January 17, 2004, 22:05
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Hey, does it matter if I've got SC3KU instead of regular old SC3K?
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
January 17, 2004, 23:48
Local Time: 10:13
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It is January 1, 1920. The new Mayor of Poly Town has been elected. Now, Mayor Mitchell is facing the problems of the city. He has come to a city with a tidy amount in its reserves, a nicely growing budget, but has large areas wallowing in filfth and decay. Sure, basic service needs are met, but the city is full of low-income citizens.
In 1920, Mayor Mrmitchell saw that the city was bursting at the seams for growth. He authorized the zoning of a residential addition to the city.
The Mayor campaigned for election on a progressive platform. In 1920 alone, he doubled the number of City Parks, added a Library, and built a second and desperately needed fire station.
1920 returned a surplus in the budget of about $6,000. In the latest days of the year, he added a second route from the residential districts of the city to the industrial areas. Hopefully, he thought, this would slightly ease the traffic on the main thoroughfare.
In 1921, Mayor Mrmitchell continued expanding Light Residential areas. Although some Sims declared it a waste of space, Mrmitchell reminded them that it was cheaper to zone, easier to control, and still paid good taxes. Also, he built the second Hospital of the city.
In the first half of that year, Mayor Mrmitchell looked back over Former Mayor Tassadar's tips for his replacement administration. After snickering at his use of the word "Erection", the Mayor kept in mind Tassadar's pollution concerns. When industry was to expand, expand it along the city border. Got it.
Garbage would be a major concern over the next years, as Poly Town boomed. Mayor Mrmitchell zoned additional landfill space in a remote area of town. When the neighboring city of Tassagrad's mayor came over to ask to buy garbage, Mrmitchell gave him a good old ass-whooping and told him to never come soliciting again.
In 1922, a second school was opened, and more Residential zoning was laid out.
Lighthouse, Geyser Park, and Winter Wonderland were all offered and accepted. However, Mayor Mitchell decided to sit on the issue of their placement. Perhaps Comrade Tassadar would have a good idea of where to put them.
Water became a significant issue in 1923. The lack of upgrades to the system meant the huge growth boom was maxing out the current water supply. Areas far from the pumps were recieving no water at all, in fact. Mayor Mitchell added a large amount of pumps to the city's system, so that the problem would not resurface again.
Another Library was added in 1925. The city surplus had ballooned from $6,000 to $9,000.
Through the late 1920s, Mayor Mrmitchell displaced low-value residential areas on the waterfront with neatly planned commercial megavalue powerhouses.
In 1927, yet another fire station was added. Police coverage expansion was also planned but never got around to.
Throughout Mrmitchell's administration, he ignored the traffic issue. Even as the city's streets became as clogged as insert funny joke here, he decided to pass on the dilemma to the next administration. Hopefully, Mayors Space05us or Tassadar would have a solution to the problem. Besides, it does a lot to encourage walking, which means less fatasses are in the hospital.
Reminding voters of his commitment to the environment, Mayor Mrmitchell constructed the first protected park in Poly Town. Little Peak Park would be untouched by development, he proclaimed, so that future generations could enjoy it. Hopefully, future Mayors would remember the value of our natural treasures.
Within a month of the end of his term, Mrmitchell recieved industrial pleas for rail access in the city. That would be another thing to leave to the next poor sap to get this hellhole.
Mrmitchell swore out on January 1, 1930, to allow in the new Mayor. During his administration, he encouraged fantastic growth in the city (40,000 to 65,000 residents), while increasing the standard of living and reaching a record surplus in the city budget. The next Mayor could not say he was given a ****ed up city.
Unfortunately, our favorite Mayor knew as he left that the first thing the next administration must do would be to build a new Power Plant--the existing ones were becoming maxed out. Also, he had completely ignored the traffic issue, allowing it to run away uncontrolled. However, these were minor compared to the great things done during his time in office.
Mayor Mrmitchell's notes to the future mayor:
-You'll notice I used a bit of a "grid" for the residential and industrial expansion. It was the easiest option available, and it still looks pretty darn nice anyway.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, why put in low when you can put in medium or high density? It's easier to handle if it's low density, and it also looks nice. A city full of skyscrapers is indeed possible, but at a population of 60,000? No way in hell, dude.
-You'll notice I signed the import garbage deal. More money for Poly Town!
-Please don't disturb Little Peak Park. Tassadar, you'll notice that I didn't damage your kind of "high value" area, so don't go building a big plot of Industrial right next to my park.
-I left about $33,000 IIRC.
-The waterfront that had previously been low-value residential has been revitalized as high-value, high-capacity commercial.
