April 11, 2000, 20:56
Local Time: 02:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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The World 2010
Welcome to the World 2010. This story thread/war thread will be a little bit more fair due to that it is ten years in the future. You can claim any area of the world, although suggesting small. Rules:
1.The continental USA will be split into two main parts. Hawaii and Alaska are also independent states.
2. You can be more imaginative, due to it is in 10 years. Note the fact that nothing will really change in 10 years, though. But Politically and economicly, yes.
3.The only 3rd World area is Africa excluding Egypt and South Africa.
4. You CAN start colonies anywhere in the world, including Antartica.
5.Large Laser defences are the only form of "futuristic" weapons.
6.You should also be realistic.
7.IF you want to be the leaders of the UN, you have to swear to protect small human-controlled nations. (IE not like BIG)
8.Also note the fact that the former CIS countries are about to crumble, so if you are the whole thing of the CIS, prepare for civil war. The CIS armies are small.
I am President Jean-Paul Luc of Greater France, which includes France, the Lowlands, Monaco, Andorra, area surrounding Geneva, and the Rhineland.
So join the World 2010!
[This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 14, 2000).]
April 11, 2000, 21:01
Local Time: 06:18
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Hmmm. If that's the case than we need a Germany to kick France's ass and retake the Rhineland. Only one thing I see a problem with. No Rhineland for France!! Come on the Germans wouldn't give it to the Frogs that easily and there would have to be a major partisan problem.
April 11, 2000, 21:15
Local Time: 02:18
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The Election of Don Quixote marked a turning point in the history of Mexico. He is an optimist, how strives only to bring greater prosperity to the peoples of Latin America. With a true 'uncorruptable' in office, commerce for once thrived, and poverty was lifted to a level previously unheard of before. Heavy industry has been concentrated into small 'pollutable' areas, and as many Rainforests as possible have been preserved, as tourist areas. Mining is done in the rainforests, which is the best use for them, because once the valuable ores have been mined out, the rainforests will heal over. These mining operations also have as little impact as possible on the Rainforest.
Mexico, by 2004, had established itself as one of the rising stars of e-commerce, and other high-tech industries. Crime is lowering, and individual freedoms are rising.
By 2006, Mexico had annexed Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador, bringing Quixote's enlightened rule to those impoverished states as well.
By 2008, Honduras and Nicaragua voted themselves into Mexico, which was promptly renamed the ULA, or the Union of Latin America.
Now, with 2010 at hand, the ULA prepares to finish it's stunning coup, and take Costa Rica and Panama. The ULA air force has been brought up to readiness, and the "Conquistador" style tanks have been brought to the front.
Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans, Hondurans, Guatamalens, and many others, are united to bring the rest of their brothers in with them into their enlightened brotherhood.
Viva Don Quixote!
[This message has been edited by monolith94 (edited April 11, 2000).]
April 11, 2000, 21:22
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Using a 1990 map, I calculated the population of those countries to be a total of: 109,461,000. Since it is 20 years later, I shall guestimate my population at. . . Somewhere around 115 million. Do you think this is too high or too low?
April 11, 2000, 21:40
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April 11, 2000, 21:51
Local Time: 01:18
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OOC: I shall take Russia, the Baltic States, Belorussia, the Ukraine, and Poland, since someone took Germany two minutes before I was going to post claiming it.
*Looks at Bearcat.*
Long had the nations of the Neo-Warsaw Pact waited for this moment. Since 2002, they had bided their time, building up their military forces, improving their economies, and mostly waiting. President Vladimir Putin had long since consolidated power in Russia and made himself absolute ruler of Neo-Warsaw Pact. Democracy still existed, but the Putin could override the Parliament at any time.
April 11, 2000, 22:03
Local Time: 01:18
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The Neo-Warsaw Pact condemns French expansionism and publicly announces that it will support any actions taken by the German Empire against France.
To further emphasize its actions, the Neo-Warsaw Pact has fully moblized its military and stands ready to assist the Germans in destroying France.
