February 14, 2004, 03:44
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The governor of Paris is perplexed to get such corespondance from a foreign power. Being a good civil servant, he figures it was abound for Orleans, and files it to be forwarded to the capital. Hopefully the Primere gets it in time.....
February 14, 2004, 19:28
Local Time: 15:13
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Puerto Seville, Spain's now second largest (yet most commercially active) city - has entered new era of prosperity. Being flag economic hub of the now exploding Spanish empire; the city thrives as unofficial accounting and trade administration for the celebrating masses. Yet politics has not taken a distant "other" in social concern.
The quarter autumn "Traveler’s Confirmation" report (delivered only to the upper strata of Seville's business achievers) reads:
Senatorial Crown actively calls for PEACE
Contrary to feathered international display against conflicts of the past - little of the world's care seems far East; as a Red Suez war between Egypt and a beleaguered Babylon rages on.
The now barely reigning Babylon was recently caught unready by an uncontested Egyptian landing and capture of Herakleia, a mainland coastal settlement about 100 miles east of Paphos city on Catorcé island. In the resulting counter attack and destructive defense - near all 250,000 Babylonian citizens of the area perished.
The war has since extended to horrific attrition on the Suez penninsula - and even further (yet smaller) landing captures by the Elite Egyptian marine forces. Recent diplomatic efforts of the Spanish government to put to rest the conflict were captured in a publicly open display at the Capital
"It is apalling.. absolutely APALLING, that such disaster go unchecked and un-cared for. We the Spanish crown, in senatorial association with our beloved people - extend deepest condolences and sympathies to the multitudes of nationals who have suffered in this conflict. Be it Babylonian, Egyptian, OR Greek - it must be eternally noted that we all bleed the same. This is no time to choose preference for diplomatic mending simply because those involved not be as "Western" as Romans cared for in the past"
While the conflict itself has for the most part been contained to Gypo-Bab casualties; it is rumored that a large Greek force present at the time played significant part in the destructive "liberation" of Babylonian mainlands. The pre-war existence or role of such forces travelling in/around purely green ME territory have not yet been confirmed. Yet the Spanish leadership further confirmed its refusal to take specific sides:
"At current - Peace is the only must. Both sides of this campaign seem to be achieving nothing more than outright destruction of international law and each other. Spanish diplomats have been dispatched to help persuade an IMMEDIATE meeting of the regarding sides - we in such also ask that the neutral Romans or Carthaginians offer place of meeting to draw up potential treaty. Spain will gladly be present as witness at this location - with a purse offer of several hundred gold for the two adversaries; should they come to cooperative terms"
It is yet unknown if the rest of the world has had time to react to such developments. The Gypo-Bab war is only the third known in world history; following the 7 day invasion of Pisae, and the ancient Greco-Spanish conflict.
In relating news:
Spanish Government extends for immediate, example setting peace with Greece
Although there are no public hearings yet available as source; it has been confirmed that Spanish diplomats have also been sent to a nearby Athens - without armed escort. The Spanish entourage is to ask for a no strings end to the drawn out, sea based conflict - one which extends well past the great grandfathers of anyone alive today.
Spain has in the past offered consideration for negotiation based return of Mont Angeles to Greek hands; with talks traditionally breaking down upon immediate disagreement. It is said that the recent diplomatic effort is to stress a concrete and sincere effort to return Mont Angeles on secondary talks; should Greece take the first symbolic step in accepting end to conflict.
In OTHER news:
World Face Report: Nuéva Madrid becomes the World's largest city!
The general atmosphere of celebration extended past the New Year's write in within the core cities of NM and PS - with official announcement that the Nation's capital had finally surpassed a massive, rival Carthage as largest on Earth. Rounded census reveals that the mega city and its' surrounding fabric recently swelled to an astonishing 2,600,000 citizens - accounting for just over ONE THIRD of the Empire's estimated population.
The slightly more dense and economically viable coastal strip city of Carthage is estimate rounded at a close 2,500,000 citizens - with terrain analyst documentation from Barcelona House suggesting that its' growth has halted. Nuéva Madrid continues in slight expansion.
