew I could either build the Akula or Kilo-class. I have a few Kilos anyway. I never built any of the T-something tanks. I never said I did, did I?
April 2, 2000, 18:33
Local Time: 02:17
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Some Northern New York partisans have reached the Canadian border. Approximately 15,000 political refugees have been taken in and secured in Toronto. They bring with them their families. Plans have been made to resettle them at an unknown location.
*Military programs*
Recognizing how easily the UDSA was overcome, the Canadian Republic is taking actions to fortify her borders. In Vancouver, several military forts are being created, designed to withstand numerous missle attacks and to control the bay. Forts are also being established at the mouth of the St. Lawrence Seaway, for the same effect. Most tanks manufactured are being sent to the Prairie lands of middle-Canada, where they will defend on the CTA and CW frontier. Army work is being incouraged in young Canadians, and a bill is in the works which would make a mandatory 2 years army service for those age 20-35. Army population has gone up to 250,000.
The Navy project's funding has increased, and it is expected that the first Type 1 vessel will be out in a month.
To: Russia
From: CR
We Canadians are in a vulnerable position, as we are now surrounded by powerful countries. We would like to propose a military alliance with you. In addition we will share with you any military technologies we create. We would like you in return, to help us develop the T-100 tank in our country. Nothing is more precious to us than our sovereignity, and we feel that a military alliance with your nation would be, extremely suitable. As a motion of trust, we are sending you the initial plans of our Type 1 vessel, which we hope to be a revolutionary new design in Navies. Please consider our offer!
John Richards thought he had seen everything in his life, he hadn't. They had struck during the night, and they had taken his family. His mother, his father, and his sister were all on those damned boats, crowded like cattle.
"Damned Krauts." he whispered to his friend kyle, who was hiding along with him. John and his friends had been camping in the state park when it had happened, and now looking out into their hometown of Newburyport, they knew just how lucky they had beeen.
There were bonfires in the streets of books as people were brutally pulled out of their homes, and forced to march into the transport ships waiting for them in the Merrimack river. It was all they had to prevent themselves from, in a blind rage, attacking all Germans they saw. They knew they couldn't help their countrymen this way. Tom Whetmore, Jennifer Kray, Jeff Argonish, they remembered the names of all those youth who marched to the boats. They kept on remembering for a long time, as more and more were pulled in from the surrounding communities. Kate! Tim! Nisse! Slowly, they turned away. If they stayed they would be captured along with the rest of them. The four travelers, John, Kyle, Matt and Jared swam across the river, silently as they could.
They travelled without stopping, knowing that if they did, they would be caught. Finally, exhaustion came upon them. They felt as though they couldn't go on any farther. They had to. They had passed so far, and had nearly made it! They could see the street from the forest, and it was crowded with German soldiers. Further on, however, they thinned, and there it was! The New Hampshire border! They sighed, and wondered why it was that Canada hadn't invaded them. They finally made it to the border, and collapsed at the guards feet. They woke up at a hospital.
April 2, 2000, 19:50
Local Time: 02:17
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OOC: DV, I never produced any of your planes or tanks. I'm licensed to produce the Kilo IRL I believe anyway. I can't make the Akula though (or was that the other way around?)
April 2, 2000, 20:50
Local Time: 06:17
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OOC: Mao, more like 2/3.
April 3, 2000, 00:25
Local Time: 06:17
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CW News September 15-30 2001
President Rossi to meet with Canadian Leader to discuss future of North America...UDSA and CTA not currently invited as their diplomatic status is under question...
New Tank design accepted by Oak Ridge...plans and info to be forthcoming...only details known are that it is to be as mobile as the Abrams but more heavily armed and armored.
Tests continue on new fighter...helicopter fails first stage tests...to be scrapped for concentration on fighter.
Dayton Memorial Park dedicated...breathtaking monument to victims also unveiled...Space Defense Systems still under development...satellite launches continue at hurried pace...some satellites reported to be nothing more than body, transmitter and engine...possible used for ramming actions.
Ohio fortifications springing up in bunches...Freedom line in southern Pa and Maryland also being reinforced with the small, partially underground forts.
To Canada: We will contact you via email to talk to you about our plans and americas future!!
To CTA: Is your government still active? The CW wishes to communicate with you on the future of North America!!
April 3, 2000, 02:05
Local Time: 08:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Hysteria Arctica
Posts: 556
FROM: Polynesian Coalition
We deny your offer of buying one of our AF-15 Thoracopterus aircraft. However, we are still interested in making business with you, and we propose that you sell us examples of the catamaran warships you are creating in exchange for Thoracopteruses.
Think about it.
April 3, 2000, 06:10
Local Time: 01:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 498
Mod Stuff:
DV, I think when he says T-80 or T-90, Mao is referring to Chinese Type 80 and Type 90 tanks, not Russian tanks. Several years (in real life) ago the Russians got into a considerable fuss about the Chinese supposedly stealing plans to Russian submarines. These allegations were never proved to be either true or false, though the Americans recently got mad about supposed Chinese missile espionage and could not prove that either.
Monolith, I can't think of any reason that you would want just one Polynesian aircraft, unless you intended to reverse engineer it. Reverse engineering without the consent of the other party (in this case the Polynesians) is against the rules.
[This message has been edited by Scott F (edited April 03, 2000).]
April 3, 2000, 06:11
Local Time: 01:17
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