April 19, 2000, 11:28
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Space Empires: Introduction, Rules, & Overview v2.0
Space Empires, Introduction & Overview v2.0
Space Empires is a war forum set far, far, far off in the galaxy. Various systems and tribes on the various planets of the galaxy are preparing for a new age, one that will open up leaders for these systems and races will begin to develop. Space Empires will begin in the year 450 AR. AR = after revolution which was when various systems united in underground movements to push the overwhelming pirates out of their lands. This formed a new age, one without slavery and judging.
The point in this game is to build up an empire, raise its economy, military, politics, industry, and much, much more. It will not be an easy task.
Some rules include:
1.) All empires must follow the military types, however, they can rename them to how they like, or generally alter the stats of them, as long as they are even with other empire¡¦s, not including technological advances.
2.) All empires begin with four systems, consisting of several different-sized planets, and numbers of planets. The terrain type and temperature is to your imagination.
3.) Technology will be monitored, and an example tech advance will be administered.
4.) There will be a galaxy map composed by myself that will include detailed structure of the galaxy and labels.
5.) Empire news databases should be given on a regular basis, as well as military news.
6.) No Deathstar type space stations. ļ
8.) More to come in the forum¡K
No new fleet types can be created. However, new weaponry can. You cannot have mixed squadrons, i.e. a light squadron with 3 photon weapon gunboats and 3 pulse weapon gunboats. All squadrons must be the same and cannot be mixed. However, there can be mixed fleets, such as a gunboat squadron with pulse weapon (plus 7 other light weapons, which MUST be the same) and another gunboat squadron with photon weapon, plus maybe a corvette squadron or two.
1.) Each turn is 2 AR months equal to 2 real life days.
2.) On the map, there are asteroid fields. This is where asteroids usually appear and they act as oceans for systems and sectors of the galaxy.
Military Types
::::: Gunboats :::::
: The standard fast speed ship that can hold a maximum of 8 small weaponry. They are extremely weak. (no armor)
:: 3 credits
::::: Corvettes :::::
: A bit larger than the Gunboat, but more of an interceptor. Can hold a maximum of 11 small weaponry. They are extremely weak. (no armor)
:: 5 credits
::::: Frigates :::::
: In large numbers these can be a useful embargo tool on empires, or a fleet of blood thirsty killers. Can hold 18 small weaponry and 1 medium weaponry
:: 10 credits
::::: Destroyers :::::
: These units are the basic medium attack vessel. They can hold a maximum of 18 small weaponry and 3 medium weaponry.
:: 14 credits
::::: Light Carriers :::::
: These units can hold 5 squadrons of fighters (250 fighters). They can also have 15 small weaponry.
:: 20 credits
::::: Standard Carrier :::::
: These units can hold 10 squadrons (500 fighters). They can also have 18 small weaponry and 3 medium weaponry.
:: 40 credits
::::: Heavy Carrier :::::
: These units can hold 20 squadrons (1,000 fighters). They can also have 18 small weaponry, 5 medium weaponry, and 1 heavy weaponry.
:: 80 credits
::::: Cruisers :::::
: These units are another great attacking unit. They can have 22 small weaponry and 3 medium weaponry.
:: 18 credits
::::: Battlecruisers :::::
: A heavier type of cruiser. They can have 25 small weaponry, 5 medium weaponry, and 2 heavy weaponry.
:: 24 credits
:::: Behemoths :::::
: A ship perfect for a battle guard fleet and a great capital ship. They can have 10 heavy weaponry and go at a nice medium speed. (this makes them a unique addition to any fleet)
:: 28 credits.
::::: Titans :::::
: A large escort/attack ship that is perfect in a capital fleet. They can have 18 medium weaponry and 2 heavy weaponry.
:: 28 credits
::::: Battleships :::::
: The largest and most powerful fleet unit. They can have 30 small weaponry, 15 medium weaponry, and 4 heavy weaponry.
:: 32 credits
::::: Blockade Runner :::::
: The fastest attack vessel in the game. They can have 6 small weaponry and 1 medium weaponry.
:: 10 credits
::::: Scout Ship :::::
: The fastest ship in the game. They can have 1 small weaponry, but their defense is extremely weak.
:: 5 credits
::::: Light Troop Transport :::::
: Can hold 10,000 infantry.
:: 8 credits
::::: Heavy Troop Transport :::::
: Can hold 20,000 infantry.
