April 11, 2000, 10:48
Local Time: 06:18
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Send them over. We appreciate your offer of help.
OOC: No time to post right now...sorry. Maybe later though.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 11, 2000, 15:52
450 Abrams tanks set out to meet the Brazilians in the norththern part of the Argentine-Chilean frontier, where 150,000 Privates and 90,000 Elite Valdivian Forces (highly trained in rugged terrain warfare) are heavily entrenched.
Support fire from many hundreds of artillery pieces and mountain howitzers make a troop movement on the Andes suicidal. And all roads leading into Chile were destroyed months ago, making a crossing with tanks inpossible too. The Brazilians seem to be too stubborn to understand the problem they face...
Also, a squadron of remaining F-16s attacked an unsuspecting batallion of privates trying, futilely, to put a baileys bridge across the Parana, which was only washed away by the strong currents in the river...
And another squadron flew over and destroyed Yacireta and Itaipu dams taking away all electricity from southern Brazil and Northern Argentina.
OOC: Buenos Aires is under Chilean control and DOES have electricity, supplied by El Chocon in Neuquen.
Meanwhile, the Chilean Airforce has been constantly harrasing Brazilian tank columns in their advance, buying the Chileans time to prepare for their defense...
At the same time, the Argentines are employing a scorched earth policy and are prepared to destoy and leave rather than surrender to Brazil.
OOC: Napoleon, if you destroyed 211 F-16s, you should have had more than 60 casualties for the airbases are deep within the larger cities and these were heavily armed with Anti-Air fire and missiles. And remember that your forces in Entre Rios cannot cross the Parana for all the bridges and passes and tunnels were destroyed, so your army in Argentina is landlocked and can't recieve any support from your Mother Country, at the same time that your expeditionary force can't enter Argentina to aid your army in the North of Argentina.
To RUSSIA: Please do not meddle in South American affairs as it was you who asked Canada not to meddle either. Apart from that, we are only wishing to expulse Brazil from Argentina, not invade their Mother Country or destroy it, just claim what is ours and must be ours.
To GERMANY: Please help us against the Russian bullies. And we would like to know what blueprints for Submarines you have.
To BRAZIL: We shall accept peace under a fair negotiation from both sides.
OOC: Brazil, I probably wont be posting tomorrow. Hold off your attacks till Thursday. And, for casualties, let's be fair: each one posts their own casualties in reason and proportion to the forces there and the conditions of battle.
Let us have a fair war, at least in that aspect.
April 11, 2000, 15:57
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Sorry, not too much time to post, but I'll get in what I can...
Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Liberia are now full-fledged colonies of the Imperial Chinese Empire. (OOC: I was fighting there for a while now...) The Colonial Guard of these respective nations are all set up as is their governments. Regular troops are being sent back to the Empire as a Colonial Guard gets set up in territories conquered with Germany.
Gosport is finally back in operation, though it is still being improved, construction on the Seawolf-class submarine in the port can continue, as can the Los Angeles-class submarine.
April 11, 2000, 16:11
Local Time: 06:18
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Hodad: My expeditionary force was the ne u surprised...they ran to BA where my other force was. I also think i have alot more planes then ur 200 F-16s. How do you have 450 M1A2s when more then 50 were destroyed? I say we just leave Argentina and bring all our forces home. This has gotten ridiculous. So what i propose is that Argentina is open. the land is fine. But I lost the 75k men in the Argentinian campaign. but that will be it...all ur stuff will be fine...ok?
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 11, 2000, 17:11
Napoleon: Let's end the war and partition Argentina up for the three South American powers: Peru, Brazil and Chile.
I'll start a new thread for that purpose.
Wait until I create it please.
April 11, 2000, 17:12
Bloody double post...
[This message has been edited by Hodad (edited April 11, 2000).]
April 11, 2000, 20:42
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: I'll be gone on vacation from Thursday till, like, Sunday? Yeah, Sunday. . .
Please don't attack me during that time as I will have absolutely ZERO access to a computer.
And gscott, if you want to talk to me, just e-mail me dammit!!!
April 11, 2000, 21:10
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Don't read my messages to other nations. That's quite rude. Here's a lesson in manners... and there's no reversing it now.
