February 5, 2004, 07:50
Local Time: 02:56
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A match in Madras
Had a routine inspection of Madras sparked World War?
LizardTongue was rubbing his scales with glee, for in a previous life he was Morant. His time was coming again. The powder keg had been lit on this planet and he knew he had to strike quick and fast. His only problem was Lizard. He had majority support amongst most of the senior politicians in Azande but Lizard's power was more than political. She had a trance like hold on the people. It would be a struggle.
LizardTongue was a war visionary. His computer like brain was sifting through the variables...
"USB = militarily and politically strong; logistically distant; tech stealers; aggressive military posture; Serb influenced; former long time ally - but a nasty enemy to be;
Serbs = politically very strong; militarily modest; overtly honoured the Treaty of Budva and overtly espouses peace but a devious manipulating breed that can never be trusted - a useful diplmatic tool;
Egypt = fundamentally ally quality and African brethren; maverick politics and flambouant leaders plagued the relationship; the technical state of war with Egypt was dangerous and needs rectification; Egypt militarily strong and brave if foolish;
India = high tech state; currently the only Azande ally but in name only, having tricked Azande out of techs; proven war monger requiring little prompting to conquer the world - a dangerous potential foe;
China = militarily and politically strong; logistically distant; origin of Azande Trade Ban; threatening posture over Azande Pacific holdings - dangerous potential enemy;
Tartars = history..."
LizardTongue's mind clicked over, like the wheels in a poker machine... most likely to attack Azande = USB, then China. These two nations had amassed huge armies. Then, India was dangerous, even though technically an ally. Followed by Serbs and Egypt.
The computations were complex, but here was surely an Azande war-monger intent on major global ambitions.
How much did Lizard know of these devious plans within plans?
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
February 5, 2004, 11:06
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Originally posted by Berzerker
Return all your cities? So be it, Indians will enjoy ports on the Mediterranean.
I'm afraid USB cannot allow that. We cannot sit idly by and watch our friend the Egyptians get carved up by an aggressive, warmonger India. A peacetreaty acceptable by both sides will be signed. At gun point if necessary.
The Tartars were guilty of untold numbers of terrorist plots and attacks, and thus deserve the fate that has befallen them. Plus rule by others only serves the interests of the leaderless, anarchist Tartardom. Egypt however is not in this situation and a further crippling of their empire is simply unacceptable to USB interests.
I call upon the remainder of the Northern Alliance to put pressure upon India to sign an acceptable peace treaty for resolution of this conflict. I call upon our one-time friends, the Azande to put pressure on their supposed ally the Indians to do the same.
Vice President Benito Mussolini. (President Bush is...indisposed at the moment)
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 6, 2004, 02:56
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Originally posted by Berzerker
Return all your cities? So be it, Indians will enjoy ports on the Mediterranean.
all egyptian citys, not the tartars ones !!!!
We are requesting all pre tartar invasion citys be returned,,
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 6, 2004, 02:59
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
I'm afraid USB cannot allow that. We cannot sit idly by and watch our friend the Egyptians get carved up by an aggressive, warmonger India. A peacetreaty acceptable by both sides will be signed. At gun point if necessary.
The Tartars were guilty of untold numbers of terrorist plots and attacks, and thus deserve the fate that has befallen them. Plus rule by others only serves the interests of the leaderless, anarchist Tartardom. Egypt however is not in this situation and a further crippling of their empire is simply unacceptable to USB interests.
I call upon the remainder of the Northern Alliance to put pressure upon India to sign an acceptable peace treaty for resolution of this conflict. I call upon our one-time friends, the Azande to put pressure on their supposed ally the Indians to do the same.
Vice President Benito Mussolini. (President Bush is...indisposed at the moment)
since building the WOMD (Howies) the indians only listen to gunpint diplomacy...
We call on our northern friends for a full invasion to return what is rightfully ours.....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 6, 2004, 13:27
Local Time: 08:56
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Posts: 1,261
Letter to the Azende Foreign Minister
I am growing concearned with your lack of communication reguarding our last dialog. The apparent lack of Azande willingness to negoiate for the colonies in the central pacific ocean are only adding fuel to the fire of those who make the case that the purpose of these colonies are purely offensive. The military command panel of the CNG has given me an ultimatum to reach a deal with your government, or break off relations. I urge you to take this opportunity to avoid a major conflict with the CNG. Our forces are prepared for any circumstance.
