April 17, 2000, 00:16
Local Time: 06:18
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1750 Starting
These are example news and battle info to get you guys started. I will be giving news for the Marathas and the Moghul Empire
In a public declaration, the elite and wise Moghul Emperor has declared that the Maratha heresy "Must be eliminated."
The Moghul Southern Army, 35,000 militia and 20,000 regulars have begun to march southward into Jaipur to "return the citizens of that city to the rightful and glorious rule of the Moghul Empire."
Messengers have arrived in Delhi reporting a great battle in progress north of Jaipur.
The Gwailor Army, 55,000 strong, has begun in advance into northern Sindhia. Reports also state that a Maratha force has been sighted, and an engagement is imminent.
Maratha Leader denounces Moghul treachery
The Maratha Emperor has issued a call for "all persons loyal to the Maratha cause, and to greater India, to drive the horrific and barbarous Moghuls back to Persia where they originally came!"
The North Maratha Army, 90,000 strong, has been mobilized. Messengers state that the invading Maratha army has been found... and that a large battle is imminent.
The Maratha Nagpur Army, upon hearing news of a Moghul invasion of N. Sindhia, has lunged in response, and the two forces are perilously close to each other...
These would obviously be seperately posted
Now each army would send the following to me:
Battle 1:
20,000 regulars
35,000 militia
N. of Jaipur
25,000 pinning, 30,000 outflank
Battle 2:
20,000 regulars
35,000 militia
N. Sindhia
N. Jaipur
90,000 troops, most militia
N. Sindhia
40,000 troops, regulars
TACTIC - Massed Reserve
[i]They would also include any commanders, if neccessary:
I will post the battle results shortly...
[This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 00:22
Local Time: 06:18
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1st Battle of Jaipur!
Result: Moghul Victory
Marathas: 19,000 troops
Moghuls: 14,000 troops
Teh day of the first great battle dawned clear and bright. The Moghul commander noted with alarm that his command, which he thought had the numerical advantage, was instead vastly outnumbered... 2-1 at least.
But the commander had something up his sleeve... He noticed that the Maratha hordes right flank was not anchored on any natural obstacle... it was guarded only by a light copse of trees...
The Moghul commander could not believe his luck.
He quickly issued a rash of orders, splitting his army... 25,000 would keep the Maratha attention, while 30,000 would march around and attack teh Maratha's on their right flank.
By 12 PM, it was apparent that the Maratha commanders were vacillitating... their attacks upon the 25,000 man holding force were short and desultory... lacking in gusto or elan. They came in piecemeal... whereby the Moghul's were able to hold their own.
Around 2 PM, the 30,000 man outflanking force began its attack in concert with a powerful frontal attack from all 25,000 of the pinning force.
The Maratha militia collapsed as a pile of cards does. The Maratha right literally vanished, and the Moghul's continued their heavy push, capitalizing upon teh Maratha confusion.
The Moghul army continued its bloody assault until nightfall... at the end of the day, 14,000 Moghul and 19,000 Maratha troops littered the battlefield.
Within a week, the entire region of Jaipur had fallen into Moghul hands.
1st battle of North Sindhia
Result: Moghul Victory
Marathas: 3,000 troops
Moghuls: 12,000 troops
The battle began around 4 PM. Teh Maratha commander adopted a simple tactic... he deployed a few frontline troops to absorb the blow and kept the bulk of his outnumbered force in reserve.
The Moghul commander, seeing that both Maratha flanks were secure, one anchored in a thick forest, the other by a river, decided upon a simple frontal assault, hoping his numbers could carry the day.
The Moghuls began their attack around 5 PM, and their first push was wildly successful. Too many Maratha troops had been placed in the reserve, an dthe front line collapsed precipitously.
By 6 PM, the Moghul attack had not only broken the Moghul first line, but had also shattered their suprised reserves. The Maratha commander, fearing a panic among his troops, began a retreat, which quickly fell into a rout.
Moghul cavalry rode down many of the fleeing Maratha soldiers, and by the time night fell around 8:30, 12,000 Maratha troops littered the field, compared to just 3,000 Moghul soldiers... Most of teh Maratha's were killed in teh retreat by the harassing Moghul cavalry...
[This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 00:39
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 35
Duke Victor Calls for United Italy!