-Water pollution is becoming an issue. We must move the Industry away from that area, or convert it to high tech (in 1930?  ).
A couple of pictures coming up, then the save (zipped and in SC3KU if it matters.)
January 17, 2004, 23:50
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Little Peak Park
January 17, 2004, 23:50
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State of the City: Kickin' Ass
January 18, 2004, 00:01
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The Save
January 1, 1930
January 18, 2004, 02:02
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Since Space05us is nasty, I'm taking this turn. HA!
January 18, 2004, 04:02
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Glorious Mayor Tassadar takes office!
Tip from our GodMayor: Wanna write a report like this? Well then window Simcity! Simply put at the end of your shortcut: "-w -r800x600" sans quotes and it'll be windowed. There is no reduction in graphical quality or speed. Yay! Make sure your resolution is 1024x768x16. 32 bit will not work.
Inherited Situation:
-That gridcity is damn ugly. But I won't change it, only to respect your wishes.
-What the HELL are you doing placing that residential zone so near the prison? And traffic is a huge problem especially around there.
-City financial outlook looking good. 48K in the coffers with a huge outlook. Glory to you, my friend.
-We are in the middle of an INDUSTRIAL COLLAPSE! How dare you assault the worker in such a way!
-I' m glad you see the benefit in Junior Sports. You are a wise leader.
-Power plant is almost maxed out....We really need nukes.
-I congratulate you on importing garbage. While the peoples hate it, the peoples must be taught to obey their leader. This will remind them plenty.
-The intellectualism is high in this city. I will endeavour to keep it high.
-Population is at 62724.
-The water system has been expanded. Good.
Seeing as how I have a huge surplus, I immediately build a Winter Wonderland Park where a bunch of trees used to be. In the spirit of ecology however, I plant some trees in a small little "line" for the calculation is "The number of squares with trees", not "the number of trees per square". Yay!
I see a bunch of trees in a space that could be used for development. Seeing as how theres a high enough demand, I immediately zone it with dense commercial. The peope's want places to shop, not trees!
I also renamed my statue to the Workers Triumph statue. Considering they built it and all.
The commercial zone begins to develop, and as such a residential building changes to a much better one. So I make it historical.
In April I begin getting "Brownout" stories. Its almost time I suppose. I can't wait until they invent fusion. Great power.
Seeing as how the coffers are still huge, I build another powerplant in the industrial sector. Oil, even though its a lot more expensive, it still has more power and less pollution. So I build one. As I just said.
Usage goes down from 6100 per plant to 4194. Space, your going to have a hard time later on as this city is going to be growing like a weed.
Hmm....The land value near gridcity is low, so I build a large park. I demolished 6 tiles of commercial and 3 of commercial to do this, but thats ok. They'll find somewhere else to work/live.
I get a story about police coverage and it indeed is bad. The new industrial sector and the gridcity have no police converage at all and they've become havens for crime. So I build two more police stations in each part. Due to MrMitchells inefficency, I had to place the police station at the edge of gridcity. I tried terraforming a nice little spot which would have covered everything but a stubborn tile refused to lower, so.... 
I built the lighthouse near your little park area to raise land values. Or at least I hope it'll do so. Anyway, the purpose of this is to get high-density commercial development instead of this small little "Icecream shops". Bah.
Industry is beginning to return, and residential is still going strong however commercial is beginning to decline
I've built a small train that comes from Tassagrad to Poly Town.
I'm estimating that if we stay where we are, it will cost over a million dollars to remove that ugly mountain. It'd be worth it though.
I'm analyzing possibilities for trains and subways...Subways will become a must as our city grows more and more, but right now they are simply too expensive.
Rail...Due to the mountain we don't have a ton of possibilities. However I have found a route to get from the high-value town to the new industrial sector. I estimate its cost to be about $1000, and I deem it acceptable and build it.
I begin to run the simulation again (I paused on May 25th), and see how the train works...
August 14th there are nearly 200 passangers a day on the train system. Yay!!!!!!
I institute youth curfew to do many things. Search it up to see its benefits. I save and go to the bathroom.
I come back. I build a small residential area in a nice curvy spot next to gridcity. Dense.
In a small lake in 1931, some whirlpool appears. Of course, it does no damage. Passangers per day increases to over 400. Yay!!!
Ignorant teenagers demanded I repeal the curfew. I would have, but they called me dude, so I ignored the petty complaint. He then had the nerve to threaten me! So I increased police funding so a few of his "Homies" could get busted for selling drugs or listening to rap or whatever american children do these days.
