April 8, 2000, 18:05
Local Time: 02:18
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November 29th, 2001
Today, the $812 Billion Federal budget passed through the Russian Duma. New spending for the military caught the attention of the president as he readily passed it. The Duma also approved the $1.1 Trillion Civilian economy budget, obtained from the profits of NSR-state corporations and small businesses.
The military budget for this year amounts to $267 Billion, the largest increase since the Soviet Era.
Another $300 Billion had been targeted for public works and improvements to the infrastructure.
Included in the military budget were as follows:
$97 Billion-Procurement
$40 Billion-Maintainence
$60 Billion-Wages and Compensation
$40 Billion-Operations
$20 Billion-Construction
$10 Billion-Other
Under procurement, another $15 Billion was secured for the T-100 project, increasing the order of 1000 by 1500 to 2500.
April 8, 2000, 18:21
Local Time: 06:18
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Today after a 12 hour siege the Ecuadorian capital of Quito feel to the Peruvian-LMF forces. Ex-president Jamil Mahuad was taken into custody by Peruvian forces along wiht the remaining Ecuadorian leaders. Mahuad's fate is unknown however since he endeared himself to the Ecuadorian people his punsihment will not be harsh. General Lopez is even in respect of Mahuad who has urged all Ecuadorians to acept the Peruvian occupation peacefully. Ecuador will become a Special Administrated Region much as Hong Kong was to China. More to come later.
April 8, 2000, 20:54
Local Time: 01:18
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Nevermind. . .
[This message has been edited by MLeonard (edited April 09, 2000).]
April 8, 2000, 22:29
Local Time: 02:18
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To: England
From: Canadian Republic
We are genuinely touched by your generous offer. We would gladly buy such food, and stock up on it for the upcoming months ahead!
Indeed, we are so touched by this offer, we wish to thank you, perhaps a trade alliance would be in order?
April 8, 2000, 23:29
Local Time: 01:18
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Monolith tells me that someone has already taken Italy. Nevermind then, maybe you should update the map eh?
April 8, 2000, 23:45
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Sigh, it's been a while since you last did stories, isn't it?
Anyways, MLeonard, it would probably be in your best interests to edit out your claim. May I suggest you claim Japan instead?
April 8, 2000, 23:54
To Canada,
There is no need to buy the food for it is a humanitarian effort and therefore free. Also we most gratefully agree to your offer for a trade alliance. England and Canada have and will forever be brothers in the international battleground that is the Earth.
April 9, 2000, 00:35
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Map posted to new thread page:
April 9, 2000, 02:11
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CW News December 15-30 2001
Heavy snows blanket northern CW and Canada as predicted...4 feet of snow falls between december 21 and 23 from Minnesota to Pennsyavania...transportation crippled...cities blacked out and low on food supplies...relief convoys en route from southern states to beleagured cities.
Dayton investigation points to communists with outside funding...captured communist leaders are executed for treason and terrorism charges.
CW begins extensive equipping of camoflague to all active military units...tanks, troops, artillery all covered with fake plants and camoflague colored yarn to blur outlines and decieve enemy.
CW Mississippi Riverboats and barges requisitioned by army and sent up the Ohio river to unspecified locations
CW Steel Industry fill massive CW order for steel plating used in warship construction...freight picked up by government trucks and shipped to unknown locale
Research continues on the Canadian-Commonwealth Tank and fighter...fighter will also be available for export...sports easy controls and modular weapons systems...easy to conceal as well
CW Navy begins recruiting for new Navy coming in July...massive number of sailors needed to crew new ships
To Canada: We hope you are coping with the harsh weather...it will not bode well for our river systems in the spring when the rains begin...they will be filled by floodwaters and the mississippi and ohio rivers will swamp their lowlands and drown entire states in floods...expect a long growing season this year due to global warming...a long indian summer...and a mild winter next year!!
April 9, 2000, 02:17
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Italy: We wish to express our congratulations on the stabilization of your government and your triumphant return to global politics!! We would like to make the new administration aware of our longstanding alliance with Italy and our desire to uphold it to promote world security!! PLease contact us via email at gscott23x3@aol.com for some diplomatic talks!!
OOC: Sorry everyone, my blank blank blank main internet service is virused again and that means no ICQ...sorry...forward anything of value to my aforementioned aol account!! sorry!!
