December 29, 2003, 00:05
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A Tale of Two Nations
This is a story which will be writen by me and Prince Jason. It is based on a IP game which we are playing. We will take turns writing sections for both our nations and hopefully it will all work out in the end.
The dawn was rising again over the stone capitol building of Washington. From the top of the great mud roof, George Washington, whose family the city had been named for, could see straight across the great grasslands, past Gold Mountain, and almost all the way to the city of Chinook. As the sun grew steadily higher, George reflected on how the American civilization had thrived in the past five hundred years.
Many years ago the American people had been wanderers, migrating across the earth in the neverending wake of the herds of buffalo. But, eventually the people grew tired of aimless wandering and captured some of the buffalo and slowly began learning the ways of farming. As the amount of people grew, eventually they built permanent dwellings in a great grassland area between some hills and a mountain where an unusally shiny substance had been discovered.
Then, a man by the name of Washington strove for complete dominion over the tribe and after several fights with some clan leaders, took full control of the growing city and named it after himself.
In the years after he took power, he and his descendants formed scout groups to explore the surronding lands. As the scouts explored new peoples were discovered. The first of these was the Chinook. The Chinook were a tribe to the north, that was very advanced, and very close to civilization of their own. When the American scouts arrived the people of the CHinook were impressed by the American civilization (and the regiment of warriors outside their village) and joined the American civilization.
As time went onward, American scouts discovered numerous other tribes, learning the lay of the land, new technologies, and gaining new soldiers for the armies of America. Eventually they discovered new civilizations which could not be impressed into the American nation.
First the Greeks to the southwest were met as American scouts saw a band of Greek warriors, who were just as organized and trained as any American regiment. The first meeting between Washington and Alexander was successful as technology was shared between the two nations.
Then came the Romans to the southeast, in a great city of marble. Soon after the Mayans were met to the west, in cities not unlike the Americans. In fact wise men of both nations believe that at one point the Americans and Mayans had been part of the same tribe until a split was forced for an unknown reason.
Just recently, about a year earlier, a large group of Americans, remnants of clans whose leaders Washington I defeated, left the capitol to rumored forests filled with animals along a river to the south. They had pledged loyalty to Washington and would remain in the same civilization and not attempt to go off on their own. Rumors of the settlers abounded through the capitol and Chinook. Many believe that the settlers made it to the new lands, while other say that they were killed by a hostile tribe attempting to prevent American growth.
Only time will tell.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
December 29, 2003, 00:40
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Thanks for the background, and the intrigue.
Looking forward to you partners cantribution as well
December 29, 2003, 02:34
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Chapter One – The Birth of Greece and the Times of Bad
The Greeks were amazing nomads. They survived in the wastelands of Athens for hundreds of years before finding a path out of the miserable desert to the lush river valley of Olympus. Here they began to settle in minute villages that constantly fought each other. But one tribe rose above the rest, and under the leader of Alexander they were able to conquer the many tribes of the Olympus and establish a central city, which they named Athens after their patron goddess.
Years went by, and the prosperous rule under Alexander was strengthening the Greek moral. It was upon Alexander’s thirtieth birthday when he was visited by a sorceress named Circes, who Alexander had arrested but she was able to curse Alexander with eternal life. Since then, Alexander has never aged.
Centuries went by and Alexander was able to bring Athens to become the most populated city in the Aegean Region. Farms were set up in the south along the fertile Athenian river and spices were grown in the north. It was only a matter of time before a rival nomad tribe chose Athens as the city to raid. Upon this threat, Alexander acted swifly, summoning up the largest army Greece has ever known, the 1st Warrior Regiment. Upon the hills of the Acropolis, the two armies met. Under Commander Pericles, the Greek army triumphed, destroying the Spartan army. Now Alexander had under his sight a thousand Spartan refugees, mostly women, elderly and children, who are left defenseless. Declared citizens of Athens, the Spartans moved into Athens. However, rival gang wars soon erupted, and Athens was torn between the natives and Spartans. Alexander made a decision, he would send the Spartans to found a new city, Sparta, in the north. And so it was true, along the river Isis to the north, Sparta was founded.
It wasn’t long until Alexander had word of a new nation, one of great power and prestige. Washington of the Americans sent a delegate to Athens, and established an embassy along Triscles road. The Americans had offered trade of technology, and Alexander accepted, starting a friendship that would hopefully never end. Besides, Alexander had more to worry about.
Another nomadic tribe, the Crimean, were threatening Athens’ southern borders. Alexander dispatched the 2nd Warrior Regiment to counter the barbarians. Unfortunately, the regiment was ambushed along the way and slaughtered. Their heads were sent back with the commander’s horse. Alexander was enraged, but even more frightened. That regiment was the sole defense of Athens, the 1st Regiment was sent north. Athens was soon under attack.
The Crimean left nothing untouched. The Palace was burned, the farms, the American embassy, and even the Acropolis was smashed. The women were mutilated, and the men killed. Athens was left a smoldering ruin, and Alexander was dead. Upon returning, the 1st Warrior Regiment was greeted with a ravaged city, and the Commander of the 1st Warrior Regiment, Alexander II (immortality being passed on hereditary), assumed the throne and began to rebuild the city. Within time of the next century, Athens was once again fully restored, though would never remain the same.
The attacking upon Athens had hurt the expansion of Greece. The nation was in disarray, and centuries went by with little to no expansion or prosperity. She was soon passed in superiority by America, Mayans (to the fertile north), Carthage (south) and Incans (most south). Alexander II had only heard rumors of the power dwelling within the jungle south of America known as Rome.
Finally under control, Alexander II was met with the Crimean again, but this time he was prepared. Recruiting a new Hoplite Regiment, the army met with the Crimean on the same hill that the 1st Warrior Regiment defeated the Spartans in the early age. The Crimean were defeated, and were never heard of again.
Alexander II was now aware of the world. Carthage had crouched in upon rightful Greek lands. America had grown to extraordinary heights, and was a good friend of Athens and shared the cause to rid the world of the Maya. Two wars had been fought between America and Maya, the Mayan loosing Paimyra to America. Alexander II knew that Greece was weak and petty, not even half of America, but he knew the will of the people was strong. The Archers of Zeus were mustered in Athens, and sent north on training missions. This would be the first of the Greek army that would cripple the Maya.