Meanwhile, a past institutional forecast has met halfway as Spain catapulted from the smallest nation on earth (in populated terms) to an impressive second. Size was not the only reality bolstered in such period of inner expansion - as the Spanish economy and real dollar also took charge of runner up spot. Now alongside the mega economy of the urban based Carthaginians, national pride soars with the news that so many homeland demographic essentials have suddenly equaled or bettered comparison with the traditionally dominant Babylonian empire.
Disastrous war with adjacent Egypt is said to have drastically affected such comparison; as relative world power balance has for the first time in centuries begun a nose-to-nose shift. A peaceful and heavily structured Carthage now commands significant world respect – with the still massive Tigris/Euphrates beast at crucial decision in dealing with adversity. The relatively compact and conservative dark-horse Gaul stands to take eventual lead in technical progression and ability.
February 20, 2004, 20:19
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A joint Cartho/Spanish diplomatic plea sent about the world to all powers:
WARRING NATIONS - please attend Russadit for immediate conference
~All others expected present for diplomatic contribution and witness ratification of possible treaty~
Good evening, diplomats and scribes of the world. I would first like to thank our gracious hosts the Carthaginians for providing proximity location of quiet Russadit for this; a conference regarding the 2nd and 3rd known wars which have respectively plagued mankind.
Let it be known that Carthage so far takes neutral seat regarding conflict and operations - this for most part being a Spanish initiated project to officially right wrongs of an imperial past; and give stern diplomatic example for the future.
Now on to the pressing matters at hand; we will first take look at proprosal to end the horrific and devatstating Gypo/Bab war currently in full stride. An offering Spain; in advice from neutral sides, hereby offers the following A section of the Russadit Treaty:
All sides:
-An end to hositilities with IMMEDIATE effect
-No-mans' land declared at 107th parallel
Babylonian side gains:
-Egypt to be named technical aggressor of an although INEVITABLE conflict
-Babylonian government to be provided with 600g goodwill purse from Spanish crown: on terms that it be accounted for as "reparations"
-Babylonian fortress to be given safe dismantling retreat from the Sinai penninsula and on to the hills of 108, 58
-All Elphantian ships to stay WITHIN city and/or nearby coast and out of 3 square suprise landing reach
Egyptian side gains:
-Egyptian territorial gains in the Gypo/Bab war to fall under international recognition (the now Busiris area and Sinai penninsula)
-Egyptian government to be provided with 250g goodwill purse from Spanish crown; on terms that it be accepted as international thanks for ceasing attack
Of course, the world indeed recognizes Greece as partial sufferer in this tragic conflict, yet we the Spanish would like to conjoin their own re-payment regarding; with a proposed end to the ancient Greco/Spanish naval war. Section B of the Russadit treaty is as offered:
Both Sides:
-An end to hostilties with IMMEDIATE effect
Greek Side provides:
-Official withdrawal of modern blame & finger pointing over the ancient conflict
-Recognition of Oncé island as not Greek nor Roman; yet legal Spanish terrirory
Spanish Side provides:
-Immediate hand over of the 2.7 sized "Mont Angeles" in now officially recognized Greek mainland territory (Good will Temple within to be rush produced if Greek side so wishes)
-Promise that Imperioteca city on Oncé island will never build or harbour carry capacity naval units; only bombardiers in the future for regional defense
Gentleman - with such provided for overview; I ask that these main issues be decided and signed over before further world spats be introduced. We can indeed add and decide over extra sections for relevant "hostilities" (ie. the Gaulic Roman Alps question), yet let such be done AFTER sections A & B be revised and signed as success
So let us first end ALL global war with the basics, and provide for a truly cooperating and SERENE world our forefathers had not even seen
A copy of the proposed treaty is laid out in front of the international committee
~Russadit - Serene World Treaty~
Signatures (only the first two needed per section for legal bind; following are witness/recognition):
Section A:
Babylonians....................................... .......................
Egyptians......................................... ........................
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
Spanish........................................... .........................
Section B:
Greeks............................................ ..........................
Spanish.....Crown representative Aklyz.......................
Babylonians....................................... .......................
Egyptians......................................... ........................
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
Last edited by Zylka; February 21, 2004 at 16:52.
