First off, I would like to thank everyone who posts in these forums. With the wealth of info posted here I've been able to beat the computer with every single faction in SMACX and SMACX at the Transend level! (though it took a few tries to reach transcendence with Cha Dawn
I've been looking at the patches on the firaxis site and there’s a 2.0 patch for SMACX and also a 2k/XP compatibility update for SMAC. My question is, do I need to load both of these if I'm using SMACX, or do I just need the 2.0 update for SMACX ? (I'm running 2K)
The date on the compatibility update is much later then the 2.0 date, but I 'm surmising the compatibility update is mostly updating issues with XP. Does anyone have any additional information regarding this?