December 29, 2003, 03:07
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Washington XXI, son of the nation's current leader, cut through another Roman warrior advancing into St. Louis. The city was burning, as fire started by archers raged unchecked through the wooden city. Washington's new iron sword was the only one in the city, and it was not enough to hold back the onslaught of Roman troops. Countless Roman archers and warriors had been beseiging the city for 8 months now, and the Horseman and spearman garrison was breaking.
Jumping over a building's fallen wall, Washington stormed over to a embattled force of spearmen defending a strongpoint by the town's northern enterance. "Who is in charge here?" he demanded. Nervously one of the spearman stepped forward and said, "I am, general." Barely giving the man a glance, Washington said, "Gather your remaining troops, we are falling back north into the hills." Meekly nodding, the spearman gathered his comrades, and the American army began withdrawing north, leaving the firey wreckage of a city behind them.
The city has grown since Washington I first looked over it. Wooden homes were built on stilts over the Potomac River and spread out across the great grassland. In the center of the city, a great temple was under construction, the size of which had never been seen before in the history of man. We look into the great central palace of the Washingtons.
In the Palace there is a large room, filled with maps of all sizes and types. Maps of civilizations, provinces, cities, and even detailed down to the tiniest neighborhoods of San Francisco, Boston, or Philadelphia. In the center of the room, an elaborately decorated table with a giant map of the American-Roman borderlands sits. Around this table are the main commanders of the American army and the Leader himself, Washington XX. The generals gain tired looks on their faces as Washington repeats one of his triades that they have heard oh so many times.
"Gentlemen, we are engaged in a great war of patriotism. The Romans will not rest until they burn all of our cities, like St. Louis, and kill all of us, like my son. The Romans have burned St. Louis and march on San Francisco, AND YOU SEEM HELPLESS! DRIVE BACK THE DAMNED ROMAN SCUM! DO NOT REST UNTIL YOU DO SUCH! Anyways, where do we stand now against the Roman army?"
Sighing, as the leader was known for such mood swings between furious and reasonable, especially with the loss of all communication from his son, General Zeus, a Greek immigrant from Athens named for the heathen god, begins pointing out red blobs on the map. "Here sir, is a force of Roman archers advancing from the south on San Francisco against my spears south of the city. They have already overrun one detachment of spears in the hills which had been sent to reinforce St. Louis. General Scott's archer regiments have just arrived in San Francisco to prepare for the planned assualt on the city of Veii, as we discussed in our last meeting. Two of the new swords regiments have arrived in San Francisco as well, waiting for an oppurtunity to fight against Rome. They'll have ample oppurtunity. The Romans have moved large numbers of archers, cavalry, and warriors outside the city. The Roman forces are veterans, experience from wars against minor tribes in the south. Our forces are all regular troops, as we have not had time to set up proper training programs. We can only hope that we can defeat the Romans at San Francisco."
Washington nods abruptly saying, "Do your best Zeus, any less could be damaging to your health." He leaves the room and the generals continue their planning.
Author's Note: The American army was not very well trained nor experienced in comparison to their Roman counterparts. The Romans had been warring constantly against minor tribes, giving their troops much needed experience and training. Americans on the other hand were always peaceful to the neighboring tribes and never warred much except for the minor debacle with the Mayans over the ownership of Paimyra, which was not long enough to provide training for American forces. Also, upon Rome's intial attacks on Miami and St. Louis, the Americans were not prepared for war and the minor offensive forces they had were located in Philadelphia on the Mayan border. As the war went on however, the Americans managed to build an impressive army of swords and horsemen which held the Romans at bay.
-San Francisco-
The Merced River runs quietly near San Francisco. By it, two masses of men stand sullenly, facing each other and waiting for the battle to begin. The banners of the American army swing in a breif wind which crosses the soon-to-be battlefield. With an almost inaudible whisper, the American swords men begin an advance forward.
As they advance, slowly at first, they begin to run, baring swords and axes at their foes. As one, the Romans left back their bows and fire a volley. As the arrows land, one American drops his sword and falls backwards as 3 arrows plunge into his chest. Another American dies as an arrow tears across the side of his head, spilling blood and peices of bone onto the ground. Among those two, more and more die as arrows continue to fall. As they run out of arrows, the Roman archers grab their stone axes, and screaming a war cry, charge the running American line.
With a great crash, Roman and American collide, the front ranks fall down dead from sword, axe, or arrow. Slicing and chopping at such short range, the American swordsmen gain the advantage as their iron weapons chop through bronze and stone tipped spears and swords. Nonetheless, numerous Americans die on this day as more and more pour into the great wheat feilds of San Francisco.
In the end, the Americans win the battle, though so many dead litter the feild, Roman and American alike, not caring who won or lost. San Francisco would hold.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
December 29, 2003, 03:44
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Posts: 222
Chapter Three – Trouble in the North
“What do you mean there are Mayan Javeliner near Sparta? Send a notice to them to leave.” Alexander II exclaimed arrogantly. He was bothered with other things of the nation, the economy for one. He was also very aware of the Great American War and very eagerly wanted to support his American friends against the onslaught of the Romans. Already the great city of St. Louis had been captured and burned by the Romans. Greece was posed to help, having 12,000 archers in Sparta that could aid America within months. However the people wanted Maya to be pushed off of ancestral Greek lands in the north, and so Alexander II had to ready the army for a war in the north. If he was able to cripple the Mayans into signing peace with most of their land ceded to Greece quickly, then Alexander II could turn his armies east to help his friends. They had already been hailed by Washington.
Sparta was a beautiful small town. It had grown from the original Spartan refugees to such a town to be a major rest point among the trip from America to Maya, or from Greece to America. In either way, it was the gateway into America, full of multi-cultured communities and a blend of American and Greek culture. A granary had been completed to help harvest the grain that was the chief crop grown outside the walls of the city, and even a barracks was established to house the 1st and 2nd Hoplites that guarded the city. Inside, the homes were made of mud brick on the walls, but with a clash of American tiles roofs. There were temples to both Zeus and the American patron God, and the signs were even written in both American and Greek. Most of the town was built out of the side of a mud cliff that towered nearly four hundred feet into the air, a steep cliff. Homes were build out of the side of it for almost fifty feet up, carved straight out of the rock. The barracks was placed on the top of the hill, and the rest of the city lay scattered among the banks of the Isis river. The streets were made of stone, the only paved roads outside of Athens.
Sparta was the meeting place of the 12,000 archers that Alexander decided would be the force that would capture Yaxchilan, the Mayan “City of Dyes”.
