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Old March 26, 2004, 03:45   #151
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Letter to the Gauls

The deal for peace is still being hammered out. Final offer from ourselves and Carthaginians under talks with the Greeks has been met with with further posturing. Whether or not the treaty will be finalized through agreed revision is unknown.

Please secure and strengthen your borders. Set tax to 0; Spain will fund the upoming deficit. Please research Metallurgy, Electricity - in such order. Return Gallic requests for Spains' own accompanying policy.

At current we move towards progressively dispatching a bare bones attack navy, with the hopes of upgrading our Ironclad models when reliable electricity can provide such. Ground defense on our Eastern coast is to be lightly reinforced - with immediate effect. Discounted sales of both such military facets to the Carthaginians will continue & expand if the war does indeed rage on.

I will meet with you in Orleans a fortnight after receiving response. My best wishes, for now.
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Old March 26, 2004, 21:07   #152
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Originally posted by markusf
This proposal is unacceptable, we will not surrender our cities then agree to anexation of our lands!

We demand the return of thessamolonica, Physics and metallurgy in return we shall not annex malaca this turn, and send a spy to steal a tech, we would also be willing to return Cartenna. The Babylon and greek civilizations also want protection from the Carthaginians lacky war mongering egyption civilization that we shall no longer be terrorized.
Why should Egypt cede a city that was given by Greeks to avoid earlier war with Egypt?

Continuing Greek attacks on the Carts will only cement the view in the minds of all other civs that Greek dominance and war-mongering is rampant.

Ignoring more than reasonable Spanish diplomatic initiatives is to overplay the Greek hand. Maintaining the captured Cart cities can only mean another African invasion in the future.

If the Greek war machine is so well prepared to take out so much of the Cart civ in only a few turns, let this be a warning to all. It is beyond all known diplomatic boundaries...
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Old March 26, 2004, 22:57   #153
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super happy fun Eurodip intermission hour; v. 46
Historically regarded Allies - 1320AD
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Old March 26, 2004, 23:29   #154
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too much fun being had
The five Wars of history - 1320AD
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Old March 27, 2004, 00:27   #155
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And only the Spanish have eluded war
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Old March 27, 2004, 00:27   #156
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err not quite, sorry...
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Old March 27, 2004, 00:36   #157
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New to the throne of Greece, I Ozzy the Great, welcome the efforts put forward by the respected envoy of Spain. Their fair-minded deal that ended the Spanish-Greece war and Egyptian war of my grand parent's generation was a stroke of diplomatic genious. I thank them for making a similar attempt this time, however it seems much of the fair-minded genious of previous Spanish generations has not carried through to current times.

The peace plan as outlined is not accepted.

It is preposterous to the point of further provokation. In the words of my predacessor "This proposal is unacceptable, we will not surrender our cities then agree to anexation of our lands!" There will be no annexation of Greek lands, any such thought is an automatic deal breaker. The treaty of yesteryear stands, pledging the eastern lands to Greece.

City trades and tech will be put under consideration. Cartenna and Rusiaddit will be returned to Carthaginians in exchange for the return of Thessalonica and the hand over of Paphos by the Egyptians. Compensation from Carthaginians to the Egyptians is entirely appropriate and I leave it to them to work out.

As this transfer would yet result in a net loss of population for Greece, we request tech to balance out the trade. Physics, Chemistry and Steam Engine is appropriate. It matters not from which party this comes.

Oea will be retained as a trade outpost.

Immediate and lasting peace will be declared between all parties and their allies.

Considering the Carthaginians have a very weak position from which to negotiate, and considering the crack Greek army has ample reserves to continue to press the attack on our populous, decadent, and rich neighbors, I strongly urge this proposal be taken. Carthaginians have little to loose and much to gain. We make this generous proposal in the interests of world peace.
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Old March 27, 2004, 00:39   #158
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Death to the Greek invaders!
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Old March 27, 2004, 00:43   #159
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That peace is secured is what matters most to Spain. Albeit we can and will not offer any of our own efforts to the treaty if we do not see like cooperation with our own terms.

