April 17, 2000, 21:36
Local Time: 01:18
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King Peisi Makes Speech Similar to Szabla, Invades Ancona
King Peisi of Naples today called for Italy to unite and take it's status as a great power. He also called the Piedmontese "pretenders," stating that many in their territories of Savoy and Nice were not Italian at all, but French. Finally, he stated that Italy should unite peacefully if possible, but that Naples will use force if neccesary.
Meanwhile, the I Corps surged into Ancona, marking the beginning of the holy mission of uniting Italy. The 20,000 regulars have so far had great success...
OOC:BT-if you read my deployments post you will see I wanted this corps on the Anconan border
Also, can you send fleets out to conquer islands?
If so:
Two light squadrons have set out from Naples today for Malta, hoping to seize the island for a united Italy.
If not, please disregard this.
April 17, 2000, 21:49
Local Time: 06:18
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OOC: Spartan, you'd better be nice to me, seeing as I basically gave you Sardinia. It should have been officially ceded to me in 1718, rendering me the Kingdom of Sardinia now, but you're very lucky I let you keep it.  Oh yeah, and IC I'm not Szabla...refer to me as Duke Victor or somesuch.
The End is Near for Lombardy...
Duke Victor has declareds the state of Lombardy to be "an aberration, a mistake which should be scourged from the earth under the prospects of a united Italy under the House of Savoy. With the Lombard army severely damaged and hunkered down in Milan, it is apparent that Savoy will dominate this land once again. Morale is high as troops move in to expand their nation for their Duke.
General Traun's II Corps, now stationed in Piascenza, has been ordered to march into the Lombard territory to the east of Milan. The corps will move at an early time and attempt to draw defensive forces from Milan. In the afternoon, however, Charles Emmanuel of Turin's II Corps has been ordered to move in and take the city of Milan as Traun draws attention to the east.
[This message has been edited by Chris Szabla (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 17, 2000, 22:44
Local Time: 06:18
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*secret* In a new turn of diplomacy Kaiser Francis has sent a messanger to the Piedmontese. The mesage is as follows
To the honored Duke Victor of the glorious Piedmontese Realm,
Greetings from his Imperial Majesty Kaiser Francis I of Holy Austria. The Kaiser sends his best and wishes you well in your campaign against the Lombard currs. We have an interesting proposal for you. We wish your help in pacifying and subduing the Italian peninsula. The rise of Naples threatens your vision of a United Italy. We would be willing to help you how should we say pacify the Neapolitans. In exchange we require the rest of the Venetian Republic and some territory in the North. What say you?
His Majesty,
Kaiser Francis I *secret*
April 17, 2000, 22:44
Local Time: 01:18
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ATTENTION: Please note that Mao has been banned from Apolyton until 4/20, these are his "moves"
I Corps: Berlin, led by Frederick II marches to Kustrin
II Corps: East Prussia, led by mraches to Schwerin Thorn
III Corps: Glogau, led by v. Zieten marches to Saxony
IV Corps: Magdeburg, led by Prince Henry converges to Saxony
V Corps: Cologne, led by Brunswick holds it's ground
VI Corps: Pomnerania, led by Lehwaldt marches to West Prussia
VII Corps: Brandenburg, led by von Wuertemmburg marches to Leipzig to fake an attack but to keep the Saxony army there occupied
VIII Corps: Silesia, led by Dessauer holds its ground.
April 17, 2000, 23:07
Local Time: 06:18
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Secret Dispatch to His Imperial Majesty Emperor Francis I of Austria from His Excellency the Duke of Savoy, Victor:
The Duchy of Savoy is interested in entertaining your request. In return for allowing you to aid us in vanquishing the rogue Neapolitans and their aim to "unite" Italy under their tyrrany, we grant you the right to full conquest of the Republic of Venice. The Venetians have long been the trade rivals of our great city of Genova, and it will give great pleasure to our citizens to watch the "glory of Venice" fade rapidly under the glory of Imperial Vienna. His Excellency the Duke of Savoy sends his graces for assisting the cause of the true masters of Italy.
Sealed by the Lord Barrister of the Court of the Duke of Savoy, Lord Victor.
April 17, 2000, 23:10
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Either you attack or you don't... since he stated he wishes to fake, I'm assuming he doesn't.
We can't fight a battle until I get Mao's tactic for his army...
Saxony, Hesse declare war on Prussia!
In an expected news announcement, Saxony and Hesse have declared war upon Prussia after the formers invasion at Leipzig and Dresden. Hesse has moved its II Corps into Leipzig. The I Corps has moved N. to the Prussian border, and is threatening invasion.
near the capital of Dresden, Saxony's II Corps, is reportedly engaged with 20,000 Prussian troops under Prince Henry. Reports indicate that the Saxon commander intends to retreat towards Leipzig to conserve his forces...
