Kody: hello
HongHu: hi john
HongHu: haven't finished reading all the threads yet
Kody: kay
HongHu: we do get lots activities lately lol
Kody: talk to you after you've done that
Kody: not all of it good
HongHu: it's ok we can talk
HongHu: I know
HongHu: I've been too busy lately so I missed part of the drama
HongHu: bt you and voltaire and jamski
HongHu: oh how I would have enjoyed trashing him

Kody: he got his revenage back
HongHu: lol
Kody: he alienated the team
HongHu: he's a bit crazy isn't him
HongHu: I could have pampered him a little but didn't have time

Kody: problem is people listen to him
HongHu: oops
HongHu: gtg
HongHu: will be back
Kody: cya
HongHu: tiger's not sleeping tight tonight
HongHu: I need to talk to him
Kody: *nod*
HongHu: I was planning to
Kody: okay then
HongHu: but talked for couple minutes and I had to go
Kody: Jamski alienated the active people from the inactive people
HongHu: don't remember did voltaire told him abou the shaddow?
HongHu: why did he tell him
Kody: yeah it got slipped
Kody: voltaire didn't realise the consequences
HongHu: the shaddow is meant to be in the dark
Kody: I didn't fully realise the consequences too
HongHu: hmmm
HongHu: well we got to deal with it I suppose
Kody: although I think I half realised, because I asked that the cycon decision be made public
HongHu: which one
Kody: basically we have people threatening to leave the hive now
Kody: the cycon pacting decision
HongHu: I have always been posting all the major decisions
HongHu: I think
HongHu: tell me one that we haven't done so
Kody: yeah, but they want to do the decision making too
HongHu: sure which one they did ?
HongHu: were they around then?
Kody: not any specific one
Kody: they just want to be part of the "action"
HongHu: I can make public the numourous PMs I sent to Jamksi asking for his opinions
HongHu: nobody has denied anybody any right to participate in any action
HongHu: we should make this clear as crystal
Kody: honghu I'm so bad at managing people
HongHu: if somebody has not participated in an action
HongHu: it is because he himself didn't participate
Kody: they don't see it that way
HongHu: that's why I said I would have so much fun to thrashing jamski
Kody: octavaian is threatening to leave unless the shadow forum is closed down now
HongHu: that he wouldn't even think aoubt makeing a public thread
Kody: I feel bad
HongHu: if they don't realize what the truth is
HongHu: they can take any action they feel like
HongHu: everybody needs to be responsible for himself
HongHu: I can stand up for myself
Kody: you see, I think that even if they don't contribute the way we like
Kody: they're still important
HongHu: I don't feel bad at all for what we have done
Kody: this is why I wanted you to run things not me
HongHu: I can face all allegations with a straight face
Kody: I don't have the right personality
HongHu: they can accuse us of nothing
HongHu: if you work
HongHu: you will be included in the shaddow
HongHu: it's this simple
HongHu: we can public the membership guidlines
Kody: oh yeah I did a follow up on the shadow ministry issue
Kody: okay that will work
Kody: with buster I mean
HongHu: they have nothing to go after us
HongHu: in the public thread it does make a good RP
HongHu: the shaddow in a police state : D
Kody: I mean I followed up with buster engima's access and that you're human resource manager
HongHu: with buster?
Kody: yep
HongHu: buster said that enigma's been added
HongHu: I told enigma too
HongHu: I think yesterday
Kody: ahh okay cool
Kody: well *looks embrassed*
Kody: I pmed buster this morning again
HongHu: he said something like he added him to the embassy and implied that he forgot about the other one
HongHu: oops sorry
HongHu: should have told you
Kody: it's okay
HongHu: sometimes communications means these little details
Kody: I'm glad that it worked out this way
HongHu: we all need to learn more
Kody: earlier is better
HongHu: lol yes
Kody: voltaire has the access list wrong
HongHu: what do you think jamski is going to do?
HongHu: I know
Kody: we need someone to figure out what is going on with the cycon
HongHu: what has been going on?
HongHu: that's the part I've missed
Kody: jamski gave us voltaire and me that stuff
HongHu: what stuff
Kody: now cycon are apparently concerned
Kody: he gave us PMs or messages from manaic
HongHu: why? concerned about what
Kody: threatening us apparently
HongHu: can you send the pms to me?
Kody: nope
HongHu: oh
Kody: Jamski doesn't keep good records
HongHu: oh you mean he didn't give it toyou
Kody: he just pasted into MSN
HongHu: do you have msn logs
Kody: I think you were in that MSN chat, if you have logging?
Kody: nope
Kody: not supported under IE 5
HongHu: I saw someting about the PMs
Kody: need IE 6 I think
HongHu: but don't think I see the PMs itself
HongHu: I was added in the middle I guess?
