January 9, 2004, 23:40
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playing my 1st real HOI game...but now???
Okay, so for the past couple of days I've been playing HOI with 1.05c. As Germany I had taken over or allied with all of Europe except the UK, Norway, and Sweden. I was also allied with Japan. Anyway, I was pushing my way through the USSR, trying for the annexation. I had all but two of the "point-worthy" provences when Japan decided to take one of them over. All of a sudden, I don't have the choice for puppet government anymore.
So I guess that my main question is can I still annex the USSR or do I have to take over all of those low infrastructure territories in order to get them out of my hair?
So far I've been having a great deal of fun. I've tried playing with other smaller countries before Germany, but it just seemed kind of lame (I want to be able to take over the world!!!!  ) So the other question is, what other countries are good for world domination?
January 10, 2004, 08:09
Local Time: 17:54
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You and your ally have to own all provinces containing Victory Points, but not all provinces of the country. Be aware however, that it can be quite difficult to decide which provinces have this, because the colour of USSR are alike the colour of VP-stars.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
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January 10, 2004, 13:01
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So why doesn't it give me the option of puppet government anymore?
January 10, 2004, 15:44
Local Time: 17:54
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Honestly; difficult to say...  But I wouldn't recommend you to do that anyway. If you don't want to have it all(and I assure you it's good to have), you sohuld have accepted the bitter peace. Or haven't you got it yet? The recources in European and Caucasian USSR are vital for your survival, remeber that!
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
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January 10, 2004, 17:09
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I haven't had an option for bitter peace yet. Of course I'm beginning to think that I have the difficulty set too low, since all but one of the USSR's "victory point provences" have been taken, and 1942 isn't even over.
BTW, I didn't plan to go with the puppet government, I just assumed that the possibility for annexation was gone as well since the choice for puppet government was gone after Japan took some victory points from them.
Is it possible to take over the world as one of the allies? I once tried to play as the USA, but the unrest began to skyrocket.
January 10, 2004, 18:19
Local Time: 17:54
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Try changing their government.  I have never tried, but it should be possible.
If you have found every VP province, you should be able to annex thew USSR after taking that last one. However, I've tried the same as you before, and I assure you that I had missed several of them because of the colour. Also, I think I found one province that was without the star sign. That memory might be wrong though. Just have it in mind.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
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January 10, 2004, 20:23
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There is a list of all of the vp provences in the statistics menu. You can search them by country, so unless there's a bug, you can see where all of the vps are.
Playing as germany is fun, but I think it would be nice to allow mexico for example to build a huge empire. It's unfortunate that the smaller countries aren't as playable.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the only countries that truly have a good chance at taking over the world are, Germany, Italy, and Japan. Evwn then, some puppets and allies will probably be required.
January 10, 2004, 21:29
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Another Country to take over the World?
Soviet Russia :=)
Mainly I prefer nonDemocratic Countries cause its earlier you can expand.
Argentinia is also Nice, even China used to be fun some patches ago.
Stopped waiting for Duke Nukem
January 10, 2004, 21:58
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The game is really, really easy using USA, Germ, USSR. (though in fairness, I probably havne't played the most recent patch)
Great game though  fun to pick up every now and again, I plyed like a madman last year this time, got burnt out on it.
January 11, 2004, 05:47
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Originally posted by Main_Brain
even China used to be fun some patches ago.
To be honest, I've been playing some nationalist China in the past couple of days. After taking over Sinkiang, and Communist China, the unrest is around 27%
I've been waiting and waiting for Japan to attack, but they haven't yet. I really hope that something happens soon, because it's getting kind of boring  .
I think that in one of my next games I'll probably give the Soviets a go
January 13, 2004, 07:58
Local Time: 16:54
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If you take the soviets and try to go for world domination, remember not to annex germany.
January 13, 2004, 08:05
Local Time: 17:54
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The bug you're thinking of, adi, was taken away some patches ago AFAIR.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
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January 14, 2004, 12:50
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well what do I know, haven't played it for a long time...
was planning on giving it a go again but then noticed I had let my friend borrow it....
