April 14, 2000, 09:39
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Bolo, i have afghanistan
April 14, 2000, 09:39
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OOC - Hmmm. For the moment I'll do nothing. JUst goes to the sya that the Reichswehr wouldn't be killed that fast or the Luftwaffe. But if it's the case I'll juts chose another country. But for the moment I'll wait.
April 14, 2000, 09:46
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Scott, will you do the map, or should I?
At the beginning of this century, the Islamic republic became more and more lenient and fair. Students workers and other activists roamed the streets organising strikes, demonstration and manifestations.
They soon knew the only price for freedom is war, and so it started. The massly outnumbered Rebels managed to fight a partizan war untill the Islamic governmnet was betrayed by most of its Commanders.
The State of Neo-Persia was declared in 2004 after a 4 year civil war
The bloodshed didn't stop there. The now powerful Afghanistan started a Jihad war supported by Kazkahstan. This war lasted for six years. The victory was Persian, though the costs were great...
Capital: New Persepolis
Religion: Zoroastrian, reborn religion, gained huge popularity during Afghanistan War
System: Democracy, Capitalistic
Ruling Party: Persian Freedom Club (leaders of the Rebellion)
Chancellor: Mojik Vicazi, very powerful person.
April 14, 2000, 09:49
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Once More. Territories are: Iran, Afghanistan, Turkumenistan, Tadjikistan and Kirgistan.
OOC: I can be mod, cartographer though i think that BILL should be the mod, he's been very tedious lately. Take a break from playing and mod around a bit.
And SCOTT, for christs sake, dont be so one sided, you have no idea how it pisses people off... damn
Guys dont gang up on Bill.
[This message has been edited by Jools (edited April 14, 2000).]
April 14, 2000, 09:59
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I'm doing the map, BTW.
[This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 14, 2000).]
April 14, 2000, 10:16
Local Time: 01:18
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Oh, I get it. So DarthVeda can have fleets with 20 carriers, but I can't have a huge army and air force. IRL the Warsaw Pact could field 450 Divisions. And Bill can overrun Algieria, a nation with more territory and more hostile terrain than Germany in one post. Not to mention that he can transport thousands of men to French Guiana in a single post so he can cross nations that are primarily jungle. The French Army fears jungles, Bill, just like the US Army. They had a common experience in a jungle hell hole called Vietnam.
You cannot tell me I cannot afford them now simply because you don't want me to invade France.
And we all of course see the divine, holy and most of all REALISTIC army of France. A nation with less than ONE FIFTH the population of areas I control. I refuse to believe that France can have such a large army and still afford it either. The Chinese can field 1000 divisions. 15 MILLION men. France has only 70 million people.
As for the air force, the Warsaw Pact IRL had almost that many planes. It would not be hard to get that many now.
IF you must continue having a double standard, then I can find other ways of winning this war.
April 14, 2000, 10:26
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What did I do to you? Well okay besides taking Germany.
April 14, 2000, 10:28
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ScottF, note this:

8.Also note the fact that the former CIS countries are about to crumble, so if you are the whole thing of the CIS, prepare for civil war. The CIS armies are small.
April 14, 2000, 10:28
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Germany sits between the NWP and France like Belgium sat between Germany and France.
Nothing personal.
You can have all of the land back, and hell, even all of France after I defeat France.
I have been more realistic in my attack than Bill has been in his.
April 14, 2000, 10:30
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I also notice, BILL, that the message was edited on the 14th. TODAY. You added that. I have the old HTML of the thread saved to prove it. Retroactively changing the rules to your own benefit is not good Bill.
[This message has been edited by Scott F (edited April 14, 2000).]
April 14, 2000, 10:33
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ScottF, I relized something when you took over my land in BIG. That playibility is more important than realism. Therefore, you can't even bother to. If you don't callback your post, you are booted from the thread.
[This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 14, 2000).]
April 14, 2000, 10:35
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It is also worthy to note that the Russians have over fifteen thousand tanks in storage IRL. It would not be hard to get the personel to man them.
And I can always print more money to pay for them.
I will not call back my post until you call back yours.