To: Chile
Your act of espionage by listening into our private conversations with Brazil is unnacceptable and and act of war! And you insult us further by telling us to stay out of South American affairs! Prepare to defend yourself from the wrath of Mother Russia!
To: Brazil
It has become clear to us that Chile can no longer be allowed to exist. You have our full support, and we would like to use your nation as a base from which to attack the infidels.
To: Germany
It appears that the Chileans once again have challenged the world. Will you join us in our crusade?
With that, the Russian transport miracle began anew. It would take some time to amass an army of sizable proportions, but Air Forces could be made available, and subs could be put to sea.
In Mother Russia:
The Duma instantly aproved $50 Billion for the Operation, in addition to standing operating allowances.
2 Kuznetsov aircraft carriers and 30 escorts are preparing to depart Sevestapol. Crews of Kuznetsov and Varyag are in high spirits.
17 Akula Submarines, 8 Victor IIIs, and 5 Oscars have received sailing orders for Chilean waters. 15 Kilos will be sailing upon arrival of Brazilian support.
The Air force has also geared up, with the following ordered to Northern Brazil for training:
240 Mig-29
80 Mig-42
200 Su-27
200 Mig-23/27
180 Su-35
30 Il-76 Tankers and AWACs
300 Mi-24 Hind
300 Mi-28
200 Ka-50 Hokum
200 Su-24
200 Su-25
50 Tu-22
All told, 2180 aircraft are being assembled for battle.
300,000 Veteran soldiers are also being earmarked for battle. It will be another month before they even reach the tarmac for transport. They are being sent to the Pripyat marshes for extensive marsh and harsh weather training. That will be followed by another 2 weeks of training in Brazil.
Already though, 1 Division of Elite marines is begining to load up in Minsk pending Brazilian approval.
April 11, 2000, 21:58
Local Time: 02:18
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The Revolutionary has departed from British Columbia southward, destination unknown.
*Secret*It is rigged with explosives to prevent its capture. It is also headed by a skeleton crew. 5 people.*Secret*
To: Russia
From: Canadian Republic
Please do not be so hasty in your actions of war! Be assured, it would not look to favorable for such a prestigious country to be picking on the poor, defenceless countries. Remember, forgiveness is the most blessed gift of all!
To: Chile
From: Canadian Republic
Worry, worry very much. We will try our best. We do not know how much we can possibly be capable of accomplishing, however.
April 11, 2000, 22:11
Local Time: 02:18
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To: Brazil & Peru
From: ICE
Greetings, we would like to remind you two nations that you still have our support in your war against Chile. Is there anything we may to do to help? Perhaps weapons or other sales? We regret that we cannot send troops now as we are still recovering from our campaigns in Africa.
April 11, 2000, 22:47
OOC: backround info here http://www.warships1.com/BRffg2000_FSC_specs.htm
With the Emerald, Astute, and CVF programs all started and going well, only the FSC program was left for the Royal Navy to do. Designs have been finished and the Admiralty has settled on a Trimaran hull type giving it a max speed of over 40 knots, faster than most torpedos. It will carry 36 Tomahawk missiles and have Warhammer anti-shipping missiles currently under devolopment. Also it will carry Aster 30 missiles which are currently on the Emerald's. All the missiles will be in 2 VLS launchers. The FSC will carry one 155mm main gun and 2 merlin helicopters. The ship is expected to be ,by far, the most powerful Frigate Class in the world, on par with most destroyers in ship to ship battles. The ship will displace around 7000 tons and the first of 35 is expected by June of 2005.
Prime Minister Sigma Draconis was checked into a hospital for food poisoning today after eating several raw oysters and assorted shellfish. He is expected to be back to good in a few days.
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has wished for a peace settlement in south america and has pledged UK troops should civilian casualties become unnessecarilly high. 100 Eurofighters have been deployed to the Falklands for "training" and the Grand Fleet left Scapa Flow for the Falklands yesterday bolstered by HMS Ark Royal and HMS Orange.(ocean class)
April 12, 2000, 00:06
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The HMS Invincible has arrived in the port of Shanghai to have a public ceremony to allow it to become an Imperial Chinese Navy Ship.
