January 10, 2004, 07:32
Local Time: 16:13
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Damn it Zylka!
Greece could have been your friend!
Now you have enemies only!
Die Zylka, die!
January 10, 2004, 07:35
Local Time: 16:13
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
"Sir, the Spanish have built a military fort on the top of Mount Olympus."
"This is an outrage! The Spanish are liars, theives and barbarians! That is the most holy place in all of Greece, how dare they occupy it."
"What shall we do, sir? They are well entrenched on that mountain. I am unsure. But one thing I do know is this is an act of war. Alert the world, Greece and Spain are now at war. Nothing short of total annhiliation of their vile desecration of Mount Olympus will stop this."
The occupation of Korkyra (Corkyra) is equally unacceptable and reason enough for war!
January 10, 2004, 21:02
Local Time: 17:13
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Roman state of the union 40AD
Dear Citizens,
Our nation has prospered as of late. City's in Roma Major and Dalmatia have grown in size and new settlements have been build north and east. The time has come to split our empire into 6 Provinces: Italia,Padania and Dalmatia witch will form Roma Major. Alpi Superior and the protectorate of Greater Pannonia in the north and northeast while our 2 island city's will transform into the Maffia ports of free trade.
We are at piece with our neighbours and have negotiated permanent borders with our Greek, Gaulic and Chartaginian friends while having rather distant but friendly relations with both Egyptian and Babylonian nations.
The Spanish republic has build a fortress on Mt Olympia witch leads to a postponement of the next Aeola - Roma friendship games. Anyone who has allready purchaced tickets is now instead drafted into the Republican Coastguard, orders are to sink any Spanish vessel entering Roman coastal waters untill they return Mt Olympia to Greece.
We have claimed what we considder our fair share of the world. We ask other nations to respect this claim. In return the Roman Federation shall stake no claim in the vast uninhabited lands in the far east and south of the great seas except maybe 1 or two small trading ports witch shall be negotiated with majority stakeholders seperately.
Our Minister of Peacekeeping informed me that the rate of young men inlisting is rising in the world so in order to protect our lands we need to increase our military budget, baracks are being completed and young Roman men inlisted in our Republican Guard, Mounted Peacekeepers and Coast Guard.
We want to ensure our neighbours that this is purely a defensive measure, we have no plans of invading anyone but neither will we tolerate any armed incursions into Roman teritory.
The days of great expansion are over the Roman people, now its time to concentrate on building up our city's and the surrounding lands whith an up to date defensive force to protect it. Land in the protectorate of Greater Pannonia will be rewarded for family's of those who inlist into the armed forces.
Consul of the Roman Federation.
January 10, 2004, 21:06
Local Time: 15:13
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Puerto Seville, Spain's largest and most active city, can not (at current) compare to most bustling hubs of Mediterranean glory. Yet none could hope to match the ups, downs, shouts and whispers violently echoed in this humble and incredibly prosperous young port town on one Friday morning.
The quarter summer "Travellers Confirmation" report (delivered only to the upper strata of Seville's business managers) reads:
The past few seasons have officially brought the Spanish empire to her first ever war, with a distant Greece. The clash officially started with crown refusal to remove a trade/military mountain outpost settled within 150 miles of neighboring Sparta - and the Greek response of sinking a small royal Armada shipment off the nearby southern coast. There are some reports that Rome has joined enforcement of a loose ocean blockade/embargo against Spain, as well.
The crown has apparently landed international claim to the area settled (with Mt. Olympus renamed to Mt. Angeles); citing the complete lack of human settlement or use in and behind the mount itself as open invitation.
Opinion amongst the influential in Spain on this campaign is expected to vary deeply. Yet even witout a significant backing of the upper populace, the crown is still expected to hold firm on the matter - As long as security is assured and negotiations remain severed.
The small settlement is proximity supported by the nearby city of Imperioteca, located on an uncontested island off of the Greek mainland known as "Oncé".
January 10, 2004, 22:24
Local Time: 15:13
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The tone is slightly different in the industrious state city of Nueva Madrid; where money, debate and culture matter not as much as the constant whims of the royals and military elite. The war has begun; no one questioning who was in the right is regarded as sane - and a soft air of government looms as preparation for the unknown.
The "Nueva Dia Madrid" reads:
GIRBA - A second front?