April 9, 2000, 03:05
Local Time: 01:18
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Posts: 498
Dispatches from the German Foreign Office
To the CW
Those seem more like warships than yachts. Construction has begun on them in any event. It will be over six months before we can finish so large an order. Each will be sent to you upon completion. Each must be paid for upon arrival.
To Peru
Your warplanes are on their way.
To Canada
We will special build as many submarines as you might need.
To Italy
Welcome. We are allied together with the Conservative Republic of the Middle East in a pact called the Central Powers Alliance.
To MLeonard:
Come back!!! There are good nations open, if you will just post for them this time.
[This message has been edited by Scott F (edited April 09, 2000).]
April 9, 2000, 09:34
Local Time: 02:18
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Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 4,325
In addition, Russia has placed an order for 300 Mig-42 stealth fighters, for $12.6 billion.
Another $10 Billion was transfered to the production of 2 Supercarriers, previously announced, in Sevestapol. $9.4 Billion was sent to the production of roughly 20 escort vessels.
($20B remaining in Procurement budget)
OOC: Sorry, would post more, but I have to go
[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited April 09, 2000).]
April 9, 2000, 13:35
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: Apolyton Paintball Champion
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News From Italy
Nicolai Grenadi announces his intenetion for Italy to live up to her comitments for the Central Alliance
"Peace Through Preperation" is to be our motto. To make sure that we will not be attacked, we must have strong allies, and be strong ourselves."
In other news, the Italian Navy has announced its intent to construct a new fleet carrier. To be based on the partially completed hull of the Luigi Einaudi, this carrier will be the equal of any other in the world. Completion will be as soon as possible. In conjunction with this, the Italian Fleet is to be divided into two commands. The Home Fleet will be responsible for the protection of commerace traveling between the pennisula and the outer provinces, while the Expeditionary Fleet will be responsible for international affairs. Corresponding changes and enhancements will be made in the Army and the Air Force.
OOC: Give me a day or so to do some more complete research, and I will have a complete budget and military order of battle.
[This message has been edited by Midshipman (edited April 09, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Midshipman (edited April 09, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Midshipman (edited April 09, 2000).]
April 9, 2000, 19:08
Local Time: 01:18
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Posts: 498
Monolith, it would appear that I confused you for Hodad somehow.
To Chile:
We will special build as many submarines as you might need.
April 10, 2000, 00:56
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: Oregonia
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News in Peru -
Today it was decided by General Lopez and the Junta that a civilian governemnt would be set up to govern the Ecuador provinces. The governemnt will consist of civilians appointed by the Junta that will rule Ecuador as we see fit. Ecuador has been declared a Special Administrative Region.
Germany has finished building the order of 50 Tornado fighter/bombers. They should arrive within the wek.
A Peruvian media industry controlling Inca Critters is predicted to run into big bucks. The morning cartoon predicted by many to be the next Pokemon is expected to run into big bucks aborad. This should help our current economy and reserves.
To Germany - Your payment has been transfered.
April 10, 2000, 00:56
Local Time: 02:18
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Location: New England
Posts: 3,572
To: England
From: Canadian Republic
We are extremely pleased by your good-samaritan tactics! Rest assured, from now on let us be brothers in this small world known as Earth!
To: Germany
From: Canadian Republic
We did not know we had the need for such submarines. Could you possibly explain to us we would spend our hard earned money on such frivolous toy-things?
April 10, 2000, 01:05
Local Time: 06:18
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Location: catasauqua, pa, usa
Posts: 439
January 1-15 2002
CW continues invastigation of Dayton sabotage...communists definately implicated...foreign support confirmed seeing complexity of bomb.
CW continues communist rebel suppression in Minnesota...insurrection spreads to Wisconsin...riots in Madison and Green Bay suppressed with deadly force
Testing continues on Tank and Plane prototypes
Top Secret!!
CW building gunboats and armored barges on Ohio River
April 10, 2000, 11:51
Operation Small Rotten Red Cabbage
Day 1
***secret transmission from Zarate***
"Explosives are set."
"Wait until the bridge is covered in tanks."
***end of transmission***
Day 2
Propaganda pamphlets are dropped out of civilian aircraft into the Brazilian lines.
They read:
"Brasileros, go home!
