If everything goes according to plan, we should assimilate data on Ethical Calculus MY 2151, giving us the ability to switch to Democracy for 40 credits. My question is whether we should switch to Democracy next turn or not. This poll has a time limit of five days.
The disadvantage of Democracy is -2 Support.
This means that new bases won't get 10 minerals for free. However since we, after And/Or Gate which will still get the bonus, don't plan to found any new bases in the near future, this should not be a problem.
A bigger problem is that we will
loose about 10 minerals per year to support costs.
The advantages of Democracy are +2 Growth and +2 Efficiency.
When using the MY 2150 presend save I switch out of Planned to simulate the extra democratic efficiency, we get
6 extra labs per year. This bonus will probably increase as we capture more PEACE bases further from our HQ in the next few years.
Another bonus of efficiency is having less b-drones. We of course can't be absolutely sure of this due to Kody's cheating, but for now this will mean one less drone in Binary Bastion. If it works the currently being cultivated farm this will mean
two extra nutrients and one mineral per year. The number of b-drones we have less due to democracy will probably increase though after capturing Tripoli, MVille and other PEACE bases. We'll have to wait to know for sure.
The second bonus is +2 Growth. Together with Planned this will mean only 7 instead of 9 nutrient rows will have to be filled to let a base grow. I guess you could put this as saying that every surplus nutrient will be 9/7 more valuable than before. We currently have 28 surplus nutrients. (28/7*9)-28 =
8 virtual extra nutrients compared to our current situation.
An added bonus by going to Democracy right now is that if I calculated correctly we will have six new workers within the next two turns, while normally it would still take a few more turns. Only the new Logic Loop worker would have to be a doctor.
Please discuss or vote.