In Character Stories
I got inspired by HongHu's writings about the Hive and figured I would write a short story dealing with some resenent game events. Hope yall enjoy and contibute your own stories.
Cycon Concousness Military Comand Nexus: 2150.239
Admiral function DeathBytheSword sat quietly on Bridge of the CCS Love Boat, flag ship of the Cycon Navy. Despite being an older tecnologicaly obsolete model she had been retianed as the Flagship due to her top of the line comunication equipment and years of seaworth performace. Logicaly the newer Impact Cruiser should be placed at the tip of te spear.
All around DBTS the bridge crew sat in rapt atention of their consoles, screens and Datajacks. No window looked out over the sea, the Concousness placed the Bridge deep in the cores of its ships, cameras, radar and infered beams could easily and effeicintly feed all the nessary data the ships Comand Staff. Thus the Ships Bridge took the shape of two concentric rings of terminals and at its center sat DBTS. Regardless of the lack of windows the ships crew was fully aware that ourside the ship 50 kilometer per hour winds wipped the Chironian sea into a frenzy despite the dampening effects of the planets gravity. The loveBoats sleek 97.6 meter Trimaran hull split each wave like a knife and her 5 autominus escort boats easily maintinaed their pentagonal escorting formation, each 30 kilometers from the LoveBoat, extending her defences and sensor networks with their sophisticated triangulation networks.
DBTS activated his primary transmition implant and sent a priority 3 comunicay to the Maritime Control Center "We have reached the specified Cordinates, as of yet no contact has been made, will continue southward in search of Pirate Probe Foils, good time being maintaned probability of sucessfull interception estimated at greater then 95%"
But even this was high probability was risky for a society that delt in absolutes and the rigidity of mathamatical proof. Failute to intercept could be disaterous and the entire conciousness knew it. The Conciousness knows full well that information is power and to be victorious ones enemy must be blind to your moves. This mission was of the utmost priority, even more so then the capture of Alexandria that had begun only days before to the north. Cycon Marines had easily overwelmed the Pirates feeble defences and captured the core base domes, a few lingering pirate resisters would soon be moped up and the way made clear for the assaults upon The Pirate massive sprawling Capital of Tripoli.
Suddenly the Bridge exploded in activity, Infered scanners were picking up wake marks in the curning sea. DBTS imediatly ordered the ships course altered and sensors directed towards the likly course of the enemy vessel. Within minutes the forward scopes locked onto a small black shape. A Nautilus Hydrofoil of mediudm size, its black smoth angeld sides providing near perfect radar refraction. Their was no doupt this was their quary.
Only hours before the fall of Alexandria elite Cybornetic Probe teams had infiltrated the Nautilus data network. Initial anaysis of Pirate data networks indicated that several Probe teams in Hydrofoils had been dispatched southward on the eve of the invasion. It was now of the utmost importance that they be intercepted before reaching vulnorable Cycon Bases.
DBTS cooly issued his orders by cnbernetic link. "You may fire when ready" already the ships power Core was reving up to full capacity. The ships laser turrets pivoted and were brought to bear by the skilled minds of the weapons officers and targiting computers. A yellow glow already eminating from the cooling coils. Three invisible pulses cracked outward instanly blasting the raindrops unfortunate enough to be in the beams path into vapor. The PEACE foil erupted in flames.
"Prepare to pick up any surviors"
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche