AU501 - DAR3 Stock, Merely Monarch
Byzantine historians argue to this day about the following period, as conflicting records have been found. Some claim there was an "Alternate History of the Minus First Millenia" in which traitorous advisors persuaded Theodora to invade the Hittites, leading to catastrophe. Those who claim this have been stoned to death. The following is the One True History. (Now go stifle those arguing historians.)
825 BC - RS Octus joins Secundus and Sextus at the bottom of the ocean, but one crewman escapes in a coracle to bring word of the Maya back to Constantinople.
775 - The Battle of Land's End: 3 Vet Sword, 1 Vet Horse, and 1 Regular Archer attack 6 Conscript Horse and 2 Conscript Warriors. First round killed both warriors and 2 horse at the cost of one pip on one sword. Withheld Regular Archer hoping to promote Vets. Con trains Swordsman, starts Artemis as a pre-build for the GL (I hope). Start mining Gold Mountain for Trebizond.
750 - The battle ends with 8 kills by Vets, but no promotions. Rats. Herclea completes Temple and starts Granary.
730 - RS Theodora lost at sea off the northern tip of West Island. Perhaps it was not a good idea to name a ship after the reigning monarch, or so say the next of kin of the shipwright. Caesarea launches a replacement Dromon, Nicea adds a Sword to the growing army.
710 - Trebizond switches construction from Dromon (no harbor) to Catapult, hoping that Cats are sea-transportable.
690 - Gave Philo to increasingly-hostile Murilus to delay war. Trade HBR & COL to Maya for Construction. Need only Lit (5t) and Currency to reach a new age. [Don't have either Monarchy or Republic.]
650 - Next intrepid Dromon does NOT sink in Theodora's Passage, makes contact with England. They are a very poor and backward land.
610 - RS Quintus contacts France! They are even more primitive than England, 7 techs behind. Out of pity, we sell them HBR for 120 gp. The pity is they didn't have more gold. THAT'S ALL NINE CIVS! Philo->Japan for Ivory+40gp. Statue! Dromon ambushed off northern tip of Sumer by 3 barb galleys. Barely survived, promoted to elite, head for home! [If it makes it we'll name it RS Hermann.]
So, a short period for this DAR, and we have barely begun preparing for war. [BTW, I'm here to learn, so please feel free to comment and criticize. I'll post a screenshot later...possibly much later.