April 14, 2000, 10:37
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"playibility is more important than realism"
You should have realized that when you started World War Three. You have yet to be realistic. Eventually unrealism ruins playability.
April 14, 2000, 11:05
Local Time: 06:18
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Jesus! All of you!
Is this not 10 years in the future? I am sure most of Russia's problems will be solved and Russian does have the man-power and equipment to take most of Europe, though that will leave him open to the rear. IMO, Scott has done nothin wrong in this second page. Bill however, Bill gives the French a bad name pulling **** like this.
Transporting an army over a week that is large enough to take out two countries in a total of two weeks combined? I think not. Also, by now the French population would be about 100 million. The US is expected to reach 325 million in 10 years...scary, eh? Anyway. This laser business is ludicrous!
My super laser melted your men, hahahahahaha!
I think not. That is just ridiculous. Laser would be used to disrupt surveillance, radios, missiles, and thats about it folks. The laser cannot be used as a weapon because noone can focus the molecules enough. The closest they came was burning through 1 inch cardboard, that took 7 hours. So, give this laser stuff up.
Bill, you cry realism but you only want it when it suits you. Anyone see a pattern? It reminds me of HsFB in BIG.
Good day. Thats my opinion but what the **** do I know?
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 14, 2000, 11:11
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Oh. I volunteer to be a mod.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 14, 2000, 11:14
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Napoleon being mod is fine by me. My advance into Germany is about to be bogged down anyhow. Just like the Schlieffen Plan, it will go really fast at the start and slow down and run out of steam.
I must go to a lecture. I will post about it when I get back.
April 14, 2000, 11:35
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You know, how about we forget about this French-Russian incedent, ok? And Napoleon, you should of seen ScottF in BIG for HIS colonialism. I'll be realistic if you want to.
April 14, 2000, 11:41
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Sory guys,I am outta here...too wacky for me...sorry i like Big's version of realism a little better...at least here we can disagree and not get threatened with banning!! See ya!! CSA is open!
April 14, 2000, 11:54
After a long civil war, Chile emerges from it's ashes.
Yesterday, Chancellor "Hodad", Commander of ELC (Ejercito de Liberacion Chileno) declared victory over the dicator and fascist Pinochet Jr.
OOC: Can I import my armies from Big Huge War or not?
Be posting later.
April 14, 2000, 13:18
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OOC: I will be mod. I am going to have to read up on this German stuff...
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 14, 2000, 13:48
Local Time: 06:18
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First Thing
Here are the casualties as fed to us by the government
Upwards of 275,000 as POW
Almost 300 captured
Most grounded due to NWP superiority
The Russians announced ambitious goals and have only just yesterday reached Berlin where the offensive has been halted by prepared defenses. Most of the remaining German army is near the French border...entrenched opposite the Russians. It is expected air assaults will continue.
Second Thing
Today in France Laser System malfunctions
The laser system has short-circuited after a routine diagnostic program was run. The main reason was said to be that the government did not heed contractor warnings that the system will take 6 Months to build and 2 Months to test. The French government failed to comment on this. It is expected that most of the engineers in the nation will set about to repairing the system. The scientists who started the program are demanding more money to further research the deterrent.
(OOC:Someone explain to me what exactly this 'defense' does.)
Third Thing
French rule undermined in South America
After the troops who once oppressed them left for their land, the opposition still remaining in the woods came out an killed the loyals that were left in charge. It is expected this will occur in any other colony that France has.
Fourth Thing
NOONE HAS MORE THEN 10 CARRIERS!!! Anymore then 10 carriers can only be achieved by a full US or other circumstances as they come about. Right now, noone can have more then 2 Nimitz carriers(I think those are the newer ones...) and no more then 4 SuperCarriers.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 14, 2000, 14:57
This is Chile, to the rest of the world:
[i]Salutations, friends. This is Chile's Chancellor Hodad, Provisional Head of State and of the Armed Forces, who has successfully deposed the las repressive dictator, Pinochet Jr.
In a week's time, elections will be held and democracy will be resumed.
For now we remain in "estado de sitio".
And political activity can now be resumed.