April 11, 2000, 22:10
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Oh god, are you guys gonna just gang up on Bill again??? Bill, you'd better give 'em back the Rhine and the Saar and whatever.
But not Alsace Lorraine  .
To: France
From: ULA
Together, we can grow stronger each year. . . Would you join in a military alliance with us?
April 11, 2000, 22:31
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: *sigh* Yeah...exactly what this forum needs, more competition...you know, it's hard enough to keep one modern thread alive, now you have to go for two? Geez...Bill, just come back to BIG and take another nation or something...
Fine, I claim Taiwan and China (PRC and ROC) under the flag of the Republic of China...
April 11, 2000, 22:32
Sigma Gallentious watching the proceedings with a tear coming to his eye. It was all so beautiful, the hall of mirrors and the the happy faces of the people around. Sigma was coronated as the United Nation's first ever Prime Director at the palace of versailles in a motion to further strengten the UN as a buffer against future wars. While the UN still must obey majority opinions, it now has the power of independent activity and holds a small but highly trained independent armed forces. A new era for mankind had truly begun as 5 Eurofighters thundered overhead.(ooc: ever heard of GDI from command and conquer?.......)
April 11, 2000, 22:37
Local Time: 06:18
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OOc - Well no it's not really personal against Bill it's the whole France has the Rhine. Persoanlly I don't think that could happen but if it did the Germans would go to war over it. Especially if you got a nationalistic government like mine. After all Bill wanted realism.
April 12, 2000, 04:50
Local Time: 06:18
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Today is the Tenth anniversary of Zoroastrian Neo-Persians overthrowing their Muslim counterparts.
Today also marks the end of an eight year old war with Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.
Territories: Iran, Afghanistan, Turkimenistan and Kirgistan.
April 12, 2000, 07:05
Local Time: 02:18
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Oh great, another thread by Bill. Why not send this to OT as well?
April 12, 2000, 10:09
Local Time: 02:18
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Ok, I'll give the Rhineland back.
BTW, no nukes.
Military powers havn't changed; France is still second best military in Europe.
And ScottF, PLEASE don't try to gang up on smaller countries.
- - - - - - - - - - -
January 1, 2010
-Greater France starts plans for annexation of Algeria.
-Rhineland becomes independent as the Republic of the Rhine.
-Proposal to Germany to annex Rhineland for Baden.
-Alliance with ULA passed!
-Military spending is increased.
- - - - -
April 12, 2000, 10:26
In 2005, the Reunification took place - and Ireland was a nation once again.
Ireland was fast gaining a great reputation for military power abroad, as the peacekeeping missions in East Timor and Lebanon failed, a kind of semi-colonialism took place.
With the collapse of the United Kingdom, the Celtic Federation (as Ireland's new semi-empire was called) landed a large number of troops in Wales and Scotland, and proclaimed them protectorates.
The democratic republic in Ireland were too weak to control such a large land area, and a bloodless coup established General stodlum
Ireland, Lebanon, Timor, Kosovo as (colonies) and Wales and Scotland (protectorates, but pay taxes to me  )
April 12, 2000, 10:46
The year 2004 marked the end of an era. Referanda in Scotland and Wales led to the dissolving of the United Kingdom, as only England was left. The rest of the United Kingdom was now in Celtic hands. After French expansionism in the Lowlands, Switzerland and Germany, several North European countries decided that they should join forces to keep up with the other European powers. England was weakened, but still one of the stronger European nations, and Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark decided that it would be in their best interest to seek support from England before further aggression from Russia or France. By 2008, further integration was being planned, and a common currency was being introduced. The pound continued where the euro stopped when the European Union dissolved, and is the new currency in these North European territories. Elections in early 2009 led to a victory for the nationalists, who are determined to return the United Kingdom and Scandinavia to its former glory. All British overseas possessions were now in English hands, and in late 2009, Malta decided to return to the safe British rule. Peace treaties are being offered to all nations.
A few things:
1) I realize my claim is somewhat big, but as that seems to be the standard in this thread, I'll stick with it. I'll consider cutting back when the other nations do as well, I don't want to cripple myself beforehand.
