TurnChat 14 Part II – As recorded by the Minister of the Interior.
Then the debate went back to RoV.
Togas: to discon iron you'd have to cut both roads into "Ring of Vikings" giving it no luxes
Kloreep: Once we get their island, we can go after Egypt
BigFree: Ring of vikings needs to be brought down in size
Kloreep: It'll be painful, but we do need to spend our gold somehow
BigFree: it finishes a settler this turn
Kloreep: And considering how expensive galleys are, we can use breaks on shield expenses where we can get them, like swords
Conmcb25 enters the Senate
BigFree: ok, lets end turn now, then make plans to disconnect the Iron
Then the President gave forth the command
BigFree: End Turn
Luckily there is always someone watching the vaults
Togas: you guys do have a ton of cash
Then the decisions were made / discussed / argued on where to move units
BigFree: Move Big Mouth John out of RoV with keyboard #3 and then pillage road
Kloreep: What does SAG build?
BigFree: lets cut roads first, then determine builds
Togas: damn, by doing that you kill road and irrigation!
BigFree: what else can we do?
Togas: build swords
Togas: archers
Togas: spears
BigFree: we have al that gold
Kloreep: SAG won't even be able to keep at pop 3 once the lux are cut
BigFree: we put one as a specialist
Kloreep: We could save the gold
Kloreep: Wait for Berserks, or tech
Togas: you'll need gold to buy techs
Kloreep: Build swords the hard way (gulp)
BigFree: That what I was going to do, usae the leverage of war to sue for techs
BigFree: You take a few cities and they cough up techs pretty easily
BigFree: plus you have an army afterwards
Kloreep: SAG runs into unhappiness this turn
Octavian_X enters the Senate
BigFree: SAG either builds a worker or a settler
BigFree: Who's the MoI anywyas?
Kloreep: Specialist would be best, we need a scientist
Kloreep: Do we have a MoI?
Paddy: yes, well I am MoI
* Octavian_X wouldn't know...
Kloreep: Ah, good

Kloreep: Who's our MoW?
BigFree: nobody
BigFree: nobody ran for it
Still the debate for ‘Ring of Vikings’ Continues
BigFree: I have not cut road to RoV yet...are there any objections? Should we poll it?
BigFree: anyone?
Kloreep: I'm okay with it. RoV should be manageable with enough workers built
Paddy: looks good
Octavian_X: That should work.
BigFree: ok
BigFree: Move Big Mouth John out of RoV with keyboard #3 and then pillage road
Dissension from the floor
Togas: I'm against, but I'm not really official

Just sort of an observer.
BigFree: :P
Aand more unit orders are made / discussed / argued about
Kloreep: Err... might have been good to move the settler first
Kloreep: Oh well
Conmcb25 departs the Senate
Togas: where is that settler going?
BigFree: That settler is going to New Asgard
BigFree: to join the galley that is being built there
Togas: cool
Paddy: good value
Togas: There's another settler 9 of Valhalla ... where's he going?
BigFree: that settler will make a city 8-8-9 or 8-8-9-9
Togas: who's city got whacked up there?
BigFree: The one new Val will go to our southern island
Kloreep: We're dangerously close to our unit limit
BigFree: We have a settler in "Spanish are Greedy" that is bording the Galley "Madrid Express" on the next turn. He will be going to settle 1-2-2 from "Raiding Base" on the Southern Island. We have a second settler that is almost completed out of "Ring of Vikings" that will be bording a new Gallye being currently built in "New Asgard." That settler will head for the tile 8-8-9-9 of "New Asgard." That city location is close to the Capitol and
BigFree: Move settler from RoV towards New Asgard (6-6-%}
BigFree: *8
Paddy: ok
BigFree: Move settler from near Val to SAG (2-2-2)
BigFree: Move NM the Warrior to 6 of RoV (will pillage road next turn)
And then we came to the mighty galley ‘Thors Sickle’
BigFree: Move Thor's Sickle (Galley) 7-4-4
BigFree: I see no reason to ulnoad the galley
Paddy: are we leaving the Ormzud Warrior fortified on the mountain?
Kloreep: Why not unload the galley?
Kloreep: It gives us more sight this turn and Makahlua can just return the next turn
Kloreep: It keeps us from unloading her next turn, but otherwise...
BigFree: right
Paddy: ok
BigFree: but we will see that other tile no matter what next turn
Kloreep: True
Kloreep: It would give us more sight into the ocean there
Kloreep: See if there's any coastal paths around
Kloreep: Though there probably aren't
BigFree: ok, lets unload then
BigFree: onto the jungle or the grasslnad?
Paddy: jungle
Kloreep: Jungle
BigFree: ok
Kloreep: More sight into the ocean
BigFree: Move Makahlua to jungle tile from Galley
Paddy: is that the tailings of Iron just north of Makahlua?
Kloreep: It's something
Kloreep: But that looks like a forest
BigFree: It looks like forrest to me
BigFree: but there's somehting else too
Kloreep: I think it's a lux
Kloreep: Silks
BigFree: hmm
BigFree: nice
Paddy: ok
Kloreep: Nice if we can get to them
Kloreep: We might want to consider sending the galley back for a settler
BigFree: a city with a harbor
BigFree: most definatley
A collective sign went up throughout the Senate
And more unit orders are made / discussed / argued about
Kloreep: BBJ S?
Kloreep: 2?
BigFree: yes
BigFree: Move BBJ 2
BigFree: Rainbow Roads
BigFree: Makahlua
BigFree: oops
Togas: next I have sneaky pete
BigFree: Move Sneaky Pete to RAG
Kloreep: RAG?
BigFree: he goes with settler to islnad
Kloreep: SAG?
BigFree: SAG
Kloreep: Ah, my sons