Stop fighting for a cause which is not your own.
Return to your anxious wives, children and girlfriends
or you shan't be spared.
Do not die for no cause."
Day 3
Hodad II and Gral. Gonzalez from the Ejercito Argentino Broadcast a message to the population of Buenos Aires.
***begins transmission***
Presenter: And now, a message to all the populace of Buenos Aires from our new and great leader, Hodad II.
Gral Gonzalez: People of Buenos Aires! We have been ruthlessly attacked by the Brazilians. They are starving our people. They are killing our people. They have broken every existing code in warfare. They attecked us unprovoked. Please, do not yield to the enemy, for he has no cause to fight this war. We must, as a nation, repel the invader and defend our way of life. Argentines, to arms, for our cause is just and we are aided by God for this crusade!
Hodad II: Friends, countrymen... Your rights and national priviliges are being violated by the murderous Brazilians. For the survival of your nation we urge you to repel the enemy and bring him to his knees, for the Brazilian soldiers are fighting without a cause or motivation other than their pay. They are far away from home and only wish to run back to their families and friends in order to have peace again. But we urge you not to surrender the city. The people of Chile, your brothers and sisters, support you in your cause and shall do everything in their power to re-establish peace in your nation. Do not lose hope and remember that you are free. And remind the Brazilians that they can only take away our lives, but they will never have our freedom. This is Hodad II, wishing you all a happy resistence and a good night.
Presenter: And now, some music...
When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high.
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden light,
And the sweet, silver song of a lark...
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown...
Walk on, walk on,
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone...
Walk on, walk on, walk on...
***end of transmission***
Battleship Rivadavia and destroyers Sarmiento and Libertad take up positions in the Rio Parana.
Gral Gomez from Campo de Mayo
We are ready.
Cnel Fernandez from Azul
We are ready to begin.
[i]In an airbase in Chile...[i]
"Preparations are ready."
"Well done, red leader. Take your squadrons into battle."
"We shall depart at 2100hs."
"That is perfect."
Nightfall comes to South America.
In the same Chilean airbase...
"This is Red leader, requesting permission to take off."
"Red leader, this is control tower X-6, permission granted."
"Thank you X-6."
"Good luck, Red leader. See you soon."
"Rivadavia, Libertad and Sarmiento; codename red cabbage."
First shell from ships Rivadavia, Libertad and Sarmiento land among Brazilian tanks. In the confusion, they take battle stations and begin shooting each other.
Casualties high.
"This is Red leader, X-6, we have visual."
"Commence the attack."
On hearing the explosions, the population of Buenos Aires armed themselves and set out to encounter the Brazilians.
A speaker from the Resistencia Porteña was heard on the radio at 2225hs.
***Gente de Buenos Aires, las fuerzas Brasileras estan retirandose. Debemos cortarles el paso para destruirlas. Diriganse YA al puente de Zarate Brazo-Largo, pero no lo cruzen. NO LO CRUZEN!***
500 F-22 and 200 F-16 descend upon the Brazilian troops and open fire.
"This is Red leader, the Brazilians seem to be shooting each other."
"Continue the attack."
"This is Gral Gomez. We have visual. We are closing in."
At that moment, 800 TAM enclosed the Brazilians in the north.
"Gral Gomez, abra fuego."
At that moment, 800 TAMs (Argentine Medium Tank) opened fire and began their advance.
"This is Cnel Fernandez..."
"Coronel, you are late."
"I apologise, but we had to take care of a Brazilian patrol...sniggers"
"Yes, what is it?"
"Well, we have a visual."
"Abra fuego."
At that moment, 300 M1A2 Abrams assisted by 100 Light tanks and 200 Heavy tanks opened fire on the confused brigade of Brazilians south of Buenos Aires.
Shelling is complete.
The Brazilians, confused, tired and overwhelmed by the happenings, initiate their retreat north.
They are encountered by 200 TAMs.
TAMs open fire. 56 Tanks are taken out.
"This is Cnel Fernandez"
"Yes, coronel."
"Operation complete."
The coronel recieves a count of casualties.
"I have a reading of casualties, señor."
"Let me have them."
"Brasil: 108 Tanques Pesados (heavy tanks), 236 Tanques Livianos (Light tanks) y muchos efectivos (troops).