Stratsville offers to take our garbage. I say no.
Bowlers complain about parking fines. I tell them to stuff it.
Some penny pincher complains about taxes behind to high but by her own admission, they are average. Capitalist pig.
Because we are rolling in money, I raised education, roads, police, and mass transit to maximum funding. Public health should stay low in order to keep from great depressions.
I also enacted mandetory water meters to decrease water consumption. Remember mayors: Never enact "Conservation" ordinances!
Police opression alleged. These people need to learn to accept my decisions.
Bloody hell! I had a UFO attack, a toxic cloud attack, and a fire all in a few seconds of each other!!!!!! Luckily the UFO didnt strike anywhere, the fire didnt burn anything, and the toxic cloud only destroyed a street and a few tiles of industrial. Phew.
And afterwards....RCI is up in all areas! YAY! I zone a bunch of places....And as I'm zoning near a mountain, I find a way to overcome it. I build a road to overcome it. This is a new potential area for expansion complete with low terrain, and a large lake. Slav'sya!
I accidently made a water connection somewhere. Whoops. I also expanded the water network, especially to account for new development.
I got an offer to build a military base for the Red Army. I graciously accepted and built it in the industrial area. Our soldiers are tough enough to be able to withstand the poisonous gasses and the disease that results from the new industrial area.
I build our first college near the border of the new industrial area and residential area. I'm also going to build a new library somewhere.
They also wanted a new museum, so I placed one right on the border. Hopefully it'll raise land values there.
Then they wanted a new jail. I figured since most people in the military probably were in jail at some point (or were going to go there), they can reminisce at the jail thats right next door.
I've looked at my college, and they want another one! So I built one somewhere.
I also accepted a defense contractor, but I don't quite know where to build it.
I also accepted increased garbage.
I have some spreading around money, so I cleared up a part of the mountain. It cost me about 5000, but I plan on expanding it. I left your little garden intact, though and built a treeborder around it. Dont mess with anything inside the border!
I just got news that on July 22nd 1934 our first clean industry developed. Yay.
A major toxic cloud formed, destroying huge amounts of Industry, road, and the rail connection to the new industrial zone. Feck.
It cost me 700 bucks. I make two rail connections after this, so industry can develop a little more.
Water polution is becoming a problem.
Our population pyramid is lookg a bit concerning, but nothing too bad. I'm zoning more residential areas in the new area. I put a mayoral mansion next to it so it will develop a little more, and put a Fire and Police station to cover it.
Finally in 1937 water treament plants became avalible. As such, I'm building one immediately!
A performing arts centre is avalible. I'm building is in Tassagrad (what I'm calling the "new city").
During my final year I was trying to save up a ton of money for the next mayor, but there was a major power problem. I built a coal power plant to aleviate some of it, but your going to have to take bolder steps. I put it in the new industrial zone.
But another bad thing happend. Two toxic clouds appeared over the new industrial zone, destroying a huge block of buildings, and a fire broke out in Tassagrad but didn't damage anything.
But again, this caused a revitalisation in every sector, so.....
My requests for the next mayor -
-Don't change St. Basils Cathedral.
-Try to keep Tassagrad high value and away from industry.
-Try doing something to reduce pollution. These disasters are killing me.
-Build more landfills.
-Just a warning: Our overall workforce population has increased but our population pyramid is becoming *very* dangerous. Bold steps must be taken to ensure a great depression does not occour. Remember that it happens when 50 percent or less of our population is in the workforce.
-I've "protected" MrMitchells little park. Dont do anything to it.
Also, our population has nearly doubled  Glory!
Here is the pure, godly ZIP file.
January 18, 2004, 05:02
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 16:13
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Comrade City with all her glorious features detailed! Purpleish means new stuff.
Er...It didn't quite turn out as expecvted.
Topright - New Base
Topleft - New Rail
Bottom Right - New Marina
Bottom Left - New Watersource
January 18, 2004, 13:06
Local Time: 04:13
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city will be posted in a minute
January 18, 2004, 13:19
Local Time: 04:13
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a nice shiney zip this time for mrmitchell
High points of my administration
- added four incinerators
- added a new power plant
- places the defense contractor next to the army base
- a prison was added right next to the contractor
- built casino row 
- along with a shiney new police station next to it
- built a new water treatment center
- more parks were added in Tassagrad
- along with the Tassagrad Country Club
- lowered police funding
- conservation corps founded
- shuttle service enacted
I aslo fixed the destroyed rail station
and I added Schloss Neuschwanstein  Home Sweet Home.
