April 4, 2000, 18:34
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OOC: Checked back here... DarthVeda, guess what? The post was in OOC! You're a bright one!
April 4, 2000, 19:43
Local Time: 06:18
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Today General Lopez has announced a purchase of Rafales from the Iberian Union. The number and price is undisclosed. (OOC - Can purchases be made form NPC nations?)
To Germany - How many and how much?
April 4, 2000, 20:37
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To: Russia
From: Canada
Again we ask you to consider our proposal for a military alliance. We feel that we would be most reasonable, and we would be willing to help you in case of someone invading you. We could also benefit through increased trade and the exchange of military technologies.
April 4, 2000, 22:13
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To: Canada
Stop bullying the South American Communist nations, and perhaps we will talk of alliances
April 4, 2000, 22:24
Local Time: 01:18
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OOC: WOW you get busy for a few days and WHAM!
The current limit for armies right now is 1.5 million men. You can't supply and train anymore, it'd be too expensive.
Now let's see here..... Chile, you will be recieving 200 more F-16's, as well as 500 M1A2 Abrams and 35 Apaches.
I once again have to make this short(I hate school...), so let me just say that the F-23 will be mass produced in two months(It was Lockheed-Martin's answer to the F-22. Less maneuverable but much more stealthy.)
April 4, 2000, 23:47
Local Time: 06:18
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News in Peru -
The basic training excercises for the 400,000 Peruvian conscriptees is nearly complete. They will be added to the 85,000 troops returning from Paraguay to make 485,000 armed soldiers. They are to complete their excercises in 2 weeks.
The last submarine and the amphibious vehicles from China arrived today in Trujillo. This greatly bolsters our military forces and adds courage to every true Peruvian heart. Along with equipment from the Iberian Union, CW, and hopefully from Germany this will make Peru a great military power in South America.
The work force on Project Great Wall is in high gear. The great defensive network to encompass our borders is still in the the building stages however it is coming together quickly. Foremen learned that by simply adding more calories to the worker's diets it increased their efficiency. Some of the workers have been diverted to build SAM batteries and Patriot systems along the Chilean border.
General Lopez announced his intent to expand and modernize the Peruvian navy. Ever since independance from the Spaniards we have always been behind. This is due to change. Military researchers in Callao have been set to find ways to make new designs or modifications on older designs. Foreign experts are also to be brought in.
Today all Peruvian ambassadors, consuls, and citizens or nationals in Canada were called back home citing increasingly poor relations with the Republic of Canada. The people are strongly behind the government's decision to tell Canada it's place. In fact the new #1 hit song in Peru from the 1999 South Park Movie is Blame Canada
The peace talks in Belize broke down yesterday when the Chileans refused to accept the Peruvian terms. This has not been recieved warmly by the Junta and has caused increasing tension in world events.
To CTA - Please rethink giving Chile military equipment. After all look what happened under the first Hodad. What makes you think that the son will be any different?
To Germany - We are willing to purchase those planes.
To China - Do we have a deal regarding the industry?
OOC Notes - Just so that I don't have the mods jumping down my throat I decided to add these notes. About the number of soldiers I have in uniform. 485,000 falls below the 1.5 million troops allowed. And although I have more that is the bulk of my force. About increasing the calories, it really works. I read about it. The Germans did in WWII to increase coal production in the Ruhr and the Americans did it when building the Panama Canal. And about the Patriots. gscott sold me them including 1 Ohio class sub and 1 ton of Napalm bombs. Feelk free to point out anything else.
April 5, 2000, 01:02
Local Time: 01:18
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To All Nations
The German Empire has finished, for the most part, with its armament programs. We will be willing to build orders for weapons from almost any nation. Only Leopard Is are available for immediate export. All other weapons must be built as per contract.
The following are available:- Panavia Tornado Fighter-Bombers
- Panavia Tornado Interceptors (Variant on the above.)
- Upgraded Dornier Alpha Jet Ground Attack Planes
- Wirblewind Medium Jet Bombers (A generic medium range, medium payload bomber. Excellent for bombing cities and military bases.)