Chile: 24 M1A2, 38 Pesados (Heavy), 56 Livianos (Light) y 678 efectivos."
"Felicitaciones, Coronel!"
"Gracias, General."
The Milicia Porteña sights the column of Brazilian tanks.
"Señor, I can see them."
"Hide in the side of the road, Millan!"
The Argentine Militia begins their attack.
In the confusion of battle, many Argentines die but thay are satisfied with their vengeance. But Brazilian casualties are also high, for the Argentine are keen on weapons and many recieve training in Tiro Federal and various other clubs.
The carnage and buthchery is indeed terrible.
An explosion goes off and bodies fly.
A tank explodes and flaming Brazilians climb out their tank.
But in the confusion of battle, three retreating columns are forced of the roads and end up in the Rio Parana and them and their crews are captured.
The first Brazilian tank reaches the bridge at Zarate-Brazo Largo and continues the retreat.
Argentine ships Rivadavia, Sarmiento and Libertad open fire on the tanks.
Many are destroyed.
Day 4
The last of the Brazilian tanks enter the bridge.
***secret transmission***
"Agent, blow it!"
***end of transmission***
An explosion shakes the vicinity. The bridge dwindles in the air and then falls into the raging waters of the Rio Parana. 57 tanks sink into the rapid waters of the roaring river.
Victory is declared in the battle for Buenos Aires by the Chileo-Argentine troops.
The people of Buenos Aires cheers.
***begin transmission***
Presenter: Good morning, this is Radio Clasica, transmitting for the whole of Argentina. Last night, the Argentine, with Chilean support attacked the Brazilians outside Buenos Aires. After an intense battle with high casualties on Brazilian and Argentine sides the Brazilians retreated beyond Zarate and crossed the Parana at that point. But the bridge was destroyed and, for now, the Brazilian threat must remain in Entre Rios, for there are no more bridges in the vicinity and any bridge across the Parana is being dinamitated and doomed for destruction. And now, a message from Hodad II.
Hodad II: People of Argentina! Your courage and bravery is praised and admired throughout the world! We thank you most profoundly for your assistance last night, without which this operation would've been futile.
The remnants of the Brazilian army in the Province of Buenos Aires are being rounded up and captured by our brave men. Yet, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. Though it may well be the end of the beginning.
Presenter: Latest news. The Brazilian army in Entre Rios has mutinied and is turning against their leaders, an intelligence report reported. It seems as though the Brazilians have a new problem on their hands...
And now, some music...
When you walk through a storm...
***end of transmission***
"This is Gral Gomez, reporting."
"Yes, General?"
"Operation Small Rotten Red Cabbage is complete, repeat, complete."
"Congratulations, General."
Cheering is heard in the defense ministry board
"Thank you, Comandante."
***begins transmission***
Hodad II: Soldiers of Chile! The populace of your great country wishes to thank you for your bravery in action last night. And the people of Buenos Aires has no way of explaining their gratitude to you. All the soldiers that participated in this glorious and god-given mission shall recieve decorations for this mission is one to be remembered for all time.
Enrique Olivera: This is Enrique Olivera, mayor of Buenos Aires. We, the people of Buenos Aires, want to thank the Chilean soldiers for their bravery, support and for their general action in the liberation of Buenos Aires. Your courage shall not be forgotten.
Hodad II: Soldiers of Chile, good day, and good luck!
***end of transmission***
Operation Small Rotten Red Cabbage is officially over.
A week from the end of the operation, Chilean officials reported that the few Chilean casualties had already been replaced, but that for the reconstructed tank batallions to be ready for action another week must pass.
You were warned several times and enough was enough. Accept our terms and your invading armies shall be spared. End your invasion, keep the argentine Mesopotamia and let us have peace.
OOC: Remember the only operational bridge was detroyed. A counter attack is impossible for you now.
To UN:
Please mediate negotiations between Chile, Brazil and Peru.
Please back our efforts to expell the Brazilians from Argentine territory. Argentina must be liberated.
[This message has been edited by Hodad (edited April 10, 2000).]
April 10, 2000, 11:54
To PERU: we are willing to cede Atacama to you in return for reparations and peace as you before stated.
April 10, 2000, 11:57
I'll bump the treaty of Belize to reopen negotiations.