Another force of 14,000 archers were gathered in the town of Thermopylae. Having an ancient reputation of archer nobility, the town easily accommodated the archers and were especially welcomed by the citizens.
The Mayans, suspecting an attack for a while now, sent down a Javelin force of five hundred men, only to find angry Greek farmers who spread the word that eventually reached Alexander II in Athens. Sending an immediate message to the Mayan chief to exit the lands, he got a reply with a declaration of war. The Javeliners were easily routes and destroyed by the Archers of Apollo, and the orders for the attack upon Yaxchilan from the archers in Sparta and Tikal from Thermopylae were sent, and thus the Mayan War began.
Tikal was easily overran by the second surge, only a few archers in the Archers of Athena were injured, the rest made way for the 2nd Hoplites of Thermopylae to enter the city. They were then promptly sent north to the Mayan town of Copan, a target that was secondary to Alexander because he thought it would be too deep into Mayan territory. Meanwhile the counter attack was light, a Mayan warrior regiment was defeated by the Spartan defenses, and the archers stationed at Sparta finally reached Yachilan with the 3rd Spartan Hoplites escorting them.
A huge battle erupted, the defenses here at the “City of Dyes” were much more prepared then at Tikal. Hundreds of Greeks were mowed down before the Javeliners behind the walls. It wasn’t until the Hoplites were sent into the battle that the city was finally taken. The legendary Archers of Apollo were the only ones that were left. The city was occupied and the slaves were sent to build a road to connect Yachilan to the mainland. Plans for the rename of Yachilan were sent to Alexander II but has yet to be confirmed.
The last battle of the war took place in Copan. Fortunately the Mayans were not expecting an attack so deep into their territory so quickly, and so the defenses were left small. Alexander II came to survey the battlefield himself and concluded that it could easily be taken. And so it was. The Archers of Poseidon however were caught off guard on their charge and were destroyed, but the city was in their hands. Within it Alexander found the Mayan king who’s name has been fouled from libel means. A peace was worked out to save his own head, the prosperous city of Largartero was handed over to Alexander II, effectively celing the capital off from the last city of the Mayans.
Alexander had successfully accomplished his goals. His limited army had overcome an army of greater strength in short time and he was able to cripple the Mayans beyond his imaginations. Now he was regrouping and readying his troops for the long march to America to aid his friends. He just hoped he was not too late…
Authors note: Greece really was a very weak nation, second to last in status (the worst being Carthage), with very little and very bad land. Out of patience the Greeks were able to build an army that was capable of taking two Mayan cities, hoping to get the great land that they occupied. However, upon their great victories, Greece was able to send forth the remnants of the army that attacked Tikal and take the 2nd most populated Mayan city, Copan. Now with the fertile northern land, and iron in the south getting closer and closer to Greece, prosperity and growth is almost guaranteed.
December 29, 2003, 03:49
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Prolific chaps, like your styles and looking forward to more of this.
December 29, 2003, 07:37
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Coincidentally I've been reading Alexander's real story on this website. "Alexander - The Path to Defication"
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
December 29, 2003, 23:16
Local Time: 07:17
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Posts: 222
Maps of each nation thus far:
December 29, 2003, 23:20
Local Time: 15:17
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Posts: 75
-San Francisco-
The guard patrols the outer wall, as dusk settles itself upon the quieting countryside. To his back however, the city of San Francisco continues its incessant bustle and life as the lower classes in life's society reveal themselves. Theives, prostitutes, and thugs come out, preying on the weak and defenseless. In the better parts of the city, near the barracks and minor military garrisons, more respectable citizens continue their street market practices, not stopping even with the dimming light.
The city is adorned with great wooden carvings of the patron god of American, Artemis, with his likeless reaching towards the sky from the tops of building. Other carvings adorn entryways and arches depicting great battles and events in American history. The local temple built to Artemis is especially fancy, a large wooden building which was a complete replica of the Great Temple of Artemis in Washington. A large block of stone is in the middle of the courtyard of San Francisco and the sculpters which were working on it begin to head home for the day. With the everday hustle and bustle of the city continuing, one would never guess that in a relatively small one room building of the local barracks, the fate of empires is being decided.
The building is one story tall and half as large as the Map Room of the Parliamentary Palace. Outside three chariots and carridges with their horses and servants rest, with an occasional whinny or small talk between servants. Each veicle is different, in their own way. The chariot is plated with bronze with beatings an embattled charioter would be jealous of and looks to have traveled great distances. The next carridge is almost Roman in design, having the same covered chariot look as Roman nobility were said to use. The final carridge is an American design, with four wheels and a partially covered top.
Looking past the exterior of the building, we enter into the single room of the building itself. By the doors, American pikemen stand at arms, very alert and seeming to take every little detail into account. In the center of the room is a great table with a map of two cities. Decorating the map are blue, green, and red markers showing positions of American, Greek, and Roman troops. Around the room there is no other furniture except for two chairs sitting in the corner.
Gathered around the table are three men, decorated in the highest medals and ranks of three nations. On the left is commander Lucin of the Byzantine army, decorated with two medals of the highest honor from battles in the south against the Romans, who the Byzantines had been fighting since their civilizations split from a single tribe long ago. On the right is Commander Philip of the Greek Expeditionary Force. In the center, pointing out locations on the map, is the new American general and commander of Allied forces against Rome, General Scott, who replaced General Zues after he died fighting for the Republic in the revolution against Despotism.
"Commander Philip, your forces will be taking the left flank of the army with your archers and hoplites. You will sweep down from your horsemen's current position to cross the Tiber River northeast of Rome. Let none stand in your way," says Scott sweeping his hand across a green arrow stabbing at Rome. "General Lucin," he says turning towards the Byzantine commander, "Can you promise me an assualt on Viceronium? Unfortunately it is off this map, but i'm sure your advanced cartographers can find it on your own maps. We need your assualt to trick the Romans away from New Orleans to give the Greek and American forces a chance to break through." "I will do my best to arrange such a diversion for your forces." replies Lucin. "My own American boys will be taking the right flank in support of Greece. With luck we can catch the Roman garrison forces in a pincer between our two armies. If we can take Rome, gentlemen, this long lasting war could well be ended and our armies can finally return home. All right, get to your troops, we've got a long battle before us."