- Infantry Assault Rifles
- Shoulder-Launched SAMs
- Shoulder-Launched Anti-Tank Missiles
- Feldhaubitze Towed Artillery Pieces
- Leopard I Main Battle Tanks
- Leopard II Main Battle Tanks (Much more expensive than Leopard Is. Available in fewer numbers. Non-Chobham variants only at the present time.)
- JagdLeopard Tank Destroyers (Uses Leopard II chassis. Available in small and limited orders only.)
- Type 202 Diesel-Electric Submarines
- Type 212 Diesel-Electric Submarines
- Gotland-class Diesel-Electric Submarines (The best diesel-electric submarine on earth. Superior, if not equal, to Russian Kilos in all respects)
- Gepard-class Missile Boats
- Bremen-class Frigates
- Assorted Minesweepers, Patrol Boats, and Yachts available, also.
[This message has been edited by Scott F (edited April 05, 2000).]
April 5, 2000, 01:40
Local Time: 06:18
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CW News October 15-30 2001
CW to purchase Yacht Fleet from Germany...all yachts to become property of CW Army
CW announces the integration of remote control technology into Naval Doctrine as part of bold new combat initiative.
CW Aircraft complex opens near Pittsburgh...capable of manufacturing 2,500 fighter sized units a year or 500 bomber sized units a year.
CW Tank Factory opens near Scranton..capable of producing 5000 Tanks a year...massive complex nearly matches entire CW ability of last year...Scranton now houses 75% of CW tank production
Research continues on new fighter and tank design..specific details to be released soon(in independent thread!!) on both projects!!
CW Oak Ridge teams begin experimenting with hang gliders, model rockets and large kites as part of secret weapons program.
CW quadrouples Napalm production to meet sudden demand on market...anarchists sought to head domestic weapons program...offered independent protectorate in western Minnesota as incentive for cooperation.
Human faeces being collected in vast underground storage areas in central Tennessee and Illinois...millions of gallons of sludge being mixed with toxic chemicals for unknown purposes...CW Army keeping site under maximum security.
To Canada: We wish to continue our email correspondence...email whenever you can so we can tighten the bond between our nations and help you join our side as a nation of the world!!
To UK: Please contact us via email at Gscott23x3@aol.com for matters pertaining to your national sovereignty!!
To Germany: We would like to negotiate the purchase of a large quantity of yachts from your nation...we arent talking about dozens but hundreds...whatever you can supply for 5 billion dollars would be good...our yachts at home are going to be purchased soon so we are forced to go abroad!!
To China: Congratulations on your recent victories in Africa!! We look forward to another wargames session...perhaps you would care to initiate them this time...our China Sea fleet in yearning to combat your fleet in a test of strength!!
To Peru: We are sorry to see you and our neighbor and ally having such difficulty...we hope that our relationship doesnt sour as a result and we offer you congratulations on the victories to the south by you and brave Brazil!! Please contact us via email to discuss a matter on our minds that is relevent to your national security!!
To Brazil: Wow it has been a long time since our two nations have communicated...we once agin offer our hand in friendship and we hope that this renewal of contact leads to a greater understanding between us. Congratulations on your victories to the south!!
Did someone say DONUTS?? Racists eat poo!! Fascism with sense rules!! I know God has a sense of humor, after all look at me and my life!! MWA HAHAHA
April 5, 2000, 09:10
Local Time: 02:18
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I take it no one is interested....
April 5, 2000, 09:18
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: Brain badly battered
Posts: 7
o claim india, is that okay?
April 5, 2000, 13:27
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: Brain badly battered
Posts: 7
Okay, I claim India, but not the Communist India, my own...
NOTE: You should read this.
After months of political and military fighting Communists in India where overthrown by the Right Winged Calcuttan Libertarian Party (CLP). This paramilitary-political organization has managed to get great support with the populace.