OOC: I assume the armaments came with it?
April 12, 2000, 00:37
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The Brazilian army was prepared. Over the last week they have made extensive pitfalls around the unofficial border in line with BA. If, for some strange reason, the Argentinians got through the combined force of 425k Brazilians, they wouldn't reach the 100k rear guard in Brazil. Already the air force was striking the moving Argentinian army, wreaking havoc with the men. Dog fights were over after the F-16s landed for fuel only to be bombarded, it appears the Chileans are only getting used to the modern fighters. Make there no mistake, the airfights that took place were deadly.
Mirage: 62
F-16: 211 (The ones that were on the ground were slaughtered by the Rafales.)
The Brazilian army silently stretched out over 50 miles north and south, waiting for the Argentinians. When they come, they will be hurt. A small force of 50k went forward to meet the enemy and feint a retreat to the North, leading the enemy into the trap. Only time will tell what will happen.
(OOC: More later. Hodad, your men will meet a force of 50k men and 75 tanks when you post, keep that in mind. You also have no idea that the other 250k men are waiting. Your men are being harrassed by fighters and bombers.)
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 12, 2000, 02:15
Local Time: 06:18
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February 1, 2002 12:01 AM EST
An explosion filled the night sky with fire and noise. Another and another erupted, then still more followed as the barrage began. CW artillery began mercilessly pounding the CTA shore of the Mississippi River with the heaviest artillery bombardment since the first world war. Hundreds of guns flung tons of death and destruction on the towns and roads on the opposite bank as the CW crossed the river.
Barges, armored on the Ohio River, were filled with troops, tanks and artillery, and crossing the icy waters of the Mississippi River. Near Hannibal Missouri, 150,000 CW troops crossed as the 1st through 5th armies began their assault on northern Missouri. Just to the north, the 6th through 10th armies crossed just south of Davenport Iowa and began their assault on the city. Far south of the northern assault, the 11th through 15th armies were advancing into Louisiana near Baton Rouge for a drive on New Orleans and the deep south of the CTA. The CW shock armies, assembled in Minnesota, launched a massive invasion of North and South Dakota. When the day ended, the CW had siezed the cities of Fargo, Grand Forks, Sioux Falls, Sisseton, Muscetine, Davenport, Hannibal, Palmyra, Amite, St. Francisville and Baton Rouge. Casualties had been extremely light with less than a hundred being killed on each side due to the lack of fighting. The CTA seemed to be pulling back while the CW cautiously blitzed into the CTA.
In the air war, CW bombers began bombing St. Louis, Tulsa, New Orleans, Des Moines, and Kansas City in an effort to demoralize the civilians in the area and damage transportation junctions to hamper CTA counterattacks.
February 2, 2002
CW units advance deeper into CTA territory. Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and Washington in Iowa were under siege. In the Dakotas, Valley City and Devils Lake in the north and Mitchell and Aberdeen in the south were under siege. In Missouri, the CW advance turned south towards St. Louis and within the day, units were entrenched in the northern suburbs and the flank had been secured in the town of Marshall. In Louisiana, the barges had gone south to support an infantry advance across the River. New Orleans was under attack as CTA units dug in and the CW relentlessly pounded their city. The bombings continued across the theatre adn targets were shifted to highways and factories to cripple the infrastructure.
February 3, 2002
The CW has begun to speed up the advance as the reached the open plains. Des moines itself was being devastated by heavy house to house fighting as the CTA finally started to dig in. North Dakota had lost Bismark and Minot, and the south had lost Oahe and Pierre. In Louisiana, New Orleans still held on despite the fierce fighting, but units had crossed the river adn captured the city of Houme. Casualties thus far were just over 2000 killed for the CW and 3000 dead for the CTA with another 800 captured.
February 4, 2002
As the assault on New Orleans tied up more and more troops, the CW realized that they would not win if the CTA was allowed time to get ready and muster their forces. They offered the people of New Orleans a choice, surrender or drown as we bomb the dikes and the Mississippi floods the city. Thankfully, the people surrendered and saved thousands of lives and valuabel time.