February 20, 2004, 20:54
Local Time: 08:13
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Bah, Egyptians will sign no such thing. Egyptians the aggressors? The Egyptians have done nothing but defend themselves from the Greek lackys. The Greeks cancelled the peace treaty with the Egyptians thus forcing themselves and the Babylonians into a war with Egypt.
As a consequence of this Greek action the modernisation and commercialization occuring within Egyptian cities had to be cancelled to allow a pro-active defence of mother Egypt to occur. This Greek initiated war with Babylon has harmed and hindered both Egypt and Babylon. The massive social and economic growth that has occured throughout the world has not been allowed to happen in Egypt and Babylon. All because Greece was so pig headed as to cancel a valid peace treaty over a small diplomatic misunderstanding. There must be reparations made.
The spanish offer is generous but ludicrously small. $250 is less than a years revenue for the Egyptian civilization. Greece must be held accountable for their part in this war. Reparations must be made and the true initiated of the war held out for all to see. Egypt was never the aggressor in this situation until it was clear it was necessary to defend the homeland.
Remaining Transmission Censored.
Egyptian Security Service.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
February 20, 2004, 20:55
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Behind closed doors...
You are out of the loop. The Spanish initiative is inconsistent with their own behavior yet they are gaining world aclaim for this. It doesn't suit us at all. We need trouble spots in thew world. We must abstain, yet of course remain courteous hosts and provide excellent cuisine for the world diplomats. Passsive resistance in the best approach. Maintain the line that neighbours should first take their own initiative to sort out border disputes and that Spain might do best to re-consider it's historic colonisation policies that have left marks to this day in Greece and in NW Africa. But tread carefully. And watch what you eat! Not is all as it seems...
Fish from the East
will tarnish the feast,
Flesh from the West
will taste the best...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
February 20, 2004, 20:56
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If Greece is to accept Spanish retention of Imperioteca, she wants in the treaty a recognition by Spain of all Greek claims in the western Mediteranian and a pledge to settle no further.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 20, 2004, 21:10
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Was that intended as the Eastern Mediterranean - ie. the Crimean area? If the world were broken up into 4 quadrants; Spain is understanding that you are asking us to stay outside of the NE quadrant
This is definitely worth consideration in final contract; although we would like a sort of return to the world community in that you might help your Babylonian brothers with offering a small (yet symbolic) purse to the Egyptians to hold off their war beast
We do understand that this might entail a sort of compromise in face; yet given realistic situation - it is stressed that the Egyptian front must be settled IMMEDIATELY
February 20, 2004, 21:17
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Originally posted by Makeo
The spanish offer is generous but ludicrously small. $250 is less than a years revenue for the Egyptian civilization. Greece must be held accountable for their part in this war. Reparations must be made and the true initiated of the war held out for all to see. Egypt was never the aggressor in this situation until it was clear it was necessary to defend the homeland.
Be that as it may.. we hope you to understand that the Spanish alone can not expect to personally finance in great sums all outside nations in a bid for the world to get along.
That Egypt be declared aggressor was merely technicality in offering to the beleagured Babylonian pride. Given recent explanation of Greek peace cancellation realistically eliminates any technical blame for the war in such a tumultuos atmosphere. Yet we do in further ask you to specify like terms regarding a potential peace - with significant consideration of your current relative gains.
February 20, 2004, 21:26
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 11:13
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Yea, I meant eastern Mediterranian. The NE quadrant according to Spanish cartographers. We are open to providing some money for diplomatic purposes to secure this agreement. However as Babylon suffered the most damage in the Gypo war, I think it is odd that the Egyptians are demanding compensation.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 20, 2004, 23:30
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In the midst of the second night's diplomatic dinner soiree, the Spanish Crown representative Aklyz takes aside a young Greek diplomat said to be head of negotiations
Young sir, as I understand it you have little time for further banter - as your home nation stands for great administrative change in the coming weeks; needing of immediate return home. So let me be blunt, and in accordance to your recent wishes. Here is a revised version of the introduced treaty's B section that we hope to make reality
A watermarked document is unravelled to reveal:
Greek Side provides:
-Official withdrawal of modern blame & finger pointing over the ancient conflict
-Recognition of Oncé island as not Greek nor Roman; yet legal Spanish terrirory
-150g contribution upon eventually arrived, Spanish divided peace purse between Egypt and Babylon.