April 14, 2000, 15:42
I move that an OOC thread be made...
Bill, you gave us East Papua New Guinea, not East Timor! But I wouldn't mind if we kept it  And our name isn't on the map...
May we send a contingent of expedidtionary troops to the Rhineland, to ensure that the rules of engagement are upheld by the French and Germans.
April 14, 2000, 16:07
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Hold up, did Bill just threaten to boot someone from this thread? *AHEM* Who made you mod? No one. Who gave you omnipotent power? No one. Bill, don't make this turn into NM where you tried to boot Starchild and Spartan for not being "good mods" in your opinion simply because you started the thread.
April 14, 2000, 16:30
The UN inner council( note, not security council) has decided to use independent power to send a corps of observers to make sure the rules of war in the upcoming Franco-russian conflict are observed. The corps is to be drawn largely from Irish Troops with nominal assistance from the UN Regular force.
UN announces it may come into war on the French Side! The proposal is under debate in the general assembly and based on the current size of the UN bureaucracy, it should be decided within 2 years story time  .
April 14, 2000, 18:23
to midshipman(OOC:sorry i dont know what your countrys called):i would be glad to have an aliance with you and the rest of america.. i move to name our uniun "the united countries of america" or U.C.A. for short.
[This message has been edited by Dark Fox (edited April 14, 2000).]
April 14, 2000, 19:20
Local Time: 06:18
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OOC - No, no Scott you take Germany. I really don't feel like trying to rebuild. Thanks for the offer but I'll transfer to Spain
Kaiser Roman I is dead. Hospital officials at Sankt Matthias Hospital in Berlin announced the death of Kaiser Roman I from a massive stroke. Apparently the Russian invasion was to much for the aging ruler and his body couldn't keep up with the stress. Chancellor Linder has surrendered and agreed to fully surrender to the Neo-Warsaw Pact. Today German people wept openly in the streets. Some even threw rocks at the Russian soldiers. 15 Russian soldiers have died from partisan resistance and German anger at the filthy Russians invading the Fatherland. That is all from Berlin.
P.S. - On second thought maybe I'll lead the German Resistance or something. Ahh I'll decide.
April 14, 2000, 19:53
Local Time: 02:18
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OOC: If the U.S. collapses, and I know Japan has 2/3 of the GDP of the U.S., I think she would be able to make up that gap rather quickly. So If I concentrate on Navy, in 10 years, I could easily have 19 carriers.
To Russia:
You have Oil. We do not. We have technology. You do not. Your talk of alliance is very pleasing. Japan accepts.
In high orbit
As JANSDFS 14, 15, and 19 passed over the South Atlantic they realigned their targetting for a new coordinate. They loaded 4 slugs into their quad-barrels.
In paris
It happened all to quickly for anyone to get a good look at what had happened. All the witnesses new was that the Eiffel Tower had collapsed after a fantastic set of explosions at its base. In addition, a four block radius had been vaporized, with buildings for another 5 blocks suffering wind damage.
To: France
You will witness the awesome power of the Japanese offensive arm if you do not surrender immediately and unconditionally.
April 14, 2000, 22:50
Japan uses Orbital Weapons!
The UN has condemned Japan's unprovocked use of banned orbital weapons. As stated in the 2007 Geneva Conference, the use of orbital weapons, pioneered by Britain, is a war crime . A UN war crimes tribunal has already moved to indite Japan's current leadership for crimes against humanity.
UN hunter killer satellites and those of friendly UN nations have already begun disabling or destroying ALL japanese sattelites, not just those containing orbital weapons.
Division Director Bernard Stevenson has begun to advocate the use of the UNs weapon X to punish japan for its crimes.
Stay tuned for further news.
April 14, 2000, 23:14
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Originally posted by Bill3000 on 04-14-2000 10:28 AM
ScottF, note this:
8.Also note the fact that the former CIS countries are about to crumble, so if you are the whole thing of the CIS, prepare for civil war. The CIS armies are small.
ya know, Bill, that's funny, because right under the opening post it said you edited the post today? May I ask what that edit was for? It better not have been to just add that last clause...
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