HongHu: maybe I need to reread it
Kody: nope at the start
Kody: very short PMs
HongHu: ok will reread it
HongHu: ahh
HongHu: threaten us what
Kody: they say they will declare vendetta
HongHu: gtg again
Kody: if we don't declare vendetta against peace
Kody: okay later
HongHu: must be that yokyo catoon he watched today
HongHu: : (
Kody: should I accept pact from the cycon?
Kody: for now
HongHu: well that was the previous agreement
HongHu: I don't know why they have changed
Kody: they may accuse us of pacting then rejecting in the same turn
HongHu: why do they want us to vendetta against peace
Kody: well if they have threatened us about 80% wants to let them vendetta
Kody: I don't know
Kody: jamski has been telling us this
HongHu: we've told them we are not prepared to do so in the first place haven't we
HongHu: why does he have to mess everything up
HongHu: I can deal with the CCs
Kody: I think he wanted us to pact with the CC
Kody: but he didn't realise we were already going to pact with the CC
HongHu: I will tell them we will still pact with them as we previously agreed
HongHu: but we will also not vendetta against peace as we previously told them
HongHu: the Hive will not bend under any pressure
Kody: did they threaten us, because if they did
HongHu: jamski is so bad at things sometimes
Kody: well a pact with the cycon would have lost all support
HongHu: he wants to help the CCs but didn't know he is hurting
Kody: do you think he made it up?
Kody: I'm not 100% sure
HongHu: I think he had chatted with drogue and manaic
HongHu: and came up a plan which maniac excuted
HongHu: so that would mean that yes they did threaten us
HongHu: it's ok if we accept the pact but keep our stance firm
HongHu: we will not lose our integrity or anything else
Kody: you'll need to sell that to the hive.
HongHu: I will add a post
HongHu: what have others been saying
HongHu: I haven't read it yet
Kody: I was thinking of a different idea, but I'm willing to follow your decision
HongHu: what's your idea
Kody: well I basically decided voltaire was right
HongHu: do you want to publish this chat?
Kody: but I was annoyed at the time
HongHu: what about him
Kody: sure if you want to
HongHu: don't remember what he said
HongHu: I'll see if there's anything that needs to be edited out
Kody: okay here's what I read
Kody: about 4 people stated that if the cycon declared war
Kody: well if the cycon threatened us rather
Kody: we wouldn't pact with the cycon
Kody: then frankychan said
Kody: just pact with the cycon, if they want to declare vendetta let them
HongHu: so kind of my idea
Kody: jamski I think wanted to pact with the cycon and send help against the peace
HongHu: did he realize we don't have anything to send?
Kody: jamski says we'll get crusier and impact and send a large army
HongHu: sure we can get cruisers and impact
Kody: they keep thinking we can get all those things from the cycon and build up the army in time for a war
HongHu: and then we build the army
HongHu: and then oh well that'll be how many turns later?
Kody: but the war will be mostly decided by then
HongHu: 10 turns perhaps?
Kody: 15 if we do it fast
HongHu: lol
HongHu: don't you think it is a good idea

HongHu: actually we can get the cruisers and impact
Kody: 7 if we resign ourselves to not getting MMI first
HongHu: I think it is going to help us
HongHu: I will not do that
HongHu: we need MMI
Kody: I think crusiers and impact can be obtained later
Kody: when they're cheaper to obtain
HongHu: does it really matter if we get it now?
Kody: only if we're going to war
Kody: roze is in freemarket
Kody: I noticed
HongHu: no but I mean the Hive has enough room to store couple cruisers don't we
HongHu: so?
Kody: so I think she'll bombard our units, but hopefully won't be able to attack
HongHu: ok?
Kody: yeah bombarding doesn't destory units
Kody: unless they're sea units
HongHu: I mean what do we have to lose if we tell the CCs that we are not going to help them now since we are not going to break our integrity also we don't have the capability
HongHu: but we wouldn't refuse them gifting us some sea units
HongHu: and if we get them in time and after the peace pact expire we will consider to help with the peace war
Kody: the problem is voltaire and a few others may be annoyed at the cycon
HongHu: why
HongHu: because of the threaten?
Kody: the demand probably lowered everyone's opinion of the cycon by 1 notch
HongHu: jamski's fault again
Kody: you see before the cycon were always friendly towards us, that's why people wanted to pact
HongHu: I wonder why the CCs are so stupid to go with him
Kody: with that gone....
HongHu: and last time I recall I'm still the CC embassador
HongHu: they didn't even consult with me
HongHu: how could they be this stupid
Kody: yeah the real problem outside the hive
Kody: was that voltaire sent an irrate PM
HongHu: do they not know that jamski had not been involved in the game for a long time?
Kody: I should have sent the message
Kody: well they saw that jamski did one of the turns I think
HongHu: do they not know that what jamski could advise them would be totally worthless to them if not actually hurting them?