April 10, 2000, 15:23
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: New York
Posts: 458
Hodad: I am completely ignoring that post. You do not have 500 F-22s, noone in the world has them. And you do not have any American planes except F-5s. Your tanks are garbage. Unless you counter-attacked with the remaining Argentinian army of about 100k then your army couldn't get past the air-patrols i set up on your border. Also, the Peruvians have men on your border along with more air patrols. My tanks are modern as are my men who are all veterans of the recent engagements. I have been blockading BA for over 2 months. They are dead or unconscience because of your unwillingness to surrender. I could have taken all of Argentina by now but I have been nice and waited. If this is what I waited for, that unrealistic post, your crazy. The propaganda is OK. The citizens of BA attacking my well-trained men? Nope, sorry. That post is ignored beside the propagande.
In Brasilia
Napoleon, the reinforcements have arrived at BA and they have entered the city. By their estimates, there are at least 65% of the population barely alive, the rest are dead. All of this death because of leaders who are more concerned with themselves then anything else. The elltee was clearly disturbed and angered.
WHAT! HOW MANY DEAD! THOSE ARGENTINIAN LEADERS ARE NUTZ! I want all available meds transported there alng with food and supplies. Also, I want only 100k men to stay in the area of BA. I want the remaining 225k to fortify along the Chilean border. I want all aircraft moved to patrolling and destroying weaponry along the Chilean border. How are the men doing in South Argentina? Napoleon was disturbed, miffed, and angered by his enemies stupidity.
[i]Sir, the men have fortified about 150 miles South of BA. They have negotiated a settlement with the last army. They will disarm and return to private life. The South will remain autonomous. They wish to have the priviledges of Bolivia(or was it Paraguay?) and Uraguay. There are 150k men monitoring the disarmament. The remaining 150k have left for the Chilean border. In one month there will be over 1 million Peruvian and Brazilian men and equipment on the Chilean border, an extremely long one.[i]
Good. Carry on.
To: All Nations
Send humanitarian supplies and personnel to BA to aid. They are sick and many will die. Please, help our brothers, or misled brothers.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 10, 2000, 15:42
OOC: Napoleon, You may want to go to previous posts by JT3. He sent me AS A GIFT 200 F-16, 500 M1A2 Abrams and I'm pretty sure that the 500 planes which he sent me as a gift in like "episode III" of the war were F-22s or similar.
Just check, I've got it all on paper.
In the meantime, I'll ignore the post that you posted that this post is replying.
April 10, 2000, 15:53
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: New York
Posts: 458
I dont have the time to argue...lets wait for the mod...
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 10, 2000, 16:04
Local Time: 02:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Apolyton
Posts: 12,351
OOC: Ummm...does JT3 have 500 F-22s to give? If he does, then he doesn't have any left for his air force
April 10, 2000, 16:34
Local Time: 02:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: New England
Posts: 3,572
*Top Secret*
In Canada, the 'Black Devils' unit of Special Forces has been formed. It is based on the special unit formed of Canadians and Americans during WW2. These elite warriors are formed from the ranks of mounties, lumberjacks, and rangers of all kinds. They are to specialize in outdoor fighting, in mountains and snowy conditions. They are to be taught the latest methods of self defence, and to use even the enemies weapons. They shall be trained in explosives and infiltration, just as the original Black Devils were.
April 10, 2000, 18:48
Local Time: 01:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 498
Mod Stuff:

Now let's see here..... Chile, you will be recieving 200 more F-16's, as well as 500 M1A2 Abrams and 35 Apaches.
Check it if you want. It is on the first page of this thread. No F-22s were sold.
The great success of their campaign thus far has made the Brazilians cocky. The Argentineans and Chileans have caught the Brazilians by surprise. The Brazilians panicked and fled north. Order has now been restored and the Brazilians are regrouping for a counterattack. If the Argentineans and Chileans exploit their gains quickly, they may be able to keep the Brazilians disorganized and in retreat.
April 10, 2000, 20:27
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: New York
Posts: 458
20 Miles North of Buenos Aires
General, the Expeditionary force is coming this way, they should arrive soon.As soon as he said this, the rumble of cars signaled their approach.Here they are
The commanding General came up to the tent.