Span-Cartho relations have never seemed to edge quite past a neutral stance; but the boyant economic industry in Puerto Seville (of particulars) thought and end to such a cold relationship when Carthaginian goods made their way into the interior harbour for establishment of lasting trade. Such was a promising symbol of Carthaginians first-move ending hostility over the historically debated NE Afrikan ridge. Yet in dissapointment, all such went awry - upon return of General Zylka from a sudden trip to the region.
It appears that Carthage has in this time of emerging trust, snuck settlement in CLEARLY defined Spanish Territory - severing direct ties with Afrika Espana and the mainland. Just south of Gibraltar Coca now lies the young Carthaginian city of Girba. When reporting to the crown, General Zylka made clear that this was a direct attempt at some sort of "revenge" - feeding off of lands that previously housed and provided for a sparse (yet established) amount of Spanish peasants. Scribes caught up with Urban Settlement guru Cesar Pelli on the matter.
Cesar: "Well, It's not quite a matter of going back to old disputes regarding. Carthage knows that Spanish settlements in Afrika were established well before they were even several hundred miles within exploring those same lands.
They'll try to argue this resultant action as "equal" treatment for breaking an imaginary treaty, although it's clear that in this case they've settled in concretely respected foreign territory. They know this. The world knows this. It's our job to act in difference of outcome..."
Scribes pursued follow up from General Zylka on what this "action" might consist of
Zylka: "It has been clearly established amongst the Royals and governing counsuls that a settlement hostile act has been committed against our Empire - yet I am not at current liberty to express future plans regarding."
Scribe: "Well, can we then assume a simple status quo policy if no comment is available?"
Zylka: "No - but you can rather be sure that we're NOT going to let that settlement simply sit there. That's all I have to say for now"
The crown has sent for immediate negotiations with the Carthaginians over this, and other pressing matters.
And a short retelling for those who have missed last week's report:
~Spain finds herself at war without having thrust a pike~
-Greece pressed demands to remove a peaceful and legal settlement in the "save for later" shores next to her nation who unfairly lusts for eastern plains
-Greece then anhilates small rural settlements interior of Mont Angeles - and attacks a ship full of CIVILIAN pike poliza; reportedly taunting them as they drown
-The Royal Armada has its revenge weeks later as the returning aggressor ship is rammed and sent to the bottom, just south of Athens
-The Empire of Rome joins in on a threatening blockade in the area; despite constant Spanish interests to befriend them in a now seemingly impossible "Alliance of the Romances"
Last edited by Zylka; January 11, 2004 at 05:05.
January 10, 2004, 22:48
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Local Time: 11:13
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"The barbaric Spanish now are upset over what they term an illegal settlement of Spanish lands by the Carthaginians."
Pericles waits while the hypocrisy sinks in deep.
"The Spanish have made the audacious claim that territory WITHIN SIGHT of Sparta was unspoken for by Greece are now upset that nobel Hannibal of the Carthaginians have employed similar tactics against the Spanish. Of course they are within their rights as the Spanish settlements in Africa are illegal to begin with. Much of the world acknowledges this. Much of the world further acknolwedges the act of war perpetrated by the Spanish against us with their occupation of Mount Olympus. This act will not stand, General Thucydides and I will fight this war to the limit of our capability. Mount Olympus and the island of Korkyra MUST be destroyed or turned over to Greek rule, or the barbaric Spanish will be destroyed."
Pause for effect.
"Our friends and allies the Babylonians and Romans will come to our aid in repelling this vile invasion of Greece. Babylonia has declared war on Spain, and Rome has pledges to sink any Spanish vessel entering its waters. The world knows it must oppose Spanish aggression now, or forever be at its mercy. Rogue nations must be put in their place and never allowed to intimdate the peaceful nations of the world."
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
January 11, 2004, 07:48
Local Time: 17:13
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Originally posted by Zylka
The small settlement is proximity supported by the nearby city of Imperioteca, located on an uncontested island off of the Greek mainland known as "Oncé".
-The Empire of Rome joins in on a threatening blockade in the area; despite constant Spanish interests to befriend them in a now seemingly impossible "Alliance of the Romances"[/size]
The Roman people dont have a problem with the city of Imperioteca as this has, to our knowledge, not been claimed by any civilisation before being settled by Spain.