February 5, 2002
CW units, exhausted from 4 days of fighting steadily increasing numbers of CTA forces, toned down their advance, using this day to rest and regroup, but also allowing the CTA a chance to rally and mobilize. The CW gulf fleet began harassing CTA merchant vessels in the Gulf and also running entire Tarawa Landing Ships full of Guns, Artillery, Ammunition. Everythign needed to keep a massive rebel army equipped was delivered to Mexico to keep huge numbers of CTA forces tied down in suppression. The hopes of freedom were met with hundreds of eager recruits as the CW promised liberation, communism.
Feb 6-15 2002
The CW continued the advance into the CTA...heavy fighting had erupted in Jonesboro Arkansas as CW units advanced south and encountered CTA armored units. For the first time in history, Abrams had fought Abrams with deadly results for both sides. A10 Warthogs had a heyday attacking tanks and destroying columns of vehicles. The front had been established and then halted just south of the now devastated and burning Newport, Arkansas where 60,000 CW troops faced a similar number of CTA troops. In the north, the Dakotas had been conquered and troops were poised to invade Montana and Nebraska, but were hesitant and awaited armored reinforcements. In Missouri, the armies had broken through and taken St. Louis, De Soto and Columbia, while preparing to advance deep into the rest of the state. CTA resistance was increasing tremendously, with CW units meeting matching forces many times in battle. High Command is wary of continuing the advance though, fearing a CTA counterattack of massive proportions.
Did someone say DONUTS?? Racists eat poo!! Fascism with sense rules!! I know God has a sense of humor, after all look at me and my life!! MWA HAHAHA
April 12, 2000, 13:29
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OOC: Sorry I haven't posted for a day or so. I am still figuring the budget, but will have it in a day or so. I am using todays figures for Italy, Libya, and some of the Balkans. If anyone has any info, please email me a scox@cpinternet.com.
April 12, 2000, 15:13
Local Time: 06:18
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Posts: 458
To: China
Please send whatever support you deem neccessary.
To: Russia
Send them over.
To: Chile
I am now officially freezing talks of peace.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 12, 2000, 15:52
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Midshipman, don't worry about the figures too much. We don't base everything on strictly numbers here. It is a story thread first and foremost (though that fact seems to be forgotten sometimes, a crime of which I am guilty too)
April 12, 2000, 16:22
OOC: To RUSSIA: What? That was not secret! It's meant to have something like:
[secret message]XXXXXXXX[/secret message]
***secret message***
***end of secret message***
Otherwise, it only counts as a public message that anyone can hear!
April 12, 2000, 16:28
So the moves would be:
Brazil and Peru, let us have a peace treaty.
ANY war would be futile, since you could only air raid Chile and Chile could only do the same.
Russia, your accusation of espionage is ridiculous, for your statement was public.
And we now see your policy.
But we apologise deeply for any distress caused to you, Mr Veda, or to your great country.
Chile only wants peace with all the other nations of the world.
Chile does not wish to see its population massacred in the eyes of the world.
We need humanitarian aid for all the Argentinian refugees currently in Chile.
Argentine doctors (who have a VERY wide demand in areas of war and conflict) are available for humanitarian missions elsewhere for all Argentinian refugees seem to be healthy.
However, we need tents and food.
April 12, 2000, 16:30
So the moves would be:
Brazil and Peru, let us have a peace treaty.
ANY war would be futile, since you could only air raid Chile and Chile could only do the same.
Russia, your accusation of espionage is ridiculous, for your statement was public.
And we now see your policy.
But we apologise deeply for any distress caused to you, Mr Veda, or to your great country.
Chile only wants peace with all the other nations of the world.
Chile does not wish to see its population massacred in the eyes of the world.
We need humanitarian aid for all the Argentinian refugees currently in Chile.
Argentine doctors (who have a VERY wide demand in areas of war and conflict) are available for humanitarian missions elsewhere for all Argentinian refugees seem to be healthy.
However, we need tents and food.
April 12, 2000, 16:39
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Scott, when can we put our new fighter and tank into production, or at least testing??? I want to get it in production ASAP. Also, when can my carriers be complete? I started it at the beginning of the thread, and it's been a while since then, I'll just be a bit dormant until I get my new toys hehe
The HMS Invincible with her complement of Harriers is assigned to go on patrol in the waters near the Empire...