2) How will we decide on the military stuff and such? I mean, there's no possible way to know how the armies will look like in ten years, nor what technologies are being used (fusion, maglev, polytrinics, electrochromatic panels, etc.) We need to decide on that before people start about their super-duper technology...
April 12, 2000, 11:38
The CF has sent the State of Cymru's navy up to the Isle of man. The disenchanted people on the small island were divided - their Celtic heritage and Gaelic traditions - and the loyalty of some to the crown.
The navy sent a military expedition to the council (an unnoficial body) to uhh... talk to the councillors.
Expecting force, the brave Manxmen fought against the Irish/Welsh troops, but the next day councillor O'7 talked to the people, and announced that they were joining the CF. No british response has been recieved, however the single navy base is full of fear, as they don't know what to do when the CF troops arrive.
UBB images are on here - can we post flags and maps of our own?
April 12, 2000, 11:55
Local Time: 22:18
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Because of the break-up of the United States and to keep their standards high and Democracy going, the state of California declared itself it's own nation. In 2008 California renamed itself the State Republic of Greater California. The SRGC also implimented most of what was basic liberties. Governor Du Chateau would lead the SRGC into the future.
[This message has been edited by Du_Chateau (edited April 12, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Du_Chateau (edited April 12, 2000).]
April 12, 2000, 15:21
i would like to join the thread as china.
April 12, 2000, 15:49
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: Sorry, Dark Fox, already got it
April 12, 2000, 16:57
Local Time: 03:18
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Today, elections in argentina were announced.
the following day, oficial results were out:
I am Nestor: 67.8%
Menem: 12.2%
Cavallo: 10%
Other: 10%
I am Nestor will be the president. He has a large popular support.
April 12, 2000, 17:00
Tell me if any of the above are taken:
The first not take is my nation
April 12, 2000, 17:54
Local Time: 02:18
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From: ULA
Our blessed Latino union can never be broken, for any price!!! Woe be to those who would take such things by force, for the knights of old shall rear their heads, and strike down a mighty vengeance!!!
OOC: I gotta go to D.C. now. I wonb't be back till Sunday. Better not 'tack me 'till then! Cyall later! Goin' to driver's ed class now.
April 12, 2000, 18:15
Local Time: 01:18
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Leaders from Slovakia, Moldova, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Kazakhstan, and the Caucasus nations met in Moscow to sign on as members to the Neo-Warsaw Pact. They will join as military and economic members only. Eventually they may be integrated politically with the rest of the Neo-Warsaw Pact. Rumors of blackmail have been hotly denied by the Russian foreign office.
The military forces of the Neo-Warsaw Pact remain fully moblized, in the event of further French aggression.
At an airbase outside Minsk
Colonel Sergasovitch watched as the convoy of trucks began to arrive on the base. Hundreds of trucks. Each one carried several mysterios canisters covered in warning labels.
Sergasovitch looked over the tarmac. Sitting in neat rows were squadron after squadron of Tupolev Backfire, Blinder, Bear, and Blackjack bombers. Well over two hundred warplanes. The scene had been the same at every airbase he had been to in the last week. Almost every single bomber in the Russian air force had been brought to the bases in the west.
To Sergasovitch, it was a mystery. It would not stay a mystery to him, or the world, for very long...
April 12, 2000, 20:49
Local Time: 02:18
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Greater France has started a plan to build laser AA defenses in Holland. This project will be the best so far, and if there is a war with Germany, we have Laser AA defences ready.
The Frtench Foreign Legion has invaded Algeria. This poor third World country will soon fall down to the French Juggernaut.
OOC: Yeah, we do need a tech compromise.
