Originally posted by Kody
Before this incident I had promised Enigma that he could play the next turn. He is up to date on all the details that need to be remembered for next turn and has even started extending some of my original plans.
Enigma bows humbly and accepts the sword of his fallen master.
Holding the sword high, he cries a war cry of vengeance and power, sheathes the sword in his scabbard, charges outside and announces the fight to the people.
This battle is not yet lost! So long as we have an army and a will to lead it we are not done yet!
Onward! We will learn from our loss and emerge stronger than ever. Strong enough to conquer those that oppose us and attain justice for our former comrade.
After the next turn consider him for an ongoing role as one of the main turnplayers. Dacole too I feel should be involved where ever possible with the turns and Honghu if she feels up to it.
I'd say that I won't let you down, but that's unrealistic.
I'd say I'll try my best, but I do have battles elsewhere.
I'd swear devotion to The Hive but I'm a lone wolf.
What can I say, then?
I say that I'm going to kick ass. Simple, honest, and straight to the point.
Off to do some ass whompin'. In my name, in your name, in all our names.
To Enigma:
I hope you do get responsibility for the turn on a ongoing basis, I can only leave my recommendations. If you do, no matter how much you don't think you need support with playing turns. You should try and keep the others involved where ever you are able and try to impart your knowledge to others. Maybe a half a year or a year down the track won't have to spend a couple of months like I did looking for a backup.
A man cannot force others to follow his path.
If people want to learn, they must be prepared to work for it.
Of course I expect others to impart their knowledge onto me.
Learn, people, from this Kodified example. I do not think of any man above me, and am all to willing to question and lead. I have no respect for those that only follow, so I expect you all to have your own ideas and desires, and express them.
I will chat to Voltaire about making the neo-Hive more conducive to those who question. Our Tactics, Our Society, each other and ourselves - there is infinite room for improvement in an infinite number of ways.
Let this be a lesson to you - you have the power to question and create. This power, innate to all humans, is too precious to waste.
For the sake of each other, and for the sake of yourselves, I suggest you use it.
(see sig) this is what I fight for. This is what I live for. Care to throw it back in my face?
Well, I suppose it is your choice, but look at the world around you. Surely something needs to be done, and this is something.
To Dacole:
Good Luck. I believe you will do alright.
There's a lot of future ahead of us, Dacole.
Are you up for facing it?
Surely one man is fallible. Two men are less so. I hope that you will be an excellent addition to turnplaying.
To Honghu:
I'm sorry. I think you understand.
Promises survive the death of their members.
HongHu, you are the most emotionally intelligent being on this forum. I acknowledge your skill in this area surpasses my own.
At the least, you will be useful for diplomacy.
There is only so much one man can do...
And when it comes to diplomacy, a woman can do much more.
To Jamski:
I figure I was probably wrong for being mad at you. I was still mad at you even though I knew I didn't have a very good reason. I hope I have no reasons to be mad at you from now on.
Jamski proves that The Hive is not as conducive to questioning or strategy as I would like.
That we needed *that* forum proves that we are not as openly questioning as we would like, or that in all the spam, our members do not think so much as they do post.
I would drop Jamski's trial. He may be a complainer, but the stereotype of a questioner is often portrayed as bad.
We need more questioners like Jamski, because he dared to take on what he saw was a problem.
And you? You what? You rub his nose in it because his questioning created friction?
Well allow me to rub all of -your- noses in it for not being so conducive! Offence is -always- a two party interaction. When one party devolves to blaming the other they have entered the realm of Ignorance and Arrogance and are a detriment to any strategic society.
We proceed to hold high our laws and hold low the opinions of our people. Why have we made these monsters?
All people should be allowed to create and question without persecution. (Says my sig) The existence of some of our Hiverian laws contermand this, and I will seek to remove them.
"Against the law" you say? "Opposed to society" you say?
Damn right! 'tis my stance and I am entitled to have it.
When a person is seen as 'bad' or 'wrong' merely because he goes against your laws or contradicts what you believe, then you have become the worst kind of Fundamentalist.
The last time I checked, this wasn't the Alpha Centauri Fundy Game.
There is far too much stigma to support the mindless followers and to oppose the questioners.
That changes here.
That changes now.
Carpe diem. May our dreams become reality, and may the reality we construct not oppose our dreams.
To Voltaire:
Thank you.
The Realist. The Yin to my Yang, as it were.
I predict many battles between you and I as we spar over how to best lead our people.
In any case, as Newton said,
Frame no hypothesis. The only way we can get this done is if we put aside presumptions of our own values, understand and accept those of each-other, and seeing things unblinded by our own beliefs make a calm rational judgement.
But the Hardcore Idealist and a Hardcore Realist? Oh how will they ever put aside their differences?
I guess this is a personal problem for both of us.
Would you love your people enough... that you would change yourself for them? To improve yourself to be the best leader?
I know I would.
You seem to be doing just great in government matters, perhaps you'll also find diplomancy to your liking too.
All that legal stuff makes my head spin, but keep up the good work.
I know not what you do but you seem to be doing a good job of it.