April 17, 2000, 23:56
Local Time: 06:18
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Battle of Milan, or Lombardy's last Stand
OOC: This will also be my test of how new commadners are raised and old one's improved.
Basically, after a victory, I roll a 6 sided die, and if a 1 results, some aspect of the commander has improved by 1. I then roll the dice again, and if the results are 1,2 - then charisma changes, 3,4 ability chnages, 5,6 , aggression changes. If they improve two battles in a row, then their rank increases... sound good? New commanders, which begin at 1,1,1, are started the same way (1 on a six sided die roll)
END RESULT: Piedmontese Victory
Lombardy - 4,000 troops
Piedmont - 2,000 troops
The Duke of Lombardy himself took command of the Lombardese forces on this day. Noticing the success of the Piedmontese enveloping of his army at Piancenza, the Duke, limited by his inferior 9,000 men, decided to try and outflank his opponents.
Charles Emmanuel III noted his opponents dividing their already weak force. He decided the best course of action was a simple assault into the weakened enemy line... 15,000 of his fresh troops versus 5,000 tired Lombardese...
As soon as the volleys began to be traded, Charles galloped ot the front, ordering his troops to cease fire, fix bayonets, and charge down the Lombardese.
At 150 yards, the valiant soldiers of Lombardy let loose a final, ragged volley, before retreating pell mell into the city of Milan, abandoning their weapons and stores, and leaving the bewildered Duke to be surrouned by Piedmontese soldiers.
The outflanking force, meanwhile, unawares of the disaster, arrived far too late on the field, and was handily surrounded by Charles Emmanuel's forces.
With this battle, the Duchy of Lombardy has ceased to exist.
CHANGES: Charles Emmanuel III is now a 4,4,5... as his abilty has grown from more experience in teh field...
Battle of Dresden!
The 20,000 man Prussian Army of Dresden led by Prince Henry stormed into the Dresden area of Saxony.
The Elector of Saxony, a wise individual, chose intead of fighting to attempt a withdrawl towards Leipzig.
The Prussians caught up to the retreating Saxons outside of Leipzig. The Saxon rearguard fought a desperate delaying action, fighting till almost the last man to hold back the Prussians. The Prussian echelon attacks were held off by a mere 5,000 of the Saxon army, who constantly gave ground the entire day.
By nightfall, the retreating Saxons had lost 4,000 of their 20,000, but had escaped to Leipzig. The Prussians, whose losses barely exceeded 1,000, set about securing the territory.
Engagement at Leipzig!
RESULT: Hessian Victory
Losses: Prussians - Probe - 6,000 troops
Hessians - Massed Reserve - 3,000 troops
In concert with teh outright invasion of Saxony near Dresden, 10,000 Prussian troops under Brunswick feinted into Liepzig territory. There the Prussians encountered a large Saxon and Hessian force...
Brunswick launched a series of skirmishes to probe the enemy line, but sparked an unexpected response.
40,000 Saxon and Hessian troops were the force opposing the Prussians. The Hessian commander, suprised by the sudden appearance of 10,000 unexpected troops, adopted a simple defensive strategy.
Brunswick halted his lines as soon as it became apparent how badly outnumbered he was. About that time, the Hessians realized their numerical advantage and pressed an attack.
For the next two hours, Prussian arms withstood the most ferocious beating they had ever recieved. Wave after wave of Hessian and Saxon infantry stormed at Prussian positions, as the Prussians continued their fighting withdraw.
When night few at the end of those two hours of hell, 6,000 Prussians were casualties... but it is to be noted that barely 500 of them were prisoners, the rest were wounded or killed.
For their trouble, the overpowering allied forces had 3,000 casualties to bury...
April 18, 2000, 00:00
Prince Maurits van Nassau was enjoying his leadership of the combined I and III Corps. His troops were training in North Brabant, so that they would be ready for war whenever they were attacked. Not that he expected to be attacked in the near future. Despite a recent increase in government changes, the relations with England, France, Denmark and the German states would hopefully continue to be excellent. Indeed, an alliance had been signed with the Danish, cementing the good relations between those two North European protestant powers, while France had agreed on a defensive alliance.
Still, he was wondering about how to spend the military budget. The colonial possessions were vital for the Dutch economy, which was relying much on trade anyway. The East Indies, and especially Java, brought precious spices to the Netherlands, and generated a lot of wealth. Still, he thought that the navy was given too much money. He was considering to expand the land force and decrease the navy, as this would only make the military as a whole stronger. Still, a meeting with his military and trade advisors was being arranged, and a final decision would be made after that.