January 18, 2004, 13:22
Local Time: 10:13
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I am glad to see that Mayor Tassadar has continued the explosive growth of Poly Town. However, hopefully the next Mayor (Space05us?) will also pay attention to services issues, which seem to be forgotten (and not just healthcare either).
I will give Mayor Space05us some time to wake up and play.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
January 18, 2004, 13:25
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January 18, 2004, 13:34
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meet the new boss, same as the old boss
January 18, 2004, 16:06
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It is January 2, 1950. After the booming Tassadar Years of the 1930s and the much more slowly moving Space05us Years in the 1940s, the public had reelected Mrmitchell to a second term by a landslide. After the Second World War, thousands of men were coming back to the nation, ready to start their lives in the SimNation. The residential demand of the city was huge.
The Haunted House was reoffered and accepted, and placed in the new industrial area. Now, it really WOULD be scary! "Dude, look! There's a REAL dead arm! And it's covered in ash from all the pollution!"
To solve the traffic problem, Mayor Mrmitchell placed several bus stops in convenient areas of the city. Soon, Carburetor Magazine declared that driving was "a pleasure", but much of the city still had considerable traffic.
In March of 1954, the Police Advisor warned the Mayor that the industries of 'Poly Town were ignoring safety requirements and unleashing levels of pollution that had previously only been imagined. For the moment, there were more important things to do. The warning was disregarded, and the top industrialists held a "Battery Burning Day" festival a few weeks later. The local animal shops were overwhelmed with reports of a citywide epidemic of canary death. The cause was unknown.
BAM! Suddenly, in April 1955, a small toxic waste tank in Bob's Mutation-Causing Chemicals exploded into flames. The waste, when burned, reacted with other pollutants in the air to create a giant cloud of choking dust. Huge amounts of toxins and acids rained from the sky, destroying buildings, the Haunted House, and melting away roads.
Although only two blocks of factories were destroyed, the citizens of 'Poly Town were outraged at the damage caused. An investigation was immediately ordered, and the root causes of the incident were a disregard for safety procedures, total abandon of pollution preventative measures, and buildings like the Incinerators and Coal Power Plant.
Mayor Mrmitchell, not wanting to let it get around that he was the one who had constructed the whole block in the first place (although the addition of the most awful buildings came later), quickly took action. The coal power plant was to be replaced with a cleaner one, first of all. Then, anti-pollution measures would be enacted. Strong tax incentives were given to low-pollution industries.
Finally, the city looked at Education. How could we make our Sims smart enough to work in better things than the current toxic waste dumps? New schools, a hospital were built. Funding was increased.
Following the disaster, Sims left in droves. Many had lost their workplaces in the catastrophe. Many had been shocked that such a thing could happen in 'Poly Town. In the following years, more than 10,000 Sims left.
In July 1958, the Police Advisor warned the Mayor that the industries of 'Poly Town were holy **** no. It was going to happen again. Mayor Mrmitchell, determined to prevent a second mass exodus of citizens, took down two Incinerators and replaced an Oil Plant with two Gas Plants, hoping this would work to reduce Pollution.
****. It happened again. The replacement of Oil with Gas seemed to have no effect but a very slight reduction. There was simply nothing to do to stop the toxic clouds.
Mayor Mrmitchell left office on January 2, 1960. During his term, the economoy had considerably slowed its growth, and his reluctance to touch Tassagrad meant new growth was limited to a small area. All his efforts to reduce pollution came to nothing, but education he continued to work on, and it showed itself when a few more high-tech labs set up shop after the cloud disasters.
-Build the Stadium. That's what I've been saving up the money for.
-ASAP, REDUCE POLLUTION. That is unless you want toxic **** raining down on your Mayor's Mansion.
-Do something about that big ugly mountain in the way.
January 18, 2004, 16:15
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Because I'm really nice, I'll let Space play this one 
And when I say "Don't touch Tassagrad", I mean:
-Dont make it Gridcity2,
-Dont make it New new industrial area
-It can ONLY be used for growth in commercial and residential and residential must always be dense.
Also, we need to be saving more money so we can at least trim around the mountain.....
January 18, 2004, 16:35
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Also, we need to be saving more money so we can at least trim around the mountain.....
Well I've got about $105K saved up but $75K of that will go to the stadium IIRC.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
January 18, 2004, 16:37
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Yeah well...we'll need about a million before we can actually tear the mountain itself down.
January 18, 2004, 16:49
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one-hundred twenty-five-thousand simoleans wasted by the mitchell administration
did you at least get rid of the dump that was polluting the water before you did that?
