January 15, 2004, 17:23
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Well, they clog up the map, but why not?
The infantry are cannon-fodder anyway...
January 15, 2004, 17:28
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I'm just talking about infantry specific to India, not moveable infantry for the Jihadists.
January 15, 2004, 17:35
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The only way to do that would be to drop the Centurion tank and using the slot to give the Idians an inf...
Whadya think?
January 15, 2004, 17:50
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I'd get rid of the French trooper.
With the Swedish and Greek extra forces, the UDO has 4 types of infantry to choose from.
Edit: be back in a little bit. Need to get offline for a while.
Last edited by rmsharpe; January 15, 2004 at 17:55.
January 15, 2004, 18:54
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Whoops, seven types if you include the immobile British, French, and Germans that you can't build but already have.
January 15, 2004, 19:45
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Somehow, I knew you would advocate eliminating the French trooper!
That said, he is the easiest to supplant with something new for another civ...
I will look into the possibilities...
January 15, 2004, 20:24
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...what am I supposed to combat the "modern"-ish Soviet tanks (the T-72 or whatever it is) with? My T-48s are getting it handed to! The Red Menace is strong! Damn them!
January 15, 2004, 21:08
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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January 16, 2004, 01:17
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The reason for axing the French soldier is that the British troops are spread out to other places like India and the Reichswehr are unique because they'll make an early appearance. The French though just don't seem to have much gameplay significance. Replacing them with generic UDO infantry really shouldn't be a problem.
January 16, 2004, 23:30
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I totally agree, dude.
I am in the process of making a unique Indian tech and unit...
I will ditch a superflous naval aero or sea tech and reload the new zip sometime on Saturday!
Stay tuned!
@Art of War:
Courage is your best shield now!
January 17, 2004, 02:32
Local Time: 09:34
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Originally posted by curtsibling
@Art of War:
Courage is your best shield now!
...so helpful Curt!
January 17, 2004, 02:37
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Here's how the world looks at the end September 1948 playing as the USSR:
Color Key
Red: under direct Soviet control.
Orange: under WARPAC control.
Green: Poland. Warsaw controlled by WARPAC, Gdansk by USSR.
Dark Green: Since this area is unoccupied except for by my units crossing there, it's under de facto Soviet control.
Purple: China (both Communist and Nationalist)
Brown areas are still part of the free world or controlled by jihadists.
Shanghai and Hong Kong have been taken by Soviet forces and will not be turned over to Mao's forces.
Alaska: Soviet forces will launch operations into Anchorage beginning in either October or November.
Athens: WARPAC forces are doing some heavy lifting against the Greeks, but once they've finished the dirty work, Soviet paratroopers based on Cyprus will fly in and take Athens for ourselves.
India. I'm pushing Soviet forces up downward to take control of the rest of India. The subcontinent will be under total Soviet control by the end of the year.
Libya: Soviet forces have taken Tobruk and will continue on to Tripoli, and all the way to Gibraltar where the North African Soviet armies will meet up with armies in Gibraltar.
Additional Notes
Except for Iceland and French Guiana, the UDO has no areas left.
Outside of that, I don't really have that much else planned. Eventually, I intend on getting to South America and Iceland to wipe out the rest of the UDO forces, after I take North America though.
By the time myself, China, and the WARPAC are left, I'll do some editing of the game and attack them both and conquer the world.
January 17, 2004, 10:28
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I was doing quite well as the UDO, until I foolishly traded something to the Western Democracies in exchange for "Anti-UDO Propaganda".
Aargh! Now I can't build any of my good units!
January 17, 2004, 13:56
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Posts: 130
Curt, I received a message from the terrorist fresians threatening to raze my city. Surely you can make it Al-Queda, Ansar al-Islam, ETA, IRA, and Abu Sayyaf?
January 17, 2004, 21:59
Local Time: 07:34
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, etc.
January 18, 2004, 04:56
Local Time: 16:34
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How did I forget them. And that was just when them became a problem.
January 18, 2004, 05:23
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Well, it's 1950, and I've finished off the rest of the Warsaw Pact and Chinese forces, so...
Prepare for the New World Order!
January 18, 2004, 06:27
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The UDO gets a bunch of disbanded troops on the first turn(probably becouse the soviets fill up their city arii).
Also it seems a bit silly that Swedish entry into the war brings infantry, sure those are our elite units, but I can't imagine they'd be better than other nations elite units (and they'd definatly be more expensive due to our low population, there are more people in London or Paris than in our entire country). How about having a Swedish ship or air unit instead? We made our own submarines and planes during the cold war as I recall (we built loads and loads of jet fighters for instance, creating the bizare situation of a small Sweden with the fourth largest airforce in the world in the 60s or 50s).
You allready have many air units in the game though, so I suppose naval units would be preferable...
Also how come the UDO controll southern and nothern sweden?
Also I'd try to make anti-udo propaganda untradable. The democracies will ask you if you want to trade for the tech democracy. Then when you are to chose a technology only anti-udo propaganda is available (unfortunatly you can't cancel this dialouge either).