Spanish Side provides:
-Immediate hand over of the 2.7 sized "Mont Angeles" in now officially recognized Greek mainland territory. Good will Temple within to be rush produced
-Promise that Imperioteca city on Oncé island will never build or harbour carry capacity naval units; only bombardiers in the future for regional defense
-Promise of Spanish to remain off of the NE quadrant world land mass (and Greek waters), indefinitely. This includes Middle Eastern and Caucas regions, as well as Crimean/Sub Balkan territory & islands
So my friend, shall we sign - and set example?
February 20, 2004, 23:55
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 11:13
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It is agreed!
The thousand year is officially over! Let peace reign between our two empires for generations to come. Let us hope our successor cashes in the peace dividend and puts aside the long standing hatred and distrust between our two peoples.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 21, 2004, 14:46
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In recognition of Spanish efforts in leading the charge for peace, Zylka is hereby invited to become a co-signer of the Treaty of Babylon.
February 21, 2004, 14:53
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A brief history of the Battle of Elephantine...
An excerpt from "The Mad Dash: A History of the Battle for Elephantine"
Of all these various battles and engagements, from Herekliae to Telloh, Elephantine, the nearest to BOTH national capitals, was the largest, in numbers engaged AND in bloodshed - as well as the grandest as a spectacle, in which respect it equalled, if indeed it did not outdo, any major conflict in the history of the world. Staged as it was, under a curtain of fog that lifted close to midday, under the influence of the Nile sun, upon a sort of natural coastline amphitheater referred to by one of the 25,000 participants as "a champaign tract inclosed by geology."
Yet it was Whompbukket, not Makeo, who had chosen the setting for the impending carnage. Recently appointed to command of all Babylonian military forces, he had shifted the meat of his army south and west to this point where the Nile swerved suddenly eastward to lave the doorsteps of the town on its right bank. Babylon lay 500 miles east of him; Thebes, his goal, lay 300 miles south. Mindful of Grottencrotch's admonition that his plan for eluding Makeo in order to decend on the Egyptian capital would succeed "if you move rapidly, otherwise not," he had indeed moved rapidly; but, as it turned out, he had moved to no avail. Though he had successfully given Makeo the slip, the fortifications he had requisitioned from Babylon to create a jump-off point for the assault had been slow to arrive, by which time, to Whompbukket's confoundment, Makeo had the banks of the Nile bristling with Musketmen that were trained on the prospective assault points. Meanwhile, as Makeo's veterans clustered thick and thicker on the river across the way, it was becoming increasingly apparent, not only to the Babylonian commander, but also to his men, that what had begun as a sprint for Thebes had landed him and them in a coffin corner.
He had troubles enough, in all conscience, but at least they were not of the kind that proceeded from any shortage of troops. Here opposite Elephantine, ready to execute their orders as soon as he could decide what thoses orders were going to be, Whompbukket had 18,143 effectives in his 6 corps of 3 divisions each. These 18 divisions were supported by nearly 10 brigades of heavy artillery. It was the largest army ever assembled at that point. Nor was that all. Marching west from Verona and south from Kish were two more corps with an effective strength of 5,231 infantry and mounted men, supported by more that 6 brigades of catapult. He did not know the exact strength of the Egyptians waiting for him on the banks of the Nile, but he estimated their strength at just over 6,000 men, mostly infantry.
In this, he was not far off. Makeo had 9 divisions organized into 2 corps of about 2,000 each, coupled with some 2,500 crusaders and engineers. He had, then, not quite 1/3rd as many troops in the immediate vicintiy as his opponent had. He had lately wired Thebes, given the disparity of forces, "to attempt to baffle [the enemy's] designs by maneuvering rather than to resist the advance of his main force." However, he found his present position so advantageous - naturally strong, though not so formidable in appearance as to rule out the posibility of an attempted assault - that he was determined to hold his ground, despite the odds, in the belief that the present situation contained the seeds of another full-scale Babylonian disaster.
(To be continued]
February 21, 2004, 16:44
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Would any nations care to co-sign and witness ratify the B esction?
~Russadit - Serene World Treaty~
Section A:
Babylonians.................................................. ............
