The Book 'RAF Bomber Command in the Second World War. The Hardest Victory' by Denis Richards states that Bomber Command flew 882 sorties as part of the Norwegian/Danish campaign. The biggest single raid launched was that made on 12 April against Kristiansand which involved 23 Blenheims, 36 Wellingtons and 24 Hamptons - ie, a squadron of each aircraft. Most raids were much smaller.
Richards appears to confirm that no bomber command squadrons were permenantly dedicated to the campaign. Due to the need to conserve aircraft ahead of the expected German offencive in France, Bomber Command never commited more then a fraction of it's 200 planes to Norway.
Somewhat bizarely, Bomber Command wasn't permitted to launch raids against Germany during this period, and no bombs could be dropped on German forces in Norway until it had been proven that the Germans had first bombed Norway!
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