General Lopez, I come here bearing bad news. The remnants of the Argentinian army stormed us in the middle of the night using Chilean hardware. They had bloody A2s and F-16s! They came in the night, our guard was small for they were changing, thank God we were recovered quick enough. We fired several rounds and ran. Several regiments will be coming back over the next few days, they impeded the Argentinian advance. We have counted the dead and the numbers were less then estimated:
Predators: 58
LeClercs: 41
Leopards: 12
Men: 36,521
Mirage: 19
Rafale: 8
M1-A2: 32
Other: 23
Men: 21,372
F-16: 21
The Argentinians were poorly trained but those dam tanks and planes nearly killed us had not the airbase had a patrol out. They scrambled the planes. It will take 2 weeks for us to regroup, you, however, have about as many men as us, you can counter the assault.His ear started to bleed and a medic rushed him off.
General, we can get the men together. The city is in no situation to revolt. We will move immediately
The General nodded.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 10, 2000, 21:28
Local Time: 02:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 4,325
To: Brazil
From: NSR
We stand ready to lease any equipment necessary to stop the Chilean menace. We are even willing to send 2 air forces armed to the teeth with Russia's best as "volunteers" to the Communist cause!
These airforces will include no less than (combined):
120 S-37 Berkut Fighters
48 Mig-42 Stealth Fighters
24 Ka-50 Hokum Attack Helicopters
50 Mi-24 Hind Attack Helicopters
30 Su-24
30 Su-25
90 Mig-29
50 Su-35
10 Tu-166
We would send our own advisers to watch over these volunteers should you accept.
April 10, 2000, 22:18
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Oregonia
Posts: 1,742
OOC - I have to just say a few words. Hodad, nice rehash off the old Braveheart speech, a wee bit of Scotch are ya laddy  Oh and what was I going to say......oh that's right Nap General Lopez is my leader.
"General Lopez sir we are in a sticky situation to be sure. Our Brazilian allies have been dealt an embarrasing blow by the Argentines. They were supplied by Chilean weapons. This would demand an immeddiate attack on Chile however since they have offered to cede us the Atacama peacefully I think it would be dishonorable of us to attack now" said Major-General Vascez. Lopez nodded and replied.
"Yes I'm sure the Brazilians want us to proceed imeddiatly. However we must not tip our hand and make us look bad in front of the world. Contact the Brazilian ambassador in Lima. I want a full report by morning" said Lopez. Vascez nodded and exited.
To Chile - We applaude the wisdom in your decision to cede the Atacama. We will confer on the reperations.
To Brazil - We await your ambassador's response.
April 11, 2000, 00:20
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: catasauqua, pa, usa
Posts: 439
CW War News January 15-30 2002
Communist insurrections continue...small cells cause disturbances in Detroit and Chicago...CW troops move west to deal with communist threat...news videos show Abrams firing on armed rebels in Minnesota fields...Assault helicopters mow down rebel strongholds and convoys in the embattled regions...CW engineer corps ensures cleared roads and intact infrastructure
Mississippi River freezes solid...snowstorms continue to paralyze the northern states...rebels helped by poor weather as CW troops must dig out tanks and apcs from huge drifts
Members of Communist Organizations rounded up and interned across the nation...camps built near Albany Georgia to house possible dissidents
CTA weapons are found in hands of rebels...President Rossi orders CTA to stop all weapons shipments to the CW rebels on threat of war...Civilian Council wholeheartedly supports his warning and vows to support any actions sought
CW military goes to red alert...all armies undergoing mobilization in preparation for a CTA invasion or a preemptive strike against the CTA
CW Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Fleets leave port for unknown destinations...Atlantic Fleet goes to alert status and begins scouring atlantic ocean for CTA subs should war break out
CW airforce begins stockpiling aviation fuel and ammunition in anticipation of a massive aerial war over the Great Plains
Valkyrie Force embarks on unknown mission...word has it that it is vital to national security and our survival as a nation
TO Canada: Please contact us immediately...we wish to discuss some further details on our latest agreement with you!
To Peru: Please contact us immediately, we wish to discuss some business propositions with you that affect your nation!!
To Germany: Cancel the order for the ships, we will take the vessels you have already produced at full price and also pay you a hefty sum for the retooling of your industries...our interests have swayed to other strategic alternatives very recently.
To England: We congratulate you on your successful peace treaty...please contact us via aol for some possible purchasing agreements which will be very lucrative for the both of us!
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