We do however object to the rude occupation of Mt Olympus. For centuries this mountain has been under Greek clerical controll and the Aeolan-Roman friendship games have been held there every four years as long as people can remember.
We clearly stated the blockade stops when Spain hands over Mt Olympus to Greek controll. We believe the isue over the island called Oncé by Spain (Banesto in Roman) should be solved in bilateral talks between Spain and Greece.
January 14, 2004, 23:12
Local Time: 03:13
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"The Spanish are furious over the settlement of Girba sire!"
"Really? As furious as the Greeks over Mt Olympus?"
"Worse! They are ropeable! They threaten to attack and determine that it is in Spanish territory!"
"So, Mt Olympus, founded WITHIN the city area of Sparta, is quite alright BUT Girba, founded on land that does NOT form part of any Spanish cities AND in NW Africa, lands bequeathed by our deity as Carthaginian homelands, is NOT acceptable to them?"
"Yes. The Greeks point to this hypocrisy quite clearly sire. We must form a pact with the Greeks and maintain first strike advantage over the Spanish! Hannibull?"
"Hanniball to you!"
"Sorry, but the people are saying things. I forgot myself but you should take heed sire or I am no advisor at all."
"I respect your honesty but two basic strategies emerge - yours, to take advantage of first strike and maintain the rage until all Spanish settlement in Africa is gone forever;
OR hold our ground and let the Spanish waste resources on multiple wars with Greece, perhaps Rome and us if it comes to that."
"It will come to that and by then it might be too late. But if you listen to me I see a horde of our Elephant units cutting a swathe down Western Africa..."
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Last edited by deity; January 14, 2004 at 23:36.
January 14, 2004, 23:34
Local Time: 03:13
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The Trade Advisor came in glumm-faced.
Hanniball was depressed too.
"Sire, International Law dictates that only eight foreign trade routes are permitted."
"What? Then what the hell are all those caravans doing?"
"Errr, they are just taking a detour. I'll ensure that International Law is upheld."
"Well, that's just great then. What routes do we have and what is planned?"
"Carthage is trading with Sardiniae and Memphis;
Utica with Elephantine; and
Caralis with Puerto Seville..."
"So that's four routes. Have we received any trade from other nations?"
"No sire, but I believe Egyptian trade is on it's way and possibly Roman trade."
"Good, I guess. And what are the four proposed routes?"
"Cloth to Thermopylae;
Spice to Pisae;
Dye to Elephantine or Thebes;
and Wine to Rome"
"So, that's it? Then we are routed?"
"Rooted sire."
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
January 15, 2004, 00:38
Local Time: 09:13
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Isolated and confused, the Gualic people attempt to get a feeling for the political situation around them, and with little success. Domesticly, the Guals have faired well. Their moderate government and open policies led to huge growth of cities throughout the land. Government had become divided rescently amongst those who wished to focus on internal developments and trade, and those who sought to use the fairly defensable position of mainly landlocked cities in western europe as a way to get away with a quick land grab, against whom they would not speculate, but some radicals argue that the unpopular Spainards would make an easy target in an era when few would back them up.
Having commited to an alliance with only the distant Babylonians, Gual had attempted to maintain friendly relations with the Spanish as they had been friendly knowledge exchangers for years, but now it appears and even a neutralist backing on Spain's growing expanisionism and warmongering has made Gual less popular with its other neighbors. Hungerly eyeing the Spanish ports on this side of the Pyrannes, former nobles turned mercinaries attempt to stir up support for an assult, trade advisors are sometimes led to believe this would give the large port on the Mediterrian Gual needs to attract foreign trade.
The government found itself at a key juncture. Would Gual's efforts build an unstoppable war machine, or a island of traqility in the hostile waters that are the Mediterranian Sea? Only time would tell.
January 15, 2004, 01:19
Local Time: 15:13
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On the leak from the Carthaginian trade ministry
An urgent letter from Grottencrotch to Hannibal:
"Cloth to Thermopylae;
Spice to Pisae;
Dye to Elephantine or Thebes;
and Wine to Rome"
"So, that's it? Then we are routed?"
"Rooted sire."
My dear Hannibal,
In response to the recent leaks from the Carthaginian cabinet, I can only suggest you rethink your trade policy. It seems that your regime has outlawed exports to Babylonian and Gaul alone. In your opnion, are our markets unfit for Cathaginian goods?