After being officially given the helm of the government from the defeated Vajpayee, Chauldahin, the leader of CLP, has enstated a few important changes.
-The Commonwealth of Calcutta now the official name. Territories (the guy who does the map): Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. Apart from that, everything in the Ganges Delta, East of Calcutta, splitting India in half through Bangalore(i own the east half).
Capital: Calcutta
Dependant Lands: City of Delhi, City of Bombay, City of Karachi, Kashmir.
System: Direct Democracy. President has great power. Heavy Capitalism.
Military: Everything the GCI had except that now it is all centered in territories of Calcuttan Commonwealth.
Plans for future: Expanding economy, making a investor friendly climate, getting rid of bureacracy and helping the poor, homeless and unemployed. Maybe even turning to socialism when country becomes richer.
Leader and President: Mietek Chauldrahin, leader of CLP.
April 5, 2000, 13:49
Hello, (Olof Palme) Mietek Chauldrahin, leader of CLP. Chile welcomes you to the global community. May your leadership lead India to be a great nation. On behalf of the people of Chile I, Hodad II, wish to sign a peace treaty with you.
We also wish to sign trading agreements.
April 5, 2000, 13:50
Local Time: 03:18
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I said three months?
sorry, meant three rael weeks (that'd make 42 weeks=> 4 months.
To Brazil
You never attacked from the begginning!
the first post i saw about your attack you had Buenos Aires under siege, the second one you had just blown my rosario army and now you have Buenos Aires...
Please, you wouldn't have been able to cros the rivers wothout bridges in the first place.
April 5, 2000, 15:04
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: New York
Posts: 458
HsFB: Go to OOC thread. I am finding my intitial battle post now. I believe this is the one you have missed since it was at the end of the older thread.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 5, 2000, 15:10
Massive boxes containing Patriot missiles were installed into their launchers as part of the rapidly proceeding project Lazurus Shield which is expected to make the UK almost impregnable to air attack. Infrared sensers were added to the lauching stations as well as modified Sidewinder missles should radar be jammed or unavailable.
The XR-33 project has moved into the next step! The first full size prototype is to be build and operated in Cape Canaveral by 2004.
UK announces it will build for export the following weapon systems in response to a simlar german propasal. Britain is always on the lookout for new economic markets.
Panavia Tornado GR4 Attack Bombers
Tornado F3 Fighter Variants
Jaguar Medium Bombers
L85 Individual Weapon(bullpup infantry rifle)
Javelin and Starstreak shoulder fired SAMs
Milan Heavy Anti-tank units
Challenger I(non-chobham variant)
Challenger II( more expensive, non-chobham)
Crusader Tanks(2.5million, non-Chobham)
Upholder Class SSK's( like those sent to canada irl) http://www.warships1.com/ is good naval site
To China:
(OOC: you requested to build bases on new zealand right? i know someone did. If you did consider it oked but not near population centers)
To Chile:
As a matter of fact, we have 2 Boxer Class frigates remaining for export. 200 million pounds per ship. Cheap because they were about to be scrapped. First commisioned in 1984 so they are still quite capable.
Welcome to the International Spotlight! We look forward to increased trade and relations with you. Macdonald's has already planned to open 400 stores selling ham and chicked sandwiches in various sites in India.
April 5, 2000, 15:18
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: New York
Posts: 458
To: UK
If you go through with the sale of military weapons to Chile, you will be aiding in their efforts to continue a shooting war.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 5, 2000, 15:58
Local Time: 02:18
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To: UK
From: ICE
Thank you for permission to build bases in New Zealand (OOC: Yes, it was me). We appreciate it very much, and will not build near population centers. Engineers are being dispatched immediately.
To: India
From: ICE (China)
We hope that this new govenment will still honor alliances held by the former one. (ie: We were allied before)
April 5, 2000, 16:49
Local Time: 03:18
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To the World
The República Argentina annonces that the Condor cruise missile which had finished design mid 1999 is being put into production in factories in the patagonia.
