December 19, 2003, 22:09
Local Time: 00:53
Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Location: Purpose drives life
Posts: 3,347
Preturn update 2150
Turn 2150
This section is about fixing our terraformer allocation.
Cancel Gotos for following units
Rover (28,24)
Probe team (11,29)
Rover (9,25)
Former (20,16)
Fixing terraforming
Basically, we don't want certain terraforming to finish this turn. However, don't cancel the 2nd terraformer yet otherwise we lose a turn of terraforming time.
Cancel first terraformer at (30,22)
Cancel first terraformer at (18,22)
Cancel terraformer at (19,29)
Cancel first terraformer at (11,19)
Gain terraforming by pressing 'w' 50 times, until all automatic terraforming is completed.
Cancel terraformer at (26,16) - move to Jamski Clove (the former will be needed to reroad the base square)
Cancel third terraformer at (30,22) - 3formers move north-east and build condensor on nut (should be 2 turns till completion)
Cancel all terraformers at (27,27) - move 2nd formers south-east, build forest over the farm, forest should build instantly, 1st former at (27,27) should go east to build a road.
Cancel terraformer at (24,22) - move noth-west and build condensor on nut
Cancel terraformer at (26,14) - road
Cancel terraformer at (20,16) - 2formers move north-west, build condensor
Cancel 2nd terraformer at (11,19) - 2nd former moves north-east, remove fungus, fungus should be removed, move 1st former at (11,19) north-east and build road
Cancel all terraformers at (13,17) - 2former move north, build condensor (can set condensor this turn so don't forgot next turn)
Cancel 2nd terraformer at (5,17) - 2formers move east, build condensor
Cancel terraformer at (8,18) - former move north-west, build condensor
Cancel terraformer at (18,22) - 2formers build road
Cancel terraformer at (16,20) - build road
Colony pods
Colony Pod (Jamski Clove) - goto (10,14), need to worry about building a sensor there. Can highjack the nearby nut farm for a turn to take care of food.
Find other colony pods and build cities where they currently are.
They should both build formers rushed fully.
Other Terraforming
Terraformer at (21,17) - build road
Terraformer at (21,15) - build road
Terraformer at (22,22) - move north-east build condensor
Terraformer at (20,32) - build road
Terraformer at (20,32) - move east, build road
Terraformer at (19,29) - move north-west build condensor
Terraformer at (20,30) - move north-west,north-west, build condensor
Terraformer at (20,30) - move north-west,north-west, build condensor
Terraformer at (11,23) - build road
Terraformer at (11,23) - build road
Terraformer at (3,17) - build road
Rehome both terraformers at (29,19), old "The Hive" base. One former is inactive, but can still be rehomed. Don't rehome the scout as it's independant.
The active terraformer at (29,19) after rehoming should remove fungus at (27,21).
Pop booming
The following bases should have their food maximised.
Voltariograd - Bdrone level 2
Vanderburg - Bdrone level 2
Utopia Base - Bdrone level 1
Great Clustering - Bdrone level 1
First thing we set 20% pysch, 40% eco, 40% labs
# we're going to golden age 4 bases so it makes it worthwhile
Michapolis Pop Booming
Have 5 food only need 2 food. (3 nutrients wasted under current setup)
Crawler (18,28) - move north-west, crawl 1 nutrient
Rush buy network node by 62 ECs (so it completes next turn)
Rokossovkygrad Pop booming
Only need 2 food to finish booming.
Crawler (22,28) - move to (18,28) where the michapolis was, crawl 4 nutrients.
Crawler (24,24) the rocky mine - move to (22,28) where other rokossovky crawler was, crawl 4 nutrients.
Set all citizens as librarians (will have +2 food from all the crawled nuts)
Central Planning
Set all to libarians.