Egyptians.................................................. ...............
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
Spanish........................................... .........................
Section B: Complete
Spanish.....Crown representative Aklyz.......................
Babylonians....................................... .......................
Egyptians......................................... ........................
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
February 27, 2004, 22:05
Local Time: 08:13
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Cannae Summit - Egyptian/Babylonian Peace
Egyptians Offer
1. Busiris Ship - 2 Egyptian Settlers willing to start a new life in the Babylonian empire.
2. Technology - Sanitation
3. $250
Babylonians Offer
1. The Red Sea Port of Cannae.
2. Assurances to establish no more Red Sea settlements.
Signed and Witnessed By:
Babylonians.......Grottencrotch.....AD 880....................
Egyptians..........Makeozacoatl......AD 880...................
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
Spanish........................................... .........................
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
February 27, 2004, 22:08
Local Time: 15:13
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Grottencrotch agrees to these terms.
February 27, 2004, 22:22
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Gentleman, a period of WORLD PEACE has at long last been officially declared! With the cooperative measures having been undertook by independent nations, Spain hereby extends its' promised purse: 250g near immediate to the Egyptian side, and 60g in the near future for the Babylonians. Let us toast; to a serene world!
~Russadit - Serene World Treaty~
Section A: Complete
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
Spanish...............Crown representative Aklyz........
Section B: Complete
Spanish.....Crown representative Aklyz.......................
Egyptians......................................... ........................
Gauls............................................. ...........................
Romans............................................ ........................
Carthaginians..................................... ......................
Would anyone else care to symbolically ratify these sections with signed support?
Last edited by Zylka; February 27, 2004 at 22:32.
February 27, 2004, 22:30
Local Time: 15:13
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*A drunken representative Akylz doddles off to sign the Green initiated treaty of Babylon; mentioned earlier in this thread. Belly dancers with thin gold chains errupt and seduce the party with incense and opium*
March 5, 2004, 19:01
Local Time: 08:13
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The year is 880 AD. The war with Babylon is over, but the veteran egyptian army has another enemy to contend with. Its ancient attacker Greece. The veterans of the Babylonian campaign are called to Elephantine, where the newly commissioned Royal Navy is based. A veteran navy combined with a veteran army sees the creation of the worlds most powerful military force ever assembled. A force of men primed to take control of a greater portion of eastern Greece.
In the year 1020 the armada sets sail from Elephantine, bound for Paphos and then Eretria and Thessalonica. However the diplomat travels faster than the warrior and a new government has come to power in Thebes. A deal is struck, there is peace with Greece. Thessalonica is ceded and the armada becomes a force with no enemy. These are men, bred for war, for conquest. They are betrayed by their own people. A country weakened by international pressure. A country who betray not only their fighting men, but their own ideals. The Hawk has been nagged from the sky and sits quietly in its cage.
And so their is mutiny. The generals of the armada take Paphos. However they know it is not safe, being so close to mother Egypt. They must flee, and this is what they do. And so, it is 1080 AD there is a new force upon this world. The pirate amada is loose on the mediterranian. To egypt they cannot go, nor to Babylon the enemy they know so well, and not to Greece for Egypt is too close. The sea cannot sustain them forever so they must land and what else but force do these men know. Pity the port they find.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
Last edited by Makeo; March 5, 2004 at 19:27.
March 5, 2004, 19:08
Local Time: 08:13
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Stung by the desertion of a greater port of her armies, the people of Egypt rebel. Their shame forces them to act and act they do. Supporters of the armada generals storm the royal palace in Thebes and seize the cowards who betrayed them.
It is too late to call back the armada for all communication has been lost, however the new military junta in control in Thebes lets loose the Hawk once again.
Egypts borders are closed to all official traffic although there is some black market trade still occuring. All foreign ambassadors have been expelled and egypts diplomats recalled.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
March 5, 2004, 19:44
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A no shots fired annexation has taken place in this our modern world? Worrying, yet at the same time - fascinating!
March 22, 2004, 20:19
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President Grottencrotch would like to extend, again, an invitation to the powers in Rome to join the Charter of Babylon.