:: 15 credits
::::: Light Vehicle Transport :::::
: Can hold 3,000 vehicles. (cavalry included)
:: 12 credits
::::: Heavy Vehicle Transport :::::
: Can hold 6,000 vehicles. (cavalry included)
:: 20 credits
::::: Interceptor :::::
: Fast ships that are useful in mass numbers. Extremely high speed, intended to take out enemy bombers and torpedoes. Lightly armored and can also be excellent to take out faster ground units. They can have 4 small weaponry and 2 medium weaponry.
:: 10 credits
::::: Standard Fighter :::::
: High speed, intended to destroy enemy starfighters and gain control of the local space area. Moderately armed. They have 8 light weaponry and 3 medium weaponry.
:: 15 credits
::::: Heavy Fighter :::::
: Intended to act as a slower and more heavily armed counterpart to the space superiority. Can destroy smaller capital ships with ease. They have 10 light weaponry and 4 medium weaponry.
:: 20 credits
::::: Bomber :::::
: The large/heavy fighter. They can have 10 small weaponry and 3 medium weaponry.
:: 22 credits
::::: Mobile Infantry :::::
: The standard infantry unit that is trained everywhere.
:: 2 credits
::: LPR & G-LPR
::::: Mounted Infantry (Cavalry) :::::
: Great attacking units. (Note: These are similar to the dewbacks in Star Wars, or the Tuskan Bantha Riders. Also, this is equal to ¡§mechanized infantry¡¨ in most war forums.)
:: 5 credits
::: 2x LPR
::::: Robotic Infantry Automation (RI-A) :::::
: Great attacking and a bit slower than cavalry, but also great at defense. (Note: Similar to AT-PT walkers in Star Wars.) Counts as 3 infantry in troop transport (ex: 1,000 infantry is what you have, and you want 200 RI-As. That would mean 600 men would be needed from the infantry.)
:: 10 credits
::: Standard Beam Cannon, 2x LCP
::::: Robotic Assault Automation (RA-A) :::::
: Heavy robotic unit that is slow, but very powerful. (Note: Similar to the AT-AT walkers in Star Wars.) Counts as 6 vehicles in vehicle transport.
:: 20 credits
::: 1x Heavy Beam Cannon, 2x Standard Beam Cannon, 3x LCP
::::: Mechanized Recon Automation (MR-A)
: The fastest automation that is used for recon assistance, as in infantry assistance or flank/reinforcement. Counts as 2 infantry in troop transport. Light armor.
:: 5 credits
::: 2x LCP
::::: Mobile Artillery :::::
: Great at attacking and is usually in a small amount compared to armor/tanks. They have no armor and are only good at defending if in some sort of fortress defense.
:: 16 credits
::: 1x AC-M
::::: Troop Transport :::::
: Used to transport up to 50 men on the ground. (mobile infantry only)
:: 8 credits
::: 1x LCP
::::: Terrain Tank :::::
: On the ground, is a heavy tank that is slow, but powerful. (less powerful than the RA-A)
:: 12 credits
::: 1x HG-MR, 2x Pulse Cannon
::::: Hover Tank :::::
: Fast tank, light armor, medium weaponry, in a sense.
:: 10 credits
::: 1x LG-MR, 2x LCP
::::: Ground Speeder :::::
: Fast airship only useful for ground battles. (similar to the snow speeder in Star Wars)
:: 24 credits
::: 2x Pulse Cannon, 1x HG-MR, 3x LCP
::::: Speeder Bike :::::
: Fastest ground unit. A mobile infantry on a light vehicle with two LPRs. (similar to the speeder bike in Star Wars)
:: 4 credits
::: 1x LCP
Weapon Types
::: On fleet weaponry: below the header (ex: LIGHT FLEET WEAPONRY) you will see an amount of money. This is how much each light weapon costs to maintain. So, if you have a gunboat with 8 light weapons, it is only 2 credits to maintain (then again, a gunboat on ground could be destroyed by two infantry).
::: On Ground Weaponry: the last number of all ground weaponry is the cost to maintain that weapon. So say I have a speeder bike. It has 1 LCP (Laser Chain Projector) which takes 2 credits to maintain. Because the speeder bike has only 1 LCP, it costs 2 credits to maintain each turn.
::::: .25 credit per light weapon (25 cents = .25 * number of light weaponry) :::::
: Light Beam
::: Standard anti-ship weapons.