February 6, 2004, 13:37
Local Time: 08:56
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Operation East, Wind, Rain
Top Secret: CNG unit commanders, Allied general staff
Operation: East Wind Rain
Negoiation efforts with the Azande appear to be failing. Talks have not even reached a serious stage. Given the high likelyhood of Azande refusal of our demands, the current operation is to be put underway.
Operation Goals:
Primary Targets: Azande Capital Ships, Dreadnoughts, Battleships, and Support Craft, with priority given to the destruction of troop carrying ships.
Land Operations:
Destroy Azande military installations in the Central Pacific Ocean. Recon operations will be followed with bombardment from the Superdreadnoughts, and finally an assault of the islands themselves. Battlecruisers and submarines will establish a protected area in which for the task force to operate.
World Goals for Operation:
Chinese naval dominance of the PTO.
European occupation of Azande Central American colonies.
Serbian Rearmament, and return of Asia Minor to Serbia.
Destruction of Azande merchant marine, which is the only force capable of bringing their force outside of the African Continent.
February 6, 2004, 17:33
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The Egyptians note with mock interest the Chinese secret dopcument that was leaked into their hands. Not one mention of Egypt at all. They plan to attack Azande and take provinces for themsleves and and the USB and Serbia were to get provinces too. Yet not one word of support for Egypt in its battles.
If our allies are allied to this type of "friend" then we would ask them to apply political pressure on china to exert her influence on India and to pursue goals in asia first, then take Pacific actions later.
Once again the Egyptians see double crossing in the wind...
Chinese TAKEAWAY anyone !!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 07:34
Local Time: 02:56
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Re: Open letter to the Azande Government
Originally posted by Frank Johnson
It is the position of the Nationalist Chinese Government that the Azande colonies present in the Central Pacific Ocean represent a military threat to the Chinese heartland and the entire Pacific Rim. Our government also notes that the possesion of these colonies, as well as the stationing of naval forces in and around such colonies is contrary to the stated Azande goal of peaceful development of spacefaring technologies. Our government can take no position other than these colonies are intentionally located as strategic ports aimed against our interests, in order to launch military campaigns into the heart of the NCG.
In order to counter this threat, the CNG has set an impending deadline, for the elimination of the threat these colonies pose before pre-emptive military action begins in the P.T.O.
It is my duty as CNG foreign minister to the Azende to communicate the following offer in the interests of continued Azande-CNG peace, which should remain consistant with Azande goals of continued peaceful world relations and continued scientific research.
The CNG requires that the colonies of Jilo and Haway be immediately demilitarized, and turned over to an occupying force of Imperial Chinese Marines led by Admiral Yamamoto. Azande navy forces will be allowed to withdraw to Panama and must exist the Pacific Ocean immediately. Property rights of the inhabitants of both colonies will be respected. The colonies will take their proper role in our sphere of influance as CNG dependances. In exchange for the peaceful transfer, the CNG offers 800 gold payable immediately upon transfer of military control of the region.
I sumbit this proposal for you to review. I must remind you of the results of failure on our parts to reach a compromise. While I cannot speak for the CNG military command, the failure of these talks will most likely bring about the instigation of hostilities between the Chinese Nationalist Government and the Azande. We await your prompt correspondance.
Lizard felt beseiged on all sides.
She drafted an official response to the Chinese:
"Whilst we understand that the presence of these island colnies could represent a military threat to China I would like to assure you that in fact they do NOT represent any threat whatsoever. Azande would be happy to post internal city maps of both these cities for your consideration, to re-assure you that there is no major military presence. Upon reviewing these maps I would be interested to know if there are any units present that disturb you? WE know that you seek peace and if assured of our peaceful intentions you will likewise maintain a healthy dialog and relationship with the Azandes. Your reply is eagerly awaited."
Lizard rushed it off quickly as her young child was crying in the next room. Lidless had been a problematic child torn between the compassion and kindness of his mother and the aggression of his father - LizardTongue. His time may come and chaos may be his playground.
Lizard calmed her child and thougt over the Chinese offer, or was it a threat? Clearly it was. Maybe she should consider a higher price or settle the Chinese nerves by just selling Jilo? She had to think hard if she was going to stop her LizardTongue partner from warring with all nations on the planet simultaneously. The USB/Serb/China pact it seems was luring ghim into this trap and her misguided forum in The Great all were backing him.