-New Orleans-
Rome. It is a word whispered through the ranks of the Greek and American troops. Rome. Soldiers turn their heads every so often southeast towards Rome, waiting and wondering when the battle begins. Rome.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
December 30, 2003, 02:21
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Posts: 75
Here is a picture of the planned Allied assualt on Rome.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
December 30, 2003, 03:39
Local Time: 07:17
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Posts: 222
Chapter Four – Phase One of The Great Roman War
The archers were assembled as Alexander had ordered. Eight thousand archers, four thousand horsemen, and four thousand hoplites were on their way to aid America. They left from Sparta, the prosperous city of the north. On their way, they encountered numerous enemy resistance as the American lands were plagued with Roman soldiers. However, one ambush stood out among the others. This was the Battle of Washington Plains.
Commander Philip of Sparta, the general of all Greek forces in America, had ordered the horsemen to be used as a scouting army so to not have anymore surprises upon the main assault force. The horsemen were well trained, some of the best horsemen in Greece, and therefore the world. After all, Greek soldiers were regarded as one of the best trained and powerful forces on Earth from their constant wars with the Mayans and the barbarians that plagued the lands in the Age of Bad. However, the horsemen were not prepared for this. Upon the flat plains of Washington, the long stretch of empty land that extended from Washington to the more developed regions of the Potomac River, the horsemen had encountered a relatively large Roman force that appeared to be advancing onwards to Washington.
Commander Philip soon got word of this from a messenger who left the horses to report it to him. The message was then relayed back to Washington itself to report this to General Scott, the main commander of the American army. Having word of this and unable to provide support to the countryside of America, he asked Philip to launch a strike against the invaders as soon as possible, time was of the essence. If the Romans reached the canals and farms outside Washington, they may be able to starve the food supply. Scott also stated that if the Greeks could stall the Romans as soon as possible, then American reinforcements from then north would be able to destroy the force.
Unaware of the total strength of the Roman force, Philip ordered for the two horsemen regiments to launch a strike upon the camp when they least expected it. And so early the next morning, the Greeks led a charge from the neighboring forest and into the Washington Plains, taking the Roman spearmen by surprise. However, through a brilliant display of fighting and strategy, the Romans were able to mount a successful counter attack the next night after they had retreated the previous encounter. The spearmen were able to kill half of the Greek horsemen until Corporal Ferimis ordered the retreat. The defeat at Washington Plains would forever haunt the moral of the Greek Expeditionary Force in America.
Chapter Five – The Second War of the North
The news of the defeat at Washington Plains soon reached the ears of Alexander II. He was not pleased with the fail of his horsemen that he had put so much trust in. He immediately sent for the word for reinforcements to be sent back into America to help clean up the Roman forces plaguing their lands and to get revenge on the Roman spearmen who had ravaged the Greek moral. However his plans were soon dashed as word came from the Maya.
The defeated Maya sent a message to Alexander II in reply to Alexander’s demands over border disputes in the north and the removal of Mayan troops near Yaxchilan, renamed Olympia. They sent the notice that war now existed between Maya and Greece again, thus starting the Second War of the North.
During the last few centuries Greece had come a long way with culture and infrastructure within the cities; at the expense of the military. Trusting that peace would last and that the defeated and crippled Mayans would not be able to harm Greece anymore, he had disbanded most of his army and sent 80% of the Greek offensive army left to battle Rome. This had proven to be a problem now that the Mayans had declared war, and this put them at the offensive. The beginning battles would be fought on Greek soil, never before had this happen. Alexander set out for the cancellation of many public projects, like the aqueduct at Sparta, and instead put the money to producing bows and buying horses. Within a few years, Alexander had mustered a new attack force worthy of the destruction of the Maya once and for all, but a lot happened in those years.
Following the declaration of war, the former-Mayan city of Yaxchilan rose up in revolt in support of the Mayans, and since most of the defensive forces within the city were fighting in the frontier, just miles from the city, they population was able to declare themselves Mayan again. This independence did not last long. After the destruction of a Javelin force in the Yachilan hills, the Archers of Athena returned to the revolting city. Through force, they were able to calm the citizens and reinstall the Greek government. This was just a taste of what was to come in this war.
Outside the walls of Copan is where most of the battles within Greece took place. Javelin after Javelin after Javelin force were thrown at the defense forces in Copan, and battle after battle after battle were victories for Greece.
Unfortunately the same went for Greece as did for Maya. Three times Alexander had mustered over ten thousand troops to take Chicen Itza, and three times the force had failed. This was until the colony of Ubrek was founded in the south upon a mountain that towered over every mountain in Greece. Mount Illias was the only source of iron that Greece could touch, and finally a secure road was able to supply the whole of the nation with the metal. Immediately new armies of infantry were being formed, armies that could withstand even the hardest of Mayan resistance. They Mayans had nothing to match such technology.
A force who’s strength was stronger then any of the past Greek armies sent up against Chichen Itza combined was forming in Olympia. Already 10,000 infantry had accumulated in the Spartan-class barracks, and nearly 2,000 archers accompanies them. Commander Darius of Sparta was in charge of this enormous army, and finally on the third day of the month of Apollo, the force began to move. Meeting with the hoplite and catapult army outside the walls of Chichen Itza (whose population was higher then any city in Greece) which had been pounding against the defenses of the city for years now they army was readying for the largest battle on the Western Continent, and second largest battle in the world. Alexander rode to see this battle himself.
Clouds crowded the sky, the sun was hidden beneath the dark blanket that seemed to protect it from the obscene events that were about to happen. The catapults launch huge stones once more, and as the city within the walls begin to catch on fire from the fireballs sent by a catapult, the archers began to fire. A storm of wood and iron fell upon the defenses of Chicen Itza, taking out a whole spearman regiment itself. Then the real assault began. The ten thousand-man infantry force were given the order to encircle the city, leaving the archers to guard the catapults. Swinging around, General Darius then ordered the attack. Storming the walls at all sides, the spearmen and javelins were unable to support a sturdy defense. One Mayan was overcome by three Greeks, another Greek infantry was able to kill ten Mayans with just a swing of his weapon. The wall was soon breached in the north, and then in the north east, and once again in the south. The Greeks stormed the city, and Alexander II was with them. Remembering the days of his training, Alexander was stabbing a victim in front, and then swinging around in time to meet a spear heading to his chest. The spear punctured his skin and sank into his lungs. Falling forward with a last gasp and the great Emperor of Greece was gone. General Darius assumed command.
Heading towards the barracks right away, the infantry were caught off guard from a rear attack by Javelins. Unprepared for such armor and weapons of iron that the Greeks bore, the javelins were soon all killed or taken captive. The city was taken. The Maya had broken, and Greece had lost it’s second emperor, and the best leader they had ever had.