No further information about it will be released during the time being, however, this message was sent to all world leaders:
Don't be afraid about the missile being put into production, but it is necesary for us that Brazil stops attacking, as it is affecting our economy.
To the CTA
Please help a fellow socialist country to fight against oppresion!
we ask for military help for our campaign against Brazilean advance!
Thanks in advance:
President I am Nestor of the República Argentina.
April 5, 2000, 17:08
Local Time: 03:18
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To the UK
Please help us to stop the unprovoked Brazilean invation!
If you do so, the country will be better off economically in order for your country to trade with and invest in.
My regards: President I am Nestor of the República Argentina
To everybody
When i was building the Fortifications, i mistook the name of the river, they are along the Río Colorado.(pretty dumb to move the capital city to just along where you plan to make a last stand)
The argentine governmens plans declareing estado de sitio if situation with Brazil keeps worsening.
April 5, 2000, 17:48
Local Time: 02:18
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Posts: 12,351
Last Remnants of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon Defeated
Chinese and German forces have effectively defeated the governmental forces of these nations. It will be under joint control.
Colonial Guard of Connecticut Formed!
3 divisions will make up the Colonial Guard of Connecticut. The regular troops have been shipped back to Africa.
OOC: Sorry, not time for a long battle post.
April 5, 2000, 17:48
Local Time: 02:18
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Posts: 3,572
To: Chile
From: Canada
We would be delighted to join such an alliance - in the future. As it is now, Canada is still rebuilding, and any war at this stage would be extremely dentrimental to our nation's health. We also do not have a larger enough of a navy to transport any troops. If you would like, it may be possible to send 1,000 troops, to hold ground. If Peru were to attack them, such things might be a cause for war, as unfortunate as that would be. . .
*Military procedures* TOP SECRET
Top Tank and Aircraft Engineers moved to CW to collaborate with the CW projects.
Primitive model of a Type 1 catamaran vessel completed, in Vancouver shipyards. It has been named the Revolutionary. It is still not as complex as what we envision, but it is getting there. . .
Headlines of the Ottowa Sentinel
Northwest Passage Opened Due to Increased Global Warming!
It will now be possible to transport ships through the Northwest Passage, if for any reason the Panama canal is blocked.
April 5, 2000, 19:14
Local Time: 06:18
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Posts: 458
OOC: And so it continues, again.
General, the city has been sieged for weeks now, why no surrender? The young Captain looked nervous. They had no food supplies in that city to last this long.
The radio signals confirm that there is still life, it is their leaders fault no surrender of the city is made. To tell you the truth Captain, I am nervous for our kin in there. I would go in but I only have enough men for Martial Law, last I checked, about 250,000. We will recieve recruits in 2 weeks time though. The General was worried. The Captain made a valid point, how are they surviving?
In Brasilia
Napoleon sir, the troops have tracked the Argentinian army to the South. They have unknown capabilities and their Air Force is predominately down there.
Yes. I have heard. I want constant strafing missions to occur. Our planes are more advanced then their F-5s...hahahahahaha. Anyway. How are the recruits doing?
Sir, they are almost completing basic. There are a total of 125,000 men aged 23-34.
Why so old? Where are the High School grads?
Sir, remember the education bill you passed? The one that demanded 2 years of college before army service?
Ah, yes, now I remember. Anyhow. I want all available forces to move to the Chilean border. Help our Peruvian friends in any way possible. I want our Northern border empty. Move all armor assets to the South and send 50% of the infantry to the Chilean border. They may be entrenched but we have that awful long border to attack from with superior numbers.
Yes sir!
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 5, 2000, 21:01
OOC:sorry i didnt post for a while.(not that anyone cares  )i beleave i was going to make a buy from china and briten when i was last here? get back to me.
April 5, 2000, 22:47
Local Time: 06:18
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General Lopez sat in his office looking over reports. Than Major-General Vascez spoke.
"Sir the Chileans have just gotten a significant amount of equpiment from the CTA. What do we do about this. And the British?" asked Montez. Lopez replied quickly.