April 12, 2000, 17:23
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: First off, this was cleared by the mod
The Imperial Guard of the Imperial Chinese Empire have now been equipped with the Cougar tank. This new tank was a joint Sino-Prussian project. The first batch has just arrived. Also, the WarHawk, the Sino-Prussian fighter, will also be entering into production within the month. The Imperial Guard receives preference for these weapons first.
April 12, 2000, 17:44
Local Time: 02:18
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The Montreal Times
*Canadian Republic declares war on the CTA!!!*
The pride and joy of the Canadian navy has been destroyed in an outrageous act of the CTA army! Politicians suspect that the CTA believed Canada to be conspiring against them, and decided to strike the first blow. The Revolutionary was sailing into San Fransisco bay as it was destroyed.
The "Black Devils" unit, at full operating status, has struck oil pipelines all across Northern Canada, crippling CTA oil production. All along the norhtern Canada-CTA border, units have enclosed themselves in heavily protected bunkers, designed to withstand heavy missle attacks. The airforce has been mobilized, making preliminary bombing strikes at nuclear power plants, taking several in Washington state out of commision.
All 200,000 have been assembeled at the border, with an extra 50,000 expected to arrive by the end of the week.
OOC: I gotta go, don't kill me please.  I'll be in Washington D.C., so I wouldn't be able to respond.
JT3: I will not continue my assault if you pay me war costs, and sign over to me Alaska, allowing you to concentrate solely on the CW. After all, you did 'start' this war with me.
[This message has been edited by monolith94 (edited April 12, 2000).]
April 12, 2000, 23:06
Local Time: 01:18
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Posts: 498
Major Headlines in Der Spiegel:
Germany to dispatch forces to aid Russia and Brazil:
In his weekly press conference, Minister of Defense Werner von Ludenbech announced that Germany will be dispatching forces to assist the Russians and Brazilians in their campaign in South America. Eight panzergrenadier divisions, four panzer divisions, one paratrooper division, six B-2 Bombers, 12 B-52 Long Range Bombers, 36 Wirblewind Medium Jet Bombers, 120 Eurofighter Typhoons, and 120 Panavia Tornado Fighter-Bombers. It will be some time before these forces can be fully deployed in Brazil. Four of the new Bismarck-class missile battlecruisers, eight new destroyers, and 16 new frigates are preparing to depart along with the newly completed Graf Zeppelin, Germany's new aircraft carrier. Six advanced Los Angeles-class attack submarines, two Oscar cruise missile submarines, and one Ohio-class missile submarine are being readied as well.
Other Minor Headlines in Der Spiegel:
-Marriage announced between the Kaiser and Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden.
-Graf Zeppelin finishes sea trials, joins fleet.
-Peter Strasser finishes fitting out, prepares for sea trials.
-Production begins on joint Sino-German weapon designs.
-Germany to stay neutral in North America.
Dispatches from the Foreign Office:
To Ireland:
Enjoy your new colonies.
To the CTA:
Surely you did not sponsor this terrible act of terrorism against the CW as they claim.
To the CW:
We thank you for the prompt delivery of payment for your new ships. The last of them have been sent to you now.
To China:
We are ready to commence operations in the Congo basin whenever you are.
To All Nations:
We are still willing to build weapons for almost anyone on order.
April 12, 2000, 23:06
Local Time: 02:18
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The HIMS Kuomindong and HIMS Gongchandong have been commissioned in the Empire. These two fleet carriers will finally join the rest of the Imperial Fleet. This opens up two major ports for more ships to be built.
OOC: Note: HIMS stands for "His Imperial Majesty's Ship"
April 12, 2000, 23:16
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Three newly formed Colonial Divisions from Zaire rebels and Chinese-African territories have been formed and are ready for action.
With the phasing out of older planes and tanks, the WarHawk and Cougar will be produced to equip the entire Imperial military. Different versions of the WarHawk are also being produced, such as a ground attack version, a carrier-capable version, etc. etc.
The air fields were loud and bustling with activity today as most of China's older air force, 3,000 J-5s will be departing for Brazil and Peru.
April 13, 2000, 00:05
The CRME will send 50 F-16s to help Russia and Brazil deal with Chile.