March 23, 2004, 16:52
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Centuries after her incredibly successful (yet now seemingly obsolete) hosted treaty; Russadit crumbles to Greek invaders - and her Serene World mentality awaits the same fate
Carthage and Spain hereby press for an emergency world council to resolve situation of our world's 4th war - one which threatens the balance of productivity and advancement of mankind by outright hostage. A neutral Rome is asked to hold the conference; preferably in the intersecting port city of Caulonia.
Nuéva Madrid and Carthage have agreed to negotiate in tandem & dual approval on matters regarding the immediate return of Russadit, Cartenna and Oea. Greece is urged to take the first step in signalling acceptance to begin formal negtotiations.
March 23, 2004, 19:12
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Gallic technology in Spain:
Worlds’ first “Steamed Wagon” rail line constructed outside of Madrid proper!
An upper class quadrant community between the nations’ capital and Saragossa has put into historic use the recent Gallic invention(s) of steam engine and rail. Ironic that the showcase advancements proven on testing track at an eccentric scientists’ Orleans field laboratory might be first widespread further south; yet it seems that the general technology is set for wildfire expansion amongst the entire world.
With Roman GL charity making the knowledge near fully available – the infrastructure Minister of Spain is focusing on one thing: making it an effective reality at home as quickly as possible. The first built station and repeat line system of such run between the outskirts of Nuéva Madrid and industry giant Saragossa. For the most part - it is a relatively quick and socially extraordinary way to travel; providing Saragossa’s management class with efficient travelling line to report to crown/senate officials on a weekly basis. And why not such a spot – when tall, smoking stacks of progress are set to blossom in the area as industrious example to lead the world?
Fig.1 ”Fancy boy” – first of 3 locomotive wagons to haul residential elite in the commuter service
Influential patrons purchasing annual seat aboard the Steam Wagon service have filled beyond current capacity – and ride in a luxury before unseen. Coca snuff is provided before hopping leave to meetings of importance; and even a soot dusting servant or two can constantly be seen making rounds down the cart aisles.
Darwins’ voyage:
“We could not have succeeded without our ancient ally”
Blooming intellectualism has not been forefront of Spanish priority in the past; a path historically given charge under the minds of Carthaginian, Gallic and even Roman institution. Yet with the recent expedition of Christian scientist Fernando Darwin about the known world by sea – much thinking and desire to think has changed.
Darwin set off mainly to “circumvent” a world which in secret has been studied as possibly round; connected by a mystically portrayed large water of sorts between the African coast Islands and whatever edge of death stricken deserts of Babylon. Aside from great and chilling tales of rampant Sodomy at sea – Sr. Darwin came back with two discoveries
“First off” he explained – “the world is as flat as a board. This whole, contained uproar supporting a physical make up otherwise is pure nonsense. When we arrived some few hundred miles west off our departure point at Valencia, all was first seen was a small & riverous island surrounded by ghastly, oily sea beasts of yore. Further past our evasive maneuvers to avoid these flesh hungry, whale-dwarfing gastropods – was a literal edge of the ocean upon which the horizon spray of a massive waterfall could be seen for 70 nauts on a clear day. We followed such visual cue due south only to stop when one of our masts literally set aflame in the heat of the southern sun. It is now no wonder why Egyptian varieties of people seem so burnt skinned in such harsh a near nature.”
“Second “ he continued “upon returning landfall to the mentioned island, very peculiar beasts of slightly differing variety near mirrored documented species on nearby African islands and their intersecting counterparts. It was as if the characteristics of species progressed between islands according to specific need in such habitats. To say that these species sort of “evolved” according to need is not far fetched by my Christian observation, which puts biblical standpoints at a less than literal level. I at one point had even witnessed a certain group of birds atop paisley brushed treetops CHANGE COLORS at our amusement – which would certainly suggest something of the like!”
Although it must be noted on both counts that near 45 pounds of dried cubensis mushrooms accompanied the rowdy crew on their privately funded, “scientific” journey - talk of the mentioned tales has spurred educational explosion and subsequent research advancement in the traditionally philosophical hub of Puerto Seville. (*page 3 of thread for reference*)
Fig.2 Evolution in action; a Darwin illustration
Navy of all to begin era anew?
