January 15, 2004, 20:14
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"Apolyton Adventure/RPG Game" dicussion.
This is something I've been thinking about recently. What with all these forum games and so on... Anyway, I'm sure that at least 10-15 people could be interested in playing an "Apolyton Adventure/RPG Game" and this thread has the aim of dicussing how it would work.
Firstly character design - each player has 6 stats, which come in 3 pairs (not sure about the names yet):
Stats :
Armour (or toughness) vs. Speed (or mobility)
Weapon Skill (or expertise) vs. Strength (or brute force)
Mind (or magic) vs. Matter (or technical skill)
For each pair the player has 10 points to allocate. Example :
Armour 5
Speed 5
Weapon Skill 4
Strength 6
Mind 1
Matter 9
Simple so far? The system is a kind of development from "Gladiators"
There's no such thing as a "class"
Turns :
Out of combat :
The players move as a group at the same speed. The group has to either vote or choose a leader.
Each player may also make "another action" without getting left behind - i.e. open a door.
In combat :
Each player can move in thier turn equal to their speed and ONE of the below :
Each player can attack in thier turn, or :
A player may make "another action" - for example open a door.
In addition :
A player may expend one or more Magic or Techical point to add to move, attack, armour or strength. The point(s) are lost, and the player must describe what they are doing - i.e. using 3 magic points to hit really hard = "I'm casting a strength spell with 3 magic points"
In addition : Each combat round the player get an extra number of points to add to each stat as they wish. They are Action Points(like Gladiators a bit). This number will be between 1 and 10 and will be the same for each player. Each round starts with the DM saying how many Action Points the group has.
Combat :
If your skill is higher than their armour you hit for damage = to your strength. Some weapons do extra damage, but these will be revealed as the game progresses. The armour, strength etc of each "monster" is secret and known only to the DM. If you are hit, you lose points from your stats = to the monster's strength. You can choose which stats (perhaps?) When your move = 0 you are paralysed. Strength = 0 unconcious, Mind = 0 stunned, etc. The next hit cannot miss, and will kill you. Monsters just die and all damage goes to thier armour always. When a monster's armour = 0 it is dead.
Magic and Tricks :
Magic and Techical points are expendable as stated above. There will be ways to get them back again in the game. They also have some other standard "Spells and Tricks"
Spells :
Heal stats (costs 1 magic point for 1 stat point)
Invisible (armour = infinity for next 2 turns, costs 1mp )
Mind attack (use mind instead of skill and strength when hitting an enemy, costs 1)
Tricks :
Dodge and weave (double movement, can move through enemies costs 1tp)
Unlock (unlocks door 1tp)
Sneak attack (uses normal skill, but kills monster on hit, costs 1tp)
Any anymore that characters suggest. The better the spell or trick, the more the DM will charge for it.
The Map
. = floor
|+- = walls
# = doors
J = Jamski
O = Ork |
Something like that?
So, what do people think?
January 15, 2004, 22:02
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 I'll join as soon as the game is "completed" (that is as soon as the rules and stuff are done being made)
January 16, 2004, 00:24
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Good work Jamski.
I propose an alternate set of stats which is as follows:
Movement determines how fast a character move. When a party moves in non-combat, it moves at the speed of the slowest character.
Speed determines who acts first during combat. Higher speed goes faster.
Toughness absorbs damage.
Strength causes damage.
Skill determines if a character lands a physical attack. Just compare the skill of the attacker and the defender. If the attacker has a higher skill, the attack goes through.
Weapons modify skill and damage caused.
All stats start at 5, and can be shifted around at 1:1 (except Speed, which costs/worth 2 each).
This is just a rough draft.
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January 16, 2004, 00:27
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I'll join if it is ok.
Rules I am easy on, state your parameters and if it goes wrong change them for next time.
The key works fine.
My only opinions would be
1) Can you kill Apolyton trolls i.e How much is it a game or how much is it roleplay?
2) Just an idea but introduce unknown factors into the game. It could be unknown elements in the key or unknown stats. anything that stops the simple "I know how to do this" situation.
This is hard to do.
January 16, 2004, 01:34
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Heh, this looks neat...I'd be all about joining when you're ready to start.
January 16, 2004, 04:32
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Some nice suggestions.
I propose an alternate set of stats which is as follows:
Pretty similar. But where's the magic and trickery?
Movement determines how fast a character move. When a party moves in non-combat, it moves at the speed of the slowest character.
I had the idea that out of combat the speed would be irrelevant, but the group would stay together "in formation". The group would say "We'll walk to the end of the corridor and open the door", and assuming the corridor was empty they would go straight there, all together, next round.