Several years ago, you accused Babylon of cowardice. Now, you have effectively imposed a trade embargo on us. What are we to do?
My leige, surely you must realize that the Carthaginian position in geopolitical affairs is a tenuous one. Do not add to your misery. Fleet Admiral Ulaph, who is notoriously fond of Algerian women, is sailing west for Spain. I am sure that it would not be too much trouble to ask him to "detour" south.
I await a public apology and thorough audit of Carthaginian trade policy.
cc: Geznikor Whompbukket
January 15, 2004, 01:31
Local Time: 15:13
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We stand beside our Gaulic brothers during this transitional period. All leaders be warned: Whoever is moronic enough to engage the nation of Gaul will taste the bitter bile of Babylonian steel as well!
January 15, 2004, 01:38
Local Time: 03:13
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Transparent adherence to International Law...
Hanniball declares the information provided by his trade advisor as public information and requests that all nations also declare their trade routes and adherance to International Law.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
January 15, 2004, 01:48
Local Time: 15:13
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~Spanish foreign export of diplomacy in general; 45ad~
In writing to Carthage
Immediate meeting is required on the Girba question, sans any outside clutter regarding Mont Angeles. We are confident of a peaceful swapping of the regarding area - with immediate beneficiary product and terms for yourselves in exchange.
In writing to Rome
Please publicly withdraw your naval blockade policy immediately. Spain has always had greatest interest in working with the like strategic minds of the Roman Empire.
In writing to Athens
Your hostile declarations will be met with Spanish force upon full colonial ability. Only a public acceptance of status quo land situation in the region will make for peace.
In writing to Orleans
To our Gaulic brothers; a slight concern over your spoken scenario of late - and the preciding private talk of Marsella/Cordoba exchange. Such tone came of surprise to our analysts - and further specification is desired in summit at our city of Goldo.
January 15, 2004, 14:45
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We have just received word from Spain. They offer the following statement to Greece:
Your hostile declarations will be met with Spanish force upon full colonial ability. Only a public acceptance of status quo land situation in the region will make for peace.
Perposterous. Those foul Spanish will be driven back to the sea. They know not the determination of our nation. Nor do they know the nature of world politics. Their unrestrained aggresion against all nations has isolated them on the international scene. The one friend they have left in this world, the Gauls, are rumored to be rethinking their allegiences. In a world of diplomacy, their Visigoth attitude toward their neighbors must not be tolerated by the civilzed people of this earth.
Do not bother to reply. Barbarians have no use for words, only swords. We will instead send a letter to the world, with plans to carve up and drive out Spain from unwelcome corners. Please take this down...
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
January 15, 2004, 15:04
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The map at 60 AD.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
January 15, 2004, 15:32
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This map, articulated by Pericles and transcribed by Ptolemy, is to be sent to the Gauls and Carthaginians. This is to be the punishment of Spain for their transgressions. Join with us, and this will be yours.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
January 15, 2004, 18:42
Local Time: 17:13
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40AD Roman trade report.
Dear Consul Hadrianus,
While our city's are prospering we are still a rather small player in intercity and crossborder trade.
Good imported Chartaganian camels were used in shipping building materials from the surrounding hills into Pisae while they should have traded with our friends and other city's to increase our nations wealth
We have currently 2 international traderoutes:
Imports: Wine from Chartage in the Sardiniae FTZ.
Exports: Copper from Sicilia to Athens.
Our recommendation is to send out 2 further caravans asap: Silk from the forrests of North Dalmatia to the Egyptian island of Paphos and beads from Pompeii to Caralis.
Augustus Minimus, Minister of Trade.
January 15, 2004, 21:46
Local Time: 03:13
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
This map, articulated by Pericles and transcribed by Ptolemy, is to be sent to the Gauls and Carthaginians. This is to be the punishment of Spain for their transgressions. Join with us, and this will be yours.
Carthage is in receipt of this graphic proposal and some thought is required.