The battles that took place afterwards were insignificant. After Chichen Itza and the banishment of the Mayan king to the Inca lands, the Mayan army was nothing more then a group of poorly trained radicals. The last two cities of the Mayan fell, with the final stand at the Highlands of Bonampak, where the last Mayan javelins surrendered to the might of the new Greek knights and the city fell.
Darius assumed command of the nation until his death in 301 BCE. A new man arose from the victorious nation, a man of a once poverty-stricken family who had risen in the ranks of the Greek army in the wars against Maya to becoming the Supreme General. His name was Philip of Sparta.
Any comments are welcomed.
December 30, 2003, 16:58
Local Time: 10:17
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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Thanks for the screenshots.
This is pretty DAMN interesting!!!
I can't wait till Greeks and Americans decide to throw it down.
But for now, I'm entertained watching the human alliance roll through the rest of the world.
Keep us informed.
P.S. I wonder, did either one of you think about Archer-rushing, to catch your friend napping???
Now that I think about it, someone could be hoarding troops in the Greek-American, that would just be EVIL!
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
Last edited by Kaos XIII; December 30, 2003 at 17:06.
December 31, 2003, 03:00
Local Time: 07:17
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 222
I dont think either of us are powerful enough to take the other one out, tho america is a bit more powerful then Greece.
But who says we gonna turn on eachother? I have no plans to attack my American brothers anytime soon, tho in the past me and EQ have had some differences in our gaming  and the impossible happened (usually with me being destroyed  )
EQ was gone today, he was suppose to post his part of the story before he left (  ) so I could get to mine, but he seemed to have forgot.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
December 31, 2003, 03:09
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Location: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Posts: 21
awwwww, i was hoping to read a little more, this is a kool story, i like the multiplayer story idea, giving both of your views, its pretty sweet, keep up the nice work
December 31, 2003, 06:26
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Good work, looking forward to more
December 31, 2003, 13:38
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-Outskirts of Rome-
The ground rumbles as the American catapults unleash their loads of fire. Flaming rock after rock crashes into the marble buildings of Rome, sending great towers and arches collapsing into fire and ruin. Roman soldiers are sent flying as catapult boulders strike among them. American archers fire volley after volley from the outskirts into the city and Romans return their fire just as steadily. American swordsmen and Greek hoplites march down the streets of the outskirts, driving all before them.
Two kilometers outside the city to the northwest, on top of a hill, the Americans have set up a base camp for the campaign against Rome. Tents have been set up and the remains of old fires can be seen scattered among them. Spread in makeshift walls around the camp is a company of well prepared pikemen ready for anything. In the center of the camp is General Scott with three aides, waiting quietly for word of the ongoing battle. Suddenly, a courier rides in frantically.
"General! The Romans have destroyed the Greek army north of the city, numerous archers are said to be reinforcing positions within the city." Soon after yet another courier arrives.
"General! A legion of Roman archers has massed within Ceaser's palace and have beaten back everything we've thrown at them. Our forces are regrouping on the old city walls."
With this, General Scott stands up and yells,"Pikes assemble, aides grab your swords, we've got a job to do!"
Admist the flame and ruin of the burning great city, Roman militia and American macemen battled frantically in individual battles for survival. However, through the midst of it the Americans were being slowly driven back, out of the city. Then when all hope seems lost for the American attack, the General and his regiment of pikemen come out of nowhere, pushing all before them. Roman archers, speared 2 or 3 at a time on the heads of he pikes and militia fleeing the well organized American force. The Romans are driven back to the great Palace of Emporers, head of the Roman government.
From a balcony, Ceaser himself watches the progress of the battle, seeing his military's pride defeated and destroyed by what he had said to his aides was a "puny barbarian force", all the time with a smile growing on his face.
The palace shakes as the Americans move up a battering ram against the main gates. One, two, three and the gates collapse under the pressure of a giant wooden log being rammed against it. A catapult ball destroys one of the Palace's great towers, sending it falling into the city below, and the archers who had been in it flying in all directions. With the collapse of the final gate to victory, the Americans swarm into the Palace stabbing, slicing, clubbing, and shooting everyone who stands in the way.
With the sounds of victory in battle around him and the dimming noise of battle, General Scott runs up the great stairway to Ceaser's chambers. Two of his aides proceed to knock down the door into the chambers and one of them is promptly stabbed by a legionary sword, one of the fifteen ever to have been forged by the Roman Empire. The other aide falls back down the stairs and out of sight as an arrow plunges into his shoulder.
Pushing aside the body of the dead aide, the general pushes his way through the door where he is confronted by a wounded and dying Ceaser. Ceaser, the man who had ordered the burning of St. Louis and the deaths of thousands of Americans in his own territory, now lay before the general. In the Roman's own language, General Scott says, "Thus always to tryants, Ceaser." With one swift blow, the general proceeds to slay the man who had cause such grief upon his nation.
-Lutetia, north of Rome-
The Roman line collapses as American troops swarm through the breach caused by the longbowmen. The Romans begin fleeing, dying in masses as American knights pour down on the retreating force. Another city falls to America.
-Hispalis, far east province of Rome-
Another sandstorm arises, covering the wreckage of the front gate of the city in a layer of sand. On top of the Imperial governor's mansion, the American white star on blue flag flutters in the growing wind. In the south, one can see American horsemen pursuing a retreating Roman army.
-San Francisco-
A great table was set up underneath the towering structure of the newly completed Statue of Zues. At the head of the table is Prime Minister Jefferson of the American Republic. To his left is the Greek ambassador to America, Ptolemy. To his right is the Byzantine Empress and "close friend" of Jefferson, Theodora. At the other end of the great table is a weary looking Roman in legionary armor, the new emporer of a reduced Rome, Marcus Antony. With the signing of the paper on the table, the Romans cede Vicoronium, Byzantanium (built on ruins of St. Louis, and for some odd reason named for the empire to the south), and Pisae to American control and the surrender of Rome to the Allied powers.
At long last the Great Roman War was over.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
January 1, 2004, 05:50
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Posts: 222
Chapter Six – The Carthaginian Assault
A revolution took place in Greece following the American style. A republic was wanted, and Philip was soon to give up his throne in hopes for a better nation. The Republic was founded in Greece on 0 ad/bc. This marks the age change, and on 1 n.g. (New Greece) the new consul, Darius II (son to the former-emperor), was elected into office. He started a line of Consuls that were continuously elected into office for hundreds of years.