She had to turn to the people.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
February 7, 2004, 08:02
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Originally posted by ljcvetko
The Chinese are dominant at sea and they can take by force all islands and coastal cities in the Pacific. However, if they and Lizards join the newly formed League of Nations, this conflict will be solved easily and mutually satisfactorily in a matter of minutes.
"Interesting. Prey tell the Lizard the solution please"
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
February 7, 2004, 16:57
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magic apparently !!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 18:54
Local Time: 09:56
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Ahem... Indian people resent being characterised in such a demeaning manner...by our "ally" no less. We were attacked, will the Azande accept the insidious label of war monger should they have the audacity to defend themselves when attacked? I think not!!!
all egyptian citys, not the tartars ones !!!!
We are requesting all pre tartar invasion citys be returned
Hear ye, Pharaoh, Indian people will not return the cities responsible for Egyptian aggression just so they can once again launch another sneak attack, and the Indian people have no interest in keeping backwood hell holes once belonging to the Tartar people. What you ask is that no one hold you accountable for your aggression, clearly the world shows it's reluctance to hold you diplomatically accountable, but the Indian people will not let you escape responsibility for your betrayal.
Our offer was reasonable, the return of all Egyptian cities except 3, those cities used by Egypt to launch the attack, and $750 as reparations. But we will make our offer even more generous, India will return all cities except for Buffalo and the Tigris and Euphrates Delta city (a total of 4 cities will be returned including the Holy Lands - India had to build a city to facilitate our counter-attack). India still demands monetary reparations of $750. We are willing to listen to Egyptian proposal for a payment schedule sine we don't expect the Egyptians to have the entire payment in their current treasury.
World Leaders, listen to India:
Will you let the Egyptians launch sneak attacks and not hold them responsible? We ask for the League of Nations to vote on this matter, if no vote is forthcoming and Egyptians resume their attack, the Indian people will have no other choice than to continue the war.
February 7, 2004, 19:34
Local Time: 02:56
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Originally posted by Berzerker
Ahem... Indian people resent being characterised in such a demeaning manner...by our "ally" no less. We were attacked, will the Azande accept the insidious label of war monger should they have the audacity to defend themselves when attacked? I think not!!!
If Azande turned a small border dispute into a full scale nation crippling invasion Lizard would be happy to labelled a war monger
Hear ye, Pharaoh, Indian people will not return the cities responsible for Egyptian aggression just so they can once again launch another sneak attack, and the Indian people have no interest in keeping backwood hell holes once belonging to the Tartar people. What you ask is that no one hold you accountable for your aggression, clearly the world shows it's reluctance to hold you diplomatically accountable, but the Indian people will not let you escape responsibility for your betrayal.
Our offer was reasonable, the return of all Egyptian cities except 3, those cities used by Egypt to launch the attack, and $750 as reparations. But we will make our offer even more generous, India will return all cities except for Buffalo and the Tigris and Euphrates Delta city (a total of 4 cities will be returned including the Holy Lands - India had to build a city to facilitate our counter-attack). India still demands monetary reparations of $750. We are willing to listen to Egyptian proposal for a payment schedule sine we don't expect the Egyptians to have the entire payment in their current treasury.
World Leaders, listen to India:
Will you let the Egyptians launch sneak attacks and not hold them responsible? We ask for the League of Nations to vote on this matter, if no vote is forthcoming and Egyptians resume their attack, the Indian people will have no other choice than to continue the war.
It was your choice my friend! Lizard appealed for India to utilise diplomatic channels once India recovered it's lost cities (2 only I think); but India chose to ignore these appeals and rocketed into full scale invasion mode that has now changed the face of the planet! Egypt did not launch a civ crippling first strike but simply a nasty WOMD incursion that went wrong, and now they have paid a heavy price. Azande recognise that Egyptian tactics were not correct but India has now proven her menace to the world. It is with regret Azande must cancel her alliance with India. If India wishes to avoid war with Azande Lizard will be posting her requirements. If LizardTongue takes the helm, all bets are off. I urge you to negotiate with Lizard before the Tongue pops out...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
February 7, 2004, 20:00
Local Time: 00:56
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once again the indians make claims for vast territorys..
the egyptians soley popped ia few military experienced technicinas into two suspected areas of mass weopn development, one in asia and one in America. we did this t o protect our allies to the north and the rest of the world in general.
We could have taken many more citys if that wa our aim and we did not. India then used their WOMD to conquer half of the egyptian terrortories.
