February 8, 2004, 12:17
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Yes easy with hindsight I agree, but my main cities were a long way from the spare land and it was easier to expand across the water to the other island early in the game, plus I hadnt met Toni by then. Some of the spare land did have cities but they had been raised to the ground by Toni lol.
February 8, 2004, 18:28
Local Time: 16:42
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Yeah thats fair enough then. Have you noticed how different the map looks too when you dont have time to stop and place TI's all over? I think these settings are pretty much ideal, an early (effective) war is possible and with good players its very possible it will go to Tanks.
I just played a game with Quimby and we went right upto Economics/Internal Combustion, before i decided to surrender because i ran out of land with 30 cities in Communism, thats my excuse anyway. Its a shame only 5 cities can matter so much, I said if he had more prod. than me id surrender, i had 8000 he had 13000. Although i was in front in science, at the expense of getting average size cities... Good game.
February 8, 2004, 22:53
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EPW & I have started our 1st tournament game and are in the early stages, have played about 3 hours. Continuation will probably be 11pm GMT Monday.
February 9, 2004, 01:58
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Hey EPW wona start a game tonight, i see that your are online, if so answer me or come to the lobby.
February 10, 2004, 23:51
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Epw you free tonigh? Am in the lobby
February 11, 2004, 00:45
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Sorry, I have things to do  Barley and I continued our game and now I am a bit behind in my work , but its been well worth it. I was able to raze/capture some of his cities but I think its only a matter of time before I'm crushed.
"Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse." -Christopher Hitchens
February 11, 2004, 01:54
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Well i played Quimby, total playtime was around 5 and a half hours.
We met quite early, maybe 100 turns, the first real military contact was Quimby's attempt to land Warriors on one of my isolated islands, but i had Knights there ready. After that i eventually gained naval supremacy with fire triremes and that led to me capturing one of his one-city islands. Later i caught one of his main continent cities unguarded but lost it next turn.
We experienced alot of crashes at this point, and i CTD many times when i was terraforming so it was resynching, so we decided to end game, as a draw to replay or a winner. We swapped maps, had a little chat lol and Quimby agreed i was too far ahead so agreed to me winning.
Thanks for the game Quimby, hopefully we can play to the end next time.
February 11, 2004, 20:36
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EPW, really sorry I didn’t turn up for the game tonight. I was sitting around waiting and lay down for 10 mins at 8.50 as was going to video something at 9.00 GMT. Just woke up and its 12.30 GMT. Just checked lobby lol (didn’t think youd still be waiting though).
I can play any time tomorrow (Thursday) night, just post what time you will be free and I will be there (will set an alarm lol).
Once again, sorry. I was looking forward to the continuation to.
February 11, 2004, 20:43
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Toni, sorry ive not been around, its just ive been having continuations with EPW every night. Our game is hotting up now and as EPW says im under the cosh a bit. Not sure about the ‘crushing him’ bit but we will see.
Maq/Q, was that a tournament game / or you just not counting it as an official result because of the crashes / resynchs?
February 11, 2004, 21:04
Local Time: 16:42
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We decided it was an official win for me and we agreed it would be a waste of time to disgard the result we decided, as i was in front anyway. As i said at the time, if Quimby had more land to expand in for Fascism i would have agreed to a restart of the tie, but at the time we stopped i was in Fascism, had Ocean Faring IIRC and was researching Cavalry, while he was in Theocracy.
When you complete your game with EPW, Barley ill post a decent looking table.
February 11, 2004, 22:13
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Ok Maq, I had a look at the game file, nice work with the naval supremacy.
Anyone heard from Daniel?
February 11, 2004, 22:35
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I sent Daniel a private message a few hours ago, no reply as yet, but it would be good for the Tournament to get everyone involved in matches ASAP.
February 11, 2004, 23:33
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When can we continue are game Barley? I'm availible after 11pm gmt tommorow.
"Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse." -Christopher Hitchens
February 12, 2004, 01:02
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Ok we just saved with Quimby our 1st T game, and will continue on with it tomorrow at 11:30pm gmt.
February 12, 2004, 14:41
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We will start our continuation with Quimby earlier today at 8pm gmt, hopefully we will finish the game tonight. For now it looks like more of a development game, both sides trying to grow thier civs, see how it turns at the end.
February 12, 2004, 15:24
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EPW I can play at 11pm GMT today (Thurs), see you in lobby at 11.00.
February 12, 2004, 20:53
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We just finished our game with Quimby. We had a good game there, but Quimby dicided to surrender, because he though i had a huge lead in sci. I think we could have played on, but what can you do. Overall it was more of a development game. There were some nice battles, Quimby tried to surprise attack me with 3 stacks of Cavalry, but i was able to stop them, then after somewhere 50 turns or so he tried the samething but this time with 3 stacks of Artillery and Machine gunners, again i stopped him. We had also some sea battles, but i was able to kill all of his ships, so then i went for some of his coastel cities, made some little skirmishes and took some. A couple of turns after that it was Game Over. Good game, but it was easily dwarfed by the game we had Barley. Oh and here is the save.