Top technologies of the world could be Greece's if she so chooses to in some form or another negotiate over the settlement proposal. If not; sincerest wishes to the negotiating parties - and peace be on to the World.
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Old March 27, 2004, 00:48   #160
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Thankyou Spain for all your "diplomatic" efforts! Much appreciated....
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Old March 27, 2004, 01:20   #161
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Greece has put forward a plausible treaty that is fair to all sides involved in the conflict, in response Carthaginians call for more bloodshed. Let it be recognized who the peace maker and the warmonger are in this conflict.

The facts of this case, for the entire world to judge are thus: Carthaginians are, and for some time have been, the world's super power. Their cities are made lavish through economic imperialism and dominance on the backs of the rest of the world. Even with the population transfer caused by the recent war, Carthaginians still outpace the rest of the world by a comfortable margin.

The plan as I have outlined it would result in a net loss of population for Greece. We are fully prepared to make this sacrifice in the interests of world peace. The Cartaginians however have no interest in accepting this generous offer.

Greece is at a loss to explain the motivation behind the dominant power's refusal to negotiate, besides the thirst of that power for more land and power.

As envoy and leader of the Greek people, I once again stress the mutual benefits and promise of world peace inherient in my plan, and recommend it is adopted as a permanent solution for peace. If it is still refused, I suggest a cease fire until cooler heads emerge.

As the momentum of this war is clearly in Greek favor, and clearly we have much to loose by ceasing hostilities when we are able to take much, much more, this pledge for a cease fire must be seen by the world as a truly magmanimous and self-less act taken in the interests of world peace and a lasting resolution.
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Old March 27, 2004, 01:28   #162
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The momentum in such war must be realistically noted as in Greek favor for the next 4 turns maximum. At following point - Spanish Ironclads reach the supply route, then destroyers - then Cavalry of both nationalities approach by whatever extreme deemed necessary (10 turns maximum). Without any technology base whatsoever and no help from the Romans regarding – any Greek plan to continue such "momentum" past agitation stage is of utmost curiosity to ourselves

perhaps this interim government led by the noble Ozzy would like to continue indefinitely and prove their detractors wrong?

Didn't think so.
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Old March 27, 2004, 02:42   #163
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again the gaulish senate re-itterates its stance, that any war with carthage shall be deemed to be a war with the world. we will do all we can to aid our african cousins...

we call on greece to withdraw immediatly from all african citys !!!!!
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Old March 27, 2004, 15:11   #164
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
Greece has put forward a plausible treaty that is fair to all sides involved in the conflict, in response Carthaginians call for more bloodshed. Let it be recognized who the peace maker and the warmonger are in this conflict.
This coupled with the ridiculous peace offering from the greeks is the most absurd thing we have ever heard.
Usually the aggressor is defined as:

The person who first attacks or makes an aggression; he who begins hostility or a quarrel;

Interesting....that would therefore make the Greeks the aggressor, the warmonger. I see no Carthaganian troops on Greek soil, only the opposite.

Let us turn to the peace offering made by the Greeks.
Obviously it was meant to be rejected.
To attack one civilization and then expect to be granted territories from another doesn't seem very likely to be accepted. In fact one might almost think that the offer was supposed to be rejected.

Now I have an offer for the Greeks.
1. Hand back all captured Carthaganian cities.
2. Pay restitution for the destruction of infrastructure and
3. A personal letter of apology to the Carthaganian
government from the head of the Greek government.

If these terms are met, the Carthaganian/Egyptian alliance will allow the Greeks to be at peace, although it is clear that any treaty is not worth the paper it is written on and never again will this kind of atrocity be allowed to occur.

If the terms are not accepted the Alliance will capture and destroy one by one every Greek city until the Greek nation lies on its knees before us.
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Old March 27, 2004, 21:44   #165
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Originally posted by Rasputin
again the gaulish senate re-itterates its stance, that any war with carthage shall be deemed to be a war with the world. we will do all we can to aid our african cousins...

we call on greece to withdraw immediatly from all african citys !!!!!
Carthage extends a warm hand to Gaul and is mighty apreciative of Gaulic support in this critical matter...
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Old March 28, 2004, 02:26   #166
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gaul awaits the actions of its friendly yet very quiet neighbours the romans.... rome must state publicly that she no longer sides with the greeks due to their recent activitys.....
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Old March 28, 2004, 06:46   #167
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OOC... this is classic diplo stuff guys! As soon as one civ takes the lead the rest pounce

The Greek strategy is really crazy when you think about it... a far reaching civ crashing military advance with long supply lines and most civs reacting against them...