If the world allows this kind of action then the world opens it self to the use of bigger longer range WOMD. Egypt will utilise whatever it can to protect it self.
WE have the technology yet have not used it. We will however use the technology now to protect ourselves.
Many lvies will be lsot in this bloodshed, and yet Serbia keeps harping opn about a league of antions which id worthless, INdia will only listen when they are brough tto their kneees. once their powerhouse of mass pollution is brought under control.
The pollution we saw in Madras during our inspoecions shocked even our most hardeend campaigners. They are abusing the environment in every way possible.
This is our last call for our allies to come join the Coalition of the willing of forever remain dilent and begone from Egyptian memories,
This is our darkest hour and the worlds greatest needs for unification are here. Decide now oh world poweres on whic hside you stand.
You either join Egypt in regaining its rightrful land territroy or you are agaisnt us.
There is no middle ground.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 20:09
Local Time: 09:56
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If Azande turned a small border dispute into a full scale nation crippling invasion Lizard would be happy to labelled a war monger
A border dispute? Egypt captured one of India's most important cities - Madras - and you call that a border dispute? And India has crippled Egypt? Hardly, there were no city improvements in any of the backwaters taken by India; in fact, the Indian people were stunned by the primitive state of these cities backed up by only weapons. And now that India has sufficiently retaliated and is willing to return most of what was gained by our counter-attack, we're told we are the war monger?
It was your choice my friend! Lizard appealed for India to utilise diplomatic channels once India recovered it's lost cities (2 only I think); but India chose to ignore these appeals and rocketed into full scale invasion mode that has now changed the face of the planet!
India received no such advice from an ally who wouldn't even condemn the sneak attack, of course, I muted all the chattering naybobs who complained it was too late for me to finish my turn. Having muted the chatter so I could finish my turn faster, I'm lectured about advice I never got. Next time I inform nations I will be muting them so I can finish my turn faster, use ICQ for such "advice". Your advice literally fell on deaf ears...
Egypt did not launch a civ crippling first strike but simply a nasty WOMD incursion that went wrong, and now they have paid a heavy price. Azande recognise that Egyptian tactics were not correct but India has now proven her menace to the world.
Yes, India NOW has 1/2 the forces of 3 other nations and only recently (because of the sneak attack) gained parity with the Egyptian invaders and the nation with +130 units feigns concern over India.
It is with regret Azande must cancel her alliance with India. If India wishes to avoid war with Azande Lizard will be posting her requirements. If LizardTongue takes the helm, all bets are off. I urge you to negotiate with Lizard before the Tongue pops out...
So be it, the Azande wish to hide on her dark continent and leave allies to fend for themselves. But should you venture off your lands to launch a sneak attack on the Indian people, we will aid any nation that declares war on you and we will attack for as long as we live. We can only view Azande behavior as an endorsement of Egypt's treason.
If you think the Indian people are war-like now, I'm trying to quit smoking, Mountain Dew, and nasal spray all at once, so I won't be getting friendlier in the near future
February 7, 2004, 20:12
Local Time: 00:56
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The Great Raz Returns
The Great Raz looked down on the situation in Asia and laughed, petty squabbles he thought, so meaningless.
He heard Emporer Muhummed ALi praying, asking what answer to give the Heathen Indians.
The Great Raz answered Emporer Ali and told him HE personally would give a sign to the Indians
And so it came to pass that the following sign in the heavesn did appear above ervery Indina city all over the world simultaneualy.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 20:23
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1690 AD
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 7, 2004, 20:24
Local Time: 09:56
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India then used their WOMD to conquer half of the egyptian terrortories.
2 cities with little or no improvement and a handful of recently taken Tartar backwaters now constitutes 1/2 of Egyptian empire? Egyptian lies are not worthy of consideration, either agree to our generous terms, make a reasonable counter-offer (and not that rubbish about returning all Egyptian lands without any compensation, or only 3 Tartar backwaters), or face continued war, but spare us the insults to our intelligence.
If any power takes advantage of this situation to sneak attack the Indian people, we will ignore the Egyptian backwater and turn all our might, meager as it is, on the new aggressor. The Egyptian sneak attack shows their lack of character, but anyone capitalising on this situation will be viewed as an even lower form of life...
So much for diplomacy games, might as well just play normal games and make no pretext about diplomacy.
