December 31, 2003, 12:26
Local Time: 10:17
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Alright, since there has been some confusion and probably a screw up on my part I'm going to start posting the link to the most updated files in this thread. I just sent a PM to DanQ to have my upload box wiped out so I can fit more files. This way we can all be on track and fix things using our collective minds. This "don't let anyone know what we're doing" in an open playtest is becoming to much of a hindrance.
Stay tuned, I'll post the newest files soon.
In the meantime, tell me what I'm doing wrong:
@echo off
echo Atomic Eagle Part 1 (V.1.0)
echo (Loads graphic, rules, and event files)
echo (load a chapter according to where you are in the game)
echo Which Chapter do you wish to load?
echo 1. Chapter 1
echo 2. Chapter 2
echo 3. Chapter 3
echo X. Exit without Loading
choice /c:123X Enter your selection
if errorlevel 10 goto done
if errorlevel 9 goto done
if errorlevel 8 goto done
if errorlevel 7 goto done
if errorlevel 6 goto done
if errorlevel 5 goto done
if errorlevel 4 goto done
if errorlevel 3 goto Three
if errorlevel 2 goto Two
if errorlevel 1 goto One
echo Chapter 1
copy events1.txt events.txt
copy rules1.txt rules.txt
copy units1.bmp units.bmp
copy cities1.bmp cities.bmp
DELEVENT Atomic.sav
goto done
echo Chapter 2
copy events2.txt events.txt
copy rules2.txt rules.txt
copy units2.bmp units.bmp
DELEVENT Atomic.sav
goto done
echo Chapter 3
copy rules3.txt rules.txt
copy units3.bmp units.bmp
copy cities3.bmp cities.bmp
goto done
December 31, 2003, 14:43
Local Time: 16:17
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: G. D. of Luxembourg
Posts: 197
i dont think it's the batch is the only problem, maybe your events2 is somehow not working. If I try to reload by renaming it to events.txt it is not recognized in civ2. The batch problem is somehow less important. Try fixing the files, so that we can manually replace them (it does not work yet, imho, i could be mistaken)the batch is 2nd order.
Ceteram Macedonicus
(got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)
December 31, 2003, 15:03
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Events2 should work. I've been able to load it in another beta test before I even opened the the playtest. I dunno, take a look and see if you see something out of place.
December 31, 2003, 15:18
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
Maybe you're right about the map around Israel, it just seems that Jerusalem is too far north. It's a good scenario, though.
December 31, 2003, 15:25
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AHAH! Found the bastard! I had added an aggression command in there and named the Axis Allies just Axis!
Here's the right Events2 file and the correct batch file.
December 31, 2003, 20:53
Local Time: 08:17
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January 1, 2004, 03:25
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Happy New Year everyone! I went ahead and grabbed some free webspace for myself. A website all to my own makes it a lot easier to upload files. As promised, here is the latest download.
The events problem has been fixed, capturing the cities in South America should be easier if not too easy, and chapter 2 should load just as planned.
The win2k bat problem is still on the table as I do not know how to fix it. Please someone take it upon themselves to get some sort of bat file as I only have win98 to work with.
Anyways, keep the suggestions coming, but please focus on game play (such as unit strength, events, easy, hard, etc... Gameplay is my big priority right now.
One big HINT: Don't try to nuke London. They have a superb "air patrol" that will stop any planes carrying a sluggish A-bomb. And no, getting the first A-Bomb plane and nuking New York does not win the scenario. Remember, you are supposed to be a soldier. Follow your orders... Or Elise, the Fuehrer's bodyguard, will stop playing nice.
January 1, 2004, 06:54
Local Time: 16:17
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for Win2k users
I could not upload a file so I had to rename it to Just reverse this process.
Ceteram Macedonicus
(got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)
January 1, 2004, 16:17
Local Time: 10:17
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Ok, unit name mistake. The F-9 Panther portrayed in the game is actually the F-2 Banshee Navy fighter. The F-2 superseded the F-9 as the U.S. Navy's premier fighter. I will make the change and update the download file on my website.
EDIT: Also the Bradley Tank should be the Pershing Tank.
Another EDIT: Some minor grammar and spelling mistakes fixed in the Opening Text file.
Last edited by Harry Tuttle; January 1, 2004 at 20:51.
January 2, 2004, 13:52
Local Time: 10:17
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Ok, to speed up the playtest I'm going to post a save that is right after the switch to the Nazis and after the Abwehr have been disbanded. All you have to do is keep the file named as Atomic.sav and then run the bat program to move on to chapter 2.
And again, I may have to make Caracas easier to capture for the Axis as I was also waiting a while for them to move their units in. But don't worry about that right now. Just worry about fighting off the Americans and British.