The great Duke of Savoy, Victor Amadeus II, spoke today in Turin of a united Italy, becoming a powerful European nation and challenging the likes of France and Austria. He spoke of Venice's diminished role in world commerce and how Rome had been allowed to wither into papal obscurity. He deemed it the hour to unite Italy under one flag, the powerful banner of Savoy, the house which was destined to rule the peninsula.
That said, the II Corps under General Traun has been ordered to march into the nation of Lombady and to take the city of Piascenza for the glory of Savoy. 15,000 troops have breached the Lombardian frontier and are determined to obtain the city.
[This message has been edited by Chris Szabla (edited April 17, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Chris Szabla (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 00:46
Local Time: 06:18
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Lombardy declared war for "unwarranted Piedmontse aggression"
Lombardy has also issued a call to arms for her citizens, and placed a request to "all Italian powers who favor a correct balance of power, to stop this unwarranted aggression."
Romagna, and Papacy, and Venetia all issued statements of non-involvement in this matter.
"This is between Lombardy and Savoy. We do not want our soldiers blood being spilled for the sake of Lombardy." stated the Venetian ambassador.
Battle of Piacenza!
The battle began on the low, plains of Lombardy. The Lombard defending army, 15,000 strong, had made a forced march to the defense of Piacenza once it became apparent the Piedmontese forces had crossed the border.
Things went bad for the Lombards from teh start. They barely found the Army from Savoy, and even then the leadership of General TRaun allowed the Piedmontese forces to deploy in a line of battle well before the Lombardese forces were ready.
Faced with a desperate situation, the Lombardese chose to defend the small Piancenza rise they had intially deployed upon.
Meanwhile, General Traun had come up with a daring plan... divide his forces and envelop the enemy.
Around 1 PM, the Lombardese noticed the seemingly small Piedmontese forces advancing across the field. Their commander, encouraged at the numerical advantage they appeared to have, ordered the Lombardese army forward off its defensive positions.
Battle was fully joined about 1:30, with the outnumbered Piedmontese center holding its own for two hours.
A but tardily, Traun's outflanking forces finally, arrived, assaulting the Lombardese from both flanks around 4 PM. Within an hour, the Lombardese front collapsed.
Lombardy that day lost over 3,000 killed and wounded, and another 3,000 captured, including the Lombardese commander, Alfonso d'Amalia.
Teh army of Lombardy has retreated northward back towards Milan, to await reinforcement and lick its wounds.
The Piedmontese forces, suffering 3,000 losses of their own, secured the region around the city of Piacenza within a few weeks.
END RESULT: Piedmontese victory
Casualties: 3,000 Piedmontese, 6,000 Lombardy
[This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 01:04
Local Time: 06:18
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In an unexpected move, today in Vienna our honored Kaiser Francis I called for an invasion of the Italy. The target is the city of Venice and the surrounding territories. If an Austrian victory is the outcome than the port of Venice will be added to the Empire in order to build better and larger warhips.
The I and V Corps from Salzburg and Trieste respectivley will conduct the invasion under the command of Field Marshal Browne. Both forces will combine in an Echelon attack pattern. It is unsure what the Venitian commander will employ. However the Reichsheer is expected to be the victor.
April 17, 2000, 01:28
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1st battle of Venice!
Around 11 AM, the 20,000 troops of the REpublic of Venice, under the personal command of the Venetian Doge (whatever thats worth  ) engaged the forces of the invading Austrians under the command of Field Marshal Browne.
True to expectation, Browne noted that teh Venetian Army's flanks were held solidly by the sea and a swamp. Forced to advance over a level field, Brownes army began its echelon attack upon the Venetian right.
The Doge, who fortunately had more experienced commanders under him, decided in a council of war to counter-attack, by flanking the Austrians from the swamp, which the Venetians knew how ot navigate through.
Browne noted that teh Venetians had divided their army, and posted a brigade to watch the swamp. The rest of his forces assaulted the section of Venetian troops, 10,000 strong that remained.
As the battle heated up, it became apparent to teh Austrians that the Venetian's weren't budging. More forces were called in, until finally a lone regiment of 500 men was left guarding the swamp.
The Doge meanwhile had become worried. It was approaching 3 PM, his flanking force was now around 2 hours late. He was about to issue a retreat order when the renewed roar of gunfire on teh Austrian right indicated the Venetians had come through.
Browne, seeing his regiment guarding the swamp was overwhelmed, executed a skillful withdraw, deploying light cavalry to block the enemies advance. The Doge, frightened by the numerous bodies on the field, did not pursue.