Initial comments being uttered around the halls of power in Carthage suggest that a sweetener be offered to Spain. Perhaps the islands West of Africa could be ear-marked for Spain and the island settled by the Babylonians, so near to Spain could perhaps be returned to Spain... mutter, mutter... and why did the Babs settle here? We could have settled there but left it for Spain... mutter.. mutter.... Greece is right you know... if the world acts as one this map will result by dimplomacy OR war.... mutter... mutter... The Babs, can't be trusted... done a deal with Spain... really? They are Greek allys! Not sure, that island doesn't seem right to me.... you're paranoid! Get outta here....
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
January 15, 2004, 23:31
Local Time: 15:13
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Santiago Calatrava was widely regarded as scholar to bring the Spanish state of civil construction into it's next logical era. Yet with the eventual death of renowned Antoni Gaudi and following retirement of Cesar Pelli - the upper populace was schocked to learn of Santiago's refusal of a rather lucrative offer to take hold of Barcelona House and its still dominant contract/operations.
Calatrava went even further in providing surprise by handing off his own Puerto Seville based office to a young prodigy - and quietly moving to a small studio apartment in Nueva Madrid. Citing only a dissapointment in lack of public world teachings in the Nation's own capital; Santiago vowed to begin a great yet single handed campaign on revolutionizing the minds of an industry heavy populace.
Much to the scattered support (and funding) of the curious royals and administration - he soon gained ownership of a small court space directly outside of the royal palace and adjoining consul house. Tile by tile, Mr. Calatrava moved large slabs of a studio constructed relief model into this space - while contracting outside masonry to build a small theatre in behind and facing the Palace.
When completed, Calatrava began teaching. With a near 80x35 foot relief model of the known world beneath him as aid - he would gather small crowds of the curious passerbys for a basic overview of world history. Every Saturday for near 12 hours - he would stand at point in dramatic accentuation; followed often by a mad dash across the "world" to bring up new point of conflict or creation; followed by silent recognition when the crowds seemed to feel the same.
Interest grew in this Saturday event, only lesser in inner N. Madrid to Sunday service.
January 16, 2004, 00:07
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Nueva Dia Madrid report: Spain's "spoken" Wonder of the World
Outside of the Royal Palace all know as central to our fair city - is a new and interesting sort of weekly spectaculaire led by the country's own Santiago Calatrava. Named "lectures" by this middle aged wonder of a scholar and national hero, the Saturday performance program is an educational story which ranges known history in teaching our greater populace the intrinsics of world culture & affairs.
All young men of proper upbringing are being sent to several consecutive weeks of this program in their spare time to broaden horizons and capability in this high standard Spanish relm. All visting internationals are invited to see the wonder which so greatly speaks of Spanish innovation! Mr. Calatrava's program runs during rain which washes away from the map footprints of curious children, or shine which provides theatre stand tarp coverage; to avoid worker's tan.
It was a wonder that young Frida could sneak in this read from her father's report - quite due to her tender age of 9 years, but moreso the fact that proper girls were not brought up in teaching of such rights; but instead the ways of the wive.
It did not stop the inquisitive mind from slowly learning. "Overly intentive" observation during her obeying chair-side presence while the father would often treat the family with a read-a-loud, provided such.
Although the place of women was for the most part shunned at the lectures themselves, attendance to these magical performances wasn't as much of a problem for the young girl. When her father had left for work and her mother soon after succumbed to that foul smelling drink of grape - Frida would joyously hop to the nearby court and stand under theatre supports as an unnoticed child.
The often silly Mr. Calatrava delighted her with his bouncing back and forth across the world, his gestures often making the crowd laugh - often making them weep. Quite interesting was his way of draping individual (Carthaginian made) blankets over vast territories of the world - each differentiated only by a marking of whichever "empire" at that proposed time spanned the underlaying marble relief. The blankets would become unruffled and more spread out in size as the 12 hour lecture went on.
Through her constant crowdside witness of near every Saturday; Frida had down to a note a mental animation of this map progression. Only during one lecture - when Calatrava stopped midstride; stared briefly at her (to lack of crowd notice) and smiled warmly - did her vivid mind finally give the animation color
January 16, 2004, 00:38
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I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
January 16, 2004, 14:10
Local Time: 08:13
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Homage to thee, Makeozacoatl, King of the Dead
Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy.
Thou art the governor of Thebes and also the mighty one in Memphis.
Thou art the Lord to whom praises are ascribed in the tome of Ati, thou art the Prince of divine food in Anu. Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Maati, the Hidden Soul, the Lord of Elephantine, the Ruler supreme in Pi-Ramesses.