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
January 18, 2004, 08:46
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Originally posted by rmsharpe
Well, it's 1950, and I've finished off the rest of the Warsaw Pact and Chinese forces, so...
Prepare for the New World Order!
You bring great glory to mother Russia!
January 18, 2004, 08:47
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Originally posted by Art of War
...so helpful Curt!
It worked for Gandalf in ROTK, it works for me!
January 18, 2004, 08:49
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Originally posted by Paul Hanson
I was doing quite well as the UDO, until I foolishly traded something to the Western Democracies in exchange for "Anti-UDO Propaganda".
Aargh! Now I can't build any of my good units!
My bad, I will make all anti-whoever' techs a no preq!
This means there will be no way to trade them!
Reload or use the cheat menu to remove that tech - getting it was not your fault!
January 18, 2004, 08:53
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Originally posted by rmsharpe
Here's how the world looks at the end September 1948 playing as the USSR:
Color Key
Red: under direct Soviet control.
Orange: under WARPAC control.
Green: Poland. Warsaw controlled by WARPAC, Gdansk by USSR.
Dark Green: Since this area is unoccupied except for by my units crossing there, it's under de facto Soviet control.
Purple: China (both Communist and Nationalist)
Brown areas are still part of the free world or controlled by jihadists.
Shanghai and Hong Kong have been taken by Soviet forces and will not be turned over to Mao's forces.
Alaska: Soviet forces will launch operations into Anchorage beginning in either October or November.
Athens: WARPAC forces are doing some heavy lifting against the Greeks, but once they've finished the dirty work, Soviet paratroopers based on Cyprus will fly in and take Athens for ourselves.
India. I'm pushing Soviet forces up downward to take control of the rest of India. The subcontinent will be under total Soviet control by the end of the year.
Libya: Soviet forces have taken Tobruk and will continue on to Tripoli, and all the way to Gibraltar where the North African Soviet armies will meet up with armies in Gibraltar.
Additional Notes
Except for Iceland and French Guiana, the UDO has no areas left.
Outside of that, I don't really have that much else planned. Eventually, I intend on getting to South America and Iceland to wipe out the rest of the UDO forces, after I take North America though.
By the time myself, China, and the WARPAC are left, I'll do some editing of the game and attack them both and conquer the world.
Brilliant work!
We peoples of the democratic commie states sing your name as we build tractors!
So, retrospectively, do you think defence values of all units could be harder?
Should this war be more drawn out and difficult?
Or is a quick slash and burn war what is required?
Let me know, gentlemen!
January 18, 2004, 13:09
Local Time: 17:34
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About what Henrik said, Sweden has one of the best airforces in the world during the cold war
January 18, 2004, 15:30
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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It wasn't one of the best, but pound for pound, it was better than the Soviets' Air Forces.
January 18, 2004, 15:38
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Location: The European Union, Sweden, Lund
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All fighters no bombers, but 4th biggest in numbers all the same. Consisting of almost exclusively home built fighters.
Not lobbying for the inclusion of lots of swedish fighters  Just trying to point out alternatives to having swedish infantry as a unit for the UDO as that seems kinda silly for above mentioned reasons
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
January 18, 2004, 17:33
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Curt, the unit I used almost exclusively for invading territories was the partisan unit. The 9 attack, 3 move (x4 to 12 for the all roads trait) and 30 shield cost made it the almost exclusive unit to build. Guards were used to get the small island provinces.
There is no advantage to building the Popkov bomber over just regular bombers. Regular bombers have a higher attack and the same other stats as the Popkov.
Did you intend to make the MiG-Z a "regular" type fighter (one that can take off, attack multiple times, and land) or the bomber (one attack per turn) style?
But, I didn't play on deity though, so I may have had an advantage from playing on the king level.
The last thing is that I don't get why Buenos Aries is under U.S. control. Maybe put it under rebel control, since Peron had many fascist and socialist tendencies, his "third position" between capitalism and communism. Kind of an Argentine nationalist.
January 18, 2004, 19:19
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Originally posted by Henrik
All fighters no bombers, but 4th biggest in numbers all the same. Consisting of almost exclusively home built fighters.
Not lobbying for the inclusion of lots of swedish fighters Just trying to point out alternatives to having swedish infantry as a unit for the UDO as that seems kinda silly for above mentioned reasons
I guess a Swedish fighter would not hurt!
If anybody wants to suggest one, and give me a unit!
January 19, 2004, 00:23
Local Time: 07:34
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
I don't know, however, Argentinia was in the OAS, so it would make sense if they were at least allied with the US.
January 19, 2004, 05:57
Local Time: 17:34
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Did anyone say something about a Swedish fighter? I could offer a Saab J-29 Tunnan
January 19, 2004, 12:27
Local Time: 15:34
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Posts: 937
Nice fighter
Ahhh yes, the Sweedish fighter you made your Nilat's Red Lion scenario, definatly my favorite of all the period jet fighters.
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