Browne reportedly stated "we shall try again, and this time they will not be so fortunate!"
Venice: 4,000
Austria: 5,000
April 17, 2000, 07:27
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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OOC: Wait, wait. Let the people attacking use that battle system you gave the URL for.

becoming a powerful European nation and challenging the likes of France and Austria
Even a united Italy, after a war between the different "sections" of it, would not be as powerful as France or Austria, hate to tell you. Wars were different in that time, after a war, there would still be underground movements by some of the "sections" until many troops were killed and what not.
April 17, 2000, 09:46
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OOC - Yeah but they'll try. Anyway BT you're doing a great job at this, keep up the great work.
After the Field Marhsal Browne's unseemll defeat the Kaiser has ordered the VII Corps in Eszek to hurry to rendevouz with our remaining 15,000 soldiers and finish off the Venitians. Field Marshal Browne will be left in comand as he is one of the best in the Reichsheer. With our forces bolstered to 25,000 men victory will no doubt be ours.
The VII is as of now rushing from Eszek to Trieste to rendevouz with the I and V Corps. Field Marshal Browne has decided to employ a Probe followed qucikly with an Assault style attack.
OOC - I hope you can combine an attakcs like this. Probably Probe in Round 1 and maybe 2 and than Assault at the end or whatever you think is better.
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 09:57
Local Time: 06:18
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OOC:I am very sorry I am going to have to say this. This thread is extremely interesting but I dont have the patience or time to continue.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 17, 2000, 10:34
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Polaris: Well, obviously...it was just a morale/propaganda thing. But surely you agree that even a war-weakened united Italy is more powerful than a fragmented one.
April 17, 2000, 11:32
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Of course, it is more land, more troops, more wealth.
Agreed on that.
April 17, 2000, 11:34
Local Time: 18:18
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The Danish army was on the move. The army group in Christiania, 35000 men strong marched out, southward towards Gothenburg. Their orders were simple. Assault Gothenburg.
Meanwhile, the fleet laying at rest in Copenhagen were being prepared to take to the seas.
April 17, 2000, 11:46
Local Time: 06:18
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::::: 8th Armée :::::
The French army is going one army up in the next few weeks. We will be recruiting and specially training these Regulars to be Imperial forces in France. The cost to raise these men is approx. 60 industrial dollars, and to upkeep them it will be 30 indusrtial dollars. These three corps will be located and deployed once their training is complete.
: $435.50
:: To be decreased by $30 each turn.
::: New military budget per turn is $465.50
April 17, 2000, 11:53
Local Time: 18:18
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Following the declaration of war against Sweden, here is the revised budget:
The extra £100 will be used on the following:
30.000 extra troops: £60
2 heavy warships: £20
4 light warships: £20
In an agreement signed by the governments of Holland and Denmark, they have entered an alliance stating that if one country is attacked, the other should consider themselves attacked by the same force that attacked the attacked part. (Very very awkward way of saying this, but I hope you get my drift).
Thank you.
April 17, 2000, 14:23
Local Time: 06:18
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Hesse, Saxony sign defensive alliance!
Fearing the growing power of her rival Prussia to teh north, Saxony has persuaded he southern neighbor Hesse to join her in an alliance. The new combined alliance can field a total army of 80,000 troops, equal to Prussia in number...
(OOC: But obviously not in quality)
Negotiators have also been sent to the Rhine and Bavaria to ask them to join a "Germanic League" to oppose their more aggressive bretheren.
New Polish King elected!
OOC: I don't know the king of Poland at this time, so I'm having one elected.
Stansilaus Murkowiski, Duke of Polodia, was elected King of Poland by the Polish Diet. Within a few weeks arguments have already ensued between the new king and his Diet...
Second Battle of Venice!
END RESULT: Austrian Victory
Venice: 6,000 troops
Austria: 4,000 troops
Late in teh day, FM Browne's forces once again encountered the Doge's army.
The Doge hurriedly deployed his forces, planning simply to counterattack the Austrian Army once the opportunity presented itself.
It never did.
From the start, the Austrian Army's intial assault was devastating. Over 2,000 Venetians fell in te intial hour of combat. Austria paid a heavy price as well, as 1,000 of her finest fell.