OOC: The III Corps is in Breda, and an alliance with Denmark has been agreed on. I have not made any other decisions yet.
[This message has been edited by BasV (edited April 17, 2000).]
April 18, 2000, 00:17
Local Time: 02:18
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Russia, Prussia, and Austria sign alliance!
Today is a great day for all three countries, with all three entering into an eternal alliance.
April 18, 2000, 01:32
Local Time: 06:18
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In preperation for the final battle with the Venetians tomorrow a militia group of 2,000 men has been raised. 2 industrial dollars will be subtracted from our Treasury however it is worth it. The 1st Dalmatian Militia will certainly bring victory.
Field Marhsal Browne and his staff have finished batle plans. We will employ an Outflanking maneuver to weaken our enemy and than smash them with an Assault by our superior numbers.
Pinning Forces - 12,000
Outflanking Forces - 7,000
Regulars - 17,000
Militia - 2,000
OOC - A note for BT's convenience. On the 1st and 2nd Rounds it's Outflank, and on Round 3 finsih things with an Assault.
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 18, 2000).]
April 18, 2000, 07:09
Local Time: 18:18
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My armies are now marching towards Gothenburg. I await the results from my 34.000 man strong assault on the 20.000 soldiers in Gothenburg.
April 18, 2000, 07:13
Local Time: 18:18
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Ah yes, 2 outflanks then 1 assault sounds good
April 18, 2000, 10:30
Local Time: 06:18
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All English troops will hold their position this turn. The English 1st Fleet will sail from London to a position of Hannover.
April 18, 2000, 11:14
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Hello. Our two nations have had horrible relations in the past century, within the Americas and Europe. I grow tired of quarreling over every single aspect of life. I wonder if you wish to not sign a peace treaty, non-agression pact, or trade treaty, but all three as well as a trade & defensive alliance which would prove beneficial to us both. If accepted, a new age will begin, one where we can work together to grow. If denied, I will be very sad for Europe will never see the two greatest nations locked in friendship.
Louis XV
April 18, 2000, 11:43
A triple alliance between the nations of Great Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark has been agreed on, which includes military support in case of war, improved trade relations, etcetera. Diplomats have been sent to Rhineland, to inquire into their position in this world and to invite them into this glorious alliance, but word from the Rhineland has not yet been received. As part of this alliance, Holland has declared war on Sweden in support of their Danish allies, and more troops have been called up now.
IV Corps - 20.000 men in Brabant
Military budget: 130
Old upkeep costs: 85
Extra costs: 40
Remaining money: 5
April 18, 2000, 13:08
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To King Louis XV-
We have no objection to you joing in our glorious alliance. As long as all of the original countries agree.
Foreign and Defense Miister Samuel Cox
April 18, 2000, 13:26
The Netherlands sees no trouble in allowing France into the quadruple alliance between Britain, Denmark, Rhineland and the Netherlands, although we'll have to await the opinions of our esteemed allies.
April 18, 2000, 13:42
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I have no problem with France. Also, Prussia (Mao), has asked to join. He is banned, but I have been talking with him, and I think that adding Prussia to our alliance would be a good security addition, and be a good way for us to make sure that no one wants to mess with us.
April 18, 2000, 14:13
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BT-I noticed on the map you missed acouple of things. For England, I had commanders for every corps. Stair with the Third and Wade with Eighth were not on the map. Other tan that, super job.
April 18, 2000, 14:21
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 381
Finally got my deployments
jerusalem 6 corps= 120000 regulars
led by Osman III(123R) * two new generals approved by general
Tagarog 2 corps=35000 regulars
led by grand vizer
Ezum 2 corps= 35000 regulars
Odessa 1 corps= 20000 regulars
led by Misman IV(123R) *
Bucharest 1 corps=16000 regulars
Belgrade 1 corps=16000 regulars
Galatz 1 corps=18000 regulars
April 18, 2000, 14:21
The Netherlands has officially declared war on Austria, and has vowed to remove the Hapsburgs from the Southern Netherlands. The II Corps, led by Maurits van Nassau, is on its way to Brussels, while the III Corps is underway to Antwerp. The Austrians seem to be focussing on their campaign in Venice, and the Austrian Netherlands seem to be left without a significant military force. Both Corps are 15.000 men strong, while the I Corps which is of the same strength has moved to Brabant now. The training of the IV Corps of 20.000 men has been started. Prince Maurits van Nassau has vowed to reunite the Netherlands, and remove the oppressive catholics from the rule over the Southern part of it.