Thou art the beneficent Spirit among the spirits. The god of the Celestial Ocean draweth from thee his waters. Thou sendest forth the north wind at eventide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfaction of thy heart. Thy heart reneweth its youth, thou producest the.... The stars in the celestial heights are obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the sky open themselves before thee.
Thus speaks Carantyl, Prophet and speaker for Makeozacoatl, King of the Dead
The Lord God Makeozacoatl Speaks
I am Makeozacoatl, King of the Dead. I am your King. If you know it or not, if you accept it or not, I am your King and your God and you will show me obeisance and be prostrate before me. I am Makeozacoatl, who was once called Osiris, I am the Lord of all earth. I brought you agriculture, I brought you code of laws, I brought you civilization.
You my children prosper and multiply which is as I choose.
Beware those who reject the King of the Dead, beware the one who would lead you astray, beware the one who drinks not from the Nile, the font of life.
I care not for the unbeliever, to those who reject me comes despair and misfortune. I see you oh Zeus, on your false pedestal, you who would usurp me in this earthly world and the next. However, since you come before me on bended knee, how can I refuse but help in your struggle? But surely these Spanish peasants present you no problem, no matter if they camp upon your doorstep?
Extract from a Statement from Prime Minister Makeo to the Egyptian Parliament:
We will of course join our allies and indeed the world community in condemning the actions of the Spanish in impinging on the territories of the Greek near Mt. Olympus. A trade embargo will be introduced immediately restricting any and all trade with any Spanish city or independent merchant until the Spanish settlement near Mt. Olympus is removed. We also agree with our Roman friends regarding the nearly founded city of Imperioteca which we have no quarrel with.
An open letter from Khasekhemwy Governor of Pafos
While the zealots amongst us mutter amongst themselves we smile, bemused by our Greek friends. We refer of course to our beautiful Pafos home. The Egyptians arrived on Pafos in approximately 1000b.c and settled this island paradise, before the Greek peoples had even left the mothers teat that is their Mediterranean isthmus. How do we know this, for it was the Egyptians that made a gift of the very trireme that carried the Egyptians to Pafos, to the Greeks that finally allowed them to begin to explore the world around them. I admit I’m confused as to what possible claim the Greeks have to Pafos, having never had a permanent settlement on the island and indeed not visiting the island until a thousand years after a permanent Egyptian settlement was created. Perhaps they dream of some other Universe where the Greek seafarers were more adventurous and ventured into the great unknown of the Mediterranean earlier in their history.
Hail to you, great God, Lord of Justice! I have come to you, my lord, that you may bring me so that I may see your beauty, for I know you and I know your name, and I know the names of the forty-two gods of those who are with you in this Hall of Justice. Lord of Truth is your name. Behold I have come to you, I have brought you truth, I have repelled falsehood for you.
Extract from the Hymn of Makeozacoatl.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
January 16, 2004, 18:16
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Originally posted by Makeo
Extract from a Statement from Prime Minister Makeo to the Egyptian Parliament:
We will of course join our allies and indeed the world community in condemning the actions of the Spanish in impinging on the territories of the Greek near Mt. Olympus. A trade embargo will be introduced immediately restricting any and all trade with any Spanish city or independent merchant until the Spanish settlement near Mt. Olympus is removed. We also agree with our Roman friends regarding the nearly founded city of Imperioteca which we have no quarrel with..
We welcome the stance of our Egyptian friends
While we think the Spanish fortress/city on Mt Olympus is a disgrace to Spanish diplomacy we do recognise the western mediteranian civilisations lack of lands.
We would like to ask our Greek and Babylonian friends to halt all expansion at the river in the north for Greeks and the current N-S border of the Babylonians.
There is plenty of lands for all nations, two nations carving up half the world between them will only lead to war and distruction. Something that no nation on this earth should desire.
The Roman federation urges all nations to come to a permanent peace in the whole world, with freedom and the means to devellop for the whole world.
January 17, 2004, 04:28
Local Time: 01:13
Local Date: November 3, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Roman Senators killed
In a tragic event this week, the Gauls launched a full on invasion of Roman territory cpaturing that great city where our lovely library stands. They ranscked the city and sicne the Roman Senators and Consul were their conducting their yearly inspection, the Gauls lercilessly killed them all . Consul Attawa was cut into many tiny pieces and his Senators were left strewn over the city streets.