Crawler (14,21) - move Great Clustering, rehome, move north, crawl 2 nutrients
Vevtopia Pop booming
set production network node
rush buy network node 68 ECs
Voltariograd Pop booming
# Voltariograd requires a network node rush built next turn to keep booming effectively.
Set 1 doctor
# It will golden age
crawler (23,21) on nut bonus - move (24,24) rocky mine, crawl 7 minerals
crawler (26,20) - move (23,21) to nut bonus, crawl 4 nutrients
crawler (21,21) - move (20,22) south-west, crawl 2 minerals
# so we can crawl one of the mines to voltariograd and reduce the cost of rushing the network node next turn
Rush buy children's creche 36 ECs
#rush buy it so only 4 minerals till completion 10 minerals carry over
Jamski Clove Dismantling
# getting all the minerals to Jamski is important as the pop booming fails in Vevtopia and Michanpolis if the base doesn't rebuild next turn.
# btw welcome to the crawler dance
- set build recycling tank
- rush buy 4 ECs (1 mineral)
- set build colony pod
# because it costs 8 ECs or something huge to rush 1 mineral as a colony pod
crawler (23,17) On the energy bonus - move (19,19) crawl 2 minerals
#moving it into range of the 7 mineral bonus to save money rush buying the network node in vanderburg later
crawler (24,14) - move (23,11), crawl 2 minerals
#making space for more crawlers near jamski clove that will be rehomed.
crawler (23,13) - move (Jamski clove), rehome, move south onto sensor, crawl 2 minerals
# will have to move the worker at jamski to one of the unroaded forests
crawler (24,18) - move (jamski clove), rehome, move west, crawl 2 minerals
crawler (23,15) - move (jamski clove), rehome, move rocky mine (24,18), crawl 4 minerals
#when jamski uproots next turn 12 minerals from the crawlers will also be counted in vanderburg when they rehome.
Vanderburg Pop booming
# Vanderburg requires a network node rush built next turn to keep booming effectively.
Set 1 doctor
# make it golden age next turn
crawler (honghu Konghu) - move vanderburg, rehome, move energy bonus (23,17) crawl 6 energy.
# the extra energy allows it to get a 2nd talnet
crawler (20,14) - move vanderburg, rehome, move farm (20,16), crawl 2 nutrients
Rush the children's creche by 28 ECs
# amount of minerals per turn is 6, 12 minerals will appear from crawler rehomes from the jamski clove rebuild.
#However, 3 extra units supported so extra support cost of 2 minerals.
#10 minerals needed so the network node next turn can be rushed easily.
# effective production next turn is 16 minerals.
# Basically rush the production so 6 minerals used to finish the children's creche and 10 minerals carry over.
Food reallocation Utopia Base
Utopia Base is Bdrone level 1, and poor on energy so will need to get to size 4 by gathering nutrients
Swap the worker on the monolith (in Utopia base) with the worker on the nut (in static university).
Food reallocation Great Clustering
Great Clustering is Bdrone level 1, and poor on energy so will need to get to size 4 by gathering nutrients
Remove the worker from the 0-1-1 square and put it on the 0-2-1 by letting it automatically allocate.
Other moves
Rover (28,24) - move (32,22)
#This is important as it stops the mindworms from landing in multiple places.
Speeder Probe (17,27) - move to Static University
Googliegrad - change Children's Creche to recycling tank
Jamski's Prison Cell - change crawler to former
New Base1 - Former
New Base2 - Former
New moscow - Former
Static univeristy - should only need 1 extra mineral to complete next turn rush buy by 3 ECs
Prevent drone riot in "New Base" near "broken heart hill"
Kommuniza City - build scout
scout (kommuniza city) - move new moscow (don't rehome)
scout (new moscow) - move New Base, rehome
Crawler (21,29) - move New Base, rehome, move farm, crawl food
Infiltrate University
Transport (94,28) - move (89,29)
Probe (89,29) - move (88,30), move (88,32), infiltrate Academgorodok
Other details
When you finish you need to fiddle around with the workers, if there is a spare forest then you can sometimes make use of it by reallocating workers between bases. Or moving a crawler to a different forest. Generally try and keep crawlers on roaded squares, so they're easy to move and rehome.
Don't rush buy too much with the extra money. We'll need to buy two network nodes next turn. If the above moves are followed exactly we'll need about 112 ECs to rush those two network nodes. If the rover is moved correctly 40 ECs of that will come from killing mindworms. Stockpile will also give extra, but without a simulator it's hard to say.
