Originally posted by joncnunn
These nmumbers don't look right to me considering that:
1. Republic's default support is 1 / 3 / 4.
2. Over the limit is 2X for Republic.
3. Corruption under Democracy is less thena Republic.
If you have 2 units per town (up to 6pop), you pay 2 gp per town (one unit free, one 2gp).
If you have 6 units per city (7-12pop), you pay 6 gp per city (three units free, other three 6gp).
If you have 8 units per metro (7-12pop), you pay 8 gp per city (four units free, other four 8gp).
Now, in Democracy, if having that same number of units (2 per town, 6 per city or 8 per metro), upkeep cost would be same for both Democracy and Republic.
Since in most cases, if playing peacefully you
never have 6 of 8 units per your city (more like up to 4), upkeep costs in Republic are
lower then in Democracy despite of higher upkeep per unit, since those free units do the trick.
Fact is that in Conquests, Repuiblic become weaker in early game (when you have mostly towns), but more powerful later, since your unkeep costs becomes lower then in original game due to high number of free units (depite higher cost per unit).
This makes Deomcracy weaker, since even in original game, although it had lower corruption and better workers, it didn't pay off to much due to high war warines.
Now, it has even higher upkeep cost then in Republic (exemp it having
veeeery big armies.