The people in outrage called on their favourite daughter Sophia Loren to take charge of peace talks and she willingly obliged.
Gaulish leaders met with Sophia and organsied a peace accord in which pisae was returned to Rome upon the surrende of the moutnain citys of Ravenna and Germania. Whislt unhappy to allow roman people to be controlled by forgieners, this action had to be taken due to the compelte lack of military preparedness of the romans.
Upon cessation of the war with gaul, Sophia met with spanish leaders and also signed peace, No bled shed would occur.
Sophia stated she still supported the greeks, but would not attack any nation unless they attacked an ally first.
with a sweep of the wrist sophia signed into place radical new lawas, requiring all military personell to return home for traiing, so tha this type of attack could be repellded i nthe future
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
January 20, 2004, 16:22
Local Time: 17:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 1999
Posts: 4,037
From what I can gather, the atawa got sneak attacked, and as a result quits this game?
Can someone post the save prior and after the attack?
January 23, 2004, 21:54
Local Time: 15:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 120
Morale in Rome...
A note from the Babylonian Emissary to Rome to President Grottencrotch:
To be delivered in the most privledged fashion to Grottencrotch and then destroyed:
Sir, I overheard the following exchange as officers were leaving their War Department meetings:
Junior Officer: "Captain, the battle for Pisae was the death knell of Rome. If we cannot cope with Gaul with the advantages that we had on that line, there is not a line between here and the Adriatic where we can stop them."
Captain: "Hush, Lieutenant. That is treason you are talking."
I am aware of the current peace treaty between Gaul and Rome. However, please advise the Gaulic ambassador that, if the matter is pressed, I feel certain that Rome will fold.
January 23, 2004, 22:09
Local Time: 15:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 120
The Egyptian Question...
From the newly created Ministry of Counterespionage and Information Gathering, except of their weekly report:
...comfirmed...that indeed, the Egyptians did knowingly and in good faith gift a seagoing craft to the Spanish for purposes yet unknown. Recommend that all coastal cities are put on full alert and that local militia and provincial guard units be mobilized.
Group of 15 triremes seen sailing north torwards Sparta in tight formation - Babylonian fleet group Beta to return to Herekleia for immediate refit.
Recommend immediate fortification of the West Bank in light of the threat of Egyptian/Spanish incursions.
Recommend immediate expulsion of Egyptian ambassador until further information is available.....
January 23, 2004, 22:20
Local Time: 08:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Melbourne
Posts: 2,963
Extract of letter from the Egyptian ambassador to Greece to Consul Makeo.
Sir, It appears that we are now, unknowingly, in the midst of an international storm in a tea cup. As you know our merchants are free to buy and sell goods at their discretion. It appears that one such merchant a Tanner Hall has traded one of his vessels for some kind of technological marvel with a spanish national. This trade was apparently simply a business deal, one of many made throughout our empire every day. The spanish government has since requisitioned the vessel into the Royal Spanish Navy for use unknown to us at this stage. Rumour has it that both the Greek and Babylonian governments have their pants in a twist believeing we are somehow linked with the Maveric Spanish government. Perhaps it would be a good idea for us to reassure our friends the Greeks and the Babylonians that the Egyptian government has no links whatsoever with the maveric Spaniards.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
January 23, 2004, 22:21
Local Time: 03:13
Local Date: November 3, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
Hannibal's old friend was dead. The great alliance with Rome had helped both nations for eons. He mused awhile...
Gaulic strategy fascinated him. For years it was thought that the Gauls were tired of their Spanish friends and might ultimately turn against them. This is what Rome thought. Rome had fortified and strongly defended her mountain borders with Gaul but did not count on this treachury.
With a brilliant strategy of subterfuge the Gauls struck from across the seas and the mighty Roman city of Pisae lay in ruins in the hands of the barbarous Gauls. The Great Library was only just still standing and this had meant a lot to Carthage; for it was the Cart gift of Literacy and the Republic that Rome built the GL. Rome promised that techs gained by the GL would also be passed on to the Carts. So Hannibal had refrained from building the GL.
So an attack on Rome, out ally, is doubly outrageous to the Carts!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
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