Togas: sons of kloreep? (nice name)
Kloreep: I think that unit was named on the turn my warrior was killed

Octavian_X: heh
Paddy: ahh let the name life on, good to see
BigFree: Sons of kloreep 1-1 then fortify
Togas: they stop after moving 1
BigFree: Sons of kloreep 1-1 then fortify
Kloreep: River got in the way
Togas: crossed river
Paddy: only went 1 with me too
BigFree: ok, 2-4 then
Togas: probably should move 2 4
BigFree: :P
* BigFree makes a note to get engineering soon
Paddy: ummm, so is the unit in Bifrost or did you move it 2 4
BigFree: I moved it 2-4
Togas: I'll need to dl the save next turn
BigFree: no biggy, just mov him ther next turn
BigFree: it wont affect the game
BigFree: there s no war now
BigFree: I need builds
BigFree: Paddy?
Paddy: cheers, good point
BigFree: And WF assignments
BigFree: I say settler in RoV
BigFree: and a worker in SAG
Paddy: that sounds good, what about the mood in SAG
Paddy: should one of the citz become an entertainer
Kloreep: SAG is fine this turn, isn't it?
Togas: have one be a sci
Paddy: we are not studing anything
Togas: you guys need at least 1 sci
Kloreep: Whoops, SAG, not RoV

Paddy: sag will roit next turn?
Kloreep: Wait, SAG is okay this turn
Kloreep: Because of the unit we moved in to it
Paddy: ok
Togas: looks like it's ok right now
Kloreep: Maybe use Build More Boats for the scientist this turn?
BigFree: sounds good
Kloreep: Also, a SAG plains citizen can shift to the floodplain without shield loss
BigFree: lets put the WF on the FP

Kloreep: ?
BigFree: also change WF in Thors Hammer for 33 to 1
BigFree: *from 3-3
Kloreep: Why?
Togas: ??
Togas: the jungle?
Kloreep: That just takes food away
BigFree: no, the coast
BigFree: doh
Kloreep: You mean to 9?
BigFree: I was using the tile numbering systme
Kloreep: Ah
Kloreep: 3-3 to 9 in directional turns
BigFree: same food and commerce
BigFree: I know
Kloreep: *terms
BigFree: I interchanged them
Kloreep: k, looks good
BigFree: I want New AsgARD TO CHANGE FORM 7 TO 7-4
Kloreep: Though why was that grass not mined?
BigFree: iT WILL BE
BigFree: oops
Togas: extra trade
BigFree: right
Octavian_X: Well, this was fun.

Kloreep: Looks good
BigFree: HAHA
Octavian_X: I'm off to sleep.
BigFree: later Oct
Kloreep: Night
Togas: night
Octavian_X: g'night folks, and have fun.
BigFree: Paddy< you cool?
Octavian_X departs the Senate
Paddy: yes, in deed
BigFree: ok
BigFree: anything else?
Kloreep: Valhalla is overproducing
Kloreep: But there's no way to get more commerce
BigFree: without losing food, yes. oh well
Kloreep: SAG WF:
Kloreep: 7-7 to 7-4
Kloreep: More growth
Paddy: ok
BigFree: right, already did that I thought
Paddy: does not hurt production
Kloreep: whoops, k
Kloreep: I know I had mentioned it but didn't think it chonged
Kloreep: Nothing else I can see
BigFree: ok
Then the President gave forth the command
Here as you will see from picture 3, the Persians land on the island to our west.
This causes a rumble of dissatisfaction across the senate floor
Togas: my god, the AI loves that southern island
Togas: and the Persians are going to settler West of Jaen
BigFree: damn those persians
* Kloreep shakes his fist at the Persian settler