Welcome of course; we can always use new players!
Originally posted by Zedd
1. I all ready take part in the democracy game and am takeing a more active role in Succession game, I'm not sure how much civ time PBEM would take up. (I could prob play twice per week with no issues)
It of course depends on the scen, but usually one game takes more than 10 minutes per day.
Originally posted by Zedd
2. No net access at home so unless i DL on a friday I will have to play during the weekdays.
Several players here don't ever play on weekends, so this should be fine.
Originally posted by Zedd
3. I am inexperienced at PBEM and while I read the FAQ and guide I can't say I will do very well.
If you follow these precise steps to a T, it's foolproof:
1. Download the file posted by the person who plays before you in the scenario's turn order. Obviously save it into the same folder as the scenario you are playing.
2. Select options in this order:
- Multiplayer Game
- Network Game
- Load a Saved Multiplayer Game
3. Select the .net file that you downloaded.
4. Press enter until you arrive at the window where you select your civ. All information before this is irrelevant to the game.
5. Select your gender and name.
6. Go to Game Options in the Game menu, and make sure "Always Wait at End of Turn" is toggled on.
7. Play your turn however you want.
8. Once you have moved everything you wish to move and have micromanaged your cities as you like, activate a single unit. While it is flashing, hold the Ctrl button and hit N while holding. This closes out all of your unit's movement values. This is very important because if you forget, before the next player begins his turn, the AI will move any of your units that still have movement values (i.e. fortified garrisons, planes sleeping in carriers, etc).
8. After hitting Ctrl-N, save the file with your civ and the date. For example, Japan_1941_Dec.
9. Post the file on the thread along with a report of what you did in the turn, and anything else relevant.
Originally posted by Zedd
4. (The Biggie) I do not usually play scenario's, Mostly SP games. While I have no aversion to them I just have found few that I am interested in. This means I would be REALLY new to this whole arena of civving.
What particular scens do you like? I'm sure there'll be enough people interested in one of them to start up a game.
Just FYI, here are links to the
CFC and
CDG PBEM forums. CDG's is nearly more active than the other two combined, so there might be better odds of finding a game to join there or of a new one succeeding.