I've seen AI JWs in two recent games playing a slightly modified version of AU Mod 1.07. (The changes I made to it shouldn't have affected AI build choices.) So it may be that your not running into any was just a fluke. Was your view of what the Aztecs had based on your fighting a war with them in the early ancient era, or just watching units wander around? Also, do you know whether the Aztecs got into a war with someone else relatively early (in which case they might have expended their JW force and not bothered to build replacements)?
I'm also skeptical about how good it would be for AIs to build a larger number of JWs. In straight-up combat, JWs aren't very cost-effective, so their main value is in certain types of specialized roles. But the AI doesn't know much about taking advantage of the Jag's special abilities to get the most out of it.
And note that the choice of how to balance warriors and JWs is an interesting one for humans. Warriors are cheaper for MP duty, but JWs offer special military advantages that warriors do not.
Finally, in my view, eliminating the option of Aztecs building warriors would not move the feel back closer to previous versions. In all versions of Civ 3, warriors offer cheap units for military police, minimal anti-barbarian garrison duty, and so forth. In previous versions, the JW played the same roles for the Aztecs that regular warriors did for other civs: it cost the same but was a bit more capable. But with the JW at cost 15 and the Aztecs unable to build regular warriors, the Aztecs would no longer have a cost-10 MP/garrison unit. To me, that would be a truly enormous change from the previous versions.