January 3, 2004, 09:31
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First Conquests Win - One City Challenge
or not challenge, I don't know if it was my other cities or not, but this was the easiest game I have ever played (of Civ3)
first I played tiny world, archepegio, 3 opponents
the only resource I started next to was silk, and that is actually the only problem I had through that game (I never even made railroads, couldn't get the coal, although I was having the computer players gain up on one computer player so I could get his coal)
I took off the militaristic victory conditions
I meant to take off cultural, but I forgot (This is how I won btw, I meant to win by space race)
another rule I had it was that no land troop of mine could leave my culture zone
I played with the babylonians
and it was really easy
I ended the game about 1 age above the computer players, and they were only were they were because I gave them techs so that I could trade for some of their resources they were sitting on (and to get them to go to war with this one computer player so that his coal would be freed up)
the 4 science great leaders helped
and this was not playing my best at all, several times I allowed myself to be at 100% tech when I only had 1 turn left before I learned something
and also, I sort of botched the one time I had to fight, and had 5 spots of mine unproductive for many years because they kept being raided by my oponent (I should have had a couple more units, it is not like the cost was too much)
but I mean, they had calvary and I had TOW infantry (and the best tanks if I would have had the resources)
TOW infantry make it a lot easier to play with low resouces BTW, so that was a nice change
this is like the first time I have gotten into the modern age since the first year Civ3 was out
if I had done the space race like I planed there might have been some issues, there were no aluminum in my radius so I would have to figure out a way to get it from one of my oponents (not sure if it would be possible, I could only find 2 sources on the map (but I didnt' look everywhere))
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 3, 2004, 10:54
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good job...
what level did you play on?
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January 3, 2004, 13:39
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Well, disable military victory was a bit of cheating.. I know a few people who have pulled a win out of this, usually cultural or diplomatic in Monarch difficulty w/o modifying any game settings like that. Not saying it wasn't an accomplishment but, you said yourself it was an easy game.  Also, try it on a map where the comp's are all around you on a continent and its a whole lot harder.
Another brilliant Idea from the think tank. Sure, why don't ya both come up. We'll put the prisioner on the honor system, have 'er guard 'erself.
January 3, 2004, 16:32
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does it affect AI behavior? I didn't know that
I just wanted to make sure that there was no way I would win by conquest
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 00:40
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This makes me want to see if I can win a OCC on Sid level. I will use standard settings across the board and see how that works. I will have use a random civ but I will have to allow myself the choice of three starting positions. Off to try it...
January 4, 2004, 03:32
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I really doubt this is possible with standard settings but, good luck. I'd love to be proven wrong here.
Another brilliant Idea from the think tank. Sure, why don't ya both come up. We'll put the prisioner on the honor system, have 'er guard 'erself.
January 4, 2004, 04:00
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try the not moving outside of the city radius
it complicates things
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 04:01
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I am going to try it again
larger world, with 5 competitors (shuold still be pretty fast)
allow all victory conditions
and never move a land troop outside of my culture radius
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 04:04
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Originally posted by ~Vodka~
Well, disable military victory was a bit of cheating.. I know a few people who have pulled a win out of this, usually cultural or diplomatic in Monarch difficulty w/o modifying any game settings like that. Not saying it wasn't an accomplishment but, you said yourself it was an easy game. Also, try it on a map where the comp's are all around you on a continent and its a whole lot harder.
sorry, I did play continents
and I am not aware of how disabling military victory is cheating unless teh computer plays differently according to teh victory conditions?
other than the victory condiitons, I din't modify any settings
JonM iller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 05:20
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It does...
January 4, 2004, 06:11
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trying it again but on demigod, small world (5 opponents)
all victory conditions enabled
this level seems a bit harder
I wasn't ahead of the computer in tech until I was out of the ancient age
but than I decided to try to fight a single horseman off with 3 warriors, and lost
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 07:28
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another unsuccessful attempt
this time I was babylon
I as about standard through philosphy, got it and traded for techs I missed (and code of laws which is what I picked up with philosophy)
but than republic took me forever, and by the time I finished learning that I was irreparably behind and I never caught up for the rest of the game
I wasalways 4-9 turns behind someone else in getting a technology, and the AI was too interested in trading (for the backwards nations)
I did still get the first two important WW, the collosos and the masualeum
I missed the observatory and newton's university (I think you have to have these to keep up or get ahead), and I may have gotten shakespeare's theater (the game ended when the country that I went to war with to gte some technology came by and slaughtered me)
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 15:58
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I'v made ~10 attempts since my first post at this:
6 in Sid
1 in Demi God
rest in Monarch.
Typically the larger the map, the longer I lasted.
None have worked out for me with standard settings. IMO, its not possible anymore. On many occasions I had all the lux i needed for trades, got iron for upgraded defenders, appeased the AI's at every request, yet still the farthest I made was to the beginning of the industrial age where like in every other game I was sneak attacked by the AI civ that surrounded me. I never lasted for more than a few turns as the amount of pikemen/muskets one can afford to keep up on one city income is not that high (I think at the best I had 6 muskets and 3 pikes, breaking even)
I honestly believe that the only reason Sirian(See this link: http://sirian.warpcore.org/civ3/game7.html) got a win out of his One City Challenge was that he was playing Civ3 classic, not Conquest. In all my games I never once got a fair deal out of any AI for tech.. I never gained a tech lead except for a few points in Moncarch games wich were promptly followed by my destruction.
In short, Im really fed up with this, if someone else can pull this off with standard settings, my hat is off to you.