January 4, 2004, 10:22
Local Time: 15:17
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Posts: 18
damn! you go away on holiday and look what u miss......
could u please be so kind to post a copy of this to
and yes, i know its a stupid address but i had it since i was knee high to the proverbial grasshopper
Religion is the opiut of the people
Also known as The Limey on Civfan
January 5, 2004, 00:05
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Working on a few new graphics for the Abwehr and Axis rebels. Anyone get a chance to try out the second chapter?
January 5, 2004, 04:09
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Posts: 130
Not yet Harry, only just got the save file, that got me right back on track.
January 5, 2004, 12:25
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Doing a general makeover of the units, names and such. Should have some stuff to show off in a bit.
January 5, 2004, 13:30
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Posts: 130
What is the goal in the Ch2 save you sent us.
January 5, 2004, 15:22
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The goal: The war was started for one reason - to beat the Allies before they can build a huge stockpile of atomic weapons. Your job is to fight the Americans and British, research enough to build an atomic bomber fleet, then finish the Allies off.
Now I hope to make the success of the scenario hinge on two things: Fighting the conventional war and researching enough tech to build an atomic bomber fleet. Both should balance out as the Allies will have superior numbers at first and advanced tech. As the Nazis progress they have the opportunity to build better conventional weapons and get atomic weapons.
As your character is a soldier it is important to follow the orders of Rommel while he is off doing "other things". There will be events in the game that are designed to overwhelm you, but they should be challenging to the usual Civ2 veteran.
Just remember, this is a playtest and not the actual finished scenario. So if something is to hard or to easy just holler and I'll fix it before I release the final 1st Part of the series.
Oh, yeah, it is a series so don't look for a definitive end. You are really just supposed to achieve an objective which will be given to you later in the game. Remember, the Americans are next, followed by the British.
So let me know if the improvements are too expensive, the techs to hard to research, how long it took to take regions, etc, etc...
January 5, 2004, 16:14
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Ok, here's some new stuff. Some are updates, others are new entirely. For use in Atomic Eagle.
January 6, 2004, 15:31
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Posts: 18
just got into chapter 2, and it all looks pretty good to me. Only suggestion i can think of is to make all the axis units unmovable, as all the bloody me-262's seem to home in on one city. unless this is intentional of course...
Religion is the opiut of the people
Also known as The Limey on Civfan
January 6, 2004, 16:45
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Yeah, I may have to try that. I wonder if there is some sort of of situation that makes the AI move units to a certain city. I'll have to work on that... Also I'm doing a little tweaking by myself so far, just some graphics and a few new things I'm discovering while playing. Keep me posted if there is anything you think should be added, changed (unit, tech wise).
I'll make an update later this week to the Beta file with some new things.
January 6, 2004, 19:41
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The whole scenario just looks so blooming good!
This one will be be a classic!!!
January 7, 2004, 19:32
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Atomic Eagle: Part 1 (ver. 2.0) Coming Soon...
it will feature:
New Units!
Better Missions!
Easter Eggs!
and... wait for it... SOUND!
I plan to have Version 2.0 be the final release so please be patient. Thank you for playtesting these past few weeks. I will keep the old files up on the old site for those of you who still have some insights on improvements. All are welcome to comment!
January 9, 2004, 01:35
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Units rearranged on units.gif/bmp for sound. Will be placing units on map tomorrow. Sounds almost gathered...
January 9, 2004, 05:03
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Can't wait!
That helicopter you done is perfect!
January 15, 2004, 17:13
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So, are we ready for release?
What is happening?
January 15, 2004, 21:12
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Just finishing up the sounds now. All new stuff. A few unit touch ups and a few event additions and it'll be ready to go. No date set yet. I rushed myself for the playtest and there were to many bugs. Won't happen this time.
January 16, 2004, 01:21
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January 16, 2004, 10:27
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Thanks Rm!
January 16, 2004, 12:36
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Ok, while working on some playtesting by myself I noticed something odd.
I have an event that gives one of the civs a tech. This tech allows that civ to build a wonder. Problem is that it seems that while playing that particular civ I cannot build the wonder even though I have the tech. In fact, the build window only shows the option to build the wonder if I reveal the entire map through the cheat menu.
The tech in question has no prereq and is only attainable upon completion of the event.
Anyone know what is causing this?
EDIT: Looks like the wonder is in the Darwin slot. It's probably hardwired into the railroad tech...
EDIT: Tried it with another wonder, no dice.
Last edited by Harry Tuttle; January 16, 2004 at 13:10.
January 16, 2004, 18:16
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Be patient with my ignorance, but are Wonders counted as objectives? If so, then IIRC they don't appear on the city build list.
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