The RS Barcelona sets sail as most advanced sea scouring weapon known to Man
Hands on deck have officially changed and the now Carthaginian bombardier heads towards a nearby Utica and the rifle snaps beyond. The stout, thick-hulled vessel was constructed and launched at Barcelona harbor by Royal Shipyard co. under Carthaginian contractual purchase. Although technically a smaller/faster gunning galleon with limited iron plating about firing lines – it is said that lengthier, extensively armored models of Ironclad are under design for the future. RSco has even stated that a sort of slim, nary surface protruding model with fewer yet larger mobile turrets is under way.
Fig.3 “RS Barcelona” – approved artists sketching of the secretive hull under construction
Last edited by Zylka; March 23, 2004 at 19:47.
March 25, 2004, 15:02
Local Time: 15:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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(revision below)
Last edited by Zylka; March 26, 2004 at 01:34.
March 25, 2004, 16:06
Local Time: 15:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 1,721
This proposal is unacceptable, we will not surrender our cities then agree to anexation of our lands!
We demand the return of thessamolonica, Physics and metallurgy in return we shall not annex malaca this turn, and send a spy to steal a tech, we would also be willing to return Cartenna. The Babylon and greek civilizations also want protection from the Carthaginians lacky war mongering egyption civilization that we shall no longer be terrorized.
Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
and kill them!
March 25, 2004, 16:18
Local Time: 15:13
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Immediate to the Greek negotiator:
Although I sincerely admire your assertiveness in regarding matters - I must in honesty press that such demands can not even be physically met within Spains' current relations and past agreements.
Metallurgy has been sworn to absolute secrecy for the Romans who once provided such technology to Spain; we have even had to dismiss our eternal allies the Gauls when approached for the need of it.
Now of that Thessalonica - it must be stressed that this matter is in entirety out of Spanish hands and desire. As you may not yet know; the Egyptians have recently fallen out with ourselves diplomatically - Spain now choosing to never again deal with them and their now revealed chicanery. Although we can therefore not press for the return of Thessalonica to rightful Greek hands effectively; we will indeed support any such homeland action taken to relieve Egyptian control of the area - should Greece be willing to cooperate as equals with the previous Carto/Spanish request
March 26, 2004, 01:34
Local Time: 15:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Peace treaty revised and approached to the Greeks
-The Greeks and Carthaginians shall agree to an immediate and lasting Peace; according to definitions of international law and the treaty of Babylon
-The Greeks will receive Physics, Chemistry, Steam Engine and any other technologies the Spanish can currently offer, sans metallurgy. The Greeks shall also receive Industrialization and Explosives soon after Spain grants Universal Suffrage and discoveres the latter (~7 turns)
-The Carthaginians will have the cities of Rusaddit, Oea and Cartenna returned to them at once. Occupying Greek forces shall obtain safe withdrawal from such areas directly before the hand-over
-Spain will be promised that NONE of the previously mentioned technologies shall be gifted to or shared with the Egyptian nation. This includes barring any sort of secondary transfer through situational agreement; should Greece care to share any such technologies with other, legitimate nations (Spain suggests Rome, for one – who could potentially provide Greece with Metallurgy and/or any other military technology in fair trade)
-Spain will with all influence try to convince a fair and just Rome to open trading with the Greeks over their recently aquired technologies. Spain will withhold from sharing such technologies with Rome as offer to Greek bartering ability in the situation
-Both the Carthaginians and Spanish will be granted a small area adjacent to current Greek territory to settle and build up indefinitely; as a sort of assured temperance to any future flash hostility on Greek behalf. This territory will be built upon by no more or less than the following 5 (five) city settlements:
133, 9
131, 5
136, 4
129, 13
123, 13
The two new provinces under which these cities lay are to be a jointly led, yet bi-autonomous Carto/Spanish region in entirety. They will ensure future stability between our three regarding nations by strategic reach into the now open NE world quadrant. It must be noted that the recently attacked Serene World treaty which specifically denied such reach to Spanish hands will have to either be amended or disabled entirely to allow for such. When either of such is agreed upon:
Greece shall immediately provide 2 (two) settlers and 1 (one) musketeer within the nearby area to Spain – those units which will be used to construct the first 2 settlements for arrival of mainland Spaniard emigrants. The two mentioned Carthaginian cities will shortly after be placed and then immediately handed over by Spain; without any resource commitment from Greece needed to build them. No Carto/Spanish building, harvest use, travel or any sort of incursion shall take place outside of the borders defined below
March 26, 2004, 02:33
Local Time: 03:13
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Hannibull was flabergasted.