The first thing that the new Republic did was funding the massive project of a new palace in Chichen Itza, a palace to rival that of the Imperial Palace in Athens. This would serve as the seat of power to govern the conquered province of Mayaland and restore law to the area. Darius’ son would be the governor of this province, and would reside at this new palace. Also, a fairly good amount of self-governing was granted to the Mayans, they were able to elect their own senators to be represented in the Senate at Athens.
Meanwhile, Darius was beginning the rearmament of Greece and the future campaign against the Carthaginians who had always served as a rival to the Greek empire. He sent squires all across the country that recruited men to join the knight cavalry force, and certainly did not neglect the infantry corp. of medieval weaponry.
A military parade was soon held in Athens itself. Newly invented confetti were thrown from the rooftops of all the homes and buildings as the knights were marched through Athena way, the central street of the sprawling metropolis. People crowded the sides of the streets yelling and throwing flowers out into the walkway. They yelled words of encouragement and nationalistic remarks of Greece. They slandered against the Carthaginians who had for too long inhabited rightful Greek lands. Following the gallant knights came the infantry who were tightly organized into clusters of squadrons and marched completely in unison, with a drum major supporting the rhythm. The parade ended after three hours of marching and the army was then sent to Sparta to do the same thing.
The army then met outside the borders of the city of Theveste. The land surrounding Theveste was undeveloped and unprofitable. The marshes were among the largest marshes in the world, and provided little to no support to the small city that the Carthaginians used to claim the surrounding land. Sentries from Carthage had already spotted the large Greek army and the defenses were already dispatched. Greek intelligence reports large military movement within Carthage. They have sensed their doom.
The Greek general, Pericles, ordered for his army to remain clustered in case of sporadic guerrilla attacks. Among the marshes the men were resting, the general had had a tent set up for himself, and he remain inside with his corporals and the maps of the surrounding territory spread out upon a table. Examining the position, he began to lightly speak to one of the corporals when the horses outside began to neigh loudly and jump up kicking. One soldier was kicked, the others coming to his aid as he lay on the ground moaning. Then out of nowhere arrows caught on fire began to shoot through the camp, landing on flammable material and sometimes piercing a body. Soldiers began to shout and assemble. They were ambushed.
General Pericles whipped open his tent to see a scattered army being attacked from all sides be inferior forces – yet being unprepared, the Greeks were being slaughtered left and right. One man was running for his horse when he fill down with an ax halfway lodged into his back. Another was able to make it to his horse, only to find an arrow in it’s leg, making it useless. Pericles made his way to his armor and put it on, grabbed his sword, and began to cut his way to his horse. One Carthaginian stood in his way, and turned to find Pericles charging at him. Having little time to react, the sword easily sliced through his neck and the Carthaginian was soon looking at the ground. Flipping up onto his horse, Pericles searched for a pocket of soldiers to join and aid, but was unable to find one. Reaching down to the horn, he brought it to his lips and blew the sound of retreat. The knights began to make their way back to Greece, to safety.
Returning to Corinth, Pericles was briefed by his superior that all throughout the attack armies were ambushed similar to how he was. He explained that Darius was already ordering a regroup and the army should be ready to assault and take the city within the year. And so it was successful, and Theveste, along with the useless marshes and sister city to the east, fell to the Greek army.
Similar victories took place throughout Greece as the Carthaginians launched several small counterattacks that were suppose to topple the border Greek cities. Unfortunately they were unprepared for the newest weapon of the Greek army – gunpowder. Musketmen now lined the city walls and filled the city barracks all throughout Greece, as well as all knights were equipped with guns and muskets capable to firing at a high rate. The new cavalry ripped through anything the backwards Carthaginians had, and city after city fell. Soon only three Carthaginian cities were left after the capture of Leptis Minor; Utica, Carthage, and Sabratha.
January 1, 2004, 05:51
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Chapter Seven - The Greek Renaissance and Destruction of Carthage
The discovery of gunpowder was followed by many other discoveries, mostly made by a Roman immigrant to Greece named Leonardo. All throughout Greece people were celebrating a newfound meaning of life and how to live it. The founding of the Republic was really the beginning of the renaissance for Greece, a new form of government was needed for the newfound way of life. The government was of the people and for the people. Most of it was designed by Leonardo himself, but was taken from the American ideas of course.
Within Thermopylae a military redevelopment and shrine was under construction. General Pericles (who later lead the assault on Theveste), with permission from Consul Darius, was beginning a templar of the Knights of Greece. When it was finished it was magnificent; dwarfing anything else the Greeks had ever built. The building was made of mostly marble, giving off an incredible vibe of power and magnificence. The front consisted of four huge columns, which by themselves were double the height that anything else was in the whole empire, even the Palace of Athens. The columns rose to meet with two sides of a tilting roof, which intersected at the top of the structure. The door was made out of thick Macedonian wood that required four men and a intricate system of pulleys to open it. Inside, it only consisted of the main hallway. Marble columns, mimicking those outside, rose to support the roof lining the walls on all sides. At the very end was the shrine dedicated to Athena, goddess of war, and guardian of all knights. The shrine consisted of the coffin of Philip, the first to conjure up the idea of a medieval infantry upon a horse, and the famous emperor who died for his empire in the Great War in the North against the Maya. Along the coffin the walls were dedicated with flowers from all over the world, but mostly from Byzantine which was renown for it’s exotic flowers. The floor itself in this area was made of special metals from the Inca, and the Americans were the ones who supplied the burning incense that would burn for the existence of the structure and the Greek nation. The rest of the hallway was empty, a vast open space, with only murals depicting great battle scenes across the walls, and huge windows that were open fifty feet on the wall. A single step made an echo that seemed like an army was present.
It wasn’t long after the renaissance started when the first caravel was completed in Bonampak – the largest harbor in Greece. Admiral Circes was recruited by the Consul and was granted the funding for an adventure that would circumnavigate the globe – the first human to do it. Taking five ships with him and a crew of nearly two hundred and fifty soldiers (fifty per ship), he set sail west where a people called the Hittites were expected to dwell on a singular island. Upon departing from the last coast of the Incan city Vilcabamba, it took only a week for the ships to reach the Hittite port city of Hattusha. Trade began almost immediately, the new nation was eager for the technologies of the Greek and paid well for some simple technology that was already outdated by Greek scholars. Thus began to inconsistent relationship between the two nations of the Hittites and Greece. Circes continued his adventure, spending only a week on the island nation. Departing into the empty sea, he and his sailors were out in the sea for nearly a month. Mutiny soon swept the ships – men were claiming that they would fall of the face of the Earth, or that they would never reach another coast. A whole ship decided to turn back, and another was lost in a huge storm. Still other people on the remaining three ships died from disease. The admiral himself came down with a serious illness unknown to the ship medics. Luckily the ships reached the American city of Chicago in time, before the Admiral died. He soon recovered, and the treacherous journey came to an end three months later, after coast sailing, at the city where they left – Bonampek. Retelling their journeys, the sailors soon became legends of their time. The one ship that turned back to come home was never heard of.