Drones will definiately need flexibility put in the diplomancy window and set to accept. They may want other techs too if they intend to tech steal from the university next turn.
December 19, 2003, 22:38
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Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Location: Purpose drives life
Posts: 3,347
Drones want flexibility preaccepted next turn.
Following turn they want the rest.
Call election after planting the two new bases. Vote for ourselves and send diplomatic junk to other factions begging for votes, but not promising much.
December 19, 2003, 22:45
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 to the diplo plan.
December 20, 2003, 02:05
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Re: Preturn update 2150
I'm following you Kody but there are some things I'm not sure about
Originally posted by Kody
Cancel terraformer at (26,14) - road
A sound idea, but which wastes a turn
I bet your plan is to farm and condenser the square Jamski Clove is sitting on - the former (while waiting for a pod)
27.17 and 28.18 could use roads to complete a network.
Cancel terraformer at (26,16) - move to Jamski Clove (the former will be needed to reroad the base square)
Have this former build a road at 27.17,
and have the 26.14 former wait to reroad Jamski Clove
Cancel all terraformers at (13,17) - 2former move north, build condensor (can set condensor this turn so don't forgot next turn)
What's the first one doing? Helping clear the fungus south-west?
Cancel terraformer at (16,20) - build road
Why not former move SW and build condensor?
Colony Pod (Jamski Clove) - goto (10,14), need to worry about building a sensor there. Can highjack the nearby nut farm for a turn to take care of food.
Would one of the formers from 12.18 do, once they've cleared fungus?
Plus there's a pod at 6.14 - I bet it will take our territory.
December 20, 2003, 07:38
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Posts: 2,988
Re: Preturn update 2150
Parallel turn by Enigma_Nova
*Researching Environmental Economics
*founded 2 bases
*send preaccepted docflex to buster
*called planetary governor election; supporting us
*set Psych to 20% to boom, econ 40%, Labs 40%.
Completed items are striked.
Defied orders are underlined.
Originally posted by Kody
Cancel Gotos for following units
Rover (28,24)
Probe team (11,29)
Rover (9,25)
Former (20,16)
Kody explains that formers can accumulate terraforming time. So, I cancel forming jobs that would have finished this turn, in favour of holding some former time
Cancel first terraformer at (30,22)
Cancel first terraformer at (18,22)
Had it build a road as outlined below
Cancel terraformer at (19,29)
Cancel first terraformer at (11,19)
Gain terraforming by pressing 'w' 50 times, until all automatic terraforming is completed.
Cancel terraformer at (26,16) - move to Jamski Clove (the former will be needed to reroad the base square)
The former is in the base!
Cancel third terraformer at (30,22) - 3formers move north-east and build condensor on nut (should be 2 turns till completion)
Doing that. Shame we can't have the mine, though.
Cancel all terraformers at (27,27) - move 2nd formers south-east, build forest over the farm, forest should build instantly, 1st former at (27,27) should go east to build a road.
Cancel terraformer at (24,22) - move noth-west and build condensor on nut
Cancel terraformer at (26,14) - road
Wastes some terraforming turns but OK road.
Cancel terraformer at (20,16) - 2formers move north-west, build condensor
Cancel 2nd terraformer at (11,19) - 2nd former moves north-east, remove fungus, fungus should be removed, move 1st former at (11,19) north-east and build road
Cancel all terraformers at (13,17) - 2former move north, build condensor (can set condensor this turn so don't forgot next turn)
Cancel 2nd terraformer at (5,17) - 2formers move east, build condensor
Cancel terraformer at (8,18) - former move north-west, build condensor
Cancel terraformer at (18,22) - 2formers build road
Conflicts with earlier order of cancelling.
Cancel terraformer at (16,20) - build road
Colony pods
Colony Pod (Jamski Clove) - goto (10,14), need to worry about building a sensor there. Can highjack the nearby nut farm for a turn to take care of food.
Find other colony pods and build cities where they currently are.
They should both build formers rushed fully.
