April 16, 2000, 11:36
Five UN worldships arrived over the minbari fleet. Each being 4 times the mass of Persephone which they had been built from. Againt them was the massive minbari fleet made up of over 400 warcruisers. The UN Captain exclaimed "Thats IT?!?!" and them proceeded to order his ships to freeze time except for his ships then set 90000000000 5 million Megaton bombs around the minbari fleet all set to detonate .4 miliseconds after time was set free. Then the world ships went 5 million light years away and let time continue. The Minbari were annihilated before they could even say "In Valen's name."
Another 4 Worldships went to the soviet world while a brand new fleet of 60 worldships headed for New Hibernia.
An extra 24 Worldships went back and complety destroyed Mars and what was left of the Argentinians.
April 16, 2000, 13:17
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argh! You guys are messing up the thread! Ignored, restart before the European war.
We should move it to http://bill3000.hypermart.net/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi
April 16, 2000, 13:26
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Everyone is welcome if you are gonna be serious.
April 16, 2000, 14:49
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OOC: Is Babylon 5 still running? I miss that show...
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
April 16, 2000, 15:15
Actually guys, do come over to the new one, at least this time bill can make a mod to delete crap...
Meanwhile, the spam-fest continues.
General stodlum has built a super-duper-hyper laser Mark 68989439 and blown england to bits. He finds a magic crystal which he uses to turn the UN into an exploding turnip of some kind.
April 16, 2000, 15:40
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yeah, did you notice? Bill is the mod! Remember what happened last time Bill was mod of a story thread?
April 16, 2000, 16:17
Local Time: 06:19
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OOC - Here goes.
"Commandant we have arrived within distance of the UN warships" said the young coxswain. Comandant Ian Plesko nodded and turned in his command chair. The New Hibernian fleet had arrived to do battle with the evil forces of the UN. Aboard the flagship NHS Thermopylae Commadant Plesko was making last minute fine tunings. Consulate Oberfuhrer Frymier was waiting for things to begin.
A young ensign gasped and everyone turned to face the viewscreen. The UN fleet had dropped out of warp facing the New Hibernians. Unterfuhrer Menem cringed in fear. The communications officer turned to Commandant Plesko and spoke.
"We have a communique from Prime Minister Gallentius sir" said the officer. Commandant Plesko nodded. The face of Prime Minister Sigma Gallentius appeared on screen. The PM sneered at the New Hibernians before speaking.
"Well Oberfuhrer it appears that you and your New Hibernians have resettled and made a name for yourself. Well tremble in fear before the mighty United Nations" said Gallentius. Frymier nodded and allowed Plesko to reply.
"We do not take kindly to UN threats Prime Minister. I'm sure the Oberfuhrer would agree. Oh by the way New Hibernia was a weak name. We are officially the Hun Empire now prepare ot remble before Atilla's might" said Plesko. An angry Gallentius cut the link. The Hun crewmen breathed prayers and mumbled to themsleves. Than a blast of energy shook the ship and every one was thrown to the right. The battle had begun.
Red alert claxons blared. Ensigns screamed out damage reports while coxwains and petty officers ran to keep things working. Officers conferred over battle maps. While captains, and admirals screamed at their engineers to fix problems. Explosions and weapons energy flashed through the void of space. The Huns were pulling their famed Delta Echelon maneveur. The UN forces were falling back in dissaray and retreat. However on board the UNS Stalin  Prime Minister Gallentius began to pull his forces together.
"Lieutenant can we get back engine stabilty" yelled Gallentius over the din.
"Yes sir but it will cost us weapon energy" came the reply. A beam crashed onto the command deck and a fire began at the conn. Gallentius replied.
"Do it!!"
The UN forces quickly gelled together and began to counterattack with an outflanking maneuver. The Hun forces qucikly changed to Attack Pattern Gamma attempting to pin down the UN forces. For two hours the batle raged with neither side the clear victor.
Aboard the Thermpoylae
"Sir reinforcements are on their way from New Gotland. It's the Seventh Rserve Fleet" yelled a young ensign above the din. Commandant Plesko nodded.
Aboard the UNS Stalin
"Sir our reinforcements are on their way from Vulcan. They will be here in two hours" said a young petty officer. Gallentius nodded.
OOC - Sigma you take the second part of the story. Don't end it yet. But make it fair. Each of us has half our forces destroyed with reinforcements on the way.
April 16, 2000, 17:59
Local Time: 02:19
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Would you PLEASE stop posting here!
April 16, 2000, 18:06
Local Time: 06:19
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Location: Oregonia
Posts: 1,742
You started this thread Bill and now you have to live with the unrealsim. Oh Sigma, oh SIGMA. where are you????
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 16, 2000).]