Speed determines who acts first during combat. Higher speed goes faster.
I thought both at the same time? Either that or a YGoIGo system.
Toughness absorbs damage.
No, no, no!  One thing I don't think the system should have is hitpoints. I like the idea of damage going to your stats, making you "wounded" and weaker.
Strength causes damage.
Skill determines if a character lands a physical attack. Just compare the skill of the attacker and the defender. If the attacker has a higher skill, the attack goes through.
Does this mean a character with a low skill will be unable to ever hit a monster with a high skill?
Weapons modify skill and damage caused.
Yes, agreed. But only by a small amount, like +1. A weapon that gives +2 skill should also give -1 strength?
All stats start at 5, and can be shifted around at 1:1 (except Speed, which costs/worth 2 each).
I thought about this, but I think with my 6-stat system its better to take 30 and share them as you wish (so average of 5, yeah) with minimum 1 (0 for magic and tricks) and maximum 10. BUT, with a relationship between armour and speed that armour and speed added together cannot exceed 12 (no armour 10, speed 10 characters)
January 16, 2004, 05:49
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Originally posted by Jamski
Pretty similar. But where's the magic and trickery?
They will be in the second draft
Originally posted by Jamski
I thought both at the same time? Either that or a YGoIGo system.
The idea is a high Speed character can attack first, thus avoiding damage if he or she can disable the opponent with the first attack.
Originally posted by Jamski
No, no, no! One thing I don't think the system should have is hitpoints. I like the idea of damage going to your stats, making you "wounded" and weaker.
It's your stats  When your toughness goes down to 0 you are unconscious.
Originally posted by Jamski
Does this mean a character with a low skill will be unable to ever hit a monster with a high skill?
That's right, same thing the other way around. However, you can have multiple attackers, which will decrease the Skill of a defender.
Originally posted by Jamski
BUT, with a relationship between armour and speed that armour and speed added together cannot exceed 12 (no armour 10, speed 10 characters)
But they would have no strength or anything else
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
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January 16, 2004, 08:11
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I know that you said you wanted to avoid character classes, but I think that giving spells to the fighters might spoil things. You should have fighter or magician, and leave it at that. So if the 'poly faithful want to send a team of 6 wizards to certain death in the Giant Labyrinth of Jam then they can do so. Only having 2 classes would make things slightly better as far as variation is concerned, but not mean that you have to spend hours working on writing a 'poly D&D rulebook.
Once the first game has been completed then other people may well volunteer to DM games.
Oh, and no fancy weapons! No ranged anything.
Big sword (hits hard), smaller sword (used quicker, doesn't hit so hard) and wizard staff (to do all the clerical work for the wizards, er, does medium damage at medium speed) should be all you need.
"When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
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January 16, 2004, 09:04
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I wanna play! I wanna play!
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
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"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
January 16, 2004, 10:24
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Jam, I'm in.
Suggestion: What about a party versus party combat in that kind of room, that is, instead of just fighting monsters.
You can add things like backstabbing, and second character that attacks always hits, etc. Sort of team gladiators with magic?
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January 16, 2004, 10:53
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I´m in when everything is decided.
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January 16, 2004, 11:56
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I thought we probably would end up with party vs party...
Ideas :
Fighters, Wizards and Theifs, why not
Warriors - get to use weapons that improve Skill and Strength, also armour that improves toughness.
Wizards - get to spend magic points to improve stats temporarily, or to attack from a range (must try and balance so that the bonuses are better than a fighter, but have a limited use)
Thiefs - get to always hit if their opponent is already engaged in combat.
Weapons/armour- Basic weapon - everyone gets this. Normal skill and strength and armour apply. The others are for fighters only.
- Greatsword - strength +2
- Rapier - skill +2
- Pike - attack from two "squares" away
- Bow - attack from 12 "squares" away - only 10 arrows
- Sword and Shield - armour +1, skill +1
- Huge Club - strength +3, skill -1
- Other weapons as people want, with an overall effect of +2
Stats : (Final working beta version 1.35a  )
- Strength - determines how hard you hit an enemy.
- Skill - determines if you hit an enemy
- Speed - determines how many "squares" you can move"
- Armour - Protects against being hit
- Toughness - How many hits you can take.
- Magic
How Combat Works- Turns are taken. If the game is a "group vs group" game, then first one team moves, then the other team moves.
- In a player's turn he may both move once and attack once.
- The moves of a team are assumed to happen simultaniously - i.e. the whole team posts the orders, then the DM shows the results.
- When attacking the attacker needs to beat the opponent's skill with their own skill to score a hit.