The names of the bases are:
32.30 and 29.19 (aren't I imaginative?)
Other Terraforming
Terraformer at (21,17) - build road
Terraformer at (21,15) - build road
No former there
Terraformer at (22,22) - move north-east build condensor
Terraformer at (20,32) - build road
Terraformer at (20,32) - move east, build road
Terraformer at (19,29) - move north-west build condensor
Terraformer at (20,30) - move north-west,north-west, build condensor
Terraformer at (20,30) - move north-west,north-west, build condensor
Terraformer at (11,23) - build road
Terraformer at (11,23) - build road
Terraformer at (3,17) - build road
There's a former doing nothing at (5.17)
He's now helping the other former build a forest
And a former doing nothing at (21.25)
I'll assume this is the (21.15) typo and build a road
Rehome both terraformers at (29,19), old "The Hive" base. One former is inactive, but can still be rehomed. Don't rehome the scout as it's independant.
The active terraformer at (29,19) after rehoming should remove fungus at (27,21).
Umm its not active. Must have been set to auto-do something while I pressed 'w'
Also there's no sensor under the base! What happened?
Pop booming
The following bases should have their food maximised.
Voltariograd - Bdrone level 2
Vanderburg - Bdrone level 2
Utopia Base - Bdrone level 1
Great Clustering - Bdrone level 1
First thing we set 20% pysch, 40% eco, 40% labs
# we're going to golden age 4 bases so it makes it worthwhile
Note that setting psych to 30% gets Vevtopia to boom.
Winning the election should also do that... 
Michapolis Pop Booming
Have 5 food only need 2 food. (3 nutrients wasted under current setup)
Crawler (18,28) - move north-west, crawl 1 nutrient
Rush buy network node by 62 ECs (so it completes next turn)
Rokossovkygrad Pop booming
Only need 2 food to finish booming.
Crawler (22,28) - move to (18,28) where the michapolis was, crawl 4 nutrients.
Crawler (24,24) the rocky mine - move to (22,28) where other rokossovky crawler was, crawl 4 nutrients.
Set all citizens as librarians (will have +2 food from all the crawled nuts)
Done. But why all the libs?
Central Planning
Set all to libarians.
Crawler (14,21) - move Great Clustering, rehome, move north, crawl 2 nutrients
Vevtopia Pop booming
set production network node
rush buy network node 68 ECs
Voltariograd Pop booming
# Voltariograd requires a network node rush built next turn to keep booming effectively.
Set 1 doctor
# It will golden age
crawler (23,21) on nut bonus - move (24,24) rocky mine, crawl 7 minerals
crawler (26,20) - move (23,21) to nut bonus, crawl 4 nutrients
crawler (21,21) - move (20,22) south-west, crawl 2 minerals
# so we can crawl one of the mines to voltariograd and reduce the cost of rushing the network node next turn
Rush buy children's creche 36 ECs
#rush buy it so only 4 minerals till completion 10 minerals carry over
There are 5 minerals to go! 
Jamski Clove Dismantling
# getting all the minerals to Jamski is important as the pop booming fails in Vevtopia and Michanpolis if the base doesn't rebuild next turn.
# btw welcome to the crawler dance
- set build recycling tank
- rush buy 4 ECs (1 mineral)
- set build colony pod
# because it costs 8 ECs or something huge to rush 1 mineral as a colony pod
crawler (23,17) On the energy bonus - move (19,19) crawl 2 minerals
#moving it into range of the 7 mineral bonus to save money rush buying the network node in vanderburg later
crawler (24,14) - move (23,11), crawl 2 minerals
#making space for more crawlers near jamski clove that will be rehomed.
crawler (23,13) - move (Jamski clove), rehome, move south onto sensor, crawl 2 minerals
# will have to move the worker at jamski to one of the unroaded forests
crawler (24,18) - move (jamski clove), rehome, move west, crawl 2 minerals
crawler (23,15) - move (jamski clove), rehome, move rocky mine (24,18), crawl 4 minerals
#when jamski uproots next turn 12 minerals from the crawlers will also be counted in vanderburg when they rehome.