April 18, 2000, 14:51
Local Time: 06:18
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Posts: 381
( before you all complain at my size my regs have -1 in combat so i need a huge number of them)
Ottoman empire finaces
Total Budget=4350
Military Budget=4350*.3
Military Budget= 1305
-260 260000 regulars
- 10 2 heavys
- 12.5 5 lights
- 10 2 pirates
-100 10 heavys
-50 10 lights
-25 5 transports ( i think)
All navy curret and purchasing in constantiple
-60 30000 regs in Taganrog
-60 30000 regs in Odessa
-280 140000 regs in Jerusalem
-40 20000 regs in Ezum
-200 100000 regs in Constantiple*
saving 197.5
*( sp too lazy to look or wait for map to load)
April 18, 2000, 14:54
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 381
* This is for Mao and prussia
77,000 regulars raised.
6,000 to reinforce Brunswick and bring his corps to full strength.
1,000 to reinforce Prince Henry's corps to bring his corps to full strength and another 20,000 for more strength (10,000 for Prince Henry and 10,000 for v. Zieten.
15,000 to corps stationed at Mecklenburg.
20,000 to corps under King Frederik the Great in Kustrin.
10,000 to Schwerin in Thorn.
5,000 to troops in West Prussia (Danzig).
New Budget: $960 (new aquired states of West Prussia (Danzig), Saxony, and Thorn)
Used on Military in a State of War: $480
Used to Maintain 157,000 troops: $157
Used to Maintain one (1) Light squadron: $2.50
Total budget for new expenses: 320.5
Raising: 160,000 Regulars
Savings: $.50
Total Savings: $3 (because I'm getting $32 from JT3 every turn, so I have a $2 surplus from that)
That makes sense right?
April 18, 2000, 15:07
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We thank the Netherlands and England for their kind words to us. If I have a say, then let Prussia be in, for he would be an excellent ally!
April 18, 2000, 15:24
The Netherlands welcomes France into the alliance, and does not object to Prussian participation as long as they cancel their cooperation with the Hapsburg menace.
April 18, 2000, 15:27
Local Time: 06:18
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Following our great allies, the Netherlands, France declares war on Austria!
Corps I-IV as well as XIV will be doing an envelope tactic on Liege. They are heading there now. 25,000 of the 50,000 will go on the flank and in assistance will be the XX and XIX Corps using a probe attack in Liege. As of now, Liege is unguarded and no soldiers are in the forests. After the probe an assault will be issued on Liege by the XX and XIX Corps.
Corps IX and X have moved into Marseilles.
Corps XXXIII, XXXIV, and XXXV have moved into Toulon.
We are planning to aid or north Italian allies in case the Austrians choose to attack them. If they do not, they are for protection.
April 18, 2000, 15:32
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Along with the flank, after the flank, the flanking/enveloping Corps I-IV and XIV (50,000 men) will be participating in cutting off supply to Liege and will participate in the assault when it is time.
(70,000 men agains 0 Austrian men)
April 18, 2000, 16:02
Local Time: 01:18
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OOC: Bell Atlantic comes through! I'm saved!
Total Cash: 510$
Military Cash: 255$
10,000 Regulars
Attacking Duchies
10,000 Regulars
Attacking Duchies
10,000 Regulars
Attacking Duchies
10,000 Regulars
Stationed in Freiburg
Newly Recruited(from earlier post)
10,000 Regulars
Stationed in Ulm
10,000 Regulars
Stationed in Cologne
10,000 Regulars
Stationed in Mainz
10,000 Regulars
Stationed in Baden
Maitenence Total: 80$
30,000 Militia
10,000 Regulars
If Duchies is captured, 10,000 men loyal to the Rhineland will immediatly be recruited for 10$(Militia).
Recruit Total: 60$
Total Spent: 140$
Total Military Treasury Amount: 103$
BT: I would like to write my own military story if that is possible, so if it is just ICQ the results of the battle.
April 18, 2000, 16:13
Local Time: 18:18
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Location: Bergen, Norway or Stirling, Scotland
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I agree to the alliance with France.
I see JT3 has deployed his newly built troops. I will deploy mine too then.
40.000 troops
3 heavy warship
5 light warship
2 transports
These numbers will be deployed as following:
IV Corps - 20.000 troops stationed in Christiania
V Corps - 20.000 troops stationed in Copenhagen
All Ships - Stationed in Copenhagen
These are the movements for this turn.
Once again: Attack Gothenburg with my 34.000 army
2 transports, guarded by my whole fleet convoys the 2 Corpses in Copenhagen to Malmo.
Thank you
April 18, 2000, 16:17
Moves for Poland
V Corps to from Posen to West Prussia commanded by LaSault.
II Corps from Warsaw to Posen.
We are being invaded by the Prussian armies.
Please help us in this invasion.
Your Brothers and friends Poland is being threatened by the nasty Prussians.
Please aid us.
Remember 1941... err, wait, that hasn't happened yet...
But remember...
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