January 15, 2004, 02:50
Local Time: 22:54
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Greece, Greece should dominate the world!!!
My current game (Greece) HOI 1.05C+CORE v.063 difficulity 5/5:
No cheats, no military control, no puppets, no permanent war (to halves consumption goods rate).
Now is November 1944:
Since 1936, Greece is already (in chronological order) annexed:
Italy (Ethiopia survived thanks to my techs)
Denmark (AXIS)
Germany (including Poland&Luxemburg) (AXIS)
Japan+Korea (Natioanlist&Communist China survived, thanks to my techs)
Bolivia (AXIS)
Afghanistan (AXIS)
Guatemala (GB dow them)
Honduras (France dow them)
July 1944, Greece DOW allies (GB, France, Canada, Australia, New Zeland, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Syria, Lebanon, Oman, other minors, overall about 500 or so divisions. I have 75).
July 1944, USA DOW Greece, but didn't join allies.
August 1944 Greece annexed Lebanon and Syria.
October 1944 Greece annexed France. (That was the fight  , almost like against the Germans in 1940)
November 1944, Greece annexed Belgium
Now I control all Europe except Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Finland. I also control half of Africa (All North Africa, French colonies, Belgium colonies, Egypt (I dow them previously and let GB eat them), Middle East, Gibraltar, half of India. Mediterranian Sea now secured, my troops are heading to Delhi and to London.
Greece forever!!!
Last edited by Serb; January 15, 2004 at 07:06.
January 15, 2004, 05:18
Local Time: 23:54
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Not bad at all. 
I'm rather interested to know the state of your manpower though? Greece wouldn't get too much from her cores and I don't think there are too many other Greek cores to take ...
Better watch out for those evil evil USSR [expletive deleted]'s too.
January 15, 2004, 05:51
Local Time: 22:54
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My current manpower is 96. (I've disbanded 3 cavalry divisions). Monthly growth is 3.1, but soon (in 1945) Compassionate gentelment will be available, I hope to at least double my monthly manpower growth. War vs. Germany gave my about 500 manpower. I had to join allies to avoid 20% dissent penalty. Greece played dicisive role in destruction of nazi Germany (I've striked from Sudets right after they annexed Poland and captured Dresden, Berlin and Rostok, (great defensive position, between Oder and Elbe rivers, at least 50 German divisions from the west perished trying to re-capture their capital or Rostok), thus creating huge "Polish" pocket where at least half of German forces died. Despite this, Germans keep attacking France and almost reached Paris, then I've finished them off. No single province were captured by allies. Greece took everything. So, Greece saved French as$es and I decided it will be moral to gain something for this service. I took their mapower. How? When you fight, not all your casualties are KIA. The game simulate wounded too. Some manpower from damaged divisions returns to manpower pool. So, when I have a long and bloody fight, my manpower pool was increasing. After the fight, I send this badly damaged army as expedition corps to my ally (GB or France). After the short time, they reinforce it with THEIR manpower, and then I took my reinforced army back. After victory over Germany my manpower was 500+.
IMO that's the only way to create enough forces to defeat allies+USA (USA alone have about 400 divisions). Some might think it's cheating, but I don't think so. What's wrong in using your ally manpower, if I fought for them, defeated their enemy and saved them?
I consider "assume military control" or use of expeditionary forces as cheating (and sure I know how to make those exp. divisions yours permanently, I can share this knowledge, if needed, but it's pure cheating). So, I don't use those tricks. Brits send me their 2'nd army as expeditionary force during the war (20 divisions, some armored), no matter how I tried to send it back, they always send it again, so I just left it in Denmark and almost didn't use it for fighting. I could disband it, to make my future fight with Brits easier for me, but I did not and after the war they took this army back.
As for USSR, it's peaceful country, I,m not afraid of it,
but I started to build fortreses on our common frontier. If time and my manpower will allow this, I'll try to conquer it. But first, I must kick those star&stripes as$es. 
If I'll not crash Yanks alone, I'll join Commintern.
Greece+USSR=unstoppable force.
Last edited by Serb; January 15, 2004 at 07:14.
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