February 7, 2004, 20:29
Local Time: 09:56
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And so it came to pass that the following sign in the heavesn did appear above ervery Indina city all over the world simultaneualy.
Why it's Shiva's middle finger giving us the "thumb's up" on our venture to teach the evil Egyptians to respect borders.
Btw, are you going to need a sub for tonight?
It seems there are 5 of us here now. Why we have to wait till 11 pm central is beyond me.
February 7, 2004, 20:32
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OOC.. some people still thinking that diplo games means diplomacy only and never war.. If that had of occured here ,. then there was never going to be any stoppnig an indian win , war is part of all rea lworldas and as diplo games are trying to make the game mroe lfie like by putting in Role palying and such then a war to curtail anothe nations is quite relaistic.
Egypt tried all sorts of diplo actiosn prior to this war, but india failed to psot regularly at poly so egypt was left unaware of the postion of india..
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 20:34
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Originally posted by Berzerker
Btw, are you going to need a sub for tonight?
OOC yes i do need a sub, i am at work for the next 9 hours so unable to play..
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 20:35
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*gasp* God is a lefty.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 7, 2004, 20:40
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Posts: 14,475
Originally posted by Berzerker
2 cities with little or no improvement and a handful of recently taken Tartar backwaters now constitutes 1/2 of Egyptian empire? Egyptian lies are not worthy of consideration, either agree to our generous terms, make a reasonable counter-offer (and not that rubbish about returning all Egyptian lands without any compensation, or only 3 Tartar backwaters), or face continued war, but spare us the insults to our intelligence.
well you obviously dont relaise that most of egypt is the same, we are built in the deserts , no the lush land sof india. we have mostly small citys with little improvements, no one traded with us till late in game so we had no growth as others have had.
And asia was nearly half our land area.... and that is what we are after, better land for our people to live in, rivers flowing to water our crops, the people of egypt claim there freedom to live in free lands , not under indian control.
either all Egyptian citys return to Egypt or we fight to the bitter end....... and if that means we all die, so be it ..... we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees....
Whilst the rest of the world allows indioan domination , the wegyptians can show we only ever fought border squirmish wars till the Treaty of Tartardom was signed by all to allow the brerakup of tartar twerritroy.
Only India in this world has gone on a Genocidal campaign of murdering mass groups of egyptians. No other civilisation can surely support these actions.
But as we said ealreir, silenmce on this matter and alck of action amoun to support of the indians.
Come join the egpytians in a rightful crusade to regian our teritory stolen from us.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 20:42
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
*gasp* God is a lefty.
well i am left handed !!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 21:16
Local Time: 09:56
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Location: topeka, kansas,USA
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some people still thinking that diplo games means diplomacy only and never war.. If that had of occured here ,. then there was never going to be any stoppnig an indian win , war is part of all rea lworldas and as diplo games are trying to make the game mroe lfie like by putting in Role palying and such then a war to curtail anothe nations is quite relaistic.
An Indian win? If your words were truthful you would have attacked some nation with 3x times the Indian military, but you attacked one of the weaker nations. As for role playing etc, I clearly don't understand the purpose of this format. Some think it's about posting stories, etc. I'm really not into that and I joined this game only because y'all were short of people and I was given the choice between 2 nations I would not have normally opted for, 2 nations destined to get steamrolled in the long run. Perhaps someone can explain just what diplomacy games involve. And no, I'm not under the illusion diplomacy games don't have warfare, but I thought it included expressions of sincere outrage over backstabbers even by the backstabbers' allies. I mean, even the deceit in this game is illogical. Why have any pretext of diplomacy when the game is just like a normal game? If I knew the true nature of this game I would have never given the Egyptians Mesopotamia in the first place because of some alleged agreement not to settle there. My fault, I was niave...
Egypt tried all sorts of diplo actiosn prior to this war, but india failed to psot regularly at poly so egypt was left unaware of the postion of india..
I see no diplo actions in this thread, ever hear of ICQ? You attacked the leaderless Tartars and then set your sights on the next weakest nation and the 2nd victim of your aggression is called the war monger for defending themselves.
Screw it, I will attack when and where I want. If someone doesn't like it, they can try to eliminate my civ and I will try to do as much damage as I can to them before they succeed. If I knew how these games were really played I would have been building military from the start and attacking at will. Right now, Egypt attacked me and doesn't want peace. So I will try to eliminate Egypt... I took alot of verbal abuse for my loyalty to my ally and now even he is using the Egyptian sneak attack as an excuse to cancel the alliance (gee, I'm sure he'll sneak attack now to "inspect" for WMD ).
