August 13, 2000, 01:01
Apprentice Dip Fall 1901 Results
Builds Due Monday
Italy (Barbarossa) (0 builds)
A Ven H
F Ion C A Apu-Gre (move fails)
England (Midshipman) (0 builds)
F Nwg - Nor (move fails)
F Nth C A Edi-Bel
A Edi - Bel (move fails)
Austria (WarVoid) (1 build)
A Ser S Russian A Ukr > Rum (invalid support)
A Vie > Boh
France (HsFB) (2 builds)
Mao F -> Por
Pic A -> Bel (move fails)
Russia (Scott) (2 builds)
1. A Ukr S F Sev -> Rum
2. F Sev -> Rum
3. F GoB -> Swe
4. A StP -> Nor (move fails)
Germany (Shadowstrike) (2 builds)
A Mun -> Tyr
F Hol -> Nth (move fails)
A Kie -> Den
Turkey (Napoleon) (1 build)
A Con - Bul (move fails)
A Bul - Gre (move fails)
F Ank - Bla
Power Ranking:
#1 Russia: So far go good. Russia has what seems to be in the game’s only firm alliance
and all his neighbors either seem to be at each other’s throats or in a weak position.
#2 France: Well with England diplomatically isloted and Germany doing something
bizarre his southernarmy,France is in a growth position.
#3 Germany: Well his conflict with Austria seems a bit pointless, but at least Germany’s
gotten two builds and has no dangerous enemies.
#4 Austria: Well Austria’s netted only one build and has that German army harassing
him, but at least he seems to be allied with Russia which is a plus.
#5 Turkey: Well Turkey still has a good shot at Greece, but that move into the Black sea
could anger Russia enough to be the Sultan’s downfall....
#6 Italy: In a weak but salvagable position.
#7 England: Ouch. All three of England’s neighbors have made anti-English moves.
Time to do some brown-nosing...
August 14, 2000, 00:21
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"Would you mind not shooting at the thermonuclear weapons?"
August 14, 2000, 10:34
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I'm having problems with my email account. In the meantime, can I please use my hotmail account? Its
August 14, 2000, 15:59
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Were those orders acceptable? (Alas, I don't know the proper build syntex  )
August 14, 2000, 16:23
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The proper build syntax is probably this:
Germany builds:
F Ber
A Kie
That's it.
August 15, 2000, 15:45
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It IS possible to support another player's move, right?
August 15, 2000, 16:12
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Of course you can.
To support a player's move, your unit must be adjacent to the destination of that move.
Say, you're France, with A Bur, and you want to support a German move from Berlin to Munich, you go,
A Bur S (German) A Ber-Mun
However, you cannot support a unit that is leaving the province adjacent to your unit. So, you can't order:
A Bur S (German) A Mun-Ber
Because Burgundy does not border Berlin, the destination.
In another case, you can simply support a unit to stay right where it is. If A Munich wants to stay, you order,
A Bur S (German) A Mun
HOWEVER, if A Mun moves anyway, then your support is invalid (even if Munich goes to Ruhr, which also borders Burgundy) because your support does not specify the destination of the unit, if any.
Now, remember, if anyone attacks A Bur (even if ANOTHER unit, like A Mar or A Gas is supporting A Bur to hold), then the support is broken.
F: A Bur S (German) A Ber-Mun
G: A Ber-Mun
E: A Par-Bur
England's move to Burgundy breaks the French unit's support for the German move to Munich. Keep in mind that A Bur is not dislodged or anything, only its support has been broken.
NOW, here's the real mindboggler. You cannot break the support of a unit attacking you.
E: A Par-Bur
G: A Ruh S (English) A Par-Bur
F: A Bur-Ruh
Look at these moves, it looks like you would break the German support for the English attack on Burgundy. But because of the above rule, the support is NOT broken, and your unit in Burgundy is dislodged (or even worse, destroyed when no possible retreats exist).
Confused yet?
[This message has been edited by LordStone1 (edited August 15, 2000).]
August 15, 2000, 16:13
HsFB, It is possibile to support another nation's move. Say you are playing England for this example. The proper way to write such an order is:
F North Atlantic Ocean supports French F Brest - Mid Atlantic Ocean
Now, assuming that the French player is actually writes the associated movement order your support will be valid. And assuming that there is no other movement into the Mid Atlantic with a strength of 2 or more units, the French move would then succeed.
August 15, 2000, 16:29
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so i DO need to announce i'm being supported by another player, right.
August 15, 2000, 17:32
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When are Spring Moves due?
August 15, 2000, 17:45
No, you do not need to announce that you are receiving support. Generally, you PRAY that you are receiving support from the player who promised it to you!
August 15, 2000, 17:45
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No, you don't announce that you are being supported by another player. For one, why would you want others to know? Second, you can't dictate another player's moves. Ultimately, it is up to the other player to make the support order.
The best you can do is ask him to write the support order, order your own unit to move, and threaten him with extinction if he disobeys your trust.
Welcome to your baptism of fire.
August 15, 2000, 17:47
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Well, well aren't Ruffhaus and I being very helpful? The first question, I posted 1 minute ahead of him. The second question, we post at the same time.
Hmm, who is better? Huh?
August 15, 2000, 18:02
Shadowstrike, Winter Builds come first.
August 15, 2000, 20:29
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HsFB: Read part II of the tutorial agian, if you haven't already.
It should explain, with lots of examples, all the vagaries of movement. If you have any questions, just make sure to ask them, like you've been doing.
August 15, 2000, 20:47
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Wait. Can I change that Berlin Army to a Kiel Fleet? Or am I too late? I'm posting this here to so that you may read it.
August 16, 2000, 00:09
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If it's before the deadline, you can ALWAYS change your moves. Don't ever feel locked in.
And since Winter results haven't been posted yet... it's before the deadline!
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