: 1x Missile Rack
::: One barrel for missiles. (can hold more than one missile)
::::: 1 credit per medium weapon :::::
: Medium Beam
::: Standard anti-ship & anti-surface weapons.
: 3x Missile Racks
::: Three barrels for missiles. (can hold more than three missiles)
: 2x Medium Bomb Compartments
::: Store up to 2 bombs.
: 1x Torpedo Racks
::: Stores 1 torpedo.
::::: 2 credits per large weapon :::::
: Disruptor
::: Can destroy 2 vessels with size under 15 light weapon, may only be used once in battle
: Large Beam
::: Standard anti-ship & anti-surface weapons that fire extremely fast and are powerful.
: 6x Missile Racks
::: Six barrels for missiles. (can hold more than six missiles)
: 5x Bomb Compartments
::: Store up to 5 bombs.
: 3x Torpedo Racks
::: Stores up to 3 torpedoes.
:::: TYPES OF PROJECTILES (Beams, Missiles, Bombs, Torpedoes) :::::
: BEAM - Standard anti-ship weapons. Can be light, medium or heavy. Example: laser
: MISSILE - High speed, low payload anti-ship and anti-surface weapons.
: BOMBS - Guided munitions released by bombers over a target or capital ships in orbit. Perfect for destroying ground targets.
: TORPEDOES - Slow, heavy war-headed munitions designed to cripple and destroy capital ships. Ideal way to use is to have heavy assault starfighters release in close to the target...
Credit goes to General_BT for supplying us with a great balance for weapons.
: 5 squadrons (light carrier)
::: None.
:::: 15 credits
: 10 squadrons
:: None
::: 30 credits
: 20 squadrons
:: None
::: 60 credits
::::: Laser Projector Rifle (LPR) :::::
: The standard laser rifle for infantry.
:: 1 credit
::::: Ground Laser Projector Rifle (G-LPR) :::::
: Also included in mobile infantry. (similar looking to the machine guns today that are on stands)
:: None
::::: Light Beam Cannon :::::
: Used in most light vehicles.
:: 3 credits
::::: Standard Beam Cannon :::::
: Used in most automations.
:: 4 credits
::::: Heavy Beam Cannon :::::
: Used in heavy automations.
:: 5 credits
::::: Anti-Infantry Turret (AIT) :::::
: Good for destroying infantry.
:: 3 credits
::::: Anti-Air Turret (AAT) :::::
: Good for destroying air vessels (not space ones).
:: 3 credits
::::: Anti-Vehicle Turret (AVT) :::::
: Good for destroying vehicle units.
:: 3 credits
(No unit may have two of these. Only one and they must always have light armor.)
::::: Laser Chain Projector (LCP) :::::
: A laser projector that is only on vehicles, automations and fires lasers rapidly.
:: 2 credits
::::: Light Ground Missile Rack (LG-MR) :::::
: Has missiles that are not very powerful, but a semi-fast speed to load.
:: 3 credits
::::: Heavy Ground Missile Rack (HG-MR) :::::
: Has a medium speed at loading and powerful missiles.
:: 5 credits
::::: Pulse Cannon :::::
: Used on most tanks.
:: 4 credits
: 10,000 infantry
:: None
::: 5 credits
: 20,000 infantry
:: None
::: 10 credits
: 3,000 vehicle
:: None
::: 8 credits
: 6,000 vehicle
:: None
::: 12 credits
You should not have every type of unit at the beginning of the game. The purpose of the game is to build and conquer!
Your beginning systems are worth 100 credits. (you begin with 400 credits)
Each additional system you capture is worth 50 credits.
Each empire has the same type of money: the credit. It is your standard use to buy troops, maintain them, and become an economical empire. Each turn, you will have to pay maintenance for your troops. Note that when you create your beginning force, the highest maintenance you can get to is 200 credits. Then as you conquer systems, you can build more troops. The military budget is at all times 50% of your creditial account.
The remaining amount of money can go into developing your empire by building factories, homes, production civilian vehicles, and other things your imagination can come up with, that is within realism.
The purpose of this new type of forum is for people to have fun. It brings sci-fi alive with some of Star Wars and other parts of my imagination.
-George "Polaris" Lyles
Original concept & rules by George "Polaris" Lyles. Many fleet-types were suggested by General_BT.
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited April 22, 2000).]
April 19, 2000, 13:12
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[This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 19, 2000).]
April 19, 2000, 13:32
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Bill, what don't you understand about not claiming anything yet?
April 19, 2000, 17:06
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Ok, i don't claim anything but i advice i'll invent my own race.
(i'll watch Robotech again! it's being broadcasted on TV! abouth 8 episodes per week on sat/sun 2-4 AM)
April 19, 2000, 17:08
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Everyone should invent their own race.
April 19, 2000, 21:41
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Location: Bergen, Norway or Stirling, Scotland
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Race: Tar Egladilnai
Type: Humanoids
Other attributes: Around 2 metres tall, normally slender. See picture.
Our Society is founded around the Balan Ceron which is a ruling body of 4 circles.
The 1st circle is the Ambar Ceron
- Main Purpose: To deal with internal matters.
The 2nd circle is the Palan Ceron
- Main Purpose: To deal with external matters.
The 3rd circle is the Ruth Ceron
- Main Purpose: To deal with military matters.
The 4th circle is the Dagor Ceron
- Main Purpose: To oversee and coordinate the other circles.
Have colonised 4 worlds.
--Homeworld System - Ambarmar
G-5 class sun
6 planets
1 - Class C
- Name: Mithaer
2 - Class D
- Name: Agronor
3 - Class G
- Name: Gearoth
4 - Class M
- Name: Ambar Coranar
5 - Class N
- Name: Lanthir Lamath
6 - Class S
- Ormenel
--Colony System 1 - Nirnaethad
F-3 class sun - Glos Calan
12 planets
1 - Class G
- Name: Brandir
2 - Class G
- Name: Urui Carch
3 - Class J
- Name: Nufauglith
4 - Class G
- Name: Galad Ruin
5 - Class D
- Name: Haudh
6 - Class C
- Name: Egladil
7 - Class N
- Name: Neldor
8 - Class Y
- Name: Dongorthed
9 - Class A
- Name: Echad Beren
10 - Class H
- Name: Ben-Adar
11 - Class B
- Name: Morchaint
12 - Class I
--Colony System 2 - Gorthol
M-2 class sun - Gaur Uial
3 planets
1 - Class G
- Name: Riel
2 - Class J
- Name: Daedlos
3 - Class K
- Name: Aduial
--Colony System 3 - Vinye Wain
F-9 class sun - Aeglos
7 planets
1 - Class G
- Name: Aine Aha
2 - Class J
- Name: Sinome
3 - Class K
- Name: Oiale
4 - Class Y
- Name: Lote Elen
5 - Class A
- Name: Caitear
6 - Class H
- Name: Bauglir
7 - Class B
- Name: Wilwarin
April 19, 2000, 22:43
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Honestly, do you people just blatantly ignore me?
April 19, 2000, 22:49
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April 19, 2000, 23:07
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Obviously you do not if you responded to that.
Coug, that post is ignored until the thread begins.
April 20, 2000, 00:02
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Hey HSFB!! You watch Robotech too?? that is so cool!! i thought i was the only one!! My race was actually gonna have REF ships as their type and other elements like the transformable fighters and stuff!! woo hoo!!
April 20, 2000, 00:15
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I think this is real neat. Except It would be nice if someone made a program to help people calculate their army and stuff. And if someone is going to do THAT, I propose he publish it as a Pc Game
April 20, 2000, 00:15
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My race was actually gonna have REF ships as their type and other elements like the transformable fighters and stuff!! woo hoo!!
Actually, you are going to follow & read the rules. Exciting!
April 20, 2000, 00:25
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Thank you.
Actually, I have been considering going into business as a PC game company with a staff, but that adds more stress to my current occupation, which I love too much to leave.
April 20, 2000, 00:27
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The Idea +Graphics+ Interesting Plot+ Diplomacy+ Heros+ Realistic Politics and you're the next Sid Meier
April 20, 2000, 00:28
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Yes Polaris i was gonna follow the rules...the fact that my fighters can transform is merely for story elements...my culture is going to be built on xenophobic paranoia and constant military readiness after an alien invasion...well more when the thread starts...one thing i wanted to say though...i like this alot...i just hate the math part...but you cant always be an unthinking savage so i will eagerly play!!
April 20, 2000, 00:36
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I was originally intending for Titans to be larger than battleships, and Behemoths larger than Titans, but oh well...
April 20, 2000, 02:03
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What are we waiting for? Lets get going!
April 20, 2000, 22:49
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Lets go! LEad the way Polaris!
April 21, 2000, 00:48
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Patience my friend. The morning is my goal.
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