Back to the man who made all this possible, Leonardo. He was a lonely boy in his child hood, growing up in the Roman capital of Rome before it was annexed to America. Following the battle that finally brought the city underneath America, he soon departed to Greece where he began his research in the library in Athens. Traveling throughout the world, but mostly in the cities of Greece and America, his life became one of a vagrant, a wondrous man in search of answers. He finally found his place in the Greek city of Thermopylae, where his work began to show. First by explaining how iron armor for a horse, and equipped with a man on top was a deadly fighting machine. This attracted the Science Development of the Greek Nation, who soon met with Leonardo and hired him to be the chief researcher of Greece. They funded him to build a magnificent workshop in Thermopylae where he was given enough money to thoroughly test his inventions. He soon led the military development of the Greek army, and discovered gunpowder and how to use it. He died at a miraculous age of ninety three, a very long life. He had started the great Greek Renaissance, which helped propel Greece into the modern age.
Of course during this time of enlightenment a war was still being waged in the south. Carthage was easily being crushed under the heals of the Greek cavalry and was soon reduced to three cities, none of which were Carthage itself, which was taken easily a couple years back. The first assault on “The Big Three” was against Utica where a temporary capital was in place. In the front of these gates, Pericles led an army that was the largest assembly in Greece. Outside the gates of the city, the two armies clashed. With the huge moral and will to survive, the remaining Carthaginians were quite a match. The battle lasted weeks, and soon it was shifted to inside the city, where door-to-door fighting continued. The town soon fell, but not without he largest Greek losses every sustained. All the losses of the war combined was still not as much as the losses in this battle. It would forever be known as “The Slaughter of Utica”.
After Utica fell the other two cities were no match. But what alarmed Darius was the small attack upon captured Carthage. The attack was easily repulsed, but it was an attack of Carthaginian cavalry. Earlier estimates and espionage reported that Carthage was still ages behind the technology needed for the cavalry, and still an even worse economy could not support much research, especially in time of war. Furthermore, the nation failed to posses any horses. This led many questions. The only other nations with the technology for cavalry that could have given it to Carthage were the Incans, Byzantines, and Americans. The Incans were known to not have any spare horses, and the Byzantines were importing their horses from Greece. There was no question, America was supplying horses to Carthage, and probably the technology for the cavalry. Darius soon dispatched the message to the Greek ambassador in Washington, who reported that all the leader of America had to say was that it was not America, and that they would help to find the real culprit. Realizing that a war with America was impossible, Darius ignored the cavalry and sent all armies to invade. Carthage toppled the next year.
Word soon reached to Darius that throughout the war the American populace was in outrage that Greece was invading Carthage. Protests throughout the country against the war was taking place. While Consul Darius still had full support from the government, he knew full well that if the same people wanted to get reelected into power, they had to follow their people’s attitudes. And so the creation of a Carthaginians refugee town was completed in southern America. This was by far the most traitorous thing Darius could ever think of short from war. The refugee camp allowed most of the Carthaginian government to escape and continue power from there. Darius knew that it was time to find knew allies.
Alliances were soon confirmed with the Byzantines, Hittites, and Romans, whom the Greek government allowed a settlement in the conquered territories, New Rome. Likewise, the American government secured alliances with the Incans. Peace was made with Carthage and the populace began to mourn the huge losses inflected from the war. And now a defensive war was being prepared for incase of an American attack. The once great ally of Greece had turned its back.
Chapter Eight – The Great Depression
After the war many soldiers were decommissioned to come home and find little or no jobs, a run-down town, and a failing economy. With war looming over the horizon with America, many were afraid to invest, and even more were afraid to buy. And with the latest scare – a declaration of war by America, but then repealed and noted as a miscommunication with a diplomat – it even deepened the hole. Border troops were now showing up on the ancient unfortified border of Greece and America. The times were dark, and it kept getting darker.
Now referring to the first consul as his ancestor, Darius assumed command over the nation with a reelection into office. The inflation in Greece had reached four hundred percent, the largest in the world. There were many people who didn’t have homes, and even more veterans who were starving on the streets. In Athens alone the streets were crowded with those who could not find work. Looking for ways out of this, and finding sympathy even from a starch ally, Darius was looking for loans. The repayment of a fifty gold loan to America earlier was generously repaid, and the Incans, sympathetic to the Greek depression, bought dyes at a very high price to help the economy. The depression hit full swing at around 490 n.g. The unemployment rate was at a high of 30%.
This was in the midst of a new age, the Industrial Revolution, which made it worse. The Depression lasted years, if not decades, before the projects begun by the government and the loans taken from other nations finally began to even out the economy. One such project was the intercontinental railroad which began in Thermopylae and was planned to his Athens. Thousands of men were employed at put to work. Banks were also being built throughout the nation, including the Great International Bank of Athens, the main bank of the Greek government, and of the Roman treasury. Many other countries, including many of the largest companies in the world which are American, invested in this new bank. However, the most useful thing to end the depression, and which ultimately did, was the discovery of the huge coal deposits in Greece. With the need growing to supply trains world wide, the government began funding huge projects to unearth the unusually large coal deposits – largest in the world – and to sell the surplus to other nations. One such buyer was the Byzantines, who readily paid a hefty sum each year for the coal shipped to their country.
Meanwhile in America, they were going through a time of prosperity. With the new democracy installed, America was at full capacity. Many America goods began showing up in Greek homes, and even their army inventions were common in Greece. The new government promised that it was loyal to its ancient ally, and that the past government was not representing the people. Mends were made, and friendship began to be healed. News of an American expedition reaching the north pole motivated most Greeks to begin to rebuild their nation.
With trading on the rise, tensions lowering, and infrastructure rising, Greece was slowing pulling itself out of the hardest task it has ever faced. The depression was history, and Greece was in the future.
Thanks for reading. (not done…lol).