Vanderburg Pop booming
# Vanderburg requires a network node rush built next turn to keep booming effectively.
Set 1 doctor
# make it golden age next turn
crawler (honghu Konghu) - move vanderburg, rehome, move energy bonus (23,17) crawl 6 energy.
# the extra energy allows it to get a 2nd talnet
crawler (20,14) - move vanderburg, rehome, move farm (20,16), crawl 2 nutrients
Rush the children's creche by 28 ECs
# amount of minerals per turn is 6, 12 minerals will appear from crawler rehomes from the jamski clove rebuild.
#However, 3 extra units supported so extra support cost of 2 minerals.
#10 minerals needed so the network node next turn can be rushed easily.
# effective production next turn is 16 minerals.
# Basically rush the production so 6 minerals used to finish the children's creche and 10 minerals carry over.
Food reallocation Utopia Base
Utopia Base is Bdrone level 1, and poor on energy so will need to get to size 4 by gathering nutrients
Swap the worker on the monolith (in Utopia base) with the worker on the nut (in static university).
Food reallocation Great Clustering
Great Clustering is Bdrone level 1, and poor on energy so will need to get to size 4 by gathering nutrients
Remove the worker from the 0-1-1 square and put it on the 0-2-1 by letting it automatically allocate.
It uses the 5-1-1 square freed by the librarianisation of Central Planning.
Other moves
Rover (28,24) - move (32,22)
#This is important as it stops the mindworms from landing in multiple places.
Speeder Probe (17,27) - move to Static University
Googliegrad - change Children's Creche to recycling tank
Jamski's Prison Cell - change crawler to former
New Base1 - Former
New Base2 - Former
New moscow - Former
Static univeristy - should only need 1 extra mineral to complete next turn rush buy by 3 ECs
Prevent drone riot in "New Base" near "broken heart hill"
Kommuniza City - build scout
scout (kommuniza city) - move new moscow (don't rehome)
scout (new moscow) - move New Base, rehome
Crawler (21,29) - move New Base, rehome, move farm, crawl food
Infiltrate University
Transport (94,28) - move (89,29)
Oops there's a drone foil! changed course slightly
Probe (89,29) - move (88,30), move (88,32), infiltrate Academgorodok
I have a picture of terrain near academgorodok
The Uni has Environmental Economics in one turn!
They're making a LOT of probes (which are called librarians) and they have a Mk I ogre in their university base.
They lack AP and DocLoy; we lack SocPsy, IB and SotHB
They have no pop booming capacity, with only 1 creche.
Other details
When you finish you need to fiddle around with the workers, if there is a spare forest then you can sometimes make use of it by reallocating workers between bases. Or moving a crawler to a different forest. Generally try and keep crawlers on roaded squares, so they're easy to move and rehome.
Don't rush buy too much with the extra money. We'll need to buy two network nodes next turn. If the above moves are followed exactly we'll need about 112 ECs to rush those two network nodes. If the rover is moved correctly 40 ECs of that will come from killing mindworms. Stockpile will also give extra, but without a simulator it's hard to say.
I made some Crawler and worker moves to maximise our output.
Drones will definiately need flexibility put in the diplomancy window and set to accept. They may want other techs too if they intend to tech steal from the university next turn.
December 20, 2003, 07:39
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Posts: 2,988
I opt not to attach my file here because I did some exploring.
I'll have to wait for the official turn to show up.
December 20, 2003, 09:11
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Cancel terraformer at (26,14) - road
Wastes some terraforming turns but OK road.
Wastes 1 turn of terraforming time.
Cancel terraformer at (18,22) - 2formers build road
Conflicts with earlier order of cancelling.
Those terraformers were building a forest. So canceling and building a road doesn't conflict.
And a former doing nothing at (21.25)
I'll assume this is the (21.15) typo and build a road
Indeed it was a typo.
Cancel 2nd terraformer at (5,17) - 2formers move east, build condensor
There's a former doing nothing at (5.17)
He's now helping the other former build a forest
You missed an earlier order.
The active terraformer at (29,19) after rehoming should remove fungus at (27,21).
