OK, first backup the file 'civ3x.bix, in the PtW directory. I suggest creating a new folder there called 'backup', and copying the file in there.
Now start the editor (civ3xedit.exe). File, open and choose civ3x.bix (NOT the backed up copy - don't monkey with that one).
Now you have just loaded the rules file into the editor. From here you can change MANY things. Play around with it sometime...
As far more civs - go to Rules, Edit Rules, and choose the World Sizes tab. There is a dropbox at the top allowing you to choose a mapsize, and to the left a box titled 'Number of civs'. Choose the mapsize you want, change the number of civs to what you want. Do this to as many of the maps as you want. When you're done, Close. File, Save the file as the same thing you opened (civ3x.bix). Now start PtW, and your changes will take effect!
If you ever want to go back to the original rules then delete civ3x.bix from your PtW directory and copy the one you backed up into its place.