March 24, 2004, 01:32
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Fire Warrior? i haven't played it, but i heard it kinds sucked ass... typical lackluster performance from GW....
in other news i finished the lads, and even got to take them out on a test run. it ended badly. against eldar, at 2:1 model ratio... i was killed to the man. granted i didn't have but twenty minis on the board... and he had about 40... but still... damned banshees made quick work out of my leader.
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March 24, 2004, 13:42
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the lads in action.
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March 25, 2004, 12:44
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Cool, do you always play space marines? What races are the hardest to play in your opinion? Eldar requires that you use mobility to the max I suppose bit I haven't played with for example Tyranid so it would be interesting to know where the different factions differ in general gameplay.
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
March 26, 2004, 10:20
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i've only played marines at this point. this is a second generation army, too. meaning there will be more marines to paint, to come.
but from what i can tell, eldar don't rely on their mobility as much as say, the tyranids, or dark eldar do. tau are also a very mobile race. the only problem with tau is that your average fire warrior has a BS of 2. guardsmen hit on 3+ and that's saying something.
as for the others... i guess they're still by and large the same, or at least similar. i haven't been playing much lately, although that's going to change as my roommate is going to start playing third edition like the rest of the world. he's exceptionally biased towards second edition, but he wants to play... so, it's not like he's got much of a choice.
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March 26, 2004, 12:01
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mmm.... forgeworld 40k scale scorpion tank. sooo much better than the last one they did. it actually looks like an eldar tank this time....
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March 27, 2004, 22:12
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i've finished my marines. i'm still working on my chaplain, and another veteran sergeant. more heavy weapons are to come, too. although they'll be a little more animated, as i've cannibalized my assault squad for the bodies. but for those that have begged for better pictures, here they are... until i can get my cousin to take some uber high quality pics.
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March 28, 2004, 16:47
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Pretty nifty. No terminators?
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
March 28, 2004, 19:02
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not yet. they're getting a resculpt late this year or early next... i've got enough to keep me busy paintwise... i'm going to finish up my dark angels, and move onto my guardsmen. when the new terminator minis are released, i'll pick up a squad or two.
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April 2, 2004, 12:46
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and one with a flash. it looks like a battle shot.
so my main commander is finished, and i'm working on a junior inquisitor... hopefully i'll be able to get around to finishing all those half done vehicles, too. and ugh. my dreadnought. i so don't want to paint that thing for some reason. but, i'm almost there. the bulk of the work is finished.
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April 2, 2004, 14:33
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 Damn how long does it take you to make+paint these ?
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
April 2, 2004, 14:48
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interrogator-chaplain maynard [previous post] took me about ten hours to paint and assemble. basic marines [above] take anywhere between three and five hours, depending on random factors.
sergeant hamlet took about twelve hours to assemble and paint. he is a favorite of mine, as is Chaplain Maynard is quickly becoming.
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April 4, 2004, 21:06
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April 5, 2004, 03:00
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WOW! I love Mr Skullhead the chaplain
You know why you don't want to paint the Dread - its got a HUGE surface area of flat panels, and then loads of details as well. Its going to be a PITA.
April 5, 2004, 15:06
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i did a wave serpent and was enraptured by it. and my forgeworld order has come in, so i can star ton my lieutennant and grand master...
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April 21, 2004, 07:45
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started on the grand master... and one man in his retinue. it's hard to beleive that i'm nearing completion of my army. i want to get some landspeeders, an attack bike squad... a few more heavy weapon marines and a preadator tank to round out my heavy support choices. i've got two dreadnoughts already, so maybe a full squad of terminators once the new ones are released. also, i'm in the planning stages of converting a librarian from the ezekiel model...
but the daemonhunters are my priority starting in may.
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May 4, 2004, 22:03
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the guardsmen are coming. 5 of 40 assembled.
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May 5, 2004, 03:03
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I always look forward to these updates.
/me grabs a good seat *
Anyway, on the general subject of the thread, does anyone know anything about "Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn of War" The screenshots look beautiful, and the no-harvesters system sounds interesting. Anyone know what races and units will make the game?
May 5, 2004, 03:57
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Damn do some of you spend a lot of money on those models. I always just used Lego men, Risk pieces, a stuffed animal or two for the big things and whatever else I had on hand. Played a good bit of Warhammer (the medieval one, not the space one) with my brother that way.
I almost always played Skaven against his Chaos, and I just loved smoking the giant monsters he always blew most of his points on with warplock jezzels, except for the time when I let him have as many points worth of critters and he made his entire army able to fly
Stop Quoting Ben
May 5, 2004, 17:44
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no idea. i'll troll Portent and Dakka dakka to find out.
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May 31, 2004, 15:07
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current timetable of events:
october 2003 - april 2004 dark angels. 90 percent completed.
i've just got some odds and ends to finish up. i want to do a librarian conversion, add some more heavy weapons, and finish a squad of landspeeders, and a squad of attack bikes. edit: also new terminators when they come out.
may 2004 - october 2005 daemonhunters. 40 percent completed.
one squad of terminators, one squad of knights in power armor completed. working on the first full platoon, and i plan to do another. need stormtroopers, and to finish my leman russ conversion.
december 2005 - december 2006 eldar. preliminary planning.
mostly so i can field those wonderful superheavy tanks from forgeworld.
winter 2007 thousand sons. preliminary planning.
i've got a nice color scheme planned out, but that's about it.
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May 31, 2004, 18:06
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Winter 2007????
Who can plan their life that far in advance?
I don't even know where I'll be living next month.
May 31, 2004, 22:40
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just giving myself ample time to complete my projects, jamski. i have some preliminary figures done on my daemonhunter guardsmen, i may post them in a few.
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June 1, 2004, 20:51
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Words fail me SB. I can only repeat myself - these figures are too sweet to game with.
The GK terms are fantastic. I have to admit that the new minatures lack some of the "bulk" that made the old GK models so cool, but they kinda make up for it with the snazzy angles and styling.
Way to go, man!
Just one thing - shouldn't they have their names written on the "scroll" on the right pauldron?
June 1, 2004, 21:20
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i'm not good at lettering. they should, but i'm going to have a friend of mine do it for me... like the servo skull on the grand master? he's going to have another one too at the top of that other post.
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June 13, 2004, 23:07
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terminators are finally being updated! YAAAY! some Work in Progress sneak peaks.
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June 13, 2004, 23:08
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without helmet
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July 6, 2004, 12:08
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forgeworld is releasing "mortis" pattern dreadnoughts. a few years ago during their "hunt for the fallen" battle tour (which i of course took part of, and even had my picture published in white dwarf), they had a peculiar dreadnought named saul. he was armed with a pair of twinlinked heavy bolters. they're now releasing this style in heavy bolter and autocannon flavors.
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July 6, 2004, 12:09
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autocannon dreadnought
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August 11, 2004, 12:26
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been a while since i've updated. i'm currently working on finishing up the last few bits of my dark angels. i may even get to my dreadnought soon. but right now it's heavy weapons. i'll post as soon as i'm done.
i've also gotten my girlfriend into painting... she's doing a pair of unicorns. i'm also doing the new morgan la fey model for her... she doesn't know it though... it started out as a birthday present, but will likely end up a christmas present for her.
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