Umm its not active. Must have been set to auto-do something while I pressed 'w'
Also there's no sensor under the base! What happened?
It was active for me, I don't know why it did that.
Note that setting psych to 30% gets Vevtopia to boom.
Winning the election should also do that...
20% pysch works because of jamski clove rebuild.
10% pysch works if we win the election I think..... not sure...
#rush buy it so only 4 minerals till completion 10 minerals carry over
There are 5 minerals to go!
It worked for me....
Food reallocation Great Clustering
Great Clustering is Bdrone level 1, and poor on energy so will need to get to size 4 by gathering nutrients
Remove the worker from the 0-1-1 square and put it on the 0-2-1 by letting it automatically allocate.
It uses the 5-1-1 square freed by the librarianisation of Central Planning.
That's fine I changed my mind on something while writing the preturn. I wrote this section before I did the central planning crawler rehome.
I have a picture of terrain near academgorodok
The Uni has Environmental Economics in one turn!
They're making a LOT of probes (which are called librarians)
Googlie actually did the university's turn properly.
They have no pop booming capacity, with only 1 creche.
They have 5 creches.
Well I found that I deviated from the plan a fair bit more than you did. Mainly because things got clearer with the actual turn, rather than predicted turn.
Would be interested if anyone sees a mistake.
Last edited by Kody; December 20, 2003 at 12:30.
December 20, 2003, 09:49
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Originally posted by Kody
Would be interested if anyone sees a mistake.
Well, not quite a mistake, but look at that:
December 20, 2003, 09:52
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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Jamski´s Prison Cell:
It completing a former in two turns, rush buy cost would be 16 ec, we have 17 ecs stockpiled... Why don´t we rush it?
December 20, 2003, 12:27
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Two mistakes that I noticed.
You increased food at googliegrad. While this may work, I felt the infrastructure wouldn't support the extra population. This was a long term strategic mistake.
Short term mistake would be putting a network node in the build queue immediately after the children's creche for voltariograd, and vanderburg. This means you lose out on all the stockpile energy you could have obtained. That is about 15 ECs of energy lost from putting the network node instead of the stockpile.
I know in one of the turn chats some of the hive members claimed if you wanted things built faster you forgo the stockpile. I don't know why they still think that as this has been explained in this forum before....
Stockpile doesn't lose you any minerals, and gives you free ECs.
__________________________________________________ ___
With the rest of the turn I only noticed one or two minor mistakes, and some decisions that you made that were different to what I did, but can be valid depending on what you're aiming for in the long term.
So you did very well.
I would be interested in seeing you play a turn without preturn orders, as that will better show your abilities.
Last edited by Kody; December 20, 2003 at 12:33.
December 20, 2003, 12:29
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You should have played the turn, I spent far too long fiddling with it again.
December 20, 2003, 13:36
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I do have some suggestions if you still are interested in me playing the turns sometimes.
It is harder for me to follow exact detailed instructions. I would prefer knowing your goal with each specific task (for example what we are aiming for this base, or we should send how many formers to build condensors at this nut bones, etc.) and then I would be able to use my own brain, follow my own pattern and learn your strategy along with trying to achieve your goals.
The problem with my trying to follow exact instruction is that since I'm not familiar with the coordinates I spend far too much time trying to look for the unit you want to do each step by right click many squares and then again to find the destination. Not only it is kind of tedious for me, it's mistaken bearing too. Especially when some of the steps are interrelated with other steps, me trying to follow your steps without knowing the correlated steps is not helping. So 90% of my brain was working on making sure the preturn steps are followed instead of really thinking strategy like it should.
Just a suggestion.  Though it look like enigma may be able to follow your instruction better than me.  I believe we should let him try his best and it is likely he can be the main turn player with you be the main strategy thinker and as I said before I would still be 100% supportive and be the back up of you guys.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 20, 2003, 19:09
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Okay I'll try and do that.
December 21, 2003, 12:00
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December 21, 2003, 18:49
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Kody, this is your Xmas present. Finally you have what you dreamed of.
December 21, 2003, 22:39
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