HongHu: irrate PM?
Kody: voltaire sent an apparently irrate PM
HongHu: I thought I told them that Jamski's not active
HongHu: what does irrate mean
HongHu: I need to talk to them
Kody: it means annoyed
HongHu: my problem is that I'm very busy these few days
HongHu: with my friend going to Iraqe on the 5th
Kody: I tried to query Drogue about the issue, said that voltaire and jamski were at each other throats.
HongHu: I've been running around and away from the pcs
Kody: maybe we should ask mead to act as peace keeper?
HongHu: why mead
Kody: no we need someone active...
HongHu: peacekeeper bt whom
Kody: sorry I was thinking of training people for jobs again
HongHu: that's ok I think
Kody: for both hive and cycon
Kody: someone needs to mend bridges
HongHu: I can do that
HongHu: well if I have time hmmm
HongHu: how well do you know mead
HongHu: would he be able to help
Kody: I know he's not up to speed completely
Kody: however, he knows how to not annoy people when he writes
Kody: which is kindof important
HongHu: yes that's for sure
HongHu: I really think it is more of a communication problem bt CC and us
Kody: he's careful with the words he uses, I noticed
Kody: yeah
Kody: but this communication problem may cost
HongHu: that somebody tries to help but oh well he throwed a stone on his own feet
Kody: anyway whatever your decision I'll back you up
HongHu: so let me try to see if I can talk to these silly guys
Kody: if we are to get through this really difficult issue can't afford to be divided
HongHu: I'd want to go for pact and tell them we can't go to war right now
HongHu: if ever possible
HongHu: within the hive I mean
Kody: I better remove the post that says I agree with voltaire
HongHu: I don't care if the CCs will be pissed
Kody: okay
HongHu: for if they are wise they should know what they should do
HongHu: that's ok
HongHu: you can have your own opinion
HongHu: and if you want to change it later that's perfectly fine too
Kody: first reaction was that
Kody: depends on if they really meant it or not
HongHu: right
Kody: which I'm doubting more and more
HongHu: Have you noticed when are the CCs on most?
HongHu: This is the problem with "hearing things"
Kody: about midnight my time
HongHu: voltaire has the problem
HongHu: CCs have that problem
Kody: that's about 6-7 hours from now
Kody: I have that problem too : (
HongHu: they "hear" things and then second doubt themselves
HongHu: and then make a different decision
HongHu: which may not be a wise one
HongHu: I try to do things consistently
Kody: Jamski has really undermined the authority of the shadow forum too
HongHu: this way you don't need to second doubt yourself
HongHu: it's ok
HongHu: if we have active participation from the hive forum
HongHu: we can make discussions and decisions right here
HongHu: when people lost interest again
HongHu: we'll have the shaddow more active
HongHu: the shaddow's use if for exactly this purpose
HongHu: when people want to work
HongHu: it is what we wanted
Kody: they want the forum either opened or destoryed
HongHu: how can they control that?
HongHu: how are they going to verify that
Kody: yeah, but I not going to lie to them
Kody: are you?
HongHu: if they want it to be opened we can open the record
HongHu: we can copy all the posts here
HongHu: for all to read : d
HongHu: Have fun reading

HongHu: Mr skim post
Kody: I suppose
HongHu: we need to keep that space for further times
HongHu: who can garentee Mr Skimski will not vanish again and abandon his comrades
HongHu: of course I suppose we can set up the shaddow II
HongHu: but it will more hassul for buster
HongHu: and if he is annoyed enough we can sure turn the Drones our enemy : p
HongHu: hold one second
Kody: okay
Kody: Drones are only going to be destoryed by PB's now
Kody: We missed the window where we were more powerful than the drones.
HongHu: dryer
Kody: kay
HongHu: If you leave the clothes there for too long they shrink
HongHu: lol
HongHu: I don't think anybody's seriously considering attacking the Drones
Kody: jamski is
HongHu: otherthan jamski I suppose
Kody: and one or two new members
HongHu: I mean how silly that is to assist somebody to get the best weapon
HongHu: and then try attack him
HongHu: who
HongHu: make the hardest stone
HongHu: and then try to hit it with an egg
HongHu: what a herotic act
Kody: the new members don't realise about the permi-pact
HongHu: see that is the problem
HongHu: but it's ok we can tell them that
HongHu: everyone should have the right to participate in an decision
Kody: I think Frankychan has fairly level headed responses
HongHu: but they should make informed choices
HongHu: I agree
HongHu: well gtg this time
Kody: cya then
HongHu: I will be reading the forum for another 10 minutes perhaps
Kody: i've got to play the turn I suppose
HongHu: and will see if I could post this chat
Kody: kay
HongHu: ok
Kody: sure then
HongHu: cya
Kody: bye