February 7, 2004, 21:18
Local Time: 02:56
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Dylan is Egypt. Copnfirmed. He knows the deal with Egypt.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
February 7, 2004, 21:29
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Terrible news from London. President for Life, George W. Bush was found dead this morning by an aide. While the leader was very advanced in age no official reports on cause of death have been made available. Vice President Benito Mussolini, of Italy, has been sworn in as new President of the United States of Britain.
The nation weeps.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 7, 2004, 21:55
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Posts: 14,475
Originally posted by Berzerker
An Indian win? If your words were truthful you would have attacked some nation with 3x times the Indian military, but you attacked one of the weaker nations.
India hays shown by her actions and result fo war she not one of the smalelr nations. Egypt and Tasrtars been holding the two bottom positions all game, Serbia came down to join us lowly two after dealigns with Azande.
Your trade alone stes you as one of the leading nations.
As for role playing etc, I clearly don't understand the purpose of this format. Some think it's about posting stories, etc. I'm really not into that and I joined this game only because y'all were short of people and I was given the choice between 2 nations I would not have normally opted for, 2 nations destined to get steamrolled in the long run. Perhaps someone can explain just what diplomacy games involve.
obviously we al lapercuiate you fillnig in a slot, however i would have hoped tha tone of th epeople asking you to join had explained the roles as more of than just playing the game
Ozzy was very good and did a FAQ for diplos , but that was after this game started.
And no, I'm not under the illusion diplomacy games don't have warfare, but I thought it included expressions of sincere outrage over backstabbers even by the backstabbers' allies. I mean, even the deceit in this game is illogical. Why have any pretext of diplomacy when the game is just like a normal game? If I knew the true nature of this game I would have never given the Egyptians Mesopotamia in the first place because of some alleged agreement not to settle there. My fault, I was niave...
Yuo already have forgotten egypt could hav ecrushed you earleir when you were undefened but we helped you because you had helped us ealrier ion game, we informed you to buidl defence , whcih you did. As for the world outrage, in diplo game sit is always asaved for the nation that does the most destruction of another human civ, attackign AI controleldd civs has always been fully accpetable in diplo style, crushing of humans , whilst allowed , has always been met with the full power of the world . This game unfortuantly seems to not have the resolve to deal with the issue.
defending oneself does not involve the decimation you caused in your turn. i agree you have the right to do what yuou did, and yopu responded as i wopuld hgave in same way, but the world outrage at your open aggresion should be dealt with. and as i said earlier, you would eassily sit in top 3 of powerful nations, not bottom 3. All my demographics point to my being 6th or th in narly all levels. (Except pollution i am number 1 with zero)
yes you are fully entitles in this game to do all you want, there are no lawa prohibiint how much destruction you can cause, the thing with diplo is that unlike usual games where people take great fdelighht to see human palyers taken out of the gamem,, the world is supposed to respond via diplo channels to prevent it happening. Egypt will now use all it has at is disposal to bring around tha thelp it needs, that is the power of the dfdiplo game, i not palying to win the game , i never do, i paly for the fun andf the role palying. Ozzy pretty much same as my self in that i think, the tohers are having fun too , but winning is high on their agendas too. so maybe the world wont react as it should this game, it remains to be seen,
howver play on macduff, for mcbeth is here.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 21:56
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Originally posted by deity
Dylan is Egypt. Copnfirmed. He knows the deal with Egypt.
"the DEAL" ???
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 21:58
Local Time: 00:56
Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
Terrible news from London. President for Life, George W. Bush was found dead this morning by an aide. While the leader was very advanced in age no official reports on cause of death have been made available. Vice President Benito Mussolini, of Italy, has been sworn in as new President of the United States of Britain.
The nation weeps.
Emporer Muhummed ALi , clals for a nationakl day of mourning in all of what is left oif Egypt. President Bush had shown much willingness to draw close to Egpyt and forget the past .
Ambassader Cheryl Lynn has been sent to the Whitehouse to confiem current agreeemnts still stand.
Onc eagain our hearts are with the mourning family.
But we do congratuate Musolini on his promotion.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 7, 2004, 22:13
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 10:56
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Tens of thousands gather in London to remember their lost leader, George W. Bush, and celebrate their new leader.
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