January 1, 2004, 10:34
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Bring it on
January 3, 2004, 23:59
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Once in a while, one must take a look at what has happened to decide the future. America had grown beyond anyone's wildest dreams. No where else in the world can you find such a modernized nation. Not even the Greeks, the inventors of Steam Power and the heralds of the Industrial Age could even come close to matching American production. In great cities like Chicago, Atlanta, or Seattle, factories worked day and night to produce things faster and cheaper than anywhere else, in many ways thanks to the still only American invention of Replaceable Parts.
All across the newly founded American Union, formed after the democratic reform after the Renassiance, rails cross the nation in ways that no other railways could ever dream of. Unlike the filmsy connections between Greek cities, massive raillines connect to goods, services, mines, and farms, plus the cities themselves. The old journey from Washington to the provincial capitol of Rome, once taking four years to travel through the great deserts of San Francisco andhe mountians of Antium, now takes six days to travel the same distance by train.
Not only has the American Union thrived economically and productively it has progressed culturally as well. During the American Renassaince great writers like Sun Tzu or Shakespheare flocked to major American cities. Great population booms and immigration from third world countries like Rome and Carthage swelled the city of Philadelphia, location of Shakeshpeare's theater. Numerous immigrants from Greece and the Byzantine Empire also arrived in a constant flow across the borders. Philosophers also swelled the ranks of American great thinkers, like Adam Smith or Newton. American inventions slowly took their place on the markets as highest quality goods, surpassing the Greeks who managed to gain a scientific lead, despite even the reforms after the Renassaince which halted scienitific advancement for quite some time.
Not everything was peaceful and productive however. In the days of turmoil and reform of the Republic Government and the Second Roman War, President Monroe attempted to halt Greek expansion and conquest by providing the dwindling Carthaginian nation with horses and technology to build modern cavalry forces, as well as massive monetary support. Despite all this, the Greek advance was slowed, and breifly before his assassination and the installation of the Electoral Colledge and the one man, one vote policy, President Monroe attempted to install a new Carthaginian government in the recently captured Roman city of Neapolis, infuriating the Greek government. For a breif time as Americans allied with Incans, Greeks allied with Romans, Byzantines, and Hittites, and massive military forces were deployed to borders, the world seemed on the brink of the greatest war anyone had ever imagined. Fortunately however for all of the world, the American government managed its reform and formally apologized to the Greek government and removed the Carthaginian government from its final resting place. The Neapolis Incident, the greatest crises ever known, potential devastator of the world, had ended.
As the world advanced forward into an age of peace and prosperity, the Americans leaded the way through the Industrial Age. Despite the Greeks being the first to actually enter the new Age and to discover the secrets of Steam Power and the ideals of Nationalism while the Americans were still in the Late Middle Ages, the newly formed American Union quickly developed the backward conquered Roman provinces and developed new ideas such as Electricity, demonstrated with the new American Ironclads at the World Fair in Athens, and Replaceable Parts for machinery and weapons. American science skyrocketed with Darwin's publishing of the Theory of Evolution in Chinook, quickly followed with new ideas on the composition of matter and other deep scientific thoughts.
Now we reach today. The American Union leads the world in technology, and as new factories, hostpitals, and stock exchanges are built in American cities, production continues to climb to unimagined heights. New American weapons make America invulnerable to invasion or assualt, as no other army in the world can stand to the power of veteran forces, armed with machine guns, flamethrowers, and automatic rifles. The American culture continues to thrive as the universal sufferage movement gains strength in Washington and a great dam is nearing completion in Rome. Cathedrals, temples, and stadiums continue to be built in the developing Far East and Roman provinces.
We look around at the rest of the world. Greece, America's second place competitor, and the other major world power. They led the world into the Industrial Age and no doubt look to do such again if possible. The Incan Republic, the third place world power and possessor of a fairly modern and developed military. The Incans have never been involved in war before, but we cannot see the future. Then the Byzantine Empire, brethren to the Romans and one time allies of America, now allies of Greece. The Byzantines have been sending patrols along the American border and massing relatively large forces in positions to threaten American Union cities. Should these southern Romans want war we will give it to them. Finally there is the Hittites and Romans, the latter a two-city third world nation lagging behind in the Early Middle Ages as the rest of the world advances. The Hittites however are a mysterious nation, who had long ago been involved in a breif naval war with Greece and are isolated from the rest of the nations by the Hittite channel which separates the continent and the Hittite Empire. Only time will tell what effect these reclusive people will have on the world.
There you have it, the world rests at peace. For now at least the nations of the world have stopped fighting and started building. One day though, the peace may break, the question is, who will break it.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
January 4, 2004, 02:06
Local Time: 10:17
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Location: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Posts: 21
very nice story, im loving it, i cant wait to hear the rest, by the way, what kind of victory settings are on, just wanna know what ways you can win, if you have to duke it out in the end, and can i see some more pics of your guys cities and land, thanks, keep up the good work
January 4, 2004, 15:12
Local Time: 15:17
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 75
more pictures will come, also all victory conditions are enabled except for the new Wonder victory included in Conquests.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
January 4, 2004, 15:51
Local Time: 15:17
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 75
Sorry for some lousy quality but i had trouble cutting it down to size so i could upload it.
Here is the provincial key to the American Union as shown with the numbers on the map.
1- America, capitol is Washington.
2- Virginia, Capitol is San Francisco
3- Junglar, Capitol is Viroconium
4- Georgia, Capitol is Atlanta
5- Maine, Capitol is Detroit
6- Arizona, Capitol is Orlando
7- Sardinia, Capitol is Sardica
8- Rome, Capitol is Rome
9- Neapolis
10- Cumae
11- Ohio, Capitol is Pisae
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
January 6, 2004, 14:39
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Location: Staffordshire England
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Interesting stuff please keep it coming
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 19, 2004, 12:43
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Hi Guys,  we are a hungry audience...
Could we have some more please...
January 20, 2004, 00:34
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Posts: 75
waiting on jason
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
January 28, 2004, 02:10
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"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
January 28, 2004, 09:12
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will he be back soon?
January 28, 2004, 21:14
Local Time: 15:17
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Posts: 75
he's on but doesnt want to write it seems, i'll write the next section soon on my own i guess.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
January 28, 2004, 23:52
Local Time: 00:17
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Originally posted by EQandCivfanatic
he's on but doesnt want to write it seems, i'll write the next section soon on my own i guess.
That is a shame that he may not want to write.
Hopefully he will come back to it later.
Good luck with the next section.
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