February 12, 2004, 21:17
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EPW & I have just finished out game – gametime was about 10 – 12 hours. EPW Surrendered 780AD, unfortunately I cant work out how to attach a file perhaps someone can explain?
I am obviously free to start another game, though cannot say for sure when I’ll be free as I have a busy weekend (I will be in either Friday or Saturday night I think but not sure which until tomorrow).
February 12, 2004, 21:35
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EPW v Barley (Barley – win) – Gametime 10-12 hours approx.
Game Summary & Highlights:
I started on a smallish island and was initially concerned there were not adjacent islands but eventually found a shallow water corridor to more land just in time for expansion to 10+ cities. Being on an island and having quite a few Coracles exploring I knew I was relatively safe from attack so went into full on expansion mode. Found EPW shortly afterwards and he was some distance to the North. I was able to make an early surprise attack and sack a small city but my force of Archer/Warrior was soon destroyed by a few Knights.
Having continued to expand towards Feudalism I neglected my defence and paid the price by loosing 3 new cities (that were placed to far from my main cities and to near EPW) to a sustained Knight attack. Shortly after this I was caught out good and proper, I thought I had most approach lanes covered but didn’t account for EPW having Carracks at which he promtly landed 24 Knights on my virtually non defended main island.
At that stage I had Cavalry advance and was able to rush buy / re arrange prod ques to build around 12 Cavalry and get them into defensive positions on my main island within a couple of turns and stop the attack. EPW made an excellent strategic move and had caught me un-awares. I was lucky in being able to block his attacks with a few units to buy some time and EPW unaware of my poor defence committed 12 stacks to his attacks.
After this I built Ship of The Line’s and made a ring of steal around my empire and gradually moved them round his islands like a noose. I noticed EPW was still expanding and made a chance attack on a new island he was populating and was able to destroy 2-3 new cities. At this point EPW was behind on expansion as I guess he was most of the game, I had 35 established cities to his 20-25 and hence EPW realised I was to strong and developed.
A very good game, with this being the first the two of us have played together I didn’t know what to expect. EPW was a very worthy opponent and although I was expanding faster my victory was by no means certain until the game moved into the latter stages.
February 12, 2004, 21:37
Local Time: 08:42
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I'm free for a game tommorow after 11pm gmt, maybe a little earlier, if anyone wants to play.
"Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse." -Christopher Hitchens
February 12, 2004, 21:45
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Here is the current table if my analysis of the results is correct (if not please amend)
Maq, did you say you could post the table in a better format or something?
Toni - Played 2 – Won 2 – Lost – 0 - (Draw – 0)
Maq - Played 2 – Won 2 – Lost – 0 - (Draw – 0)
Barley - Played 2 – Won 1 – Lost – 1 - (Draw – 0)
Quimby - Played 2 – Won 0 – Lost – 2 - (Draw – 0)
EPW - Played 2 – Won 0 – Lost – 2 - (Draw – 0)
Daniel - Played 0 – Won 0 – Lost – 0 - (Draw – 0)
Results so far: (have I got the hosts right? i.e. they are first named player)
Maq v EPW (Maq Win)
Barley v Toni (Toni Win)
Maq v Quimby (Maq Win)
Toni v Quimby (Toni Win)
Barley v EPW (Barley Win)
February 12, 2004, 22:06
Local Time: 16:42
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Barley, email me the save of you and EPW, ill post it along with a table.
Im free for a game Barley (which leaves Toni to play EPW for the first time), tell me what days/times you are available.
February 12, 2004, 22:24
Local Time: 15:42
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Quimby was the host in your game, sorry if i wrote is wrong.
February 12, 2004, 22:27
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lol ah I got it wrong (our) game i ment hmmm should be more careful
February 12, 2004, 22:31
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Ok Epw i will be able to play tomorrow, i will meet u at 11pm gmt in the lobby if you can make it earlier just post it here, and i will come
February 12, 2004, 23:16
Local Time: 08:42
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Okay I'll meet you there.
"Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse." -Christopher Hitchens
February 13, 2004, 17:05
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Sent you the file Maq, having a small prob with my mail and the message is still in my outbox, should be with you soon though.
I am free for a game from 11.30pm GMT tonight (Friday) and most of tomorrow but not sure if I have to go out tomorrow yet or not.
February 13, 2004, 17:32
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Hey Barley, here is Quimby e-mail david_gutkin@yahoo.com he was looking for a game today, maybe you can start your tourney game with him tonight. I and Epw have a scheduled our 1st T game for 11gmt.
February 13, 2004, 17:42
Local Time: 16:42
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I cant figure out whos who in that game  I mean i think EPW is orange because his civ is smaller (and he has a city called "bloody internet connection" lol) as you described in your summary, but he has 2 full stacks on your island and took one of your cities so im wondering why you stopped there lol
Anyway i can play until 6/7pm tomorrow Barley, if youre available. Same probably goes for Sunday.
Last edited by Maquiladora; February 13, 2004 at 20:08.
February 13, 2004, 17:58
Local Time: 15:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 2,163
lol yea i too just saw the save interesting why they did stop
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