April 12, 2000, 21:05
Local Time: 06:18
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Today the German Reichwehr rolled over the border into Rheinland. The French withdrawl days ago had prepped the historic German lands to be reabsorbed. Kaiser Roman today gave a historic speech outside the Chancellery in Berlin. His words should make every true German heart swell with pride. Here is an excerpt

People of Greater Deutschland. Today is a day we shall all remember. Today is the day that the Rheinland is once again German. The French pretenders have wisely agreed to leave without a fight. For this we must acknowldege their intelligence. The Rhein is ours forever again. I want you to tell your children and them their grandchildren and their grandchildren their great-grandchildren. All the children of Deutschland must remember this day. I plead with you to never forget this day. I plead with you to make every day this day. For this is the day that made Germany great
To Neo-Warsaw Pact - We think you for your support in this matter.
To France - You were wise to not face the Reichswehr in battle.
To ULA - We would like to propose a non-aggression pact and trade alliance.
April 12, 2000, 21:13
Local Time: 22:18
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To the CSA
From the SRGC
We accept your offer for an alliance, and hope it is proporous.
April 12, 2000, 21:14
Local Time: 02:18
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To: Germany
From: ULA
We would be pleased to join such a pact. The absence of war in your region pleases us considerably!
April 12, 2000, 22:28
Local Time: 02:18
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Today, the Flag of the Empire of Japan stands at its mightiest peak ever.
In the past Ten years, Japan has thrown out it's referendum on defense spending seeing the turmoil in the world unfolding before it. It has decided to use its supreme economic power to dominate the global economy... through any means possible. An unfolding American unity meant more tech exchange abroad, and as the U.S. technology was slowly nearing a halt in advance, Japan was more than eager to begin exchanges in high-tech advances for military application technology.
To this ends, Japan has rebuilt it's military machine. It took 8 long years of reconstruction, but Japan was finally able to pull off what the world could not. A working SDI system. It was done cheaply too. Simply a system of 40 Sattelites in orbit with a payload of depleted uranium slugs and each armed with four linear accelerators. Not powerful under the effects of gravity, but in a gravity-less environ with the speed of the earth behind the 4-ounce slugs, well, you get the picture.
In addition, the ranks of the military have become quite swollen. Service is compulsory and there are some 2.4 million in the military. Without battleships this time around, the IJN has been rebuilt as well. A crash program employing foreign and domestic shipyards has given the Japanese one of the Largest navies in the World. Japanese military doctrine revolves around the Navy now.
The crash program has built the following (In addition to the standing 12 Destroyers, 18 subs, and 55 Frigates)
12 Fleet Carriers
5 Attack Carriers
3 Landing Support Carriers
40 Multirole Frigates
50 Multirole Destroyers
20 Seawolf-type Submarines
40 Virginia-type Submarines
and a merchant marine fleet of nearly 110 ships has been constructed as well.
An F-22 variant, the Reisen-II was also developed through cooperation with a disunionized America. There is a naval and land version. Approximately 700 serve with Japanese forces. An updated and improved A-6 force bought from America and sporting the newest Avionics, also serves with the navy and air force. Numbers are estimated around 600.
Japan still maintains a strongly anti-nuclear position.
However, in the past 10 years, the strains of following Middle eastern oil supplies has angered Japanese citizens and officials. That is why at the moment, 10 Carriers and a marine force of 140,000 are making there way to stretch the arms of the Empire throughout the Pacific.
It is expected that the Philippines and Borneo will fall within the week, and Indonesia within the month after landings take place. (Which is all secret as of yet, that is).
April 12, 2000, 22:42
Prime Director Sigma Gallentious looked over the world. After a decade of incredible change, the world had shifted from a stable and peaceful place to an unpredictable and violent entity. The UN stood alone as a Stabilizing force, to defend mankind from itself. The UN's task was not easy, it has no economy and no way to finance major operations without the consent of its member states. Worse yet, it had no troops or even a population. The UN was a liquid force now, especially after its New York headquarters had collasped in flames and leftover C-5. A new impregnable HQ was build in the only truly international place left on earth. A place of serenity hence the HQ's name of "Tranquility". The place was anarctica. From the south pole, the UN and its far flung branches oversaw and guarded the world from itself. Sometimes stepping in to aid a crisis but mostly observing from the Shadows. Sometimes laughing at the other nations  and sometimes weeping at the loss of life.  The UN will continue to bear its mantle as the protector of mankind.
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