Makeo's post says it all...

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Old March 28, 2004, 20:29   #168
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not so deity. if i was the greeks i would have attacked you
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Old March 28, 2004, 23:43   #169
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and have to fight the world ??? seems a big risk to take as greeks !!!!
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Old March 29, 2004, 04:50   #170
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The Greek strategy is really crazy when you think about it... a far reaching civ crashing military advance with long supply lines and most civs reacting against them...
Seeing as how they have no technology, no means of new technology (beyond stealing 1 or 2 from the Carts) - and no apparent infrastructure; I'd have to agree.

Spain officially calls for a Greek leader who hasn't been dropped on his head several times to come forward and aid this situation with leadership & creative realism! Something of intelligence and general meaning (beyond drooling terms such as "warmonger" at the situational defenders) is desperately needed!
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Old March 29, 2004, 05:00   #171
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gaul supports this call......
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Old March 29, 2004, 09:08   #172
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Originally posted by Makeo
not so deity. if i was the greeks i would have attacked you
LOL! If you were Greeks and we weren't allied I'd say Rome, Gaul and Babylon would have already attacked you by now on three sides...

Do you think Greeks strategic position is a smart one at this point?
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Old March 29, 2004, 09:12   #173
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short answer NO !
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Old April 2, 2004, 21:09   #174
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Political turmoil in Rome
There has been a change of government in Rome. Previously formed triumvirate (Crassus, Caesar, Pompey) is reduced by one third with the sudden death of Marcus Licinius Crassus, seven times consul in succession. He was killed while in a routine inspection of the border fortresses in a skirmish with the forces of renegade Gaul king Gary the Strat.
Crassus was a great admirer of Roman tradition, history and culture. He was a staunch opposition to any change of the status quo in the Mediterranean. He was strongly opposed to the Greek attempts at destruction of Carthage.

New elections were held in Rome and the senate chose elder Pompey the Great, a veteran of Roman politics as new consul over young Caius Iulius Caesar. Fearing the prosecution for his unlawful acts while in office, Caesar asked Pompey to appoint him as governor of a province, no matter how small, just to get the immunity and avoid criminal charges. Pompey now a full victor granted Caesar's wish and the senate elected Caesar as new proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul, a small province in the far north of the empire consisting of only 3 cities.

Pompey now without anyone to contest his power introduced profound changes to the political body of Rome. He abolished the voice of the people in all but name and strengthened the power of the senate. This senate was however not a democratically elected body but a mere instrument in Pompey's hands. He proclaimed himself Imperator and the new political system fascism.

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Old April 2, 2004, 21:24   #175
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A personal note to the newly installed consul of Rome:

Wonder of wonders! I am awed and delighted to welcome you to the charter of world leaders! Allow me, on behalf of the people of Babylon, to extend fond congratulations on your recent victory in the Senate. I hope that this transition will allow for a new era of coorperation and glory for our two peoples!

Should you require anything, you know where to look. Until we speak in person, I am

Very truly yours,

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Old April 2, 2004, 21:33   #176
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Cnaeus Pompeius Magnus is very pleased to receive the note from emperor Grottencrotch. Especially since this distinguished leader has been at the helm of distant Babylon for as long as anyone can remember.

Roman Imperator only requires one more thing from our good friend Grottencrotch: The secret of his longevity and, since he doesn't seem to have changed in millennia, possibly immortality.
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Old April 2, 2004, 23:00   #177
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A hurried despatch from Rome suggested a peace treaty
Rome brokered a last minute deal:

Peace for return of Cartenna
Carts get a tech or two from Rome
As do the Greeks

so it's settled Hannibull...

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Old April 8, 2004, 22:33   #178
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World Status - 14400AD
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Old April 8, 2004, 22:56   #179
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I think it would be better for the game if in the future you didn't expose the map to create these.
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Old April 8, 2004, 23:37   #180
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was agreed upon earlier that was ok, but if you'd like to halt such - no problem.
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