April 13, 2000, 01:17
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February 15-28 2002
With the siezure of North and South Dakota, the CW army has turned south and has invaded northern Nebraska, but has been met by stiff resistance. 400,000 troops have begun a labored advance down the Missouri River, facing CTA infantry and militia units dedicated to defending their homeland. After two weeks of arduous campaigning, the controlled the northeastern quarter of the state but had taken heavy casualties in the relentless advance south.
In Iowa and Missouri, a massive CTA armored assault has beaten the CW forces back at severl key junctures on the front. Des Moines has once again become a battleground as CW units rallied there after beign driven back several miles by the CTA juggernaught. All along the central front, the troops have retreated several miles to regroup and await the chance to resume the offensive.
That chance came on February 22, when the CTA slowed to allow their troops time to rest and resupply. The CW took the opportunity to blitz into enemy lines and turned them back. A10 warthogs wreaked havoc on CTA armoed units, destroying hundreds in fatal swoops, but suffering equally devastating losses. Des Moines once again fell to the CW, and this time they kept on going. At the end of 2 weeks of fighting, the armies were entrenched in the cities of Corning, Jefferson and Spencer in Iowa, and Springfield, Saedalia and Trenton in missouri, faced against determined CTA resistance.
In Louisiana, The cities of Alexandria, Ville Platte, and Lake Charles were battlegrounds as fanatical Texan troops bolstered the crumbling louisianan garrisons and fought the CW units to a standstill. After 2 weeks, the troops were still bogged down in the fearsome fighting and the cities and most of the state were reduced to rubble.
In the airwar, the largest jet battle ever has been ongoing over Missouri and iowa for 2 weeks now as the bulk of the CTA airforce exchanges blows with the CW fighter force, bolstered with the new F-22 squadrons. CW bombers blacken the skies over CTA cities by day, and turn them orange with fires at night as the 24 hour campaign devastates the CTA infrastructure in the plains, inhibiting the arrival of reinforcements and the production of war goods.
On the High Seas, CW submarines have begun attacking CTA shipping in the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico. Shipping has been virtually paralized in the Gulf as the nearby and numerous CW fleet also participated and devastated the merchant fleet.
Word has arrived from Oak Ridge that 24 of the new Leviathan tanks will be made available for field testing on march1. 6 will be sent to Canada while the remaining 18 will be tested against the CTA.
Leviathan Stats
Crew: 6 total
Engines: 2 Gas/Alcohol Turbines
Armaments: 150mm howitzer
2 50mm forward mounted cannons
1 .50 Caliber Machine Gun
2 Grenade Launchers
Length: 30feet
Weight: 75tons
Speed: 60mph
Special Bulletin:
Peru has entered the war on the CW side. Tarawa class landing ships and troop transports have assembled along with liners and freighters to transport 100,000 men to Florida where they will then be shipped to the Louisiana front on March1. All units will be equipped with CW military equipment and tanks, which have been donated to the Peruvian nation as a result of their participation. The troops will be ferried back to Peru upon completion of the campaign or as needed by the nation.
To Peru: We thank you for your support and more gifts will be forthcoming as a result. The troops will be in action on March 1 (IRT Friday) and under your command. You have been given 200 Abrams for your troops as well as 200 Artillery pieces and 200 APCs fresh from the Factories in Georgia.
To Canada: The tanks are on their way and they will join your army on March1. Remember though that these are just test models and there will be bugs and problems. Mass production will begin this autumn if things go alright.
April 13, 2000, 06:55
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Noticing the distress of her communist brethren in America, and the total lack of diplomatic function, Russia is sending obvservers to the CTA to watch the progress of the war.
OOC: JT3 isn't anywhere in the picture. If you continue to make this a lopsided effort, I'm going to have to slap you up a bit by taking control of the CTA temporarily.
April 13, 2000, 10:59
Local Time: 08:18
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Polynesian Coalition Official Report
The Polynesian Coalition annouces that the construction of the new carrier, christened as "Black Pearl" has been finished. The ship will enter full capacity service in two months. The Coalition thanks the German Empire for assistance.
The carrier has a capacity of 125 Thoracopterus fighters.
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