April 16, 2000, 18:30
Local Time: 01:19
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We aren't going to stop posting here, Bill. We are having fun. We revel in our unrealism and complete and total silliness.
April 16, 2000, 22:50
Aboard UNS Stanli ,which was named after the sun of Gallentious and had been misinterpreted as Stalin, Gallentious was worried. The Huns were holding their own with their numbers. But UNS ships were maintaining a 8 to 1 kill ratio. Problem was there were against 10 to 1 odds. UNS warships while being larger than a large planet were difficult and expensive to build and slower than a turtle with a hernia.
Gallentious hoped the commander of the reinforcements was smart enough to freeze time except for his fleet and arrive in the next few seconds. But UNS Stanli's comm array was damaged and Gallentious could not send a message to the Grand Admiral Samm. And Gallentious knew Samm was dumber than a smashed brick and would only freeze time when one of the other captains suggested it. Gallentious ordered UNS Stanli to freeze time for a moment to conduct repairs. Unfortunatly a spare comm array could not be located and Stanli lacked enough Supernium to construct one. Stali recharger her Super-annihilation guns then unfroze time to open fire on the Hun fleets. Other Worldships did the same and in almost an instant the Huns were facing nearly undamaged ships.
The UN Worldships began an offensive but this was quickly hampered by the UN commanders lack of strategy. When you ships is larger than a planet, subtle things like strategy are unnessecary. The Hun's however were master tacticians and despite UN time freeze repairs were able to destroy 5 more Worldships losing only 20 of their own ships.
Suddenly jump points opened up and the Hun reinforcements came out. The UN Worldships, being too slow and arrogant to retreat, promptly opened fire with Anti-neutron projectors and hyper distortion cannons ripping into the Hun ships. The huns closed and quickly sent another 8 worldships to meet their maker when the Colossus Fleet of Worldships and smaller newly designed Moonships arrived.
30 minutes later the Hun and UN fleets, all of their total ships had arrived. Over 10,000,000 assorted ships. Celestial Scans showed that the battleground was now 5000 lightyears from where it had originally began and 800 Solar Systems had been destroyed in the fighting. This was truly armageddon as the entire galaxy would soon be consumed in the fighting.
Meanwhile, a single worldship transported itself into God's universe. Before God could react the Worldship made itself 5 times as large as the Universe. God , having no space to continue existing in, dissapeared in a *poof* rather than a BANG.
April 16, 2000, 22:55
Local Time: 02:19
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Lord Sigma forgets that God is not confined to a universe, God can transcend time and space, so you can't "squish" God out of a universe.
God then returns with a vegence and gives Sigma a stroke. God then heads to Mao's Apolyton Coffee Shop where he can enjoy the finest cuisine in...all universes! God is pleased
April 16, 2000, 23:28
A Worldship then reverse time to a point just before God gives Sigma a stroke and shoots god in the behind with Deity Begone, a brand new deitycide. God being omnipotent does not die but has a horrible case of hemroids and must return to his home realm before he can give Sigma the Stroke. 5 Worldships continually pester God with the Deity Begone freezing time and moving out of the way whenever god attempts to strike them down. Unless God can find some Economy size Preparation H, he'll be out for a bit.
OOC: Babylon 5 has offically ended with its last episode and is no longer shown to my knowlegde in the US. A spinoff series "Crusade" was cancelled after, or to be exact before, its first season and showed the first 12(?) episodes before disappering.
April 16, 2000, 23:54
Local Time: 02:19
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God then makes an alliance with Satan and makes coffee clones armed with plasma rifles. They invade all the ships and destroy half of them, also God makes a "time lock" on time movement so that only deities can stop and fast-forward time. God then calls Ming...
April 17, 2000, 00:13
Local Time: 06:19
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As the souls of the 100 million confederates were hurled into the beyond, their dedication and conviction to their independence and survival allowed them to stay attached to the realm of quasi existence or ghosts. Amongst the riuns of earth they stalked, visiting their old homes and old hangouts. Suddenly, they noticed something weird...someone was dying on mars, then more than one, then many...as they were dying the ghosts neared and offered to make the hurting stop, offered to stop the pain if the people would let them in...and the argentinians opened their bodies and minds to the ghosts...and opened the universe to possession.
Within hours, the posessed had used their energistic powers, tapped from the etheral energies permeating the universe, to rebuild mars, and then expand its industries and biosphere. In a week, while the new space nations bickered amongst each other, they built a huge space fleet and then began to spread their posession onward. The screaming and pleading of the souls in the beyond urged them onward...and onward they went.
Persephone was soon infiltrated by their forces...four entered and in a day, 400 people were posessed. The amount increased eponentially each day...the only way to kill the posessed was to kill the body but that meant killing the soul originally inhabitating the body as well.