"We still have the upper hand Major. After all the Rafales from Iberia arrive tomorrow and our conscriptees are done with basic training. All we need is the German bombers. The British are not a worry" said Lopez. Vascez nodded and exited the room.
To Germany - Will you sned the Tornadoes?
To Brazil - We thank you for your support friend. Our current forces ready for action numbers 485,000. We have a few loos ends to tie up and that will be that.
April 5, 2000, 23:35
Local Time: 06:18
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Iraniaq watches coyly as other nations waste time and resources on their petty African campaigns... Soon their true glory shall be realized...
April 6, 2000, 00:06
To CTA: We thank you for the equipment. It shall be wisely used in the future. We shall pay 5 Billion dollars now as a modest contribution to your holy cause. We should consider a bilateral alliance. We should also formalise a trade agreement.
To CANADA: We are considering the signature of a Triple Entente between Canada, Argentina and Chile.
To RUSSIA: Peru is not communist. And Chile is socialis. They are only trying to help your own very cause.
To PERU: None can win this war. Please read my justifications of our demands. Let us not fight again. If you assure us peace I shall immediately issue demobilisation orders. We are willing to pay reparations.
To BRITAIN: Have you any capital ships for sale?
To CHINA: Please stop selling military equipment to Peru. They have shown themselves as “imperialist bullies” (quoting monolith94) and Chile only wishes for peace. Your attitude is only putting Peru and Chile closer to a brutal war that shall ocmpletely destroy both countries, if not all South America, which is not in the world’s best interest. Instead, you should urge us to talk peace.
April 6, 2000, 07:04
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Location: catasauqua, pa, usa
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CW News November 1-15 2001
CW continues to build defenses and military equipment...Napalm production continues at amazing pace
CW army begins training in Ohio and Kentucky
Oak Ridge bombing range formed...CW Air Force begins bombing tests
CW continues glider research but drops rocket and kite programs.
April 6, 2000, 15:51
Local Time: 03:18
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OK, im tred of all this unrealistic thread.
i'm out of here.
Argentine president, I am Nestor cedes leadership of the country to chile
a list of all the reasons i left the thread in:
Why i left the Big Hughe War
April 6, 2000, 16:04
Peru! Please! This war will waste both of our countries!
We urge you to continue negotiaiton!
We are reconsidering the devolution of some of the Atacama, if that will appease you.
You must realise that Chile's most important port is in the area along with three shipyards.
We could, however, arrange for Peruvian trade to come and go freely from these ports, if that is what you wish.
The whole Chilean population is prepared to fight if necessary.
To settle this territorial dispute, we should call for a mediation before we go to an unwanted war.
Do you not realise? No one can win this war!
OOC: And, bearcat, Peru is not liked by all its neighbors. A war would mean uprisings in Bolivia (for they had a war with Bolivia too, in which they too took out Bolivia's sea capability)
As was approved by Senate and Congress yesterday.
M1A2 Abrams and F-16 go into production.
As a new law was passed in the senate yesterday before declaring Estado de Sitio.
It consists that all men ageing between 18 and 55 must find out in their city hall where they must go for target practise in case of an eventual invasion.
The number totals over 4,000,000 men.
To UK: 200 million pounds (300 million dollars, right?) are on the way.
What about those engineers?
To CTA: Please tell Peru to negotiate!
Your trade with Chile is threatened by Peru AGAIN.
Please do not watch while South America is laid to waste by its own populace...
We wish to purchase 4,000,000 Carbines to train civilians in the eventual case of an invasion.
We realise your position. However, you could coax your allies to help us.
We would consider buying submarines, what do you have left?
And please defend our incipient democracy! We are being threatened, yet again, by the Fascist Peruvians! Please order a negotiation!
April 6, 2000, 16:20
HsFB, Chile accepts your generousity.
To BRAZIL and PERU: We are open to negotiations for peace and ceding Argentinian territory to Brazil and Peru.
OOC: Scot F, for now all Argentine territory under Chilean command.
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