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Old August 15, 2000, 17:44   #1
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Is it possible to catch up?
I have been learning the MP tricks for about a month now, and it seems to me that there comes a point in the game where it seems unlikely that any of the other players can catch up. I would like to see some suggestions for catching up to a player who has the following:

1. 10 more cities that any other player.
2. Leonardo's Workshop
3. Two happiness wonders (Hanging Garden's and Michelangelo's Cathederal)

Assume that this is a 4 player game.

The one obvious possibility is for the 3 other players to go to war against the leader... but do they really have a chance?

You may wonder how did these losers get themselves into this mess... Well I know I was working hard to get to the same position as the leader, but I was just a few turns behind on the early happiness wonders and never could catch up. Perhaps we should have gone to war with the leader earlier. If you think so, when would you start ganging up on a leader?

I play chess, and in that game when your opponent gets a large advantage it is considered good form to resign the game. At what point in CIV2 MP is it considered hopeless, and the best thing to do is to surrender and start a new game?

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Old August 15, 2000, 18:08   #2
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Change your goals... Go for communism and then espionage... Vet Spies are the great equalizer.
And while in communism, use it. Go to war.
Swamp him with units. Yeah, all three of you can go for his throat, but realistically, two people on different fronts can drive him nuts. If he beats you to nukes, and you don't have SDI's yet, it is probably over... But make sure you have a city of his that hasn't had a science stolen by a diplo. A vet spy can steal repeatedly from a single city as long as a diplo didn't raise the steal flag. You can make life miserable for him.

Good Luck!
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Old August 15, 2000, 18:39   #3
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Well Epik I've been in similar situations myself in the last few months, and in that same situation in my present game. In the past the other players have resigned to the leaders greatness but this time I think I'm going to continue and knaw away at his toes until his empire falls to me. to go.

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Old August 15, 2000, 19:13   #4
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Alliances-the great equalizer.No hope without a strong,all out cooperation alliance I'd say.

2 working together can race thru the tech tree.3 are even better.

Trade-caravans=science and gold for bribing,rushing units,stealing wonders.

Diplomats/spys-the poor mans science program.

SABOTAGE-NO DEFENSE-a civ can be in ruins in 2 or 3 turns.
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Old August 15, 2000, 19:21   #5
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The biggest problem is if you're on the defense...
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Old August 15, 2000, 19:28   #6
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Did you said Leonardo's Workshop?
Wait until he discover new military tech and strike with veteran army that very turn since all of his defenders are non-vet now.
Make sure you strike on some vital cities and keep earning expirience so you can prevent him to have 2 happiness wonder next time.
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