The first Austrian assault was rebuffed, but the second Austrian assault broke the back of the Venetian forces, inflicting 1,000 losses on Venice to 2,500 Austrian casualties. As the Doge saw the Austrian hordes storming towards his headquarters, he fled towards Mantua. Seeing their commander fleeing the field, panic began to ensue in the Venetian army. In the ensuing chaotic melees, Venice lost an addition 3,000 troops captured, while Austria's losses only were around 500 men.
April 17, 2000, 15:33
Local Time: 06:18
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Posts: 381
sorry for the delay. im not at my on\wn computer, but i will post my regiments and send my moves to bt as soon as i can. May allah bless you all.
April 17, 2000, 15:34
Local Time: 06:18
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I got an question. Can you capture and enmey leader if you defeat them on the feild?
April 17, 2000, 15:36
Local Time: 03:18
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what country do you recommend for an unexperienced guy who doesn't want his ass to be kiked too soon?
April 17, 2000, 16:02
Local Time: 06:18
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Posts: 35
Piedmont-Savoy and France Sign Non-Agression Pact
TURIN- The Duke of Savoy has announced that the great Dutchy of Savoy has signed a mutual interest non-agression pact with France. The pact was initiated because of common French/Savoian interests in a united Italy.
OOC: BT, if regulars were ordered for my nation in the first turn, when will they be ready...and, is this officially a new turn and can I then post new moves?
April 17, 2000, 16:20
Poland emerges from its ashes.
Stansilaus Murkowiski cordially invites all European leaders to his coronation in Warsaw next month.
I have also prepared non-agression pacts to be signed by all present.
OOC: If you attend, you accept the non-agression pact.
Poland may prove to be a good friend in your hours of need.
We must open up our ambassadors for negotiation.
Please contact me at m_carreras@hotmail.com
OOC: No, I don't have ICQ.
Alteration to budget:
BUdget: $1440 (divided in two because of Polish governmental confusion at this time)
Military: $216
Left: $131
raising 60,000 regulars and 2 light fleets in Danzig. OOC: These will be ready on Wednesday, right? And, I will have the complete budget next, right?
Superavit: $1
OOC: I cannot post on weekends so, BT, I'll mail you my budget for then on friday. Do you use the e-mail in your profile?
And we do e-mail you the moves of armies, right?
April 17, 2000, 16:45
Only the fleets in Danzig, the rest I'll see to later.
April 17, 2000, 16:57
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OOC: I don't get how someone cannot have ICQ. You simply go to www.icq.com and download it for free.
April 17, 2000, 17:07
OOC: Simple, Polaris, I post at school. 
And we're not allowed to have ICQ at school.
So there.
For the same reason I don't post on weekends.
Except that I wouldn't be seen dead at shools on weekends.
April 17, 2000, 17:52
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You aren't? That is odd.
April 17, 2000, 18:37
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Originally posted by HsFB on 04-17-2000 03:36 PM
what country do you recommend for an unexperienced guy who doesn't want his ass to be kiked too soon?
We're all inexperienced in this new form of story thread bud.
April 17, 2000, 19:01
Local Time: 02:18
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Hodad, no, each turn is two days in real life, so they'll be ready friday...I think...
April 17, 2000, 19:17
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I'd recommend right now the Barbary Coast, one of the Indian empires, or Persia...
[This message has been edited by General_BT (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 21:00
Local Time: 06:18
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Field Marhsal Browne and the remaining soldiers of the Reichsheer marched into Venice. The Austrian soldiers tore up the town partying until well after midnight. Wine flowed like water and the finest candied meats were pulled out. However while the regulars partied, Field Marshal Browne and his officers counseled on the outcome of the battle and the future of the war. Austria had lost 8,000 soldiers while the Venetian forces had been shattered. Doge had withdrawn to Mantua were the Reichsheer was headed next.
Mantua was lightly guarded with basically no real challenge to any well trained army. And the Venitians would probably be low on morale. While the Reichsheer would be high on morale. And with a good numer of militia behind them the Reichsheer could bust the hump of the last Venetian resistance.
"We march in the morning Gentlemen" said Browne.
OOC - Wait for a moment while I ponder my strategy and funds. After all hiring militia isn't cheap. Post my battle in the morning.
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 18, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 21:05
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Is this turn based or not!?
EDITED: Ignore that.
[This message has been edited by Chris Szabla (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 21:14
Local Time: 06:18
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Bearcat -
You get to move your armies one territory per day. Your latest attack on Venice proper used up the moves for those corps involved. If you wish you can have the move take place on the morrow... or you can have a different move for those forces tommorrow...
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