- If two or more team members attack the same target, then their skills are added together. If the defender is adjacent to one of his own team-mates, then their skill is added to the defender's. Any number of attackers may assist, but a defender only gets one helper.
- If a hit is scored - i.e. the attackers' combined skills beat the defenders' (a tie means the defender wins) then damage is dealt according to the strongest attacker. Other attackers' strengths are ignored.
- Each point of damage reduces the target's toughness by one.
- When toughness = 0 a player is unconcious. Lower than 0 they are dead forever.
- Armour helps prevent damage :
Armour value/ damage reduced by :
10 / 5
9 / 4
8 / 4
7 / 3
6 / 3
5 / 2
4 / 2
3 / 1
2 / 1
1 / 1
0 / 0
- Each hit reduces the armour by one, even if that hit was completely stopped by the armour.
We could test that... we just need some kind of magic system that's just as easy...
January 16, 2004, 12:13
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Originally posted by Jamski
Stats : (Final working beta version 1.35a )
- Strength - determines how hard you hit an enemy.
- Skill - determines if you hit an enemy
- Speed - determines how many "squares" you can move"
- Armour - Protects against being hit
- Toughness - How many hits you can take.
- Magic
Heres an idea for stats, stolen straight fro soulbringer, (with some minor adjustments to fit the need. - Strength damage adjuster
- Combatdetermines if you hit an enemy or if the enemy can hit you
- Speed see Jamski above (may also be used to see who moves first)
- Health How many hits you can take (see toughness)
- Magic used as spell points for example
January 16, 2004, 12:30
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Basically the same then - although I think we need to include armour to enable people to take a few hits.
January 16, 2004, 12:40
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I agree, I think armor should be added, but to the extent that if they are hit (after skill/combat adj), it will lessen the extent of the damage.
January 16, 2004, 17:56
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That's what I put.
# Armour helps prevent damage :
Armour value/ damage reduced by :
10 / 5
9 / 4
8 / 4
7 / 3
6 / 3
5 / 2
4 / 2
3 / 1
2 / 1
1 / 1
0 / 0
# Each hit reduces the armour by one, even if that hit was completely stopped by the armour.
January 16, 2004, 20:20
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Okay, sorry I must not have been playing close enough attention
January 17, 2004, 09:04
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Who else would be interested in playing, helping or commenting? We could think about starting once the current Gladiators game is done.
January 17, 2004, 11:40
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Good ideas Jam.  I'd be willing to join.  No new ideas yet, but I may have some after a while, and then I'll be sure to share.
January 17, 2004, 12:00
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why don't we just play second edition ADnD?
or Gurps?
Joln Miller
Jon Miller-
January 17, 2004, 14:05
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Because that's not original enough.
January 18, 2004, 00:43
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Because the idea is to create a deterministic system.
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January 18, 2004, 00:51
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Any rules on multiple attackers? Say, for each additional attacker, the defender's Skill suffers a -1 penalty, possibly with like a -3 max?
Does each character pick out an opponent and send you the combat orders? If so, is there time for coordination?
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
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January 18, 2004, 10:34
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I posted the multiple attackers rules. They get to combine their skill scores, but still only score one hit.
I thought one "team" would post their orders, I would post the results and then the other "team" would post thiers.
why don't we just play second edition ADnD?
or Gurps?
Levels, skills and DICE ROLLING are all too much for a simple forum game.
January 18, 2004, 12:32
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Oh, sorry, I didn't see it
Any maximum bonuses etc.? One obvious abuse I can think of is to make a bunch of characters with very low skill but very high strength, and lots of armour. Then stack them together and move them as one group. You can kill anybody easily this way.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
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January 18, 2004, 14:00
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Yeah, but then the whole bunch would only be able to make one attack...
Maybe have the second attacker adds thier skill, the third 1/2 thier skill and all others just +1 skill?
January 19, 2004, 01:47
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Several more questions:
1. How is experience handled?
2. How does a character gets back stats (e.g. Magic and Toughness)?
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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January 19, 2004, 04:44
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1. How is experience handled?
Its not yet.
2. How does a character gets back stats (e.g. Magic and Toughness)?
By resting, or by drinking a potion (found in game?)
January 19, 2004, 06:50
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Are you thinking of having a cure spell? Or a resuscitation spell, in case alva decides to take rah's head off on the very first move?
They'd have to have a heavy magic cost, so it would be a big choice to use it. Then there could be all kinds of fun as people worked out who their real friends were.
"When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
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January 19, 2004, 18:36
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Of course. Each team would be wise to have someone swopping magic points for thier friend's health points.
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