Another brilliant Idea from the think tank. Sure, why don't ya both come up. We'll put the prisioner on the honor system, have 'er guard 'erself.
January 4, 2004, 20:45
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I might try it going back to tiny again
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 4, 2004, 20:52
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all victory conditions on
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 5, 2004, 06:33
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I think I might try one out later
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January 5, 2004, 06:38
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another try
everything turned on
opponents included Sumer and Persians
did better, I was getting unlearned techs (by anyone) all the way tell the last
when Sumer just decided to take me out
I reallly should have defended my city better (I just left the hopliets there and had no barracks)
they were cautious with me, I think I need to work on keeping the AI off my back
I think to do so (The game I won in), is to influence the AI to attack eachother often
I died 1 turn away from the industrial age
Tthe only of the 5 early wonders I try for
Mauseleum or Hanging Garders (does the same for one city, but Hanging Gardens costs more)
that I missed was newton's
don't know how I would have ended pu
KPm io;;er
Jon Miller-
January 5, 2004, 06:40
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one thing I did was after getting philosophy I didn't head straight for republic
I made a detour to get Literacy
not sure if it was worth it
but I know that in the past I have had the problem that Republic is too slow when I get to it
and this time it wasn't
because I didn't fall behind there
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 5, 2004, 06:41
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oh and it is key to get democracy first
the computer rates it highly, and will give oyu a lot of the techs that you missed for it
Jon Mliler
Jon Miller-
January 6, 2004, 00:01
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Here's my first demigod game:
standard, pangaea 60% water, raging barbarian, other random;
I'm Byzantines, other 7 opponents are random (unkown yet), most aggressive. default rules except no culture link.
Starting position is as below:
January 6, 2004, 00:06
Local Time: 23:31
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Here's the save. Anyone interesting in it?
Game rules are modified a bit:
removed "Explore" command from settler/worker/tactical nuke/all ground artillery units/leader;
added "Airlift" command to scout/explorer/all ground artillery units/all king units/leader;
added "Foot Unit" flag to scout/explorer/leader/all king units;
Marine: 120 shields --> 110 shields;
Modern Paratrooper: 6/11/1, land offense --> 6/13/1, land offense and defense;
Musketman: 60 shields --> 45 shields;
Rifleman: 4/6/1, land offense and defense --> 4/7/1, land defense;
Mech Infantry: land offense and defense --> land defense;
Modern Armor: 120 shields --> 140 shields;
Cannon: bombard 8/1/1, 40 shields --> bombard 8/1/2, 60 shields;
Carrier: 1/8/7, Mass Production --> 1/8/6, Advanced Flight;
Battleship: bombard 8/2/2 --> bombard 12/2/2;
AEGIS Cruiser: bombard 6/2/2 --> bombard 8/2/2;
Stealth Fighter: removed Smoke-Jaguar from stealth attack targets list;
Impi: land offense and defense --> land defense;
Musketeer: 60 shields, land offense and defense --> 45 shields, land defense;
Privateer: removed require support flag;
Conquistador: 70 shields --> 60 shields;
Hwach'a: bombard 8/1/1, 40 shields --> bombard 8/1/2, 60 shields;
Guerilla: bombard 3/0/1 --> bombard 5/0/1;
Javelin Thrower: added bombard 1/0/1; enslave as worker --> enslave as warrior;
Cruiser: bombard 7/1/2, 160 shields --> bombard 8/1/2, 150 shields;
Curragh: added unload flag; naval power --> naval transport; (change for AI)
Paratrooper: land offense --> land offense and defense;
TOW Infantry: bombard 6/0/1 --> bombard 10/0/1;
Republic free unit per town/city/metropolis: 1/3/4 --> 1/2/2;
Coastal Fortress naval bombard defense: 8 --> 24;
January 6, 2004, 00:09
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well, it's here.
January 6, 2004, 03:40
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I will stay by watcing reports
probably no more attempts by me for a while
wow, you did change a lot of things, were all neccesary?
Jopn Miller
Jon Miller-
January 6, 2004, 10:45
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ok I just tried one, started without freshwater though, that was a pain...
small world, pangea, emperor 6 civs including me... I played the babs...
I built the Colossous, Great Library, Sistines, Copernicus and was on my way up on the tech tree towards shakespears but then the french attacked me just after I made a deal with them for banking..
I thought it was pretty fun though, think I´m gonna try one more...
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January 6, 2004, 10:45
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edit: DP
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Last edited by Fatwreck; January 6, 2004 at 10:50.
January 6, 2004, 10:46
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Edit: aaargh the submit reply button was not working so I pushed it a few times more than needed, sorry
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January 6, 2004, 10:48
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tried some more, stepped down to monarch but it just went worse
I´ll try one more later then I´ll give up
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Last edited by Fatwreck; January 6, 2004 at 11:25.
January 6, 2004, 11:49
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don't give up...
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
January 6, 2004, 19:10
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made another try at emperor, by far my most successful game (weird that I do better on emp then on monarch)yet... got five wonders, but got waaay behind in tech at the end of the Middle ages... got ripped of on both copernicus and Shakespear by a couple of turns...
I probably would have won a cultural victory (I had 6000 culture when the game ended) but as in all other games someone attacked me and this was the final thing I saw:
friggin germans
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January 7, 2004, 04:15
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Originally posted by Jon Miller
Jon Miller
Ye Gods! What did you do? I can't imagine ever being ahead on ANYTHING in a OCC on any level! I would very much like to see a screenshot of your successful attempt, and maybe a clue or two for those of us awestruck at someone who can win EASILY on Emperor - let alone with just one city!
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