The universe was thrown into more chaos. The human race has now found out that they have immortal souls, and also found out that the souls of the deceased are returning from the beyond, a plane of suffering where the dead can see the real world but cant enter or react with it. What is the human race to do??
(Yes you sci-fi afficionados, this is from Peter Hamilton's Reality Disfunction series!!)
April 17, 2000, 00:39
Local Time: 02:19
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A lone Darlok frigate warped into the universe.
The captain looked on the view screen "Woah, this place is too wierd for me."
The frigate exited the universe immediately afterward.
April 17, 2000, 02:09
Local Time: 01:19
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Suddenly a booming voice was heard all across the universe. "Luke...I am...your son!" the voice intoned. Then it went silent.
Moments later, the 8,271,423 men named Luke, Lukas, or Lucas called their fathers, setting off a global telecommunications meltdown. AT&T commercials, however, continued to air.
April 17, 2000, 02:32
Local Time: 06:19
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The Duraii Battlefleet exited hyperspace above the chaotic planet earth.
"Sir, we have a transmission!" on of the lieutentants aboard the 10 mile long flagship reported.
An image came upon the x-ray-gravititometer exacting image ray tube device.
"MCI, only ten cents a minute..."
The lietenatn turned to the admiral.
"Thats a great deal sir!" he beamed.
"Sir, the last transmission we recieved from our scouting party above... earth... was repeated calls that ten cents a minute was a great deal, and that the fleet HQ should switch all communications to something called MCI..."
April 18, 2000, 00:04
Hodad, who had fled Chile in his Starship Bistromath (protected by a SEP field) has returned with 3 ships from the planet of Krikkit full of the white robots. To combat their deppression he pulverised Marvin.
At the same time he sent one to find HsFB and kick his ass for kidnapping the population of Chile and the other two to deal with Sigma and ScottF.
He also unleashed a horde of robots with Kill-O-Zap guns that were also undercover of an SEP.
Thank you for your attention.
April 18, 2000, 00:07
Local Time: 03:19
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Ignore Hodad's message about me kidnapping Chile's population, it never happened.
After HsFB arranged a deal with the Martian Supreme God, Mao's actions were undone.
Message from Flagship S.S.Libertad to Bearcat:
We have decided to orbit around the same star New Hibernia is in. We will send a transport shuttle to retrieve all Argentine population who left with you. We have decided to mine the planet which is the second in row from New Hibernia away from the local star.
I put half of my Star Fleet at your disposition (not the big colony ships, but the assault forces). We are equipped with the latest Martian technology, with permanently cloaked and Arbitrer technology  .
Oh, we've got three full Carrier squadrons, each one with it's twenty wraiths in perfect state.
(i know, i know. But i wont copy from StarCraft  )
April 18, 2000, 00:14
Local Time: 02:19
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Satan and God then go to the Martian Supreme God and whoop his ass. They then tie him into an astarak prison which he will never escape.
After a few years, the Martian God decides do side with God and Satan.
OOC Note: I control all deities muahahahaha!!!
April 18, 2000, 16:14
Local Time: 03:19
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If you don't believe me go and check
Ehm, sorry.
That was a fake god-like god-killer bomb.
your puny gods are now DEAD.
after arriving to god-heaven (satan did his god-given job PERFECTLY) they meet Martian Supreme God (or MarSG) and make friends with him. they allied and swore their holiness not to interfere in the affairs of men (and martians)
April 19, 2000, 17:04
After taking control of the Krikkit robots Hodad instructed one to bat a grenade at the Sun, which was immediately pulverised.
Now, the solar system is weak and useless and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
On the way back to Krikkit I promised the robots that they could get a hold of all Gods and kick they Holy Asses.
After that occured we stopped believing in them and they were all obliterated.
April 19, 2000, 17:05
After taking control of the Krikkit robots Hodad instructed one to bat a grenade at the Sun, which was immediately pulverised.
Now, the solar system is weak and useless and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
On the way back to Krikkit I promised the robots that they could get a hold of all Gods and kick they Holy Asses.
After that occured we stopped believing in them and they were all obliterated.
April 22, 2000, 06:35
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I could be the moderator and estabilish all economies and armies and potential of every country, I could resolve battles and I will have no Country so I will be neutral in it... Lets start this thread from the beginning
April 22, 2000, 10:07
Local Time: 02:19
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Luk, get to the 1750 thread! That's where we really need extran mods!
April 24, 2000, 16:09
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April 24, 2000, 17:35
A krikkit robot crosses Luk... and knocks him out by a single blow from a krikkit bat...
April 24, 2000, 17:36
A krikkit robot crosses Luk... and knocks him out by a single blow from a krikkit bat...
April 25, 2000, 17:14
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he should be banned for spamming.
he can't blame it on the computer, the one i use is exactly the same.
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