January 18, 2004, 16:56
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Originally posted by Space05us
one-hundred twenty-five-thousand simoleans wasted by the mitchell administration
Er....We do need the money. Saving is always a good thing, especially since we have a HUGE MOUNTAIN in the middle preventing development
January 18, 2004, 17:03
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did you at least get rid of the dump that was polluting the water before you did that?
Damn! ****.
(note; I didn't spend the money at all. Just saved it, so not really that "wasted" considering I was trying to build residential at hte same time. was not sure on Tassadar's plans for Tassagrad, so did not construct a lot around there.)
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
January 18, 2004, 17:44
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no you wasted it when you destroyed the incinerators that cost 75000 each
January 18, 2004, 17:47
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Play the turn!
January 18, 2004, 17:51
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Sims everywhere jump ship...
...as they learn mrmitchells administration is not far off, with three nuclear power plants that cant be good.
January 18, 2004, 17:53
Local Time: 04:13
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incinerators are 7500 each sorry
and recycling centers just became available
note: Residential demand plummeted in November of '69 so its up to you to fix tass
January 18, 2004, 18:19
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incinerators are 7500 each sorry
Tassadar, please wait to fix pollution so I can say I did something good during my term
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
January 18, 2004, 19:22
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Why make agreements? IRL mayors are always trying to correct their predecessors "errors" and policies flip from one direction to another. It should be fun to see how the city had distinct imprints of each of its mayors.
January 18, 2004, 19:23
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BTW, can I take the next turn?
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January 18, 2004, 19:27
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Originally posted by Colon
BTW, can I take the next turn?
Sure. Just remember to read the thread!
Alright, here we go again....
Inherited Situation:
-A MAJOR RESIDENTIAL DEPRESSION OMFG!!!!! I mean theres only a small sliver thant isn't going down.
-Finances continue to go up.
-Our population pyramid is lookng better 
-Turns out my high-land area was a stunning sucess! 
-My rail system has been expanded. Glory.
-I'm glad to see our previous unclean power sources are being phased out in favor of nuclear power.
-Our elementary schools are crowded.
The first thing I am going to do is place the University right in Tassagrad  We also have a theme park, but its too expensive at the moment.
I'm also going to build a new school near Tassagrad, as well as a hospital there.
I'm activating Free Clinics (To Increase health), Mandetory Smoke Detectors (To lower flammibility), Industrial Waste Disposal Tax (Cleaner industries will move in), Industrial Polutant Impact Fee (Same), Backyard Composting (Environment), and Electronic Jobs Fair (to increase clean industries).
This reduced income to about 28,000 a year.
February and residential is still plummeting.
March and finally its going back up! Yay!
Traffic problems have been completly eliminated, which is good.
Schools are all going great, which is good.
July and residential demand is SKYROCKETING. I'm zoning a bunch! I'm noticing that Fire Coverage is a bit poor, so I build a fire station in a caping hole. Tore down a residential building but they'll survive.
There really isn't much I can do but save money, so thats what I'm doing. I've also increased funding to their maximums.
Due to high crime, I've built a couple more police stations and another jail. Residential demand is still skyrocketing.
I'm getting complaints that there aren't any highways here...So I'll do some research on them and see if they are actually worth it. And they aren't, so I don't build any.
Hmm....I want to go for a more futurisitc approach, so...Let's build subways! I determine the cost to be perhaps about 40,000 and determine this to be acceptable due to the financial situation.
Er...The cost was slightly more than expected, totaling in at about 70,000. We'll see if it was worth it!
And it appears that it was. 400 passangers a day and climbing and it seems to have eliminated the traffic problems. Yay!!!!!
Feck. A whirpool appeared and envolved a Marina near tassagrad. Sigh. And yet again, residential is plummiting. I lower the tax rate and it stops. Good.
I've begun to terraform the mountain so I can create more room for people.
Residential demand is going up. Again. Bya alrge amount, so I put a few more zones and stuff. I get offered a medical research center! Yay!
I repeal the Shuttle Service because it's costing a ton of money (sorry),
Ah. Residential zone is going down. Again. Bah.
A fire breaks out but does no damage.
I finally give in and make a highway connection. It looks pretty nice actually. it didn't cost much either.
Commercial is going down, but industry is going up. So I build some more industry.
And it comes to an end. Overall not too much really happend. Power is going to become a concern soon, as is water.
Under NO circumstances are you to enact the "Water/Power Conservation". Its useless and drives business away.
Anyway...heres the turn!
January 18, 2004, 19:32
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colon your turn....hurry up
January 18, 2004, 19:33
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I am, I am!
BTW, I still think each mayor should do as he sees fit to advance the city.
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