A sneak attack? Such an easy thing to do yet so shameless. Three cities fallen already and with such a far flung coastal civilisation how could we strike back with no rail systems as yet. No warning, no diplomacy, and complete disregard by Greeks of assurances and agreements in the past.
Yet, Hannibull could not have it both ways. He had been quiet on past Spanish initiatives and had played a covert role or even an ignorant role. He was pre-occupied with building up his small yet great economic nation. Now he had only 15 cities, half of most other civs. And even with 18 cities, before the Greek attack, how could Carthage represent any serious threat in this world? No aggression had been practiced by the Carts and only diplomatic support for her ally Egypt against the Babs had raised the ire of othe nations. In this case the Babs had travelled a long way to settle cities under the noses of Egyptian cities so any fair reasoning would deduce Egypts actions as acceptable. And Egypt agreed to peace terms favourable to all.
Greece has become a different animal. A nation that might easily have fallen victim to Egyptian advances and sued for peace has wasted it resources in bulding an army to attack Carthage rather than peaceably develop her own nation as was understood. Cowardice and treachury!
Yet support has come from surprising quarters. The Gauls immediately offerred support and once again Spain has seized the diplomatic initiative; and in consultation with Hannibulls Foreign Advisor is gradually piecing together a peace plan.
Hannibull himself was not entirely comfortable with all aspects of Spanish ideas and particularly their anti-Egypt stance. The response from the Greeks clearly discerns a major fear of Egypt and despite Greek threats to continue the war it is clear that the war is unsustainable. But it will have destroyed the quality of several Carthaginian cities in the process and thereby will have achieved its aim regardless.
For there is a traitorous nation in our midst. It was not clear but several nations had anonymously criticised Carthaginian wealth and had secret desires to see our only advantage in this world diminished. With wrecked cities and so few in number Hannibull fails to see any strategic merit in their foolish and egatistical pranks.
The only result is a superior Greece. Not Babylon. Not Rome. But Greece.
Let it be emphasised thae peaceful ways of the Carthaginians:
Upon the first Greek attack the Carts did come across a Babylonian caravel laiden with rich goods. Just previously the Babylonians had insulted us and praised the Greeks for attacking us! Yet we resisted the animal instinct to sink this vessel. It survived, as did our pride and dignity. The ship shortly afterwards traded goods at a Cart port, yielding 1500g.
Hannibull was dumbfounded by the Babs.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
March 26, 2004, 02:34
Local Time: 01:13
Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Posts: 14,475
posted in wrong thread apparently ...so here is the gaulish report from last session
There was a major uproar in Gaulish parliament as the leaders of the governing political party were all implicated in a sex scandal involving Sexy Sue the Senates Stenographer. The leaders all left to live in exile leaving only Sexy Sue with any idea of what was happening. So Sexy Sue was named the new Premier.
Her imediate first actions were to get the "official" war with Greece ended and the gracious Greek leaders agreed to a peace treaty.
Finding most citys in uproar she set about building new brothels in each city and this soon appeased the nation and happiness soared with nearly all citys declaring a "We Love Sexy Sue" Day
Our friendly allies the spanish continued our open and free trade and both countrys flourished in gold and technology.
With war in Africa Sexy Sue stated that Gaull position was for the full withdrawal of all Greek units and return of all citys.
Gaul called on all Greeks allys to apply pressure on Greece.
After many senate meetings the follwoing was deceed.
Gaulish Parliamentry Decree 104A-RT56
Gauls believes the capture of African citys by Greece is not in the best interests of the world and hereby condemns al lsuch activity. We hereby call upon greece to withdraw from africa. If Africa is not relinquished within 20years, Gaul will do all it can to aid the struggling Africans in their endevours. Any Ally of Greece who fails to break allegiance to this warring nation will be deemed to be aiding and abetting greece and will be held just as liable for the actions and will be treated accordingly."
All military units